Hasan K. Akbar disputes death sentence

| November 19, 2014

In 2003, Hasan K. Akbar tossed grenades into a shelter killing Capt. Christopher S. Seifert and Air Force Maj. Gregory L. Stone while his unit was preparing to enter Iraq in the opening days of that war. Two years later he was convicted and sentenced to death. Now, his lawyer is trying to save his worthless life, according to Stars & Stripes because the jury was allowed to read his diary without some sort of “context”;

Attorneys for 43-year-old Hasan K. Akbar argued on Tuesday that the one-time sergeant’s writings, which include details of how he converted to radical Islam, were so inflammatory, that without the proper context, jurors were most likely to focus on the most damaging parts while considering whether to impose a death sentence.

“They didn’t present the information in any meaningful way,” said Lt. Col. John Potter, a military lawyer arguing the case for Akbar before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces in Washington.

Dude threw four hand grenades into several tents while his fellow soldiers slept. I don’t know what other kind of “proper context” there could be. I understand that a lawyer’s job to keep their client alive, but this one needs to rot in a hole somewhere. They shouldn’t have brought his diary into it in the first place. It doesn’t matter why he did it, he did it.

Category: Shitbags

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Seyoooo Akbar.

The Other Whitey

What’s the matter, hasan? Afraid you might not actually get to rape 72 preteen girls in the afterlife with your pedophile prophet?

As Brick-Top put it (all the more fitting in this case), feed ‘im to the pigs!


Great,so Ackbar’s deed will be downgraded to ‘workplace violence’ as well. So he and Hassan can share a cell.

Seriously, Go ahead and dispute the fact you tossed 4, count them, 4 LIVE hand grenades into a tent where your fellow soldiers were sleeping. I would say that the diary entries show premeditation of the act. but I’m no lawyer.

He needs to be put in front of a firing squad for what he did. But sadly, I can see his sentance commuted, like Hassan’s, and he will sponge of the taxpayer until the day he dies.

The Other Whitey

Don’t shoot him. Put him supine and spread-eagled on the ground, chain each limb to the back of 4 Abrams tanks facing different directions, and signal the drivers to creep forward.

Then feed his muj ass to the pigs.


Hear, hear!


I think 4 abrams would be too quick.

I’d go with 4 bicycles. Those riders would have to put some real work into it, might take a few times speeding away to get full release.


Nah, too modern. Let’s get Old School.

Four horses. Four Arabian horses. Then the pigs.

Farflung Wanderer

We could always crucify him, Roman style.

The irony alone makes it worth it.

The Other Whitey

As long as you feed him to the pigs!


No. A deep hole with spikes in the bottom is an oubliette. You throw the condemned in there and walk away. That’s whay it’s called an oubliette.

It’s no more medieval than hanging, a firing squad or a beheading.


ExPH2: long ago and far away it was called a Punji Pit and it is indeed a bad way to go…


I’m leaning towards staked out near an anthill and covered in honey.


Poetrooper, some castles in the UK and Europe were built with them and they are still there, metal spikes and all.

There may even be some Crusader castle in the Middle East that have them.


Punji stakes. I haven’t seen those mentioned since about 1975.

Steeped in excrement, even a scratch could quickly induce systemic sepsis if untreated, right?


A crows cage may be nice also.

Pinto Nag

I don’t know about anybody else here, but I am heartily sick of hearing about the “why.” I don’t CARE why somebody did something horrible. I only care that it’s going to be arranged that they never get to do it again. Ever.


WORD * 1000


Why is this murderer still alive?


Because the last person the US military actually executed was John Arthur Bennit in 1961. Even if his lawyer doesn’t get the death penalty over turned, this guy will be stealing oxygen for several decades to come.


The fact that this individual is alive to face trial speaks volumes about the discipline of the soldiers in his unit.

NR Pax

As well as the discipline of every person who had custody of him.


Hang him!


We should go back to hanging traitors.


You know I was just at Leavenworth recently (for a school-you jokers) and I saw plenty of Missouri river located conveniently closeby in which to drown Akbar. We wouldn’t have to pay for a rope of a bullet or much else-just weigh him down with some handy local rocks and throw him in.


What do you have against the Missouri River that you want to pollute it that way?


Hey, catfish (and other fish) gotta eat too . . . .


Especially carp and suckers. Don’t beat on my catfish though. I’ve caught Flatheads and Blue Cats that had four pound Walleyes in their guts as we were cleaning them. They only scavenge when necessary.

crewchief guy

he was sentenced to death in ’05? does the executioner know? it’s now 2014, why is he still alive? is the executioner awol?

lets get the show on the road. legitimate justice as dictated by a court of law is being held up for nothing.


As is the case in the civilian legal system, it takes freaking forever to execute someone on military death row at Leavenworth.

Currently there are six inmates on Leavenworth’s death row. Akbar is nowhere the oldest; one inmate has been there since July or August 1988 – or approaching 26 1/2 years. Nidal (may dogs, pigs, and camels sodomize him continuously for eternity) Hassan is the most recent arrival. Akbar is middle of the pack – 3rd longest, but only by a few months over the 4th longest guy.

As noted above, the last US military execution was in 1961.



Strip him, force feed him, let him repeatedly shit himself and then cover him with honey. Then come the insects… which would eat and breed within his exposed flesh,…became increasingly gangrenous.
The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that fatal dehydration or starvation did not occur. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days.

