Weekend Open Thread
So the Navy people were asking for an open thread – but I’m not putting a picture of that Streisand woman up so you get this.
Category: Open thread
So the Navy people were asking for an open thread – but I’m not putting a picture of that Streisand woman up so you get this.
Category: Open thread
Dennis Cheavalier aka Denny Cheavalier FOR THE BF WIN!!!!!
If Daniel Alan Bernath, not a CPO, not an honorary CPO, doesn’t get the horse’s ass medal, then I hope Dennis Howard Chevalier, AKA Denny Chevalier, Google hit for the new name, gets that medal.
Daniel Alan Bernath (google hit) is a shoe-in-the-ass to win. He actually went through with the lawsuit threat and vomited his crazy all over the courtroom and official record.
Which is a big part of the reason I’ve identified Daniel Alan Bernath, not a cpo, not an honorary CPO, as being the most likely winner of the horse’s ass medal.
Had Dennis Howard Chevalier, serial wife assaulter working on getting his next
punching bag,I mean working on getting wife number 8, Andra Lorenz, followed through with his lawsuit threats, he would’ve had a very good chance of seriously giving Daniel Alan Bernath a run for his money.Daniel A. Bernath STILL accuses the wrong man of being me. He has publicly accused at least three so far, at one point he was accusing two at the same time, and now he’s gone back to accusing the second Man he alleged to be me. As usual, he’s wrong as hell, OY VEY, DANIEL A. BERNATH IS SUCH A HUGE DREK AND A SHMENDRICK!!
Hey Daniel A. Bernath, GAY EN DRED!!
What was I thinking when I typed the last sentence of that post? He has already made his life just that all by himself!
I am surprised he has time to accuse anyone with all of the cock-sampling he does.
Bernath is a true power bottom. (shout out to “Faker 6”)
Dennis Howard Chevalier, also known as Denny Chevalier, the serial spousal assault cheese eater that’s about to
acquiremarry his nextpunching bagwife number 8, Andra Lorenz, Google hit, still has himself listed on military.com as a retired USAF LTC. 😈I wonder if she knows that Chevy takes it in the ass?
And I wonder if she knows she is wife #8?
Hey, I said a picture of a bottle of rum and some cigars would work nicely.
Still no snow in sight. I hope this does not mean another winter when a blizzard hits my kingdom in February with record snow from Siberia.
Rum and cigars? Well, here ya go – sort of (smile):
“I say fuck you Jobu… I do it myself !!!”
I’ve got over a foot of snow in my yard. Every couple of days my kids ask me to make snow ice cream.
Just in case I miss the chance,
*Raises Irish coffee*
Merry Christmas!
It is Christmas where I live all year round. I live 1/2 mile from the Santa Clause house. My kids love to go there and feed the Reindeer.
That would be awesome (FL transplant to KY, still learning to drive in snow)
Without going into too much detail:
Hey, Bernath! Do you read lips?
Hey … It is the one year anniversary of us meeting Bernath.
As per NHSparky above, FUCHT YOU Bernath …
The imaginary ass’ass’ins in your head are real.
The bushes do shake because they are in your head too.
And you are not, never were nor will you ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!
The end of your game is approaching and we are the referees!
Maybe we should send Berrnath a steaming pile of Phil Monkress for Christmas.
I imagine he would appreciate that.
With a Giduck on top?
I’m pure power bottom.
John “Faker 6” Giduck
Power Bottom.
Dedicated to the TAH Unicorns. Thanks for putting up with us, ladies.
Without fear of rational contradiction, I can say that the presentation was THE BEST presentation I have ever witnessed. The instructor detailed what few males can articulate or fully understand but many know intuitively. And he did it in under six minutes, proving that all of life’s great truths are, at their essence, quite simple.
Has anyone besides me noticed this?
I just love it when calendar dates line up like today’s date.
Short poem follows.
Today is the day
They give babies away
With half a cup of tea.
