Islamic State uses chlorine gas on Iraqi police

| October 24, 2014

The Washington Post reports that 11 Iraqi police officers were hospitalized when ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State troops used chlorine gas in their battle for Duluiyah.

The police officers, all members of the Sunni Jabbour tribe, which has turned against the Islamic State, were guarding a line in the town’s north. After an exchange of fire, they said, they were surprised to see Islamic State fighters retreating from their position about 150 yards away.

Suddenly there was a boom in the area the extremists had just vacated, said Lt. Khairalla al-Jabbouri, 31, one of the survivors. “It was a strange explosion. We saw a yellow smoke in the sky,” he said. The wind carried the fog toward their lines. The men say it hung close to the ground, consistent with the properties of chlorine gas, which is heavier than air.

“I felt suffocated,” Jabbouri recalled. “I was throwing up and couldn’t breathe.”

Another officer, Ammer Jassim Mohammed, 31, who suffers from asthma, said he passed out within minutes.


The four physicians who treated them said there was no question that chlorine gas was to blame.

One physician on the team, Hassanain Mohammed, had treated similar cases­ before. In 2006 and 2007, al-Qaeda in Iraq, a group that later morphed into the Islamic State, carried out a string of chlorine bombings in the country.

I’m guessing that the stocks of the chemical weapons that we’ve known were in Syria for decades are the source for ISIS’ weapons, you know those weapons that we knew existed but did nothing about, through several presidential administrations. They weren’t pointed at us and there were members of Congress who told us that Assad was a “reformer” and someone we could deal with;

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad shakes hands with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in Damascus

Funny how things can change in just a few short years, especially when your government is in denial.

By the way, you noticed the part about the police being Sunnis, right? Sunnis like the ISIS folks.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

As Robert Patrick said in the tv show Scorpion, on Monday night, when he recieved some rather depressing news: Faaaantastic

The Other Whitey

Hey, IS used WMD against our allies! Doesn’t that legally mean we are now allowed to nuke the fuckers? Not that the Glorious Leader has the balls to do so…oh hell, or any balls whatsoever…


Edited for current topicality

Hitler has only got one ball,
Biden has two but they’re very small,
Hillary has something sim’lar,
But poor Obama, has no balls, at all.


Wrong! He has GOLF balls. That’s about it. 😐


So Islamist Sunnis used chems against other Sunnis… kinda like eating their own young, isn’t it?


No, David. It means IS is interested only in power, and will attack any who stand in their way. Even fellow Sunnis.




Throughout history, every conflict, especially religious or ideological ones, are ALWAYS about power. Everything else is just an excuse.


but I thought all of Syrias WMD were destroyed according to agreements hammered out by their pals in Russia… Color me shocked. Though it just as well could have been the Iraq WMD that didn’t exist of course.


So my question is as always before, when are we going to evacuate all Americans from Iraq and then bomb the living shit out of these murderers? I mean make Rolling Thunder and Linebacker look like a 4th of July fireworks show in comparison. Then, if they still want to fight after the few left alive crawl out of their caves, send in troops in strength and kill ALL the rest. How long, as close as they are to Baghdad now, before we see these weapons lobbed into the city center? Ground zero being our Embassy. To say I am beyond fed up with ISIS is an understatement. But they are doing exactly as expected and as they have openly said they would to no one’s surprise who has been listening. However, I am FAR more fed up with the Obama’s, do nothing important about this, attitude which is causing more deaths daily and will without fail, cause American deaths. I wish I could say I thought he cared but I KNOW better. The unimportant and trivial matters Obama IS dealing with along with Kerry and all his minions are only delaying the inevitable. History has always shown, the longer you wait to deal with any situation, the worse it becomes and the harder it is to deal with when the time comes there are NO MORE waiting options left. Then we in this country will be in a too late situation. Again. Like Ebola, like everything Obama has NOT dealt with.

Old Trooper

Kinda like this?

B Woodman

Heavy Metal. . . . I haven’t seen that movie in ages. I’ll have to see if I can find my VHS tape copy.

Old Trooper

I was going to use The Trooper from Iron Maiden, but I like this one and not everyone remembers that animated movie.