Army folks quarantined while nurse whines

| October 29, 2014

The Stars & Stripes talked by videoconference with Major General Darryl Williams, commander of U.S. Army Africa, during the second day of his mandated quarantine period after returning to the western world from Africa, where he led soldiers who were trying to help the Africans fight Ebola. General Williams says that he was completely surprised when he and his troops were met in Italy by folks in hazmat suits and sent into isolation;

“They wanted to take a more conservative approach,” said Williams, whose chief of staff less than a week ago emphasized that the returning troops would not be under quarantine.

The policy puts the Army at odds with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which on Monday issued new guidelines calling for voluntary, home quarantine for people returning from West Africa who are at the highest risk of contracting Ebola.

The troops are taking it all in stride;

“Everybody’s in great health,” Williams said.

Williams said he and 10 others, housed within three buildings at Del Din, were eating food from the mess hall delivered in disposable containers, which were being burned after use. He said everyone was happy to be back in Italy, even if the garrison was enclosing their area with a temporary fence.

“We’re not frustrated at all,” he said. “We’re used to executing orders. We can exercise, watch movies … I Skype with my wife…

Meanwhile in New Jersey, CNN interviewed Kaci Hickox, a nurse who just returned from Africa and couldn’t stop whining about her treatment;

“This is an extreme that is really unacceptable, and I feel like my basic human rights have been violated,” Hickox told CNN’s Candy Crowley on “State of the Union.”

She described herself as “physically strong” but “emotionally exhausted.”

“To put me through this emotional and physical stress is completely unacceptable,” she said.

She slammed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for describing her as “obviously ill.”

“First of all, I don’t think he’s a doctor; secondly, he’s never laid eyes on me; and thirdly, I’ve been asymptomatic since I’ve been here,” Hickox told Crowley Sunday.

If you can bear listening to her in the video, here it is;

I like the part where she keeps beating up on folks who have no medical training – yet the folks who do have medical training are carrying the virus to Ohio and back and on cruise ships. The medical experts are the only ones getting the virus and they seem to do their damnedest to share the virus with the rest of us. She says something about being through the most stressful time in her life (in Africa) and now she’s being expected to do things she doesn’t want to do. You know, like many of us when we deployed and tolerated the readjustment periods the military put us through when we returned.

I guess what she really wants to do is be Typhoid Mary, like that nurse woman who took off to Ohio the minute the Liberian fellow died.

And then they wonder why veterans only want to hang out with each other and stay away from civilians who can’t relate to us.

I fully support more caution than I support this voluntary quarantine bull shit – especially if the people that they’re going to quarantine are irresponsible, whining little pricks.

Category: Military issues

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Rights? She “feels” like her rights are being violated??

You do NOT have the right to demand anything of me, precious, much less expose me or any other American to an infectious disease.


Mark Stolzoff

Obviously you have no clue how ebola is transmitted, if you don’t want to be exposed to it then don’t go around sticking your dick in people that are so sick they look like zombies,


Stolzoff: obviously you have no idea how EVD is spread – and that large droplet spray via sneezing and coughing is considered a low-risk exposure. Or that the virus has been isolated in sweat, making touching someone who is symptomatic a very risky undertaking. Or that the virus has been demonstrated to persist on hard surfaces for a number of days. Or the fact that it has a maximum 21-day asymptomatic incubation period.

In short, you’ve demonstrated both your adherence to the current Administration’s “party-line propaganda” and your ignorance. Kudos.

B Woodman

Just reading up on Nurse Ratchet through WesternRifleShooter’s blogsite => RaconteurReport . If nursie doesn’t like what Christie had her doing, she’s going to LOVE what Maine’s governor LePage has in store for her. (/snark off) And he looks less likely to fold under pressure. But only time will tell.
Frankly, I hope both she and her “boy”friend are throughly spanked, legally, that is. And shunned socially.


For her sake – and everyone else’s, too – I hope she doesn’t learn the meaning of the term “poetic justice” the hard way.


Ms. Hickox should never, ever be hired to fill a health care capacity position, ever again. Clearly, she believes she is above reproach like Dr. Snyderman and the NYC doc.
One protocol and one only. IF you’ve been treating or traveling in an Ebola infected country, then you automatically should be quarantined for 21 days upon your arrival to the USA. No exceptions.
I hope someone in Maine decides to sue her for infringing on their rights and mental anguish.
The bullshit coming from the WH and the CDC is unacceptable. I just scratch my head at the utter carelessness. The very idea that they would knowingly bring infected people here for treatment is astounding to me. Again, and again, the President and his minions giving us, the people of the USA the finger.


