About That New ObamaCare “Open Season” . . . .

| November 17, 2014

Well, it’s ObamaCare sign-up season again. By all accounts, things are going better than last year – though that wouldn’t take much, given last year’s fiasco.

So, that means all the problems are fixed, and everything is just “hunky-dory”, right? Um, well . . .

I swear, you just couldn’t make this sh!t up if you tried. No one would buy it as fiction.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence, Health Care debate

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Farflung Wanderer

I’m loving how fast this thing collapses on itself every time it tries to start.

A Proud Infidel®™

All I’ll say to the pols calling for the repeal of 0bamacare, DEEDS, NOT WORDS. The whole thing proves that Government bureaucracies are far too incompetent to be trusted with peoples’ healthcare!


Again, I have idiot liberals trying to tell me that it’s working and it’s cheaper. Bernard Whitman is a tool telling Hannity or Megan Kelley that it’s working. Er, um. Okay. Let’s do some math, shall we?
Me- middle class, self-employed until 11Nov2014.
2006 individual health care policy started because COBRA was over 1k per month for a family of 6.
484.00/month. copays, 25.00. Deductible 5000.00.
Doable on a fixed income. Hubby gets job and as a partner would have to pay 1700/month for our healthplan, so we keep the individual one.

Boom…no job, still have health plan at that price for six years. Premium plus deductible to get to 100% coverage is 11k.
Obama care passes and premium goes up to 882.00/ month, copays 45, deductible 10k. 23k total to get 100% coverage. Can’t afford it. Drop it for 3 years…check in…premium would now cost me 1500/month, no rx, 200 ER and 7500 deductible for 100% coverage. Do the math…roughly 22k…who the hell can afford that? I earn money for Pete’s sake and yet, I can’t afford what I could because someone else can get it free!!
New company is foregoing the plan we have now, only high deductible offered. I cannot afford it. Back to paying the penalty and paying cash. But the Obama supporters will be skipping all the way to single payer if it doesn’t get legs in the next review. Over and over they’ve lied and none have been held accountable….


All the while, the lovers of Dear Leader demonize people like you who are suffering from this mess. Calling those whose health care costs have risen liars and worse.

And my all time favorite is the liberals who say over and over that you NEED to lose your healthcare plan because it was not what you really needed. You had a “junk plan” and Obamacare is going to give you what you have to have. Those clowns need a solid throat punch.


Unless there is some clause I missed in reading those 5500++ pages of drivel, which not only bored me to death but nearly made me vomit – that’s how badly it was written – there is NOTHING IN THE OBAMACARE BILL that prevents someone from having a self-insured health care account. NOTHING.

Oops!! Loophole. And for proof of coverage, you make up a little old card that says ‘Self-insured. NOW GO FUCK YOURSELVES.’

Seriously, that piece of utter crap needs to be repealed and if the libidiots still insist on it and on destroying health insurance as an industry, then rewrite it so that it makes sense.


Hondo…”I swear, you just couldn’t make this sh!t up if you tried. No one would buy it as fiction.” I can’t add better.

Commissioner Wretched

Ripley wouldn’t even believe this.