Jason Scaletta/Jason Grey; phony special forces/VSCOA Paws Director
![Jason Grey - Scaletta](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Grey-Scaletta-253x300.jpg?resize=253%2C300)
We heard about this fellow, Jason Matthew Scaletta, on the street. He goes by the name Jason Grey these days probably because of an extensive record of his contacts with the Maryland Court System. 61 instances since 2000;
![Scaletta Maryland Court stuff](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Scaletta-Maryland-Court-stuff-300x129.jpg?resize=300%2C129)
Most of them are for writing bad checks, however there is one for being wanted for troubles in Virginia and Maryland police picked him up on a fugitive warrant. There is also an instance where the court ordered him to do a psych evaluation in July 2000.
![Scaletta Psych Eval](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Scaletta-Psych-Eval-300x228.jpg?resize=300%2C228)
We found a local announcement of his attending basic training at Fort Benning in September 1999;
![Scaletta Gazette.Net](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Scaletta-Gazette.Net_-300x118.jpg?resize=300%2C118)
So we knew he had been in the military. But then we found an instance of him being charged for “personation” of a first responder in July 2000, I guess he has a habit of wearing stuff that he didn’t earn;
![Jason Scaletta Personation record](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Scaletta-Personation-record-300x231.jpg?resize=300%2C231)
At about 2:50, using the name Jason Grey, he appears in this video talking about how he was injured in an IED in Kosovo and how he parachuted into Afghanistan as a special forces soldier;
In that video, he showed this picture with the name tag blurred out;
![Scaletta blurry](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Scaletta-blurry-300x198.jpg?resize=300%2C198)
But we found the same picture with his name Scaletta clearly marked;
![Jason Scaletta Grey post-Ranger School](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Scaletta-Grey-post-Ranger-School.jpg?resize=253%2C246)
He claimed that he jumped into Afghanistan at the beginning of the war in Afghanistan. The Maryland court records say that he was otherwise occupied;
![Jason Scaletta Jumps into Afghanistan](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Scaletta-Jumps-into-Afghanistan-300x126.jpg?resize=300%2C126)
He spent a lot of the years that he claims he was serving overseas as a guest of the State of Maryland;
![Jason Scaletta Prison Pen Pal Ad](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Scaletta-Prison-Pen-Pal-Ad-229x300.jpg?resize=229%2C300)
Jason is a Director of VSCOA Paws and he may be doing a fine job, but we don’t need this serial criminal walking around telling everyone that he’s some kind of hero, wearing a third award of the CIB, a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star Medal that he didn’t earn. Oh, yeah, he likes to tell people that he’s a Ranger and he wears a Special Forces DUI sometimes;
![Jason Scaletta bling](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Scaletta-bling-255x300.jpg?resize=255%2C300)
I also suspect that he’s got a forged DD214 or some other document because apparently he’s a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Here he is wearing his little MOPH hat with Gary Sinise who has no fault in this – apparently they’re at a MOPH event;
![Scaletta MOPH](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Scaletta-MOPH-300x298.jpg?resize=300%2C298)
Anyway, we got his FOIA, and he had less than five years in the National Guard and was discharged as a Private E-1. His only federal service was for basic training;
![Jason Scalleta FOIA](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-Scalleta-FOIA-300x295.jpg?resize=300%2C295)
Some of the folks involved in this investigation have already been threatened, so we’re fully expecting whack-job reactions. I tried to call Jason, but for some odd reason, I’d get sent to voicemail. I only wanted to ask him what life was like during the Korean War when he earned his first CIB as a Protozoan-American.
Here’s his Bio from the PAWS website that they took down and now claim never existed;
![Jason M Scaletta bio](https://i0.wp.com/valorguardians.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jason-M-Scaletta-bio-300x198.jpg?resize=300%2C198)
Category: Phony soldiers
Almost all of these fakers that do the “I’m a SOF guy [Iraq / A-stan / Somalia / Kosovo / etc.] and was shot by a sniper” have been involved in other shitbaggery.
In 2010, Adam Appel of Anchorage, Alaska claimed to have been shot by a sniper in Afghanistan as a fully qualified US Army Special Forces Weapons NCO. It’s years and a number of fake charities & businesses later, he’s still claiming that those claims were written by others – even though they were written on different accounts some of which were opened in 2006.