Pinto Nag

Chip, I’ve dealt with gangrene, and I would never wish the horror of rotting flesh on any living human being. I have no real problem with torture from the standpoint of the human animal in the cage who deserves it, but I am very concerned with what it does to the psyche of the men who inflict it. If someone needs to die, kill them as quickly and cleanly as possible and be done with it.


At this point having Hasan for a name should be a disqualifyer for military service.

2/17 Air Cav

Instead, it’s a fast track for promotion.


Considering Islam is antithetical to or constitution and is a political ideology of domination and oppression one can’t even take an oath to defend it. This pussy footing around claiming Islam is a religion that is on the same basis of other religions is a fucking farce that until we acknowledge its purpose we won’t get anywhere defeating it.

Islam is incompatible with western civilization.

Adirondack Patriot

He was convicted in 2005 in a military tribunal. It’s 2014. Why is Hasan still alive?

Justice delayed is justice denied. Disgraceful.


The current Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF) does not have a very good reputation as they have a tendency to punt difficult issues. I’m not sure they have the stomach to uphold a capital verdict. I know that the trial team on Akbar did a great job and there are very few issues that could reasonably be seen to justify the removal of the death sentence. This diary issue is there because the appellate defense counsel does not have much more to go on. Still, CAAF is always a wildcard.

As an aside, recall that Akbar also stabbed a guard in the eye right before sentencing.


Counselor you might also wish to consider the very deep yet very real undercurrent of command influence from a commander-in-chief who has said to the world that he will side with the Muslims.


I offer up a Hasan vs Hassan Cage Match.
Toss in a rusty hacksaw and let them have it.
Winner walks away with a life w/o parole sentence.
Seems fair right?
If the fight lasts more than 5 minutes, toss in some feral hogs from south Texas to liven it up


You could feed them meat from one of those feral hogs, as long as it’s infested with trichina cysts and only partially cooked.

When the trichina organism enters tissues on maturing it can cause respiratory paralysis and stroke withint 4 to 6 weeks. Painful and slow way to kick the bucket.

2/17 Air Cav

“Winner walks away with a life w/o parole sentence.” No, let’s lie to them. Winner gets executed anyway.

A Proud Infidel®™

Why not roll him on a floor covered with carpet tacks and thumbtacks and douse him with some fresh septic tank gravy before leaving him outside in a cage during summertime? That or just rub lard on the top of his head before hanging the POS!!


Maybe he thought they stole his goat

Club Manager

Death by bunga bunga


Have to break the one who is still walking’s spine first to make it even.


That was supposed to be a replyto Stacey



Militant Bibliophile

The simplest recipes are often the best


1 Short Rope
1 Tall Tree

Some minor assembly required.

“Pour encourager les autres”


A BT’s perspective:

1. Secure 1A 1200 psi main propulsion boiler (MPB) and allow to cool (typically 48 hours).

2. Open combustion chamber (firebox).

3. Escort hand cuffed and shackled subject, as he is kicking and screaming, to lower level of fireroom (boiler room).

4. Insert subject into firebox and hand cuff right hand to rear wall water tube and left hand to side wall water tube (screen tubes).

5. Secure firebox and make preparations to light fires in 1A Boiler.

6. BTOW and EOOW … “Light fires in 1A Boiler!”

7. Lower Levelman and Burnerman … “FIRES LIT … 1A BOILER!”

8. After 168 steaming hours, blow tubes twices and secure 1A Boiler.

9. Allow to cool and open firebox.

10. Remove melted zipper and dental fillings from firebox and dump over the side.

That is all.


Can you throw some bacon in there with him? Not to waste good bacon, just wanting him to really enjoy his last minutes on Earth…

A Proud Infidel®™

MEH, just cook yourself some bacon, enjoy it in a sandwich or a biscuit and throw the leftover grease on the damned critter’s head!!


An inexpensive light source should be left in there in order for him to be able to observe the BID, and wonder,”what is that?”. Give him some last thoughts, and it is a requirement if lighting off IAW EOSS.


Die MF’er DIE.
Oh, and F Obama too.
Airborne, FILO


Ohhhhh…fuck this guy. Seriously. Set his as on fire.


Send him to Utah. They’re working on legislation to revive the firing squad. The article even mentions the guillotine. Now, how poetic would that be?


akbar is nothing but a coward. Let IT die a coward’s death.

That, or just tie him by one hind leg to the bumper of my car. I’ll do the job, quickly and cheaply, for dinner at a nice restaurant and a tankful of gas.

Oh, dear! That was just VILE of me! So early in the morning, too. Hmmm… looks like a good day ahead of me. 🙂

The Other Whitey

At a nice restaurant two states over, right EX?


Many years ago I was a police officer and we were in a rape trial with DNA being the primary evidence. This was the early/mid 90’s and DNA was still not widely understood. The odds that it was not someone else’s DNA were ridiculous like 10,000,000 to 1. I don’t remember the exact number. Defense lawyer tells the judge we shouldn’t be allowed to use the odds because the number alone would influence the jury. Judge looks at him and says “how about we tell the jury he’s the only sonofabitch on the planet except a tribesman in Papua New Guinea who could have done it?” Defense lawyer said no we can’t tell the jury that. Judge said we use the numbers then.
Context my ass, he wrote he fries for it. Fuck him, a lot, repeatedly.


Oh, just workplace violence. Never mind…