One protocol and one only. IF you’ve been treating or traveling in an Ebola infected country, then you automatically should be quarantined for 21 days upon your arrival to the USA. No exceptions. I don’t think anyone is arguing there should be different protocols for medical people than there should be for others. And I don’t think anyone would argue there should never be quarantines either. The question here is when is a quarantine warranted, and this nurse feels that the situation does not warrant it at this time. And I agree. I’ve been a bit busy lately so please do correct me if I’ve missed some events, but last I checked, we had literally one person (after Mr. Duncan’s ill-fated trip that started this discussion) come and develop symptoms after his travel that a mandatory 21-day quarantine would have prevented. One. Out of hundreds if not thousands of travelers. Is it right for the government to step in and restrict the rights of hundreds or thousands of people based off one or two? Or, to put it differently, when is it OK for the government to do it? If the rate was one positive for every billion negative, is that fair? How about a million negative? Ten thousand? Ten? Chances are everyone will draw the line somewhat differently. For me, right now the advantages -catching that one in hundreds or thousands of cases- is not worth the costs. And those costs are both in regards to the very real cost of fighting this outbreak, since it turns out current medical treks by our doctors are typically only four weeks, so we’re effectively doubling the time someone needs to invest to help by imposing a quarantine of extremely questionable value, and in terms of personal freedom. I don’t like the government saying, “Hey, 0.3% of you could be a threat,… so we’re rounding all of you up for 21 days.” Do you? I’d pretty much bet dollars to donuts that this year’s flu season will kill many more Americans than Ebola will. Should the government quarantine Americans flying from areas… Read more »

2/17 Air Cav

LC. There is a vaccine for the flu. And the flu is not fatal for otherwise healthy people. In contrast, there is no approved vaccine for Ebola and it will kill otherwise healthy people unless extraordinary medical care is received. Apple? Say hello to orange. Ebola, at best, results in hospitalization and extremely costly medical treatment and care. Most flu cases do not result in hospitalization of the affected patient. Orange? Meet apple.

If there is a single case of Ebola undetected, the carrier can easily spread the contagion to others by sneezing, coughing, having sex, kissing, and–like it or not–by depositing the virus on doorknobs and toilet handles where it can live for hours.

It is true that a quarantine is an inconvenience to people. Funerals and visiting loved ones in isolation rooms while wearing a space suit are also an inconvenience. I would prefer the latter inconvenience to the former.


Of course it’s apples to oranges when you’re looking at the fact they’re different illnesses with different characteristics, but it’s ‘apples to apples’ when you’re looking at things from an epidemiological point of view. Otherwise it’d be like saying comparing car accidents that involve a Ford F150 are qualitatively different in terms of traffic safety than those involving a Jeep Wrangler. Sure, there will be differences in mortality, differences in the blind spots, likely differences in demographics of ownership and commonality, etc., but if the government is tasked with traffic safety, it doesn’t distinguish the two makes of cars and the demographics of their owners – it looks at overall deaths, and what can be done to minimize them.

In my opinion, the government’s responsibility to protect people comes ahead of it’s responsibility to protect an individual person. Maybe those two seem quite similar, but in the former case you look at overall loss – you don’t restrict your criteria of losses to otherwise healthy people.


We do not yet know if there have been any additional cases of Ebola linked to failure to quarantine. The maximum incubation period for the nurse from Dallas (who traveled to Cleveland and back, the latter possibly while in the early stages of being symptomatic) and the NYC doctor have not yet passed. If any cases result from that – yes, they’re linked directly to failure to quarantine.

We also do not yet know if any other returning medical personnel (or others traveling/returning to the USA from that area for whatever reason) will develop Ebola because they arrive infected. Or if they will become symptomatic and pass along the infection before seeking medical treatment due to ignorance, stubbornness, or the “I’m special, it can’t happen to me” mindset.

The whole point of an entry quarantine is to reduce the probability of import of an exotic disease. It’s why agricultural products and animals from selected disease- and pest-endemic areas are banned from importation to the US, or are quarantined on arrival.

Virii and bacteria don’t magically act differently simply because they happen to be traveling in a human vice a chimpanzee or banana plant. Thinking they do – and treating humans grossly differently as a result in terms of entry quarantine – is sheer PC idiocy.

