2014 Blue Falcon Stolen Valor North Regionals

| December 10, 2014

1 Seed v. 16

1) Dennis Chevalier, Seven Wives and Counting, Valor Thief
CLAIM: LTC, US Air Force, Pilot
TRUTH: PFC, Texas State Militia, 20 Glorious Days in Texas National Guard

I’m coming up with the Chevalier Rule which posits that if you just shut the eff up when you get caught lying, people will forget in about 20 minutes, but when you decide to fight out your lies, you live in infamy. Case in point, this jackass. He’s a 1 seed for one reason and one reason only, he decided the best course of action was to team up with an insane lawyer and a drunken sky diving clown to take on TAH. And he’s turned into a cultural phenomena. Chevalier Rule #2 is that when you have 6 ex-wives, keep your nose clean.

16) Rowdy Anderson, Masculine, Sexy side of Phony SEALS, Valor Thief
CLAIM: “Former underwaterdimalishion at U.S. Navy” and a SEAL
TRUTH: Got all his awards from a printer at Kinko’s.

His Afghanistan Campaign Medal certificate was issued in 1996 – so he must’ve been on deep recon five years before 9-11-2001. I’m thinking he was very popular on Man Boy Love nights. That picture creeps me out so bad I can’t even begin to write more on this guy.

8 Seed v. 9

8) Larry Sims, Take this Job and Shove It, Embellisher/Valor Thief
CLAIM: Captain and then Lt Col in the 101st, CIB, Jump Wings with two stars
TRUTH: Five week Basic Training Washout.

This cat kind of cracks me up. This is the basic timeline. Gets job, claims CPT. We post, someone Googles from his work, dude gets fired. Dude gets new job, claims new rank (LTC) and someone again Googles. Lawyer for Job 2 sends us cease and desist. We invite him to fornicate with a cactus. Job researches, finds out he lied about other shit, fires him.

Look out Tampa, you’re about to have a Brigadier General get a job and hold it for about a week and a half.

9) Mark Tiemann
CLAIM: Just look at the picture.
TRUTH: Seven years a Marine, discharged as SGT.

It took 2 years to track this guy down, and he’s the size of Jupiter. Probably had enough magnetic field built up we could have just dropped a Navy Cross and followed it to his uniform.

I found video of him at BUDS:

5 Seed v. 12

5) Nikko De’Lozada, 118 lies in 18 minutes, Valor Thief
CLAIM: Again, 118 lies in 18 minutes.
TRUTH: See below.

Easy one to write, just watch:

12) Paul Benevente, Geordi La Forge’s Caucasian Cousin, Embellisher
CLAIM: Ranger/Engineer Officer
TRUTH: 5+ years as a SPC 4 electrician

I used to have a buddy that legit thought it was racist that the only black people on the Enterprise were either blind, or serving drinks. Didn’t keep him from watching every show with me at like 3am after his shift as a DJ at Hennessey (5263 M Street in Georgetown) and again reminding me that STNG was racist. Anyway, what the hell is an Engineer Officer in the Army? Do they have them? What exactly do they do?  Is it just the 12A’s?  Do they do electrical stuff?  I thought they destroyed berms?

Why would you piss away a good career with an idiotic Facebook post and LinkedIn profile? I just don’t get it.

4 Seed v. 13

4) Otto Gimbl, dude got a busted grill, Embellisher
CLAIM: Combat wounded OIF/OEF Veteran with PTSD
TRUTH: 15 month chump busted when he failed a piss test. Does have a NDSM though.

I said I wouldn’t put links in here, but you really need to go over to Scotty’s to get more on this guy. He’s rocking the lie, getting free service dogs, made it on FoxNews, and promptly looked down the News Babes shirt when she went to pet the dog. You can’t hate on that last part, but what a shitbag.

These doofusi (doofusses?) piss me off with getting service animals. I wish that dog would just one day take a chomp out of his testicle, and when the animal control shows up, in my magical world the dog stands on his back legs and says “What did you expect, this SOB is a valor stealing douchetool.” Then he runs off and humps Jessica Rabbit.

13) Jay Kerwin, Suns out, Guns out, Bios out, Embellisher
CLAIM: SEAL, AF Pararescue
TRUTH: Unknown, but backtracking like a biyatch on his claims. Allegedly did time at Leavenworth for ‘roids.

