Dear Dennis Chevalier; No, nah-ah, nope, never happened

| November 18, 2014

more chevy bull

I never apologized for exposing Dennis Chevalier‘s lies about his non-existent military career – why would I? He continued to cover himself with more lies and now this. What a disgraceful excuse for a human being. This will give you a big boost in the tourney, boy.

Category: Phony soldiers

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“alert, alert….”


“alert, alert….”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s a good thing that Jesus turned you around Jonn…well that and the threat of those mega lawsuits…

Denny H Chevalier Bien Camungol they were faced with mega lawsuits for their lies so they had no choice
November 10 at 9:29am


haha, Chevy page is pure comedy.

Green Thumb

Everyone here is assuming that the Oregonian Dirtbag has this in the bag (no pun intended).

But you just do not know when matched up.

As we see above, Heavy Chevy is getting pissed and acting out to build his seed.

Who will be next?

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Did I miss a lawsuit?
Jonn how could you get sued and not invite me?


A Proud Infidel®™

HERE IT COMES, “Blobfish” Chevaler going full imaginary throttle down an imaginary runway in his imaginary C130 trying to take off and catch up!


There’s not enough rocket thrust in the Saturn V’s F-1 engines to get Blobfish airborne.


I knew it! Hollywood was laying low until the tournament and is popping up to place higher. Next Round Ranger will appear.

Wonder if Chevy got married again? Still in the flooded flea bag apartment?

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet he’s still putting around in his retired police cruiser as well, picking through the upholstery crevices for doughnut crumbs!

Green Thumb

On his way to his new job with Greg Banks.


I am gonna take a mild guess and say “YES”, chevy is married again. Only way he could get access to a computer or internet.

He is posting like crazy now, as if everything is good and brown.


What an utter idiot. The man is nucking futs!!!! Hey Cheesebrain, you need to lay of the peyote, or shrooms.


Just like the commercial…do-do-do-do-dooooo…I’m loving it! The tournament!

SFC Holland

Classic! lol!

JarHead Pat

He is almost a bigger tard than dilly douche flying thunder chicken.


There’s nothing wrong with dreaming, even about imaginary things. Don’t shoot down his dreams Jonn!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Im sure Dennis will post some invented Email to prove his point

3/17 Air Cav

Gimme that old time religion, gimme that old time religion, if it’s good enough for Chevy, it’s good enough for me!

Follow the bouncing ball, and sing along with Chevy!

What a relief Jonn. You finally apologized to the Chevmobile. Not now not ever.

Cheese ball Chevy, you my man, are one stupid MFer!

HS Junior

Aren’t the local police after Chevy for a mental health evaluation?


Am I the only one who is very confused?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Not hardly, negotiating the dishonest ramblings of a man who may well be half a loon….is never simple or easy.


Good grief no, one can’t keep up, even with a program. AS VOV said, it’s never easy to keep up with a loon.

Climb to Glory

7…7 pounds of cheese. What a shitbag.


What else would you expect other than a blivet after eating 7 lbs of cheese at one sitting?

3/17 Air Cav

It’s official, Heavy Chevy has gone full retard, again!

Chevy, my big fat chublet, never, never, go full retard!


Well, looks like my boy Chevy is back to lying. I checked out his FB page. Now he says:

“they were faced with mega lawsuits for their lies so they had no choice”

Yep, really…Jonn faced multiple mega lawsuits to drop this. Yet, Dennis pages are still up. I wish I would saw that BOLO so I could post it on his page with question marks.


What dollar amount constitutes “Mega” legally?

I’m going to throw out a guess and say 19.95, not including shipping and handling.

Dennis - not chevy

What’s that badge? It’s neither TSA nor ATF; does he use it?


Its not a real badge, something he put on his page for some reason.

3/17 Air Cav

I super sized the badge! I think it says Dragnet! Smile


SGT Joe Friday (Badge No. 714) is gonna be pissed!! Just the facts,Maam.


And Joe has Officer Bill Gannon(Badge#4848) and Officer Frank Smith (Badge #613) for backup when needed.


I wonder if he is still flying around and drunk buzzing the trailer parks of Dade Florida looking for a mate. Does he have a pilots license? Does he own the aircraft he banged up before his drunken flying event? Or who is dumb enough to loan this turd an aircraft not run on quarters?
At least their was gas in it when he skidded in for arrest.

Mr. Blue

And, from the looks of “Ryan’s” post, Chevy has brought his army of sock puppets to sing his praises.


I think someone finally told Dennis to stop liking his own post.

2/17 Air Cav

I didn’t see the email from “J.L” that cheesepuffs refers to receiving. And I don’t know who “J.L” is. I know who cheeseballs would like folks to think it is but that’s just a guess. Who is “J.L” and why did he apologize to Dr. Cheese, PhD?

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Something tells me he’d have a better chance of being struck by lightning. Twice.


It could also be John Laroquette. God knows he was a better lawyer than Bernath and a whole lot funnier than Blobfish.


ooo, I like guessing games!