2/17 Air Cav

Know what happens when one is suspected of committing a crime? Usually, he is arrested. Nothing has been proved. He is merely suspected. Next, he is charged and he may or may not have bail set. Still, he is guilty of nothing. If no bail is set or it is set so high that he cannot raise it, he sits in jail. If he has a family, they can visit him there. If he has a job, he will likely lose it for absenteeism, if nothing else. Still, he has not been convicted of anything. Now, if the case proceeds to trial, he will likely have representation. That will cost him plenty, or it will cost the taxpayers. Either way, it costs a lot. And still he is not guilty of anything. As for time lost, he can sit in jail for six months while wearing clothes he doesn’t like, living with people not of his choosing, and doing what he is told to do when he is told to do it. He has no phone with him, no TV or radio in his cell, and he has no internet access. And guess what? He hasn’t been convicted of anything. If he is found not guilty, he is free to go but he will not be compensated for his lost time. No one will so much as apologize. He may now be jobless and the newspapers that ran stories of his arrest will not now run stories of his exoneration. Now, someone who was exposed to Ebola has certainly committed no crime in that exposure. I am not equating a criminal suspect with such a person. But, in most cases where someone has been arrested, they are treated as I described above for what they are suspected of having done. The Ebola-exposed person is a potential threat to do great harm. Yet, no one is suggesting that he or she be locked up in a strange place for an indeterminate number of months. The Ebola-exposed person may remain in their home, free to do what they will within that home… Read more »


Bingo, 2/17 Air Cav. In both cases, the individual is detained to protect public safety. Both are legally-permissible exercises of government authority and power. And both are equally legitimate when cognizant authority determines they are appropriate and necessary.


Yes, if one passes a reasonable degree of suspicion. However, in this case, we’re basically saying, “Someone was shot… let’s round up anyone with access to a gun.” I imagine there would be rightful outrage if police rounded up several hundred or thousand people who own guns and put them in isolation for 21 days while they sorted out whether they were guilty of a crime or not, correct?

I’m not against quarantine in the case of people whom we have reasonable suspicion of carrying the virus, but the government forcibly imposing this, in the absence of any evidence of illness, goes a bit too far for me. The nurse, so far, has had two tests come back negative, and is showing no symptoms, and while it’s true it certainly could still manifest itself later, the probability -based off all the other medical professionals who’ve been there and back!- is a very, very low, but admittedly non-zero number.

Again, at what point is it OK to impose on people like this? To go back to the gun example, let’s say there’s a serial killer in your small town who shoots someone every 20 days. Would you be OK with rounding up the roughly thousand people with guns and holding them for 21 days so that they could each be cleared? And yes, I realize the example is imperfect – I’m asking you not to look for holes in the logic, but to consider the circumstances. At what point are you uncomfortable with this?

And again, for my part, I’d be fine with what you say above if the probabilities demanded it. At this point, the risk is so low that it’s a massive over-reach.

2/17 Air Cav

I wrote, “If that does not make sense, then I really can’t say more.” So, I really can’t say more, LC.


The probability is low but non-zero of a blowout at 120MPH too, LC. But the consequences should one occur is generally catastrophic.

The fact that the probability of catastrophic failure is low does not make routinely driving at 120MPH on the freeway a good idea. All it takes is once to end up dead – possibly accompanied by multiple innocents.

That type of low risk/catastrophic consequence outcome is why driving at extreme speed on the highway is illegal. The prohibition protects both the risk-taker and others from the risk-taker’s idiocy.

The application to the current discussion of the above should be quite obvious.

Old Trooper

I just read that she is refusing to follow her self quarantine now, also, in Maine. She’s a piece of work. It’s all about her. If she comes down with it, she should be charged with attempted murder and if someone else contracts it, because of her, she should be charged with murder, the narcissistic bitch.


The VA is requiring any employee, who has traveled to the region to self quarantine at home for the incubation period upon their return. They also are required to notify Employee Health prior to leaving for their trip, and be cleared to return to work after the quarantine period. (We have these neat posters hanging up all over the place now about Ebola…)
Overkill? I really don’t think so. It is just common sense. I don’t think the Army is going for overkill either with the quarantine, and that whiny bitch of a Nurse from Maine needs a heeping cup of shut the F’up. It is more difficult to quarantine thousands of troops, than a few healthcare workers… it has already been shown it can be brought back, and it is not all that hard to transmit.