If you know a lady
Who wants a baby,
Send her around to see me.
No, I will not do Vogon poetry. It scares my cat.
You always keep me wondering……
Thank you. I love you, too, GT.
Well, if you won’t, I will….
I did not know Dullas Whitenturd was a Patriots fan.
Who knew?
Or maybe it is his long, lost brother? Either way, Bernath has a new client.
Can an aviator (not you Bernasty…a real one), splain what Denny Chevalier is talking about on his FB page about getting a check ride in a C47, complete with logbook entry? Is this a continuation of his Compass Call BS? Wonder if he’ll wear his “Hollywood” Helmet
Maybe it has something to do with his Costco special orders of blocks of cheese?
anytime a pilot or student pilot is sitting tin the drivers seat they can log it as time in that aircraft as long as there is a pilot that is qualified with them.
A Check ride is to qualify you to command that type of aircraft. I doubt that he had a check ride, more than likely he got a ride and they let him fly it for a minute or two.
More likely he saw one at an air show and stood next to it, or found a photo online and ‘shopped his fat ass into the photo.
I have serious doubts that cheeseblob fisheater has ever flown anything more complicated than a paper airplane.
Or most likely he walked around one and dreamed of flying it from the left seat. If he isn’t dual rated he didn’t get the check ride.
Once upon a time I was part of Auxiliary Security Force (ASF) at a Naval Air Station. I wound up pulling guard duty on the stealth fighter during an air show. I’m going to put that on my list of aircraft that I’ve flown.
Under the protection combat air patrol of USAF and USN fighters on September 11th 2001 as we were responding and recovering at the World Trade Center, I was a forward air controller.
YEAH, BUT I’ve walked throught the former AF One aircraft on display at The Air Force Museum in Ohio, so *NYEAAAAHHH*, by “Blobfish” Chevalier standards,I can now call myself an Air farce one Pilot! OH, I’ve also ridden aboard C-130’s and C-17’s, and I’ve been aboard a C-5 as well, ‘ol “Blobfish ain’t got SHIT on me!!! OH, and FTR, I’ve stayed at a Holiday Inn Express more than once!!! 😈
HEY !!!
Go easy on the cheese thing, I’m a Cheesehead and now have a business importing Wisconsin Cheese to The Great State of TEXAS !!!
It’s a sure bet that pulling random names from a hat of the TAH posters would provide many more total flying hours than Cheesy has, especially since anything greater than zero would likely be more than any real flying time he has.
OWB, reading your comment piqued my curiosity, so I pulled my Flight Records Folder from the briefcase in the closet. Sure enough, there was an entry of 1.8 flight hours on 13 Dec 71 posted to the DA Form 759(PartII). Not long enough to have been doing Combat Assault missions for that day, so it might have been an afternoon log resupply to the grunts,a weather check flight,or a VIP hop from Phu Bai to Camp Evans or the MACV pad at Hue. Who knows? Either way, it is still more recorded flight hours than Cheesy Chevy has.
I have more left seat time flying than denny the liar will ever have. The crew chief flys left seat on all test hops on his helo. At NAS Dallas, a lot of the time a reserve pilot would come to fly. A reserve copilot would be there. The crew chief of helo he was to fly then get in copilot’s seat and off we would go for two hours. After liftoff and clearing local air traffic the pilot would let the crew chief fly his helo. I enjoyed flying around the lakes outside of DFW Metroplex. Joe
I think my log book for gliders has me down with more flight hours than cheesefish blobeater ever thought of having. And that’s powerless flight on what is commonly known as dead stick.
I should go back to that, get my license. It’s just so expensive to keep an aircraft, even if it’s a glider and doesn’t require avgas. You still have to pay the launch/tow fee and landing fee.
I’ve lost count of how many shithooks I’ve been in during sling-load operations. For one flight, I got to sit at the door gun. I guess that might qualify me as a pilot if my head were up my fourth point of contact.