Julio Lopez?

Jimini Letterman?

Jack Ladabouche, which rhymes with Douche?


John Leguizamo?


John Lennon?


Jim Lehrer?


Jack Lalanne?

A Proud Infidel®™

Jack Lemmon?
Jimmy Lane?


Jake Leinenkugel?


Jonny Lang?

Pinto Nag

Jessica Lynch?


Oh no you dint!


Jay Leno
Jude Law
Joan London
John Locke


Jack London?


What a fucking Loser.. He had quite a few people fooled myself included on Facebook. Then the truth came out, he was even friends on FB with The Hair .. That soon ended hahaha What a douche, and just in time for the Tourney !


He just does not seem like a smooth talking salesman. I don’t know how he can dupe anyone. I think you guys just had him under the radar. He wasn’t really noticed until red flags popped up. Wouldn’t call it fooled.

Problem with Dennis is that he does not know how to stay under the radar.

Doc Savage

Not a chance….he has the radar cross section of an aircraft carrier, and couldn’t “fly under the radar” if he was low crawling through the Mariana trench.


Cheesepuff and the flying drunk from FL both sat in the shadows hoping Birdbath would win his lawsuit. Since that didn’t happen. They have no other choice but to start up their idiocy once more.


The flying drunk already had his time in the sun.


Alright, you asked for it:


Seeding committee meetings are private and off the record, but you can bank on him and a certain catheterized aviatrix being 1 seeds.


Tee-he-heeee …. he said “aviatrix.”


Hey! There may be a real aviatrix around who resents the comparison to such a loon. That nut is no more worthy of the title aviatrix than any of the many others he claims.

2/17 Air Cav

I think of you as our version of Amelia Earhart, OWB, without the unscheduled landing in the Pacific.


😉 (And there should have been one of those aimed at TSO above, too!)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Don’t worry darlin, you’ll always be “one Wicked Babe” around here!

Wicked in this sense being used in the Massachusetts vernacular, meaning completely and utterly awesome.


What are the chances of there being a midair collision between those two?
It would be raining cheese for a week…

AW1 Tim

So, sort of a fondue block party? 🙂

Green Thumb

I will help if needed.


Catheterized. he he

Combat Historian

Maybe this loon will actually believe his own self-created apologies and quietly fade out of the public eye while he plays with himself. That would suit me fine, but my guess is he won’t…

Delilah T.

He posts something stupid, and then answers his own posts with an even stupider response. He sock puppets himself so no one will think he’s talking to himself. And this is all to get seeded higher up in the SVTourney.

Doesn’t work that way. Cheating only works on test scores.


If the inner-workings of Chevaliers mind work that way…he seriously needs some help. He is one lonely bloated fucker.


Did you just use the terms “mind” and “work” in the same sentence when speaking of Cheddar-boi above, C2Show?

That Guy

I think anyone who got conned into taking CHL classes from him should demand their money back. Poor people, being lied to about the qualifications of the people teaching them. It’s like taking tactical lessons from that bitch, Yeager.


Isn’t Yeager that cheesedick who as a self-defense channel on YouTube? As I recall him and his fuckstick buddy were defending that asswipe Cory the Deserter. And furthermore, isn’t this the guy who was a security contractor in Iraq who jumped tail up in a ditch the first and only time he was “in the shit”?

the Al

That’s the one- the infamous Ditch Bitch himself


Me: You are a lying sack of shit. You got no email from Jonn Lilyea, and all lawsuits against This Ain’t Hell have been thrown out and attorney fees awarded to all the bloggers.

He immediately blocked me.


Sounds like typical Chevy tactics. Attempt to control the situation through blocking people like the pussy he is. Then he gets angry and makes up a lie to appease a phony audience he has created in his mind.


The internet has a plentiful amount of people ready to believe whatever you want them to.


Yep. PT Barnum was right – in spades.

(And, for the benefit of any libditzes who might be reading this comment: no, in this context “in spades” does not have a racist meaning or implication. The phrase originated in the card game Contract Bridge, where spades are the highest-valued suit. Thus, to do something “in spades” is a synonym for doing something exceptionally well, or “to the max”.)


He blocked you because he feared the Beard.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Dennis it typical asshole fashion has removed that post


At least he kept up how he misses his military friends…I don’t know who he is talking about there…unless he means us.


He’s talking about the TX State Guard (NOT National Guard) that, obviously has no PT and, from their own website, doesn’t do much but pretend (IMHO).

It tracks since Chevy has been a Mall security guard…not sure if he is Sedge-way licensed. He does show his fake cop car.

SOOOO glad that “Hollywood” resurfaced. Can’t wait for his 6 (or 7) ex-wives to come back and update us on him.


Oh, and he is a fake PhD also


LOL Noted that in his fb account he post that he is doing “Private Patrol Operating” at hotels and malls at nighttime.

He got his fake female friend to ask “When he is going to get a day off”

Dennis if you are reading this, you fat coward. Get back on your evidence blog, bitch.