2/17 Air Cav

Where is Ron Klain, the Democrat political operative recently named Ebola King? No one seems to know. And that concerns me. It concerns me b/c we all know that with his background, his job is to control the flow of information regarding Ebola in the US. That means he and his get to write and edit copy, coach those of the administration who will appear on TV and radio to discuss Ebola, and otherwise manage the propaganda for the WH with the midterm elections looming. What happened to the US face of Ebola, that guy Friedan? We used to hear from him daily. You know what happened. They told him to STHU unless cleared by Klain.


Yep. The Czar seems to be the first MIA of our “Ebola War”.

Delilah T.

Klain? Oh, he’s busy getting his payroll direct deposit info filled out and picking out his office furniture.


Maybe he’s spending his time looking for a “politically correct” group of biotech companies towards which to steer Federal boondoggle dollars research funds associated with countering the Ebola outbreak. After all, as I recall his major claim to faim is handing out stimulus and “green” subsidy cash. And we all know how politically neutral and merit-based all of those activities were, right?

Delilah T.


Wasn’t he part of that whole Solyndra thing?


Why, now that you mention it – yes, he certainly was.

Knee deep in the hoopla, as a matter of fact.

He also appears to have been involved up to his armpits in Gore’s attempt to steal gain the Presidency in 2000 via the “recount ’em until you get the result we want” method in Florida.


Well, well, well. Someone goes into nursing, which is an occupation that may require your treating/caring for people with communicable diseases, and then whines about being restricted for the common good.

Yeah, if this bitch ever comes near me, I will make sure I have a tetanus shot and a rabies shot ahead of time.

If she’s this obnoxious and self-centered, I pity any future patients she treats. She seems exactly like the inattentive bimbo in scrubs who gives people the wrong medicine because she doesn’t check wristbands or drug labels or prescriptions on charts.




If she breaks the quarantine, then her license to practice needs to be premanently revoked.

If she want to file suit, that’s her perogative, but as even the most liberal CNN legal commentators wrote yesterday, its well within the governments’ (Federal, State, local) authority and legal precedent to establish a quarantine for public health purposes.


Just for the heck of it I googled ‘history of quarantine’ and found this

interesting reading … upshot, the CDC runs the federal quarantine system and suspicion of ebola is a condition that can cause quarantine, per Executive Order 13295.

“for the purpose of specifying certain communicable diseases for regulations providing for the apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases, the following communicable diseases are hereby specified pursuant to section 361(b) of the Public Health Service Act: (a) Cholera; Diphtheria; infectious Tuberculosis; Plague; Smallpox; Yellow Fever; and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, Crimean-Congo, South American, and others not yet isolated or named).”

Please note the words “apprehension” and “detention”. Therefore, I think the the CDC is not doing their job.

I didn’t read the law, I’m thinking that the moron who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave doesn’t care about the law anyway.

And that nurse is a whiny special snowflake. I’m liking, “handcuffed to a hospital bed in isolation with all of her contacts”. Maybe her family, friends, and contacts can help her to understand that what she did was wrong.

Robert Maguire

You got that right, Richard. It’s not about the law. It’s about not making these healthcare heroes of the universe, whose names should not be spoken without a bowing of the head, uncomfortable. I mean Kaci (head bow) just went through the most traumatic time of her life doncha know. What she really needs is ticker tape parade down Fifth Avenue, not this HORRIFYING treatment.

Just ask Frieden (head bow). He’ll tell you.


Well, obviously she votes for Obama. so that’s why she doesn’t have to obey the law and can do what she wants.

Robert Maguire

I hope this whiny little bitch’s temper tantrum ruins her career. I can only hope that she treats patients and that each and every one of them in the future tells her to go fuck off….at the top of their lungs.


Robert Maguire…Thank you. These “giving, caring to a fault servants of humanity” seem to have all the compassion in the world for folks in West Africa. Where living conditions during their stint are sparse and meager. But when they come home where even quarantine is a luxury accommodation compared to Africa, she can do nothing but whine, complain and threaten to sue. Why, because she has the “god complex” of many health care professionals who know all and “she” can decide if she’s infected and if she should quarantine herself. The same care and compassion for Americans as she showed to the Africans…forget about it! “I’m home, I’m free and I can do as I please. If anyone gets infected because I screwed up, well it’s not my fault. After all, I risked my life to go help the poor people of Africa and for that the world should thank me forever and bow and scrap at my courage and self sacrifice. I am, a health care professional. I just don’t have much care for the health of people here at home. It’s all about me, me and then me.”