Jason Matthew Scaletta isn’t the only one doing this. There’s hundreds, if not thousands.
Best. Name. EVAH.
Are you SURE?
LMAO – it’s a photo finish.
“Holden Magroin”? “Hugh Jeballs”?
Pfft. Rank amateurs when it comes to screen names. They got nothing on me or my twin brother – Gat Lon Dong.
Anita Johnson
Really? Got ya beat!
Saw this one the other day.
So there.
From “Porky’s”…
Anchorage Alaska’s Adam Appel’s Afghanistan Army Adventure?
Anchorage Alaska’s Adam Appel’s Amazing Afghanistan Army Adventure!!
“…A guest of the State of Maryland.” –
A Wickre protege, perhaps?
A fine candidate for next year’s SV tourney, eh?
Here’s a quote from the VSCOA site about service dogs:
“Two of the largest problems in the service dog training business are the scam of registering your dog as a service dog and passing a dog off as a service dog. There are scam companies that will register your dog for a price, and scam people who claim their dogs are service dogs to fraud their way into places their pet doesn’t normally have access to.”
While this is true, if Jason wrote it, I wouldn’t listen to a word he says. A habitual fraudster frothing about fraud does not impress me. That’s kind of the big fat pot calling the kettle black.
Hmmm…. Got to think a moment about service cats. I decided to get a cat instead of a dog. See, I didn’t want to go down in history as a person who practices animal cruelty. A good loyal dog will sit by your dead body as it rots and it will starve to death. A good loyal cat will start eating you when it gets hungry. No animal cruelty there, just make sure to leave the toilet seat open for fresh water.
I want a service monkey.
I want a service wench. Buxom pirate costume and all. 🙂
I have enough buxom on my own. I’ll take the monkey. But I hope you get yours. 😉
A service cat? Oh, you didn’t know?
The cat expects you to serve him. Put the food out, change the water, clean the litter box, where are the cookies, where’s my catnip, my toys are all under the sofa, I’m bored, could you clean up that hairball, I need my combout now, I know it’s your pillow but I want it.
There is no end to their demands.
“Dogs have family, cats have staff.”
A dog will come to a home and be bouncing around wagging its tail basically saying “OH BOYOHBOYOHBOY, I love you too, I’m so happy to be here!!!” while a cat will nonchalantly strut around as if saying “Hmmmm, OK, decent enough house, I’ll settle for it. OH, by the way, yes, you can live here with me if you want to BUT GET THIS, you keep me fed, and the litterbox gets CLEANED regularly, got that?”
I have a cat that, when I start to show signs of stress, will jump up into my lap and start head butting my arm until I scratch his ears, and he will stay there until I calm down.
He is one of the few good cats.
My cats have ALL been good cats. They’re just demanding little prima donnas.
Our parish priest stopped by for a visit, and was sitting in the back yard with us in the shade, when our cat came around the corner with a dead bird. She went straight to the Padre, dropped the bird at his feet, sat down, and looked at him pointedly as if to say, “You’re the guy who blesses the food, right? Well, here’s my lunch.”
Damn, PN.
Post a spew alert next time! Please!
Touche my brother
Fuck him. Just FUCK HIM.
I hope someone in MD jacks his ass UP.
This is an E-mail that George Mutter from http://www.vscoapaws.org/dogstrainers/ sent an AD Soldier when the Soldier asked about Scaletta ;
You are a particular kind of stupid at you.
Having been told by your chain of command Jason is valid and to leave him alone you want to make further threats of filing false charges and turning peoples phone numbers over to the FBI.
Hollow threats from a moron who doesn’t even understand what governing body has jurisdiction over what. I recommend you read the legal definition of fraud before you accuse someone of it.
I did take your advice and start an investigation: on you. your a pathetic little petroleum handler who is so jealous of real soldiers that you have been for years fasley accusing them of crimes. You make fake women profiles on face book to harass people. Regardless of what evidence you are given to prove you wrong you continue to stick by your delusional assumptions. rumor has it you couldn’t leave the FOB because you were showing to much attention to the local boys. I personally think you have criminal intent in demanding peoples “documentation” from third parties. But I will clarify that with one of my relatives who was a senior deputy attorney general.