These people need to stop saying that they’re being persecuted. It’s not like you are some sort of religious minority living in a country where life and limb is constantly being threatened. You lied and got caught. Now you’re facing the consequences… Get over yourself. If you want a shot at redemption, join the real National Guard and learn the word “integrity” (not to mention “dignity”. But don’t claim that persecution got you booted from the military, non-military organization. That’s just sad and ridiculous.

AW1 Tim

It’s like getting kicked out of the local wannabe spec-ops airsoft club.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or from some “Trailer Court M’litia”.


Are there non-wannabe spec-ops airsoft clubs Tim? 😉

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Is that Dennis other page?

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

It would seem so,

No record of that Security company in TX


CSI, just another fake company like his other one. Which was CSI4R or some shit like that.

Apparently, someone woman may have paid for his paint job. He is working two-bit security jobs at hotels and malls.

AW1 Tim

The page lists a phone number. Just sayin’ 🙂


Wow, I’m not sure but I think I feel slightly disturbed knowing Texas gave him a driver’s license.

Pineywoods NCO

We in Texas do make mistakes once in a while.

Pinto Nag

Mistakes may be made in Texas, but apparently you have to come all the way to Montana for utterly incomprehensible, totally asinine stupidity. 🙁


I thought that was Oregon.


Pinto Nag

Not since O’Neill crawled off his rock into the spotlight.

(See what I did there?)


Our latest addition to our fleet

“Fleet”? He has two cars now?


More like this,…..

/spew alert.


/spew alert.

Perhaps literally.


“The completed retrofit is done for the patrol car sense this was a early network intergraded systems car it took a lot of reverse engineering and money to make this vehicle street legal for security companies”
Proof positive that the cheeslayer is back! It takes a special diet to be that self deluded and ignorant. I still can’t get my phone to spell SWEADEN. Go MESNA!

Dave Hardin

Which God is fucking with you Jonn? ARISTAIOS is the Greek God of cheese making, I shit you not. I wouldn’t worry too much about him, he is also the God of blowing hot air, I aint making this shit up. A couple of Hail Marys and sprinkle yourself with some bourbon, you should be fine.


Gang, it may be worse than you realize.

In the late 1990’s, there was a television show called “The Pretender.” The show starred Michael Weiss and was about a guy who escaped from some secret government agency. “Jarod,” (Weiss) was incredibly intelligent and could assume the skill set of anyone. He set about making things right in the world while the people from the secret agency tried to hunt him down. You can see more about the show here:

The people who were searching for Jarod worked at a place called (wait for it…..)……


Yep. “The Centre” as in the same name as the one on the Facebook site.

Even better, the logo for The Centre on the show is the same as the one on the Chevalier Facebook page listed earlier in the thread.

The logo and design are trademarked by 20th Century Fox and the MTM Studios.

The point to this is that Chevalier, who claims to be a law abiding citizen and who wants people to trust him is using stolen intellectual property for his company (real or imagined).

To me, this means that while he makes up all type of stuff about his life, his service and his “successful life,” he can’t make up a logo or a company name and has to steal it from a decades old television show.

I guess he didn’t think anyone would notice that he stole the work of someone else.



Apparently Cheese-Munch went to Jarod’s. How thoughtful.


Also, he has to steal intellectual property. Lord knows he doesn’t have any of his own.


Believe it or not, it takes a lot of work and creativity to come up with a great logo. So my point is that where there is fantasy and lies to be made, this guy may have a “talent.”

When it comes to real creativity and talent, he has nothing.




From The Centre’s Facebook page:

We only hire honorably separated military and police officers.

OK, then. How does that square with the rather checkered history of the company’s founder?


Yeah, that’s not a discrimination suit begging to happen.


Wow. While to me it’s still hard to imagine how Bernath could fail to prevail in the latest tournament, it’s clear that Chevette has stepped up his game. I could be proven wrong.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I knew he would “redeem” himself just in time for the tourney!


SFC Raikkonen

What in the fuck is a “Department of the United States Agent Investigator”? The last time I saw that much shit on a badge was when my Air Force OSI buddy showed me his.

Mr. Blue

Translation: “Mall Ninja”


Wonder if he’s the one who trained Gecko45.

For those who don’t know of this Internet legend you can read about him here:


The Centre seems like a page for Dennis to show his love for Drones. That’s all it seems to have on the page. Drones, bashing competitors and posting stolen BOLOs for sexual predators as if he is doing work.

Just an Old Dog

It looks like blobfish is getting his profile and name put up on sites that warn of dating scammers also. Impressive footprint there cheeseslayer.
This guy is mental. He will never stop lying and scamming women to abuse while he draws breath.


I may be wrong because FB is a mystery at times, but Ole Chevy seems to have deleted the 9 Nov post that started this thread.

If I’m wrong, that’s ok too since it brings Hollywood back into the recent comments. Just trying to help his seeding in the SVT.