Anyone wanna bet that Daniel A. “Crash” Bernath probably has more flight time than “Blobfish” Chevalier? I’m willing to bet a bottle of Bourbon that I have more time as a door gunner on a USAF Submarine than “Blobfish’ has on Military Aircraft Period!
Dennis Howard Chevalier, AKA Denny Chevalier, the serial wife abuser, the guy that waves his loaded gun around when he’s angry, is trying to impress his soon to be eighth
punching bagwife, Andra Lorenz, Google hit for the new association. 😈It does sound like a continuation of his Compass Call BS. He has a new woman to fool. What Dora has said on the other threads about her experiences with Denny Chevalier is repeating itself.
In another facebook post, he’s bragging about taking a kid to the police station that thought that he, Denny Chevalier, was a “real cop.” He tries to portray himself as being a “nice guy” in that post, as Denny Chevalier is trying to impress his soon to be eighth
punching bagwife, Andra Lorenz, Google hit for the new association. 🙄But, if a kid thought that he was “the real thing,” then would that mean that Dennis Howard Chevalier, AKA Denny Chevalier, serial wife beater, would that mean that this cheese gobbling blobfish is pretending to be a cop? 😯
Whelp…just gonna leave this here 🙂 Pops’s Night Before Christmas, 2014 ‘Twas the night before Christmas And everyone was fretting. ’bout ebola, and ISIS, And the congress we’re getting. The stockings were placed By the chimney with care Hung up with clothespins So the nylon won’t tear. The children were all nestled, Under one blanket. Little Ann had a rubber duck, But little Ben sank it Ma’s flannel nightshirt, Is getting a bit tight; Thank heaven she wears it Only at night. When out on the lawn, There arose such a clatter. Ma screamed, “What’s that?” So I threw a shoe at her. Away to the window, I flew like a bird. Tore open the shutters, And stepped on a sock. The moon shone brightly, On the new-fallen snow. It’s very cold now So nothing can grow. But what to my wondering, Eyes should appear? Same thing again, Year after year. The little old driver, Was quick as the breezes. He usually farts Whenever he sneezes. More rapid than eagles His coursers they trotted. Santa said ho ho ho, Perhaps he was potted Now Christie, now Bachmann, Now Walker and Paul. ____ comes lastly, The choices are ghastly. To the top of the porch, To the top of the wall, Gotta read all the flyers, Then off to the mall. As dry leaves before The wild hurricane fly, When they meet with an obstacle, They give up and cry. Approaching the house top, The deer are on final. Santa’s back’s hurting He should get a spinal. And then, in a twinkle, I heard a big noise, Like when a slumber party’s Invaded by boys. As I drew in my head, And was turning around, Down the chimney St. Nicholas Came with a bound. Let’s pause for a while, And think about that. Flue’s kind of tiny, And Santa, he’s fat. His clothes were all sooty, His booties were too. No chimney sweep this year, But a Claus-ing will do. A bundle of toys, He’d flung on his back. Not good, you see, For the sacroiliac. His eyes, how they twinkled,… Read more »
Aw, crap! That’s too funny!!
Santa’s Sicilian?
Just a note to my TAH family. This Monday I have to go have three stents put in my heart. Seems the nuclear stress test didn’t come back as well as I had hoped. However, the great blessing is it will all be done through my wrist artery and I can come home an hour after if it has closed properly. The greater blessing…no tissue damage to any of my heart muscle and I don’t have to have open heart surgery. So, 1130AM my time Monday they’ll whack me with the Versed and Fentanyl and I’ll be on my way to a new hardware upgrade and much improved, breathing and energy level. All things considered…all things are good.
Anyway I am hanging this out here for you folks and asking for your thoughts, prayers if you do and to generally keep me in mind. The more positive stuff headed my way the better I think. As soon as I am home and clear headed, I’ll check in here with you and let you know how it went. An upside to those of you who remember my hospital stay for my knee replacement…no catheter this time! 😀
Prayers and good thoughts are headed your way and generally toward your neighborhood. Perhaps the excess beyond what you need will fall on someone else who certainly needs more intervention than most of us are capable of supplying!
