ISIS leaflets found near Quantico base

| October 31, 2014


Our buddy, Jeff Schogol at the Military Times sends us a link from the Marine Corps Times in regards to some ISIS leaflets found in the town of Quantico, Virginia near the Marine Corps’ base.

A government employee came upon seven leaflets on Wednesday afternoon while running through the town of Quantico, Bormann told Marine Corps Times. The leaflets have a reversed image of the Islamic State group’s flag and writing in Arabic that is translated as “We are here from Mexico and came by train,” Bormann said in an email.

“Security personnel from the base informed the town of Quantico, the FBI and NCIS,” Bormann said. “While these leaflets may be a hoax, base officials are taking their discovery seriously.”

Investigators are working to determine if the leaflets are authentic, he said. The leaflets have not been found at any other Marine Corps installations.

Other blogs are reporting that the leaflets were found on the base, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I lean towards hoax, but at least folks seem to be taking it seriously. If they’re going to check out everyone who came from Mexico in Northern Virginia, that’ll take a while.

Jihad Watch says that the lettering is upside down and reversed – coulda fooled me.

Category: Terror War

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I’m also going with hoax. I doubt that the goat fabricators would give out their travel itinerary.


Holy craps, I beat Sparks to the first post.


Twist…Yes you did, I was very busy yesterday and only now catching up. But I am going with a hoax. But hoax or not I would see what fingerprinting if available returns. If it turns out to be 20 something duffuses then I think a good night stick “wear your ass out” is in order. Just for a lesson to others about not playing with dangerous things. Might as well scream “Ebola!” in the mall.


SA Gibbs, DiNozzo, David, and McGee are on it…


Ziva quit. You need to do some catch up.


More’s the pity.


“We are here from Mexico and came by train,”

Don’t worry. In a couple of days Obummer will be granting them voting rights. Of course it’s a “hoax”. How dare anyone take anything seriously that is invading our country via Mexico. To do so just makes one a racist, bigot, misogynist, ableist, anti poor, anti civil rights, ect.


HOAX…..who rides the trains any more??

and all the way from Mexico??

Do you know how much that is on Amtrak?!?

/about $350 to $400 a pop one way.

Semper Idem

I take the train when I need to travel cross country. You know why? Because of the thugs at the TSA – I refuse to be treated as a convicted child molester entering a supermax prison just to exercise my right to travel. Not gonna happen.

Over ten years of the Bill of Rights being nonexistent at our airports, and not one terrorist was caught. None.

I will not fly until the TSA is history.


Well, then I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you…

Hopefully you didn’t have any cross-country trips planned anytime soon.

Semper Idem

No worries; I have a very efficent automobile (Honda Accord repairmen get even less work than the Maytag man) and lotsa vacation time.

Good luck bringing the TSA to the interstates.


We were in England a couple of months ago, celebrating our 30th anniversary. It was refreshing to travel by train and not be treated as a criminal. No security screening of any kind for us or our luggage. You just walk to the platform when it’s announced.

I also noticed that going through customs on the Canadian side when we changed planes was nice too. No lines, just a few questions, and on we went. As opposed to our return when we had to scan our passports, scan our boarding passes, wait for our names to appear on the board, wait for the clerk to review our papers, wait for the customs agent to ask us questions (which she did very badly), and go through the entire security process again, even though we had just spend 7 hours in a plane over the Atlantic after having gone through security at Heathrow. Barely made our flight.


Just upside-down, not reversed. Well, the flag part – the text below is correct.


Quantico, Diamond Lil’s, fish bowl of beer for a quarter. Those were the days.

Semper Idem

In other words, Quantico got trolled.

Let’s face it; no terror group would pull a stunt like this. There’s no advantage to it. I mean, do you really think they’d get their own logo BACKWARDS? I honestly don’t think so.

I suspect that the official investigation will reveal some loser / troller who printed these up just to get a laugh. Said troller gets a token punishment; the whole thing is forgotten in ten years.

Pinto Nag

Hoax, or rather, crank. Somebody trying to get the government to open a hunting season on Muslims.


@ Nag:

The muslims have been doing a pretty good job of that themselves.

Delilah T.

For a brief moment, I thought that was an instruction booklet on how to handle your local goats.


While I too suspect a hoax, there are a few points that everyone needs to understand that makes the possibility of covert entry into MCB Quantico via train and the city of Quantico possible:
1. Both Amtrak and Virginia Rail Express stop at the Quantico, VA station.
2. The town of Quantico, VA is landlocked inside MCB Quantico – you can’t get to Quantico, VA without passing through MCB Quantico except by boat or train.
Hell, for years MCB Camp Pendleton MPs would routinely round up illegal aliens who had followed the wrong set of railroad tracks and wandered onto the base without going through the gate.

2/17 Air Cav

“The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force is leading an investigation to determine if the leaflets are authentic, he said.” What is it, the Shroud of Turin? Of course the leaflets are authentic. However, the message they bear is bullshit. I do rather like its humor value: came by train. Maybe they came by mule train but not railroad–unless they were freight.


That’s an incomplete translation. Full translation is, “We are here from Mexico and came by [a] train [that we pulled on our goat]” Brackets indicate portions corrected.

Mark Lauer

Seems odd that someone perpetrating a hoax would print the flag part upside down, but get the Arabic writing correct. Unless they don’t know the original writing form.


Having spent a significant amount of time sitting at the train station at Quantico, and, given our line of work, I usually run attack and defend scenarios though my head when I’m spending a lot of time some place. If I were going to attack MCB Quantico, it would be via the train. No security check points, easy access to some significant buildings, and a potential egress route on the river.

I’m still betting on hoax, though.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like a bucket of durkha-durkha to me!