I don’t actually know the story on this one because Shipley apparently took down the video, but dude has disclaimer up that: “Disclaimer: Jay Kerwin is not a military officer nor has he ever been. Additionally, any reference made by third parties online or in the media to Jay being a member of the U.S. Navy or a Navy SEAL is inaccurate.”

I totally empathize because the same sort of shit happened to me. Somehow third parties online started the rumor that I was actually Ron Jeremy’s penis double. I tried and tried and tried to correct it, but that shit still shows up. FWIW, Ron is like a mini-golf pencil compared to me. It’s like a baby’s arm clutching an apple.

2 Seed v. 15

2) James Korfhage, Threats Schmets, get in your car already, Embellisher
CLAIM: Army Ranger
TRUTH: 21 Days at basic.

Another easy write up, because here he is threatening to kill Jonn and torture his family.

I’d love to tell you that this guy pissed me off because I worry about Jonn. But that’s a total lie. I actually hope this silly son of a bitch shows up at Jonn’s house. Because 2 days later I will file to get the FOIA recording of the 911 call.

Operator: This is 911, what is your emergency?
Jonn: Hi, I have some shitbag bleeding out at the end of my driveway, and he just won’t stop crying.
Operator: Did you hit him with your car?
Jonn: Well, not at first. First it was 5.56 to the kneecaps, and then 357 to the testicles. Then I hit him with the truck, twice, but the guy just won’t die. I need someone to take him away before he assumes room temperature and attracts birds. Oh, and thanks to the police for ignoring his threatening phone calls, this has been an awesome Christmas.

15) James Waldby, Built like a Snowman, Embellisher
CLAIM: 3rd Ranger Batt
TRUTH: Nice fake DD214 dick, 13 months total, out as PV1
I believe Peter Griffin said it best:

7 Seed v. 10

7) Thomas Bolling, Noyes Strikes Again, Valor Thief
How is it that for 3 days I’ve been spelling Dan Noyes’ name wrong, and none of you asshats told me? I only realized it last night.

Love the Top Secret Defense. Among all of them, that’s my favorite.


10) Ron White, The Ninja, not the comedian, Valor Thief
CLAIM: Photographer attached to SEAL Team 2

TRUTH: Who the hell knows. I’m just not into ninjas. Sure, the outfits are cool, but all that leaping around and shit would wreak havoc on my knees.

6 Seed v. 11

6) Joe Weeks, Favored Son of Malta, Embellisher

CLAIM: Silver Star in Nicaragua as a PJ.
TRUTH: 2 years AF, security specialist.




11) Christine Mullen, Faster than a speeding missile, Embellisher
CLAIM: PTSD, found a boot with a foot in it, raped by 6 different commanders.
TRUTH: Yeah, no. Problem sailor, “one night she got into a drunkin stunptor and assulted one of her Staff NCO’s. She then tried to claim that the Senior Staff NCO had raped her. The investigation proved this false.”

Again, this chick claims to have outrun a missile. On a flight deck. Fired from a plane about 30 feet away. I’ve got just the man for her.

3 Seed v. 14

3) Amy/Joel Kleyla, Swollen Valor, Embellisher
TRUTH: SEABEE, Twig and berries may have been harvested.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw Amy Joel. It was 1977, and I was 7. It was Thanksgiving, and settled in to watch TV. And there she was, being led behind Snoopy in the Macy’s parade by 196 people trying to keep her from floating away. Wait, this thing lives in Indy?


14) Robert Lawton, Shat on my honorable career, Embellisher

CLAIM: Purple Heart, present at Beirut bombing.

TRUTH: Incredible career that does not include a purple heart or being in Beirut during the bombing.

Honestly, this is just inexplicable. I’m completely befuddled. The guy’s actual record is one that any rational human being would be proud of. But not good enough for Bob. This may be the most damning thing I’ve said, but I just feel bad for him. He’s one of those people who is incapable of any pride.


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Category: Politics

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Nikko! I loved that guy! Voted!

NR Pax

I resent that POS for sharing the same name as my dog. At least she’s more honorable than him.


Here it is Cadre: THE BF WINNER

Green Thumb

This bracket has the most “gayness” of them all!