Sparks, you will definitely be on the top of my good thoughts and prayers list. Hang in there.
Hang in there, Sparks.
Thinking of you.
Lifting you up, beginning now.
Best Regards Sparks. Please don’s leave us unsupervised for long, who know what will happen.
Many prayers being said for you dear Sparks… ((hugs))
Prayers Sparks! Stay in touch.
Not to worry Sparks. You’ll be just fine. I was going to post a hot nurse video for you but they were all a little over the top–so to speak. So, I settled for the one below. It’s almost as good as Nurse Hottie.
Keep up the faith that all will go well. Hoping to hear your report soon (and that it won’t be as cringeworthy as last time!).
Prayers for you, Sparks, and for the skill of the docs, techs and nurses involved.
My thoughts and prays for you. A side note two years ago, I had ablockage in my neck reamed. I left the same day after the suregy. Joe
Sooooo……….Sparks, only a hour, then back home? Good deal. Tell me will the Missus have your favorite meal ready for you when you get home? For a beverage are you going with Mabel? Or Fresca?
Probably not, since I asked for Fresca and Ham & motherf@ckers with John Wayne biscuits and she said…WHAT?
God Bless you Sparks, the doctors and the nurses.
Now on to the nurses … I pray to Sweet Baby Jesus that all the attending nurses are smokin’ hot, wear short skirts and show plenty of cleavage …
Get better!
Master Chief…Thank you Sir. God bless you and your family this Christmas. As for the nurses, Versed is kinda like booze in a late night bar, after a while they all look smokin’ hot!
I had actually hoped for an open thread last night so i could tell my story in near real time. I live in small Midwestern town and I’d just returned to my townhouse after the company christmas party. I was filled with thoughts about cornholing my boss’ assistant who was faking being tipsy at the beginning of the party. Little would I realize that my fabntasy night might end with her following me back to my home for a nightcap. The holiday party was an uncommonly lavish affair with shrimp, beer, beans, broccoli, meatloaf, oatmeal and brown rice. I stuck with the meatloaf and broccoli while my impromptu friend talked to me about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle while she drained the keg and wolfed down several plates of broccoli and beans. We took a cab back to my place but needed to slow down for a die-in protest nearby. We tenderly kissed in the cab while we waited for the protest to clear interupted only by a brick flying through the window, hitting her in the chest, and breaking four of my best fingers. Upon arrival, I went to mix some holiday cheer and mute the lights. She had meanwhile slipped out of not only her winter coat but also her kmart jeans to reveal a set of hello kitty panties as well as a far nicer figure than had initially caught my attention while she’d been seated on the office copy machine. I couldn’t wait to land on her far flung shores, plant my flag from Spain, and claim her fertile lands as my own in the name of Queen Isabella. Such pleasant thoughts were halted when a gurgle erupted from her someplace “south of the border” and a hush fell over my living room. I thought, “what was that?” I puzzled. “A queef?” Alas, I had made the judgment error of a lifetime as she clumsily whispered “excuse me” just as the full brunt of whatever vegetarian horror had died in her large intestine crushed my olfactory senses. My face was not the only face that… Read more »
fsckity-fsck…Now that…is a classic! A holiday memory for the books if ever I heard one.
“God bless us, everyone!”
for anyone needing alternative definitions for a Giduck
Is this a letter to Penthouse? 🙂
And here I excitedly read the whole story thinking you took it for the team and performed the 360 dismount with the arriba, arriba! Boy, was disapointed! Smile
Falls off chair laughing.
The movie, Unbroken that’s coming out on Xmas day, has hit a nerve in Japan.
