A foolproof degree plan

| December 19, 2014

Once again a liberal academic has gone off the rails and made it clear to the world that she hates Republicans with this published pronouncement:

I hate Republicans, I can’t stand the thought of having to spend the next two years watching Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa or any of the legions of other blowhards denying climate change, thwarting immigration reform or championing fetal ‘personhood.’

Mind you now that this is a department head at a taxpayer-funded institution of higher learning, meaning that her salary and benefits are siphoned equally from citizens, be they Democrats or Republicans.

Unfortunately for us conservatives, we have no choice where our taxes go when it comes to funding academia, a huge boil on the greater conservative bottom. To realize that the taxes we work so hard to pay are funneled to academic institutions where the entire left spectrum, from mere liberalism to hardcore communism, is the only acceptable political philosophy is a huge pain in the nationwide conservative populace that dominates this country from border to border and ocean to ocean, with but a few coastal liberal enclaves, heavily black and Hispanic areas, and Indian reservations – and, of course, the major academic centers.

One look at that map tells you that the huge, productive mass of America is opposed to the licentious, lubricious, and liberal views of those coastal elites who wield huge power through the wealth they have extracted from the labors of those of us who populate that huge eminence between their affluent seaside castles in the air erected out there on the friendly-to-few fringe they have priced out of reach for the rest of us.

This University of Michigan department head who feels so comfortable and confident in her union-backed, tenured position to the extent she can make such an inflammatory public pronouncement may just have stepped on her tender academic appendage. Quite simply, any Republican or conservative student enrolled in any of her department’s degree programs should immediately submit a letter to the dean of students, the chancellor, the Michigan governor, or whomever – perhaps all the above – with a clearly stated warning that if said student does not receive favorable grades until graduation, then litigation based on systemic bias will follow. With such clearly stated bias by the head of the department, it looks to me like UM campus conservatives and Republicans seeking degrees in communications have a foolproof degree plan.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Schools

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I suspect that even tenured professors can be fired for cause. Incapacitating mental illness is cause. Here is a person who is so mentally unbalanced that she has murderous emotional reactions to political issues, wholly failing to recognized the inherent value of robust debate over political issues in this country.

Poor thing, she needs a rest, perhaps in a nice, safe place with plenty of drugs and people who will not challenger her delusions.


murderous? Must be more to this than is linked, I saw typical left-wing loonie stuff but nothing like murderous. What did I miss?


Valerie, to get her fired, or even sent to a time-out, it would have to be approved by the Board of Regents. There are 8 members of the Board of Regents, 6 of them are democrats.

Green Thumb

No surprise here.

I deal with this every day.

Bitch, bitch, bitch while screaming “Where is my, I want, I deserve, I expect, I require, give me, I need, etc.”

Gets old.


For entertainment, I rewrote her first paragraph.

“I hate Democrats. I can’t stand the thought of having to spend the next two years watching Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Patrick Leahy, Dick Durbin or any of the legions of other blowhards proselytizing climate change, ordering immigration reform, or killing unborn children.”

I’m thinking that this does not advance the Conservative cause – just like her screed does not advance the Democratic cause.

I don’t know why we screech at each other, I don’t know who started it, both sides are equally bad, and the screeching I hear is NOT helpful.

I think that Eugene McCarthy was equally as bad as Frank Church about the CIA and Nancy Pelosi about Mr. Bush. I think that a little civility is in order. When we have a little, maybe we can have a little more.

So I will just get some fairy dust from my unicorn saddlebags and sprinkle it right here …

The Other Whitey

Once again, I’m reminded that my only really fond memories of higher education involve the young ladies found on the various college campuses in San Diego County. And few of those memories took place in a classroom…except for that one time–never mind.

Well, that and the time that I got to tell a flaming communist hellbitch “professor” that she should quit arguing with me when I clearly knew more about the subject matter than she did, immediately after demonstrating just how MUCH more I knew about it than she did.

In fairness, I had some very good teachers. My chemistry teacher at Grossmont, Dr. Willard, was a kickass educator who I still recommend to every young pup who thinks they want to fight fire. Most of my history teachers were solid. And I had a Rhetoric and Writing Skills (read: English class with a fancy title so they can charge you tuition out the ass for it) teacher at SDSU named Dr. Little who I still hold in high regard. Woman was about 50 miles to left of Lenin, but open-minded, incorruptibly fair, academically honest, and sweet as the day is long. I’d take her class again in a heartbeat, if only I could afford it. The “educator” from this article ain’t worthy of sitting on the same toilet seat as Dr. Little.


Heck, it sounds like the “educator” isn’t worthy of sitting IN the same toilet that the good Doctor has used for a good dump.


And to think that the whole 60s thing started with a bunch of students at UC Berkley (later Berserkley) reading Aristotle and Plaot on the steps of the admin building, to exercise their free speech rights.

My, how times have changed. I think my response to the unlearned, ill-mannered professor, so replete with bile and spittle that flames come out of her mouth when she speaks — my response might possibly be “Anyone ever tell you that you have a big, ugly, wet booger hanging out of your left nostril? No? Well, suck it, bitch.”

You know, we’re all entitled to our own opinions, which we spout off regularly right here on TAH. She’s entitled to her opinion. And fortunately for us, we all have the right to disagree with each other in a civilized way, becasue we don’t live in Norkiland, do we? No.

I’ve always felt the best approach was live and let live, but this flaming cow (fuega vaca) really needs a dose of her own medicine. I don’t think she has quite the proper temperament to be working in academia. With her social skills, I’m sure she could easily fit into the work force at a diaper service.


I will add here that she appears to be the Chair of the Communications Dept. at UofMi.

And I repeat what I said about her social skills.