To contact some ones employer and declare them a fraud with no evidence at all is not only immoral but criminal. Apparently you didn’t even read the website before you declared Jason a fraud.
News flash sparky. We already knew everything your information source told you about Jason. Everything! Operators sometimes use different last names, especially when a terrorist group like ISIS is running around kidnapping and beheading them.
You are now my new pet project. Regardless of what Jason does I will not rest until you are held accountable for your non-sense. I know all about people like Hayden and others who your defunct group of morons have unjustly harassed.
You have yourself a nice day cupcake
Gotta watch those fake name Operators. ISIS is loose.
Yeah, this whole organization needs to have the spotlight shined on it. Bunch of “heroes”…
Well, after reading that drivel above, I think it’s safe to say that ol’ Mutt-er George’s first career probably wasn’t working as a rocket scientist.
Wow, such hostility toward an AD soldier.
My suspicions about the actual nature of this organization have just ballooned big time.
Is that an inflated resume we can read about Mutter?
I’m especially interested in why they are using the term ‘Paws’ in their name, because ‘P.A.W.S.’ is a legitimate pet rescue and should not be confused with these people, whom I now suspect are as fradulent as APL.
That sets off a few of my warning buzzers, I wonder if only the surface has been scratched on this outfit? It smells like there’s more to be discovered here!
Are we going to get a lot of doggie puns now, Proud?
Definitely maybe at the very least! I was just checking out the link that Michael posted below, something or another fails my sniff test with them!
Let me know when you fall off the couch.
Hey Georgie-boy “Cupcake” Mutter,
I was “… pathetic little …” Petroleum Supply Specialist at one time also. Please do not hesitate to include me in your “pet project”.
You might want want to hold off on starting said project though, and instead take an adult education English Composition course (or two) at a local community college just to brush up on your spelling, punctuation, syntax and sentence structure. Otherwise people will continue to read your innermost thoughts and feelings and get the distinct impression that you’re a window-licking dull-eyed mouth-breathing idiot.
That or it’ll get him compared to a certain character known to binge on Cisco, T-bird, and MD20/20!
*Blows off Kandahar dust*
Here we go again!
(old school hat tip to my Amphibious Bros in 1st FR)
With a response like that, IMO
George Mutter and VSCOA as an organization are probably as dirty as Jason Grey.
Certain Men and Women do indeed live/work under a different name, sometimes for long periods of time.
However, the persons tasked with duties where that sort of thing is necessary would never, ever put themselves in a position where it became a topic of discussion with the uninitiated.
Placing oneself in that position would be a career-ending indicator of incompetence.
Such claims fall under the same umbrella of idiocy that includes the classic “I can’t tell you about it, it’s classified.”
Yes, so classified that you brought it up in a conversation with a total stranger, in a bar, surrounded by total strangers within earshot. 🙂
Not according to Stephen Burrell and Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics).
George is getting his intel. from the Archslayer Blogspot. So he knows what he is talking about !
Wow, just Wow on this one. This is so easy to call out, I would hope that the same program which did this segment on him, would do another with all of the correct data. I think it would be interesting to view the outcome. How people can be so deceptive and still walk upright, is beyond me.
I’m calling it, threats of a “lawyar” before the end of the day.
Grey and Gimblt should get together and run a fake service dog organization.
Ditto, I wonder if he’ll “lawer up” with part of the Dutch Rudder Club?
Is George getting legal representation from bernutsless, or is that down the road a bit?
Have they gotten together with pickwickre peckerwood? The threats and semi-literate ramblings have the stamp of peckerwood on them.
So from my time in the Army it seems highly unlikely that someone would serve that length of time in the army and not get one award. I think it’s possible that you guys may have possibly cut something out. Also I’d like to point out that when I went on that Maryland case search site I saw him listed for a fugitive warrant in washinton county as a black guy. I’m no expert but I’m not going to confuse him as an African American. I think some of your info is faulty. As for your other work, keep up the good job!
Yeah, there are so many Black fellows with that last name. Nice try, though.