The movie, is about Louis Zamperini, former distance runner. He survived a plane crash in the pacific, was adrift for 47 days, before being captured by the Japanese.
Anyway, the movie shows some of the harsh treatment handed out to allied POW’s . Which includes cannibalism.
The Japanese are saying absolutely no cannibalism occurred.
Obviously, the Japanese do not know there own history very well. Fly boys, shot down over Chi Chi Jima during WW 2 were executed, and in some cases, cannibalized.
The people of Japan have been playing the victim since 1945. They sanitize their history concerning the Second World War. They’re the victims!
My former sister – in – law is Japanese and had never heard of the rape of Nanking until she had married my brother and moved to the US.
Twist……some years back I read the book. Normally, when I pick up a book, I’ll read it in one day. Reading The Rape of Nanking, I had to put it down at times. Just horrific, the acts the Japanese Army did to the Chinese!
I also read the book. You know it is brutal when the Nazi is considered one of the good guys.
Kind of a sidebar here … I have a German exchange student in my Modern Civilization class and not long ago the topic of the Nazis and WWII came up. More than a few eyes in the room turned to Jan (the guy from Germany) to see what he thought about the topic … to the amazement of all – including myself – Jan said, “It was 70 years ago! We talk about it at home, we can talk about it here!” I do know the older Germans prefer not to discuss that period in their history, but the younger generations are more interested in it.
Why they are more interested in it, I don’t know …
I bought a pair of books sold as a set, “The Scourge of the Swastika”, which chronicles German War Crimes, and “The Knights of Bushido” which tells of Japanese WWII atrocities. Reading the latter once will make one want to call for A-bombing Japan once more!!
Kinda like denying the Bataan Death March or “The Rape of Nanking” ever happened!
Keep in mind we here in the United States do it as well.
Native American campaigns and forcible relocations of indigenous peoples as well as the deaths, fallout(s) and related issues from Fat Man and Little Boy.
Not taking a side or picking a fight.
Just an observation.
Thumb……there’s no question that over time our military has committed atrocities! I’ve read books about Custer and the Seventh., stating that Indians “rape easy”.
With the Japanese it was a policy. “Rape all; Loot All; Burn all”
At least we have books to read here in the USA that tell us of our wrongful ways during war time. Try to find one of those in Japan! It won’t happen!
Just say’n
Remembering a good buddy of mine who perished in the Arrow Air Flight 1285 Gander crash that occurred 29 years ago yesterday. He had been a Mess Sergeant in 1-15 Infantry in Germany during the same time (81-83) I was there as the S-4 NCO. He and I were running buddies during off duty hours and worked in adjacent buildings while on duty. Anyway, RIP Steve Andreoff, my thoughts are with you.
CLAW131…My thoughts go out for you and the memory of your friend.
Sparks, Thank You. My thoughts also go out every year to the families of the other 247 soldiers (and the eight flight crew members) that lost their loved ones on that flight. Fort Campbell and the 101st Airborne Division have a memorial service every year, so hopefully they will never be forgotten.
I’ve been to that service a couple of times. There used to be a medallion that the Pope blessed for that flight in the 101st museum. May God rest their souls.
Sparks…..I’ll be thinking of you! Hope everything goes well!
I will write this again as the weekend progresses. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. They mean a lot from all of you.
It’s a few minutes before kickoff…
Beat Army.
Well, Army got a first down in their first possession before punting. That’s progress. Damn Navy. The whole branch is full of sissies yet they have beat the crap out of Army for what seems like 12 years when, in actuality, it has only been a dozen. GO ARMY!
Holy SEALS, Batman! Army blocked a punt and scored! ARMY 7 Sissies 0
Good game so far!
And the Navy takes the lead!
*as it should be.
I just for real lol’ed. The SECNAV just had a commercial that roasted Army, loved it.