With Anderson leading the way!


Chevy’s pretty gay, in a bull dyke sort of way.

A Proud Infidel®™

Anderson seems merely metrosexual while Kerwin acts more gay than Elton John and Boy George pole dancing in pink patent leather chaps!


Best write up ever on Tiemann! You so crazy TSO.

Stick Stickly

I’m sure James Korfhage is just taking the scenic road to Jonn’s house.

A Proud Infidel®™

That or he has to keep asking for directions like this:


This one was a bit easier than yesterday’s. Ron “Ninja killer” was a favorite of mine especially after watching the Hair Club for Posers assassinate him without firing a shot.
The hardest one for me was Weaks/Mullen’s. I finally went with Mullens just because she looks so pathetic some 2Lt needs to just bitchslap her ass back to happiness.
The tub of lard in the Navy Whites was the easiest though. How could you not vote for her/him/it just for actually taking a picture of yourself looking like that and posting it out there where everybody on the planet could see exactly how stupid you look/are…


“Stanky J” Kleyla! All the way. Where’s that turd knocker that hangs out with her? Wears an ill-fitting AF suit and his c-cap is a couple sizes too small?


Although “Turd Boiling” is a strong contender, I had to give the nod to master ninja Ron White. That gap toothed goofy flat face is just so endearing, and his claim of meeting President Kennedy makes him my favorite in this round. Speaking of Round, hey Chevy Liar! How’s perspective wife #8 taking all this? Enough to drive you to drinking a whole fondue pot?

NR Pax

Surprisingly, this field was a lot easier to vote on. And if Mullen is cut early, we could throw her at the lesbian pirate as a consolation prize.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Well, the biggest turd of this bunch is no other that HEAVY CHEVY himself, but I will admit that a few of the others of this group came awfully close, but you don’t have to worry blobfish, you have my vote.

Combat Historian

Good God! What a bracket of LOSERS !!! Even more so than usual….


Wow, the gayness is strong in this group.

Don’t worry Chevy, I won’t let you lose you fat piece of crap!


I like how Dennis Chevalier aka Denny Chevalier aka Chevy aka Hollywood posts on his FB asking his posse for comments but no one ever comments. His posse is TAH.

2/17 Air Cav

I voted on Monday and I got a sticker.
I voted on Tuesday and I got a sticker’
I voted today and…no sticker! Now, some of you may think that I should be happy with CC Senor’s generosity but this is the Age of Obama and a sticker is now an entitlement. So, I want my sticker or I’m suing.


Go Call Bernath. He’ll take you as a client.
His number is 1-800-SHY-STER or 1-503-NOT-ACPO

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

/Oh and GFY DB Pooper


I can recommend a “gud lawer” in the Pacific NW . . . .


Aw, hell – here. Now quit yer kvetching.



I laugh my ass off everytime I hear Korfhage’s impotent rage over some BS on a dating website. So much sound and fury with zero action to show for it. Kinda like a hearty beer fart.


It’s all so confusing. Is it racist to vote for the black guy, or is it racist to not vote for the black guy? And then what do you do about the he/she’s and whatevers? If the girl isn’t really a girl, is it sexist to vote for her? Or is that itself a sign of something evil?

OK. I’ll admit to not really being concerned about it. At all.

Well maybe a little.

No, not really.

Dave Hardin

Hey, I just bumped the ‘post comment’ thingy and this happened.


I want to +1 that clip about three dozen times.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

So many losers.

Green Thumb

*microphone feedback*

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and people of undetermined gender and welcome to Stolen Valor Cruise Lines.

The Captain would like to ask that Mr Chevalier, Mr Tiemann, and Mr, uh Miss, uh, oh hell Petty Officer Kleyla…where was I…oh yeah, the Captain asks that the three of you refrain from getting near the bow or stern and definitely keep away from the port and starboard sides of the ship. He says, and I quote, “The ballast pumps can’t level the ship fast enough when those fatasses walk around.”

Since that announcement was sure to hurt your feelings the Captain has authorized that you can stay in the dining room for the entire cruise and take advantage anytime of the buffet *shouts in background* I mean have seconds at dinner *more shouts* You can have all the crackers and water you can eat.

Thank you and have a nice day.