A descendant of the Italian Moors, I’m sure.
Ah, an aficionado of Quentin Tarantino’s “True Romance”, perhaps?
Nah, not familiar with that one. Just speculating about the ancestry of a black Italian. (There must be a few, right?)
Look up the “True Romance Sicilians” scene on YouTube. The interplay between Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper is awesome.
Dammit. I didn’t check to see which email was in the block and now I’m in moderation. One thing, that True Romance scene is NSFW and is politically incorrect.
Roy Campanella?
Good catcher,way better than Berra ever was.
Claw….. They were the two premier catchers of their era.
Campy…242 hrs .276 BA. 856 RBI’s
.988 fielding %
Berra…358 HR’s .285 BA. 1430 RBI’s
.989 fielding %
Berra played longer. Campy was about done when he had the auto accident.
I think it’s a coin toss, I believe both were three time league MVP’s
I love that movie. It is one of the very many Tarantino movies that I love, and one of the very few in which Christian Slater was able to act outside his whiny self.
I also love ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smokin’ Barrels’, but that’s a Guy Ritchie movie.
Okay, I’m off track here. So sneer at me.
Most black Italians have names like Othello.
No decorations in 4 1/2+ years is eminently possible for a National Guard soldier who never bothered to show up for drills and got an administrative discharge as a result (pretty sure even the NDSM requires SELRES service in good standing). Can’t say for certain that that’s the case here, but the fact that the individual was discharged as an E1 after over 4 1/2 years National Guard service with no active duty except for IET says that’s a damn good possibility.
By the way: I only find one case from Washington County on the guy – case number 1V00054013. It lists him as “WHITE, CAUCASIAN, ASIATIC INDIAN, ARAB”, not Black. So “I think some of your info is faulty”. (smile)
Seriously? All he needs is a sex change, start a business, and he’d have ALL the fed contracts wrapped up.
Couldn’t the court make up their minds?
Well OBVIOUSLY you aren’t cross referencing the dates. He went to basic training and then went to PRISON. Heck his own mother did a court ordered psych eval on him. Read it, it’s all there.
That would indeed explain non-participation in his National Guard unit.
It would also be grounds for an OTH separation from the National Guard on the basis of (a) non-participation, and (b) commission of a serious civilian offense.
By the way: the involuntary committment motion was nearly a year after his return from IET, and his incarcerations seem to have been even later – in 2002 and 2007, unless I missed some. None of those three events was immediately after his basic training.
I’m guessing his 2002 incarceration (and/or the crime for which he was incarcerated) is what led to his separation from the ARNG. I could be wrong, though.
There is a fugitive warrant that lists him as a black male. It is possibly a clerical error. I see them all the time in court documents and incarceration records. Note that there is a second fugitive warrant issued several years later with all the identical information other than the race. Leads me to believe it is in fact clerical in nature.
The rise of the sock-puppets has begun!
I got an “F” in Statistics 101, but I’m guessing that the probability that an African-American with the name “Jason Scaletta” was born the same month as this fellow is pretty low. However, the probability that a sockpuppet from New Jersey is trying to discredit our research is more believable.
Sump’n tells me this could end up being a FUN thread to follow!! Who’s next, the *SLUUUURRP*mess and the rest of the Dutch Rudder Club?
Maryland, huh? I wonder if they are availing themselves of the top notch computer support provided by FirsTech services at Wilson Lane in Bethesda, Maryland……
Oh and 61 contacts with MD law enforcement? He probably knows Palmer.
Top men I tell you!
There’s your first clue… 61 contacts with law enforcement. Backed by an LEO non profit… Do more digging. Link to the networks, and then dig some more.
Take a look around on other social media sources. Maryland State Police seem cozy with them. I’m sure they’d hate egg on their faces when the public photos surface that are on Twitter (until they’re scrubbed).
I just prowled through the pics and noticed the line “The day after I graduated Ranger School” above it, something else that tells me only the surface has been scratched!!
Combining data from various media you run across a lot of Hogs and Heroes in associations. Pictures, support, links, likes, shares.
Hogs and Heroes Foundation national page has a link in their sponsors for
They support a lot of ’emergency personnel’. And emergency personnel support them it looks like. Thaz some gud cuntry back scratchin’.