Navy “drone” that looks like a fish:
So your significant other tries to propose to you and ends up destroying a house in the process?: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-12-14/dutchman-tries-to-pop-question2c-destroys-house/5965790
(Seriously, somebody should show this to Hondo; it’s the kind of thing he likes to write about)
Ok, since this is an open thread, I’m having a culinary problem.
1.) I’m just learning to cook.
2.) HH6 and I are doing the very low carb, moderate protein, high (certain) fat diet referred to as Nutritional Ketosis.
I’m not having much success getting either Erythritol or pure Stevioside (the sweet extract of the Stevia leaf) to dissolve in anything, but in particular, chocolate.
Any thoughts?
OldSoldier54: from what I understand, erythritol will tend to recrystallize if the recipe doesn’t have sufficient moisture to keep it dissolved, giving you that grainier, less desirable texture. In cookies and brownies, they recommend cutting it with oat flour or guar gum or the like; it comes down to a ratio problem, ultimately, where if the ratio of erythritol to other ingredients is too high, you’ll get an undesirable end product.
Most of the cooking sites I frequent seem to recommend blending your erythritol or stevia with splenda in about 50/50 proportions to get rid of the dissolving problems and texture problems. I hope this helps!
Yes, eat at a restaurant.
You have got to see this Army Spirit video!
Military faker Adam Appel of Anchorage, Alaska works balls.
He still lists “warrior” in his official bio website. He also ripped his mom off for several hundred thousand dollars, ended up settling with the Alaska Elder Fraud division for $150k, and calls it a “misunderstanding”. The two hawaii properties alone were $200,000 each, never mind all of the other personal purchases with her money (Range Rover, etc). Even more, Adam spent $200k per property that had purchased two years earlier for $40k and $45k respectively. Adam Appel is a real Einstein.
This was just mailed to me and apparently about 100 other people. There’s a new blog dedicated to Adam Appel
Adam here appears to be a very “Phildoesque” dude.
He’s Phildo’s dildo. Smells about the same anyway.
He is quite simply a steaming, oozy pile of Phil Monkress.
For MCPO 🙂
Happy Christmas..
I was reading an article last night about fathers and sons, and memories came flooding back of the time I took my son out for his first drink.
Off we went to our local bar, which is only two blocks from the house.
I got him a Miller Genuine. He didn’t like it – so I drank it.
Then I got him an Old Style, he didn’t like it either, so I drank it.
It was the same with the Coors and the Bud.
By the time we got down to the Irish whiskey,
I could hardly push the stroller back home.
Beat Army!!!
Anyone heard from JRM? Was it this week he was getting evicted?
No, he said it was last week,effective as of close of business 5 Dec.
No, have not seen any entries from him or how he’s getting along. Does sound like a screwed up deal though,trying to live/sleep in the bed of his pick-up with just a camper shell as overhead cover.
I’m on his e-mail list. Haven’t heard a word.
We’ll get ’em next year!
Yeah, I’m sure my retired Senior Chief son will call me later on this evening to give me shit.
Yep. Sucks. Disappointed as I am, it is always refreshing to see those teams play. They are wonderful models of decency, sportsmanship and knock-you-on-your-ass-and-shake-your-hand-later football.
And they all graduate.
And each is articulate. Half the time–or more–when non-service academy college athletes are interviewed, I am wishing for subtitles in English or a damn good interpreter.
Watch Joakim Noah (Google the video) when Florida won their titles.
Billy Donovan actually took the microphone away from him.
If you haven’t noticed the drop in crude oil prices, you should know that on Friday, December 12, Crude Oil fell to a low of 57.34, its lowest level since May 2009, per MMA Cycles Weekly Preview. That’s a huge drop in three weeks from $75, which was an even bigger drop from $124.
This translates to lower prices at the pump. In my area, the price of gas has now dropped from $3.689 in September to $2.599 this evening, which translates to more gas in my tank for $20. I spoke to the cashier about it. She said the latest report from the radio was that (in our area) it will be $1.989 or lower by Christmas.