I hate you! You had to put Mullen and the Swollen Valor thing against each other? No way I can make that choice without alcohol!!!


Oh, wait. I misread. Never mind. I need alcohol.

Taurus USMC 0302

If I claim to be a dead Democrat may I vote more than once?


Heavy Chevy gets points for persistence. But Korfhage scores higher due to both his ridiculous death threats and idiocy of making them without realizing he’d have to actually give his name if he wanted it to actually work.

That’s a special kinda stupid. And frankly, I think he’s the only one that stands a chance of knocking Bernie Baby off his high chair.


Oh, and a BZ to TSO for his work on this. As difficult as it is for us to wade through this sludge of toxic waste, imagine his chore.


Voting complete. A little easier this time. Kudos to TSO for doing this,I don’t envy you one bit. A bit of advice for the Number 1 seed: If you’ve been married six times and still have the same set of in-laws,it’s time to STOP!!! That is all.


“Shut the eff up and people will forget about you” should be called the Chevalier-Wickre Rule. Just think of the angst that both of those jackwagons could have saved themselves, if only they had followed that rule.


Much easier bracket than yesterday’s!

In other news, at approximately 1205 hours Local, I breached the door to the homestead. I was promptly assaulted by 5 canine defenders and required the assistance of Household 6 to bypass their spirited defense and deliver over 100 pounds of critical supplies. I have since occupied the facility and established my Patrol Base in the upstairs bedroom. Sidewinder 2-6, OUT!


Most excellent,Sir. Welcome Back and Welcome Home!!!


There are not enough “likes” for that. Welcome back


Did that include hops, grains, and yeast to make yourself a batch of XMas beer?


May we assume a TDY to the Land of Nod, with designated dog-assisted nap times, late suppers, brunches, and a concerted avoidance of anything resembling sand (unless it’s on the pavement)??

Friend S. Wilkins

I took an instant liking to #2. The 2014 Punk of the Year. James Deon Korfhage. The poor boy never recovered from the humiliation of having lasted only 21 days at Basic.


Not any of my favourites to vote for this round: stolen valor politicians. This is the only election where they can count on my vote!

JarHead Pat

Fuck me Denny the douche has a huge melon.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s a typical characteristic of Blobfishes!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Something each and every one of these jokers needs at least twelve times a day, a BOOT TO THE HEAD!

Green Thumb

Turd Bolling and Gay Jay: I need you clowns to step it up!

I believe Turd Bolling knows how due to the fact “that he can neither confirm nor deny” he is a fat shitbag who likes to lie but you Gay Jay, if you need help, check on with your LinkedIn phony friend, Heavy Chevy.

I am sure he will have some pointers.

Green Thumb

I can also imagine that the “Big Turd” Keith Keeton is deep in prayer about now.

It seems that the Lord has told him that it is everyone else’s fault. Not his.

Religion: the last true refuge of a scoundrel.

I wonder if Phildo (The “Big Turd” Keith Keeton’s former riding partner in that phony-embracing Florida Vet MC) is doing the same thing? I can only imagine Phildo is pulling for him.

A protégé, if you will.

Green Thumb

Also, as a “serial poser”, the “Big Turd” Keith Keeton has tournament experience.

He is not intimidated in the early (or any) rounds. He has been here before.

He can bring it!!


LOL Rowdy at 16, seriously? This guy should be a 4-8 seed alone for those certificates. Putting him against Chevy makes him get off too easy here.


Dennis Howard Chevalier, also known as Denny Chevalier, Google hit for the new name, for fecal four and dooky duo. :mrgreen:


Swollen Valor FTW!!!


How can anyone, after all this time and the final reveal, deny the lead to the Round Marine? How? How can you look yourselves in the mirror and say ‘the other guy’?

For shame.

Definitely had to have ‘kaka’ lokada (or whatevs) and the two cornfused wimmins (???) (or whatevs) but most of all, Cheeseblob Fisheater had the urinary tract stones to meet my standards of pure unadulterated BS.

Now the question is, and will continue to be, what’s next?


Tiemann is a possibly confused fool (reportedly had a stroke a few years ago) who already had his 15 min of undeserved fame in a previous Tourney. I’m frankly surprised he wasn’t DQed from this year’s tourney on that basis.