He’s all over the VSCOA paws website.
Michael, he RUNS the VSCOAPAWS Facebook page! that is his page.
Hes just the director. It’s still owned by another guy, who is signing his checks.
Sent a link to this article as well as a copy of the email ol’ george wrote to some on my old Cadre in the wounded warrior battalion at Walter Reed/Bethesda as well as to the direction of the Service Dog Training Program there (I did a 3 year internship while in treatment). Needless to say, I’m sure word will trickle up the CoC and Jason and George may get some attention they don’t want.
If ChipNASA or AProud doesn’t jump on this, I just might!
“Hitler Discovers His PAWS Director Is a Phony”
“Hitler Discovers the Meaning of Lemon Party Triad”
~ http://downfall.jfedor.org/create/
“Enter the title and captions for your video below. Size of the text fields matches the length of the corresponding dialogue.”
The possibilities are limitless.
/some of these are priceless.
I love this one about when Hitler finds out he can’t keep his doctors under Obamacare.
/practically wet my pants.
Merry Christmas Chip! Do us proud!
GD and all,
I did go in to that site and had something tuned up for the Fecal Four and it takes *forever* to load and not only that, you have to link it to your Google + and Youtube accounts and that may cause me an issue with some folks.
/if you know what I mean PII and all.
Bummer. I’ll try to think of a workaround. Cheeseater McBlobfish has a FB account. Maybe he needs a google account too. He likes them videos almost as much as reverse engineered squad cars. I’ll reach out to MESNA for some problem solving help.
Read through new comments
Nuggets of gold have surfaced
Dude here has a lot in common with the “Big Shitbag” Keith Keeton.
Normally, I would bypass this, because in German ‘mutter’ means ‘mother’, but in this case….
A guy nmaed Mutter runs a service doggy program?
There is so much scope here. But it is the holiday season. Let’s do be good right up to midnight tonight… and I mean damned good.
Time to light this one up and watch his story collapse under the weight of the truth.
Piece of Crap and stupid reporter for taking his word for this shit
“suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a head injury, from serving over seas…”
The only line of truth in that article is
” The program is run completely by volunteers and doesn’t focus on Veteran amputees, but those with mental and emotional disabilities.”
Did some checking and tecally ,he is providing support dogs not service dogs. Whole different set of rules there. Joe
TOP SEED, 2015 Tourney….
I’m not so sure. I think Nurse Murch over there in NOT-Vietnam can give this one a run for his money.
Scaletta isn’t the only one that seems suspect. One guy’s bio seems innocuous at first, then gets to the end of his military time and he all of a sudden becomes a demolitions expert! Impressive.
Perhaps additional FOIAs are in order for the others who claim military service.
I noticed that as well. In the last 18 months of his illustrious career he suddenly becomes an expert. He must have gained all that expert knowledge from being the CO’s monkey boy. I’m guessing he may have capped in a few times or pulled an M60 igniter once or twice. I can see how that would equate to expert status. I’m rolling my eyes so hard it hurts.
I also see that their master trainer caught himself a case of the PTSD whilst being a dog handler in the Air Force. Does everyfuckingbody have PTSD? Do you get it at CIF when you turn in all your TA-50?
Where did he see combat in the Air Force if he got out in 1993?
At the Chow Hall on Steak and Shrimp night.
Steak and Shrimp night? phhhhttttt. We had Grade D Steak and Snow Crab Leg night, with an added side of Rip-It. 🙂
If you read his Criminal history and Prison records he never had time for any school. What about that VSCOA supposed Org?? oh a quick check shows it is isn’t a non-profit. hmm. Why isn’t anyone lighting up that FB page?
check out him outing other’s…it’s more than comical.https://plus.google.com/100611634001714991620/posts
Even better of him before he was born serving with 5th group.https://www.vetfriends.com/veterandirectory/index.cfm?member=957429
Oh the irony…much like Cheeseslayer.
why is he all over this page? Who are Hogs and Heroes..I guess someone should tell them. Sad to drag so many into it.https://www.facebook.com/HHMD8
Already sent messagemessages to their managing staff with links. Looks like they’re an MC from WV that got suckered in to doing something nice for a scumbag.
