Gitmo grads head to Syria

| October 31, 2014


According to Fox News a few dozen Guantanamo alumnus have gone to Syria and joined their buds in ISIS and the al Qaeda units there.

Some of those former Guantanamo detainees were released within the last three years.

Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., said in a statement the development “underscores the risks we face when Guantanamo detainees are released based on a misguided desire to close Guantanamo — rather than the national security interests of the United States.”

She urged President Obama to suspend further transfers “at least until a thorough review can be conducted to better understand how many former Guantanamo detainees have joined ISIS and what we can do to prevent such an outcome in the future.”

US intelligence sources estimate that 180 Gitmo grads have returned to the fight worldwide, according to Jennifer Griffith in this video.

Obviously, we’re just kicking the terror can down the road and it’s coming back to bite us in the ass much sooner than this administration had hoped.

Category: Terror War

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I thought we had them pinky-promise that they would be good little boys after we released them.
Guess ya can’t trust anyone nowadays…


A few cinderblocks chained to their waists, drop ’em off a couple hundred miles east of the island… have a nice swim, boys. You are hereby released.

2/17 Air Cav

“Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned Wednesday that Republican lawmakers would call for President Obama’s impeachment if he released more prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without congressional approval.” Source: The Hill, 4 June 2014

That silly warning was in response to Obama’s unilateral and legally dubious May trade of five terrorists for one turncoat. Congress did nothing. Congress has done nothing. Congress will do nothing. Throw Ayotte’s letter on the pile. It’s all bullshit.


Although those rinos are scared of their own shadows what can they do? Rule of law doesn’t exist with this administration and anything they pass can literally be ignored without consequence. King Obama does what he wants and nobody stops him.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, Bonehead said he was going to file suit and…did nothing. The conservatives (not to include Bonehead) could have pushed the matter, and pushed the matter. They mentioned it a few times and then moved on. At least the Benghazi disaster lingered. The timing of Ayotte’s letter–signed by no one but her–is suspect. Although she is not running, the message is out there just in time for the midterms. I tell you, I wouldn’t give a dime for any but a small handful of the critters. The Republicans may win big next week but THEY are part of the DC problem, starting with Bonehead.


Thank you, Traitor in Chief.



err… I mean… I am unaware of any such activity.


Treason doth prosper when none dare call it treason any longer.



“Released GITMO detainees returning to their terrorist roots? Who could possibly have seen this coming?” said absolutely no one, ever.

The stupid is strong with this one.


Another thing to look at: Let’s put to rest the stupid claims that some detainees might have been innocent at one time, and became terrorists only because they’re angry by how we’ve treated them.

Aside from the fact that most GTMO detainees were treated extremely well, it’s pretty obvious that most of them aren’t directly fighting against the U.S. They’re fighting against other Muslims, most of whom are the real victims — including the women and children.

It’s worth recognizing that it’s simply not possible to want GTMO closed if you oppose slavery.


I can see releasing them from Gitmo to go back home…after a full frontal lobotomy.