2/17 Air Cav

Write on! (Not a typo.) You hit it on the head. She has bragging rights for the water-cooler, FB, Linked-In, and whatever other medium she uses. She was down for the snuggle (no, not a typo either) in West Arf-ree-ka.


“Hickox said she has nothing to recover from. Her temperature is normal, and she feels fine.”

(Maybe NSFW)


Devtun…Yep, the first sign of…food poisoning or…Ebola.


Interesting. Per The Guardian, she was flagged at Newark International because thermal scanners used there showed she had an “elevated temperature”.

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, she said, as I recall, that her slight fever was due to the “inhumane” treatment she received there!


Then perhaps she should work on anger management – if for no other reason than to stop perpetuating the stereotype of the “short-fused redhead”.

“Narcissist” does seem to fit.


Oh, my Lord! THAT is funny! Which of course speaks to my highly developed sense of humor!

Reminds me of the time I was in a third world country and ate something questionable. I was crappin’ in the shitter and puking in the bathtub.

Good times…good times.

2/17 Air Cav

2/17 Air Cav

The lefty nurse chick is mistaking the absence of Ebola symptoms for the good she could do if she were quarantined. The quarantine would allay fear and reduce anxiety. I suppose her view of the matter is that the fear and anxiety is their problem, not hers. She will not be inconvenienced by such concerns. So, she will stomp her feet, shake her head from side to side, and, I presume, be in close contact with her attorney–who probably will want to converse with her only by phone!


I read the print version of this moron’s story (I’m a dinosaur like that ) and she said “It doesn’t make sense to quarantine someone when you don’t know whether or not they’re infected.” Uh that’s EXACTLY why it makes sense to quarantine someone. Working in an enviroment where the disease is running rampant, exposure to infect people. Good enough reason to stick your silly ass in isolation. “Twatwaffle” is an appropriate word to describe this idiot


Twatwaffle! Ha!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The troops just do what has been requested, as they always do even under times of intense duress. The troops might bitch about to each other, but at the end of the day that’s part of the deal. We get told what do, we bitch about it and we do what we are told day and day out like we promised. Nurse Kaci is right I don’t have any medical training, but that doesn’t mean I’m a fucking moron who can’t read or write or comprehend. The WHO has calculated this current strain to have a lethal potential of almost 71%. I would expect someone who has the training to accept the responsibility of that training and act with some decorum regarding a quarantine upon her return to relatively infection free nation. Instead we get a whiny self-centered little asshole who really only cares about what she wants and what she thinks as if her rights trump those of everyone else in the nation. And then they wonder why veterans only want to hang out with each other and stay away from civilians who can’t relate to us. That’s the money quote Jonn. LIke minded individuals with a sense of responsibility and self accountability for their actions and their lot in life. It’s why I prefer hiring vets, and working side by side to this day even though I’m not a 20 year guy. I’m not suggesting I’m better or that we vets are better humans. I’m suggesting that as a result of my upbringing and my service I don’t have a lot of patience for the drama and resulting lack of work effort that often surrounds my colleagues with zero military experience. When getting the wrong amount of sugar in your dunkin donuts coffee can throw you off your game at work for the day I really can’t sympathize or understand why that shit even matters. To see this irresponsible woman act like a complete and total jerkoff and expect others to sympathize with her plight is ridiculous on every level. I hope she remains ebola free and her… Read more »


At this point the only reason I hope that she does not have ebola is for the sake of all those she could have infected along the way. She has worked very hard to earn the distrust and disdain of sane persons everywhere.



Pinto Nag

I have to commend the fortitude of the military personnel during their quarantine. Once again, I swell with pride at their strength, their courage, and their ‘can do’ attitude. The finest military the world has ever seen!!

Nurse Whine could learn a lesson or two from them.




She could……..but she won’t.


Well Fort Kent is about 2.5 hours north of where I grew up and where my parents and siblings still live. I can’t believe a medical professional is whining about being quarantined after working in close proximity with a highly infectious disease. I hope they keep her in quarantine until all the pertinent medical officials are satisfied that she is ebola free….and then a few more days just for her whining.


I’ll just leave this link here. Maybe the Self-Centered Narcissistic Ditz from Maine should read it.