This translates to more money to spend on other things like food. It means the gas company and the electric company will have to justify charging me more if they expect me to believe they are paying more. My gas and electric bills tell me what they pay.
But more important, this drop in oil/gas prices translates to something on the order of $62 BILLION in cash available to spend on other things. I keep my grocery receipts to track prices. Butter went to $2.68 at Aldi, so I went to Walmart where it was $2.48, because I buy several pounds and then freeze it. Now it’s $2.27/lb.
I expect to see a drop in chicken before too long, and pork and beef will follow.
And this is all because the Saudis don’t like competition with US and Russian oil production.
Please note that when this drop started, the other OPEC members were begging Abdullah to keep the price up because they needed $120/barrel for their struggling economies.
He said ‘No’.
Does anyone besides me remember Richard Nixon’s ridiculous decision to engage in gas rationing?
In case anyone is wondering about oil reserves, here’s some info by way of Wiki about who has the what in oil shale reserves.
In case you’re wondering why I did this, it’s because I read this morning that the Saudis have said the US will run out by 2020 and be returning to oil-dependency on the Middle East.
Wrong. The North American continent holds the biggest shale oil reserves in the world at 3.722 billion metric tonnes. The US holds 301.1 billion of those metric tonnes. The small reserves are economically recoverable now and the large reserves are not, with current practices, but that will change.
OPEC has held the oil reins for 40 years. Things are changing. Even Russia has bigger standard oil reserves than the Saudis. OPEC is a composite, which probably leads to the Saudis’ attitude. However, most of the countries that are part of OPEC rely on higher crude prices for their government programs. This may break of OPEC. Then it becomes a free-for-all.
One can only hope.
I am sure Brandon Bryant is about to sound off again.
When are we getting our people out of that pisshole country?
Hello, Tap…Tap…Tap….Is this thing on? Is TSO MIA with SITREP? Over. Can someone authenticate Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, how copy over?
TSO is recovering from the office party, unless I miss my guess.
TOC is asking TSO for a SITREP report. Rumor has it that TSO had too many adult beverages while he was pulling security in his AO. He is currently slumped over the PRC 25 radio while manning the gun as his squad sleeps!
TSO! Wake up, Wake up!
Urgently Need some Air Force advice. Father in Law ret AF Master Sgt Nam era in C47s. Never told family anything. Know he was in Nam and it reflects on the 214. I want to surprise him with a medal box for Christmas. Finally scammed him out of his 214. Several entries are strange to me:
AFM 900-3
3565th Flight Line Maint Sqdn ATC (Air Traning Command?)
4600 Consol ACft Maint Sqdn ADC (???)
509th OMS (????) SAC
Thanks in advance. Nice to see a Vet that doesn’t inflate his service. As I said, until I came along last year, his family barely knew he had served.
SJ, I’m an old Army guy, but I think I can help some even on Air Force stuff. Here goes: AFOUA – Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. DAF – Department of the Air Force. AFM 900-3 – AF Manual on awards(Same as the Army’s AR 672-5-1). SAEMR – Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon. ATC is indeed the Air Training Command. ADC is Air Defense Command. 509th OMS is Organizational Maintenance Squadron. I guess it’ll take a Airman to figure out what the other abbreviations stand for.
Thanks Claw! You filled in some blanks. A further Google helped but not much. I just want his family to see that their humble guy did good things…not valor, just contributing to the mission and that is good enough. They all (including my Bride) just heard that he was in the AF and that was it. He had more time in VN than me and much earlier in the war.
He doesn’t have a single military related thing in his house yet he was a Master Sgt. I want to correct that in a small way and preach to his grandkids what he did to support the war.
Oh, and he lives in the same grid square as Round Ranger! I drove by Casa Round Ranger yesterday but didn’t see anything.
You’re Welcome SJ. We old 101 troopers gotta help each other out whenever we can. Yep, the Round Ranger definitely earned his lump of coal in the stocking for this year.