Perry Gaskill

Having spent a considerable amount of time in the Bay Area, I used to fairly often run into the sort of hipper-than-thou passive-aggressive types like Susan Douglas who could be incredibly rude, and then wonder why you were offended:

Hipster dude: You’re simply too ignorant to understand that you’re a capitalist pawn. It’s probably because you were molested as a child, your mom is a slut, and your sister is ugly.

You: How about if I punch your stupid face?

Hipster dude: I’m only trying to get at the truth, man. Why the negative vibe?

Semper Idem

HIPSTER DUDE: Why the negative vibe, maaaaan?

SEMPER IDEM: You put it out there…’maaaaan’. You can’t preach hatred towards your opponents, then expect love and kisses in return. Life doesn’t work that way. You get what you give – and if you give hatred and vitriol, that is what you get in return. I learnt that when I was 12 years old; you’re just now learning it to-day?

HIPSTER DUDE: (stares, blinks)

SEMPER IDEM: Never mind. By the way, where are your parents? I want to have a nice, long chat with them about the way they raised you. Did they even spank, bro?


I think I’d have just shaken his hand and said, “Thanks. I always wanted to meet one of Stalin’s useful idiots.” And then just walked off.

The Other Whitey

I once asked somebody how it feels to be part of the problem.

Roger in Republic

Gosh! Now she knows how most of the rest of us have felt for the last six years. And we still have two years left with the Dear Reader.


May I suggest “Fearless Reader” (think Rocky and Bullwinkle) vice “Dear Reader”?


The UofM is an “institution of higher learning”? Not since the late 60’s. The home of lefties, Communists and anarchists? Yes.
Two of the more famous former residents of Ann Arbor, home of the UofM, are Bill Ayers and Diana Oughton. They taught elementary school while members of the SDS, then the Weather Underground. Once that bored them, both Ayers and Oughton moved to Nooo Yawk City, where Bill’s girlfriend, Diana, managed to ventilate herself and Ted Gold and Terry Robbins, when their bomb factory blew them up.
Now it’s just home to run of the mill dipshits, like this alleged professor.


I forgot to add, Ann Arbor was also the sometimes home of John Norman Collins, of “Michigan Murders” infamy.


This sounds like a femi-nazi professor I had. She actually jumped all over my shit on the first day of class because I was sitting at the front table in the class. She asked if I didn’t want to sit further back and let another student have my seat. Mind you, I was the only male sitting in the front of the class.

When I said no, that I preferred the front of the class as it broke a bad habit I picked up because of my military service (sitting with my back to a wall and clear view of the door), she just about lost it. Not only was I male, but I was one of those veteran things. Also, I didn’t immediately capitulate to the wishes of a female, so I was wrong.

I ended up failing at the mid-term grade report level and lodged charges of bias against her. I brought up the incident on the first day of class, and she denied it. The only problem is that I audio-recorded every class for my notes. When confronted with the exchange, she still denied it and said it was taken out of context.

Yeah, I got a full passing grade for the class and never had to show up after that meeting.


She’s in ‘communications’, right?

She states her position quite clearly with her first two words: I hate.

Hatred is a fairly strong emotion. It requires energy, raises your blood pressure, and infers violence toward the object of hatred. The anger which generates hatred has to have a defined object. I don’t see Republicans as a defined object. It’s a collective noun and its use implies that anyone who is, or admist to being, a Republican should be hated, vilified, even persecuted, and that anyone who disagress with that opinion is mentally deficient as though ONLY Democrats have any right to exist.

Hatred of anyone who is different or who disagrees with your point of view or your political choice is what drove Hitler to slaughter 14 million people. It’s what drove Stalin to imprison and slaughter 20,000,000 Russians. It’s what Pol Pot used to egg on the Khmer Rouge to train children to murder 2,000,000 of their own parents. It’s what Robespierre used as an excuse to send people who had only tenuous connections to aristocracy to the guillotine. Hatred is what spurred Peron and Allende to make people disappear forever.

Hatred is what drives the murdering swarms that inhabit the Islamic State (ISIL/IS), Boko Haram, the Taliban and Al Qaeda to slaughter people wholesale if they can’t answer questions correctly.

Hatred is a very powerful and frequently misued and uncontrollable emotion.

Before you open an essay with the words ‘I hate’, go into your bathroom and look in the mirror and say ‘I hate you’ to the person you see there. Do that for about an hour.

2/17 Air Cav

I read up on Susan J. Douglas, hoping to learn whether she’s married to a man and, if so, what he does for a living. You know, behind every successful man is a good woman. I’m sure Mrs. Douglas would agree. I also hoped to learn whether she is anyone’s Mom. I can see her on the soccer sideline, can’t you, keeping her chocolate-chip cookies warm and the milk cold. Yeah, I bet she’s a real good soccer Mom and drives a car full of kids around in her SUV. Yep. The Bitch.

2/17 Air Cav

I guess I should now point out that one of her books is entitled, The Mommy Myth: The Idealization of Motherhood and How it Undermines Women.


Undermines women? How strange.

Without female reproduction, she would not be here.

But then, if the vinegar in her mother’s douche solution had been strong enough, no one would have to listen to her drivel.




The Other Whitey

My wife would have some choice words in multiple languages for this bitch. She is very proud and very happy to be a mother, enough that she considers it worth putting up with my Black Irish redneck ass.


Cruz is cool. Otherwise i hate those fake republicans too!


Been wanting to ask someone for quite a while now. Perhaps this is the appropriate time. Why do parents who are conservative spend a dime at liberal schools?

Now, if the kids are independently wealthy, have earned scholarships, etc, then they can go where they want to go, but if I am paying tuition, I would not spend it on a liberal campus.