Her activities in West Africa puts her in the “some risk” category. The money quote from the new CDC guidance, released 2 days ago:

Recommended actions for symptomatic people with fever or other Ebola symptoms*

High, some, and low risk categories

These people MUST have a medical examination to make sure they don’t have Ebola. They will remain isolated in a hospital until doctors and public health officials are certain that Ebola is not a concern.

*Symptoms of Ebola: Fever, severe headache, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, unexplained bruising or bleeding.

The ditz arrived in the “some risk” category and had an elevated temperature. You and I can read. Obviously she either can’t – or doesn’t want to.

2/17 Air Cav

Now that Chuckles Hagel has issued an order regarding troops returned from West Africa, please not that it is not to be called a quarantine. It is “supervised, controlled monitoring.” It is not a quarantine. Don’t call it a quarantine. It cannot be a quarantine. You see, according to his boss, a quarantine is against science and not best practice.Supervised, controlled monitoring. Got it? Not a quarantine. Not.

Green Thumb

Typical liberal. We want to help everyone abroad be equal and free but I deserve special treatment.

Voluntary quarantine. Yeah.

However, it does not appear the Italians are screwing around.


To be fair, I think a lot of what the nurse is complaining about is not the quarantine itself but the fact that she was placed in a tent without heat in an annex of the hospital in New ajersey without access to a shower, running toilet, and clothes (other than paper scrubs) and denied the right to converse with her lawyer even through the window of the isolation tent. As for her “fever” it was a forehead scanner and was later discounted as her oral temp was 98 degrees. The quarantine isn’t the issue so much as the substandard level of care during her quarantine. And before people get up in arms at me, I am a health care worker (Paramedic) and have been under quarantine myself for leishmaniasis after returning from Iraq. Again, had she been shown an ounce of decency that one would expect from healthcare in a 1st World Nation, and not given worse living conditions than most of our prisoners have, I don’t think she’d have been as butthurt. But the hospital where her quarantine occurred really dropped the ball on this one.


CA_SGT: assuming you’re correct – would you care to explain why she’s now publicly stating she will ignore ME’s home quarantine requirement?

Sounds to me like it’s more of a case of a butthurt special little snowflake saying “Those rules are fine for thee, but not for me” from square 1.



Hmmm, what then is the excuse for her extremely loud and infantile gripe about being held in voluntary quarantine in her own home? Why then is she threatening to sue her own State?

No, she’s a narcissistic idiot and no excuses exist for her loudmouthed spoiled behavior.


So where was she staying while in Africa? In a 5-star hotel, with room service and hot & cold running boytoys?

How DARE she call her treatment “substandard.” We seriously should send her an outrageous bill for the tent, the loss of revenue on the parking spaces, and certainly all the salaries for those attending her.

Wanna be a special snowflake? Sure, but it comes with a price.


She works for Doctors without Borders.

DWB = We go where we want, even if it puts other people in danger.

While they do considerably great work in many countries, they are chock full o’ idealists.

Also remember, doctors are the worst patients, that can include nurses.

I can agree that they should’ve had better facilities for her, but since she’s still spouting the “I’m Asymptomatic!” even though there’s still a 21-day gestation period.

I’m sure she’d be on her knees, just like the reporter who ignored self-quarantine, if Obama asked them to “apologize” (South Park: Jesse Jackson reference).

I’m guessing that’s also the same reason she was released from Jersey, ImPOTUS made Christie nervous and he set her free.

So when someone in Maine ends up with it, we’ll know how it got there. (Hopefully it doesn’t of course)


This whiny bitch thinks she’s special? I remember well average people being quarantined for their own good and the good of the community. It happened to my father after he contracted TB. A Sheriffs Deputy actually came to the door to escort my father to the old TB hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

The Other Whitey

I’m medically certified at a far lower level (California EMT-1/Federal EMT-B with advanced airway cert) than Nurse Snowflake here, but I get it. We’re dealing with a lethal pathogen that transmits very easily in ways we don’t yet fully understand, incubates in unsuspecting victims for long periods of time, is still transmissible from a survivor for even longer periods, against which standard BSI precautions and PPE are ineffective, and which has also been shown to find its way around advanced BSI PPE. Therefore, if you’ve been around it YOU GO INTO QUARANTINE FOR NO LESS THAN THE MAXIMUM THEORETICAL INCUBATION PERIOD SO THAT YOU DON’T TAKE A CHANCE TRANSMITTING IT TO OTHERS, YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!!!