They keep deleting my comments linking back to here. 4 deleted so far… we need to comment-bomb them.
Sometimes that works and sometimes when they’re a legit organization and they inadvertently get connected to some Stolen Valor asshole, they get *really* defensive. I’d an understandable reaction.
Not the way *I’d* react if someone notified me about that but hey. to each their own. Ignorance is bliss I guess. Too bad they can’t recognize it.
Sounds like a group previously encountered here – memory is fuzzy, but is that the same group that was involved with the single-nut guy running for an AL post position, or some such? And had a child in whose name he was also collecting funds. You know, old whatshisname.
Welp, now I’m blocked there. I see someone else posting TAH stuff though. Let’s see how long that lasts.
I just posted this….
There are more than one of us involved and it may behoove you to take a look into this. Stolen Valor for tangible gain is a Federal Offense.
You may want to reconsider your affiliation with this organization and these individuals.
I bet they scrub it.
And it promptly disappeared.
/this is my shocked face….really.
AND they just locked down posts to their page ….It was just open. I can still post to their individual articles.
My post to this dickweeds article lasted about 2 min.
Maybe some of those fatasses in highly decorated MC vests have sumpin to hide as well?
Either I’m blocked now or they shut down *ANY* posts to their page. Assmunches.
a bag of smashed assholes to leave a NG unit as a E1.
you cant make this shit up rings nice and loud
What a cornucopeia of cunts and criminals on this Christmas Eve. As I go away for my holiday vacation, I heartily command the faker phonies exposed here to go fuck themselves, and wish all the loyal TAH’ers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
More like a tsunami of turdballs, or an eruption of effluvia!!
Hey his page is up and running on FB …..https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005553644907&fref=ufi
Something weird about this FB page- keeps referencing ‘her’ but HIS pics and stuff. Something not quite right here…
Damn you Buzzy…damn you to the 7th level of donuts at your nearest bakery…you beat me to it.
ROFL Jason AMY Grey
AND this page is gone.
Merry Christmas.
I feel like it will reappear……it keeps coming and going…have you looked at George Mutter’s page? since he sure likes to defend him.
Wha…? You mean his Facebook page suddenly went *POOF!* like he’s got something to hide? PERISH THE THOUGHT! /sarc
Funny huh! it’s him …make sure you look at the vscoapaws fb page…that is where all those great photos are. How do people get away with this shit??
The gullibility factor is exponentially high in most people who want to do something nice. That’s how scumbags and con artists get away with things like this.
Apparently the VSCOA is/was a legitimate Non Profit 501(c)(3). Dunno if it still is but as of 2013 it was active
It looks like the VSCOA’s Facebook pages are still going strong!
“You are now my new pet project. Regardless of what Jason does I will not rest until you are held accountable for your non-sense. I know all about people like Hayden and others who your defunct group of morons have unjustly harassed.
You have yourself a nice day cupcake ”
WOW! Just , WOW! This team of Super Shmucks are hitting 100 miles an hour coming right out of the gate. Jason Scaletta Jason Grey is already pulling in big points on my card for next year and it looks like things are just getting started.
Guys, the 2015 tourney, it’s a marathon, not a drag race. 😀
If he’s going 100 MPH that soon, I hope he remembered to put fuel in his tank!!
Who is “Hayden,” and when did I harass him/her/it? If this is a defunct group, does that mean that only ghosts post comments here, or am I just talking to myself again?
OWB… It’s Wayne Hayden, another guy with a phony charity scam. Claims all kinds of bullshit. His photo is esp. Endearing. Looks like a skate board dude.
A video that was sent to me of them bumming money for their non-profit.
It’s not the greatest but it will do.
He is claiming combat Veteran with a PH and BSM with Valor on this one.
The section where they claim Professional Trainers and ask for money’
I read the bio.
This is truly a “Phildoesque” individual.
I can only imagine that he will be on the All-Points Logistics payroll by the end of the year.
With his NPO experience, I can definitely see him as part of the senior staff in Public Relations and Outreach.
End of year, SV tourney end is near.