Given that, Sims is IMO a bigger dipstick due to (1) being stupid enough to pull the identical crap again, and (2) actually going the legal route to try and hide his prior sh!tbaggery.


Last night I put together what I thought was a good excel sheet and method of awarding points for each specific case of shitbaggery, then went through each “candidates” writeup and awarded the points.

I think I weighted the points wrong. At least when viewing everyone elses opinions.

Have I put too much emphasis into each individual example of unearned awards/badges/tabs?

I came up with Walby at the highest with 73 points and Benevente the lowest with 6 points.

Chevalier has 37, Round Marine has 44, and Sims has 37.

Did I miss something or do something wrong. 😉


You might consider adding points for drama, threatening law suits, hiring lawers, fake degrees and certificates (with bonus for moldy), sock puppetry, killing off a sock puppet, smarmy correspondence, inability to spell common English words, liking their own posts, ability to eat 7 lbs of dairy products in one episode, multiple ex wives, leaving incriminating evidence all over the interwebs for 2 decades of their gross stupidity in their own full name(s), reverse engineering a low tech surplus police squad car, and getting kicked out of a volunteer organization.


Hondo, I did all of that. I think I Just weighted it wrong. I think in the case of Walby what put him way out front was the claim and forged DD214 with Multiple Silver Stars, Bronze Stars and Purple hearts….. Here’s what I put together…please feel free make editorial comments FAKE AWARDS Pts Fake or Inflated Rank 3 Fake Combat theater/Operation Tour EA. 3 Fake MoH 10 Fake PoWmedal 10 Fake Purple Heart ea 7 Fake DSC/NC/AFC ea 6 Fake SS/BS w V ea 5 Fake Air medal/Navcom/Arcom/AFcom with v ea 4 Fake CIB/CAB/CMB/ CAR/CAM ea 3 Other Fake Unearned Awards EA 2 Fake campaign medals ea 1 Campaign medals riboons awarded before wearer was born 2 Bullshit ribbons that make no sense 1 ROTC/JR ROTC/State Guard ribbons ea. 1 Knights of malta, Foreign Knighthoods, etc, 2 FAKE BADGES/TABS/SCROLLS Jump Wings 2 Ranger 3 Special Forces/ 18 series 4 Fake EOD 1 Fake Pathfinder 1 Fake Halo 1 Fake Diver 1 Fake Master Parachutist 1 Fake Combat Jump Wings 1 Fake UDT/Seal badge 4 Fake Drill Sgt. Badge 1 Fake Pilots wings 4 Fake Force Recon 4 Fake PJ Badge 4 Weapons qual ladder rungs EA. 1 FAKE DEGREES/Degee Mill Diplomas Fake Associates 1 Fake BA/BS 2 Fake Masters 3 Fake PhD/EeD 4 Fake MD/DD/DvM/ PsyD 5 Fake LEO Academy 1 Claims Mensa/MESNA whatever 1 Wear and Appearance Facial Hair 1 Fat body 1 Sunglasses 1 Non fitting Uniform 1 Mismatched Uniform 1 Multiple services Uniform pcs ( Soup Sandwich) 2 Mixed service badges/ribbons awards EA. 1 BTDT Claims Records Classified 1 Records Destroyed 1 Cross service special ops 1 POW/Captured 1 Attached to unit w/o training 1 Forged DD 214 2 Forged Orders/Citations 2 * Never Completed Basic trng. 2 Claims Retired 1 Claims Multiple Services 1 Outrageous Stories ( SpaceShuttle Door Gunner) EA. 1 Martial Arts Expert 1 Firearms Expert 1 C.I.A. Work 1 GENERAL SHITBAGGERY Pedophile/Sex offender 10 Scamming VA 7 Scamming Federal/State/Municipal govts 5 Scamming as a “security/combat/PMC 4 Scamming the general public 2 Scamming the general public with the “homeless vet” con 3 Scamming… Read more »


“Hondo”? Huh?


Posted in the wrong …thread,was in response to you further up.


How on God’s green earth does one mis-spell Dan Noyes name? Hope he makes you buy him surf n turf sometime, pal. LMAO!!! Get a hair cut, too…


I had forgotten about the female (?) That claims rape from what was obviously a blind rapist with no feeling in his hands.