I get it. She’s trained to a higher level than me, so what’s her excuse? If she’s really that stupid then I seriously wonder about how much good she actually did for the poor folk in the plague zone.

The Dead Man

I’m imagining less helping as a nurse and more of a cross between Doc Kevorkian and Nurse Cratchett.


Yeah, now that you mention it she does kinda resemble ol’ Debbie “Wasserman+Schultz”. In more ways than one.

Farflung Wanderer

Yeah, you guys took the words out of my mouth when it comes to how she’s acting.

Actually, she has ties to the CDC, and is an ardent Obama supporter. Naturally, her internet connections have been *scrubbed clean*, both on Linkedin and Google+, but people were able to record the websites before they were taken down.

While I’m glad she survived Ebola (very few people deserve that kind of death), she should just say thank you to the medical personnel who stood by her, then shut her mouth and understand that all of that “inhumane” treatment wasn’t inhumane.

“Basic human rights were deprived”, my ass. Basic human rights are recognized largely as food, shelter, and clothing, all three of which were provided in her quarantine center. She was sick with a highly infectious disease, and the best way to contain this is to keep people inside a facility that can.

So, please do the world a favor and shut up. We’re glad you’re fine, but we don’t need to hear your commentary on where you survived.

It was that facility that saved you, dumbass.


I think you’re confusing two different people, Farflung Wanderer. This isn’t one of the two nurses in Dallas who caught Ebola while treating Duncan. This ditz didn’t previously have Ebola.

Rather, this ditz is newly returned from West Africa and is still within the commonly-accepted 21-day incubation window (which is only around 95+% or so accurate; cases have been noted with much longer incubation periods). She’s whining like a spoiled 5-year old who’s been told “You can’t have a new toy” because she was placed in quarantine on arrival back in the US.

Mark Lauer

Honey, you wanna bitch and whine? Go ahead. You have that right. Hell, every Vet in here bitched and whined about something they didn’t like while they served, and that’s for sure. And we sure didn’t keep it clean. So, go ahead and bitch.
But the one thing we did that you don’t seem to understand is…..OUR DUTY.
YEAH WE BITCHED BUT WE DID WHAT WE HAD TO DO. We didn’t have to like it, we just had to do it. And now, here we sit, however many days, months, or years later, none the worse for wear, and we are proud of our service, and can hardly remember the discomfort of a little inconvenience of our time and freedom of movement.
So, get with the fucking program NURSE, and start acting like a fucking professional CARE GIVER!

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s a brief timeline, for those of you following Kaci’s travels and tantrums at home.

Oct 24 Kaci Hickox lands at Newark Airport where she intends to catch a flight to Maine. She is briefly interviewed and says that she is returning from West Africa (Sierra Leone) where she says she treated Ebola patients. Her temperature is 101. Hickox is taken to a hospital.

Oct 25. Preliminary test results on Hickox are negative for Ebola but Hickox remains at the hospital for monitoring, in accordance with new state protocols.

Oct 26. In a CNN interview, Hickox says, “I feel like my basic human rights have been violated.”

Oct 27. The governor announces that Hickox will be discharged from the hospital. She is discharged and leaves by car for Maine.

Oct 28. Hickox is in Maine at a rental she shares with her boyfriend and her NY attorney says that she agrees to stay in her home and not venture into large public spaces.

Oct 29. Hickox is interviewed by the Today show and says, “I truly believe that this policy is not scientifically or constitutionally just.” She also announces that she doesn’t plan on sticking to the guidelines established by at least a half dozen states, including Maine, regarding monitoring of persons returning from West Africa. She also meets face-to-face with reporters outside her rental and shakes the hand of one. She vows to fight Maine’s quarantine order in court if it is not lifted by noon on 30 October.

Oct 30. ?


Luddite4 (above): ‘If she breaks the quarantine, then her license to practice needs to be premanently revoked.’

Well, according to a headline on MSN this morning, Nurse Diesel Ratshit broke quarantine and went for a bike ride. The original came from AP, so I’m trying to find a link for it.

She is now the poster child for the spoiled brat libidiot who thinks nothing of the consequences of what she does.


Here’s a link to the Reuters article:

You know, quarantines are a safety precaution, not a violation of an individual’s civil rights.

I would surmise that, in her case however, the only thing she gives a damn about is herself.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey, Ka-Ka-ka-Kaci the Lefty Nurse Chick took a bicycle ride with her boyfriend today, in open defiance of the Maine governor’s order. You go girl! You show ’em. Bitch.