This time next year, I see this pair of pretenders going neck and neck with Nurse Ratshit from NOT-Vietnam, unless somehow, Yetman the Fatman makes a comeback.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Jason Scaletta used to enjoy reading this site, but now no longer enjoys reading this side… kind of like another phony busting phony that we know about.![:mrgreen:](https://valorguardians.com/blog/wp-includes/images/smilies/mrgreen.png)
So, the reason that Jason had to change his name is because ISIS is looking for him. Not because of his extensive criminal dealings with the Montgomery Judicial system. So, he changes his name and still talks about his secret operations against jihadists around the world. That seems counter-intuitive to me, but then I’ve never been hunted by ISIS. Even the fellow who killed bin Laden isn’t hiding his identity any longer, but Jason here does.
And yet at the bottom of every one of their webpages it says this:
The fellow who is currently defending Scalleta, George Mutter, says that we should channel our energies towards helping to cut down the number of of homeless veterans – that’s exactly what we’re doing – exposing people who claim to be combat veterans but aren’t really. That reduces the number of homeless veterans, right?
What kind of imbecile would believe a bullshit story like that?
So, does this make Jason a mutter-futter?
Maybe a mutter futter nutter butter?
A Nut-jam Nutter Butter Mutter Futter at the very least!!
Note to ISIS. Post a message that you were so moved by his story that you want to donate $10,000 cash to him. He’ll show up.
Two thumbs up, 2/17AirCav.
See what I did there?
And how did this Hobart get “teh severe PTSD” as an Airforce Dog Handler?
THe Dogs piss on him or something?
Ok, That was me ^
The PTSD was owing to the entire pack of male dogs thinking he was the biggest bitch they’d ever seen and every one of them tried to hump his legs.
But that was not all: the pack actually rejected him because he would not only NOT engage in the pack sniff ritual, he kept falling off the couch from licking his own paws.
He claims 20 years Airforce and retirement in 93. That gives hime a range of 73 to 93. Thenumbers don’t add up.
The numbers don’t add up because he claims service starting in 1973, eight years before he was born.
He can’t even do simple arithmetic.
No, I meant his crony, the older “retired airforce” guy.
And who the hell wears their awards on a sports coat? Who?
WHo the fuck do you think you are, the Third Baron La Rochelle?
Check this guy out. Looks like someone stuck his head in a vise and tightened it good.
Dude’s really got a long, narrow melon.
My best guess is that he was tonguing Phildo’s two-hole looking for a “fast-track” promotion at All-Points Logistics and Phildo coughed.
Hence the face and head.
Maybe he was without his smartphone with Facebook, iTunes, and email for more than five minutes, thus his head imploded, and that’s the best the Doctors could do as far as restoration.
We’ve got a sockpuppet for this clown over in the FB posts in the story about the old tranny. She’s known him since he was a Walter Reed patient & we should be ashamed of picking on heroes.
Remind Mr Sock that it’s “zeros”, not heros that we target. That’s why we pick on Jason.
Yea, I saw that too. Somebody with Facebook capabilities should tell her she won’t get paid for commenting on the wrong post. Dumbass!!
Missed this one over the holidays. I’d say we have a clear conteder here for the Fecal 4 in this years Tournament. Be interesting to know how much monetary gain he has obtained while portraying himself as such a great War Hero. He could, and should clearly be prosecuted under the Stolen Valor Act.
Big news coming on this one soon.
Let me guess:
He found Jesus, is very sorry, paid back all the money, retracted his claims and has been forgiven by all!
No. He doubled down and lost. Hes taking others with him.
Color me surprised.
Shocking, you mean these people tend to hang out together.
Well, I never………..
A double-up in the two-hole is rough.
Just ask Phildo.
From what I just read he is about to get his two-hole slammed by the dangling dong of destiny, aka karma.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole, knowhutimean? :mrgreen;
And he’s still claiming to be former SF on VetFriends.com:
A copy is archived, just in case it changes for some reason.
Prison good place for him and all his assrat phony buddies.
See the follow-up article about him today. Looks like a return to the crossbar hotel for this guy is a very good possibility.
[…] a year ago, we busted this Jason Scaletta fellow for pretending to be a Ranger, a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. He claimed that he […]