The Stolen Valor Triad & the wheelchair drive-by
![Stolen Valor triad](
Yes, the Stolen Valor Triad of Dallas Wittgenfeld, “Palmer” Paul Wickre, and Daniel A. Bernath have been working overtime to prove that they’re the dumbest MFers on the planet. They claim that I drove two-and-a-half hours to fire three bullets at poor Paul Wickre’s house;
I don’t know what a “Ruger .222” is, do you? Whatever it is, I don’t think that it’s logical to think that I would drive five hours to shoot at a house and then leave evidence that would lead back to me. Of course, if it were .222 shell casings it wouldn’t lead back to me, anyway. They claim that I did a drive-by in my wheelchair which is absolutely ridiculous for a number of reasons – not the least of which is; nobody in Wickre’s neighborhood noticed a guy in a wheelchair with a rifle? Of course, we all know that their reason for including that is to make fun of the fact that I’m paralyzed. Ha-ha-ha.
They continue that people with ALS go crazy. Stephen Hawking has had ALS since 1974, so I want to be that crazy. The “three round volley” proves that it was a military shooter. The only three round volley that I know of is zeroing the M16. I wouldn’t be zeroing my rifle at a house.
Somehow, Wittgenfeld is convinced for some reason that I’ve been ordered by a judge to keep my guns locked in a safe – keep thinking that, Dumbass. He believes that because he’s just dumb enough to believe everything that the other two dumbasses tell him.
Now then there’s this message from Wickre who uses proxy servers to comment here when he wants to make threats, but as I’ve told him, our traffic monitor tracks computers, not IP addresses;
Joey Teti
Submitted on 2014/10/20 at 11:51 pmAs a supporter of Joe, dont worry ALS boy youre lawsuit is being drafted, this ones gonna be good and ultimately shut your BS spewing ass up. ohhh and the default judgment and garnishment of your retirement is gonna be classy. You fucken prick, dont worry the shot will be taken from a long way, you wont even hear it. Stand the fuck by
I’m not dumb enough to make death threats to anyone, but these numbnuts aren’t that all that bright. I’m tired of all of Wickre’s empty threats. He’s been telling me that this lawsuit is coming for more than a year now, but like the ShoRtBus WInDowLicKer, he never shows.
The Stolen Valor Triad has been including Frank Visconi is their emails, so now I’m scared – two idiots with law degrees.
As stated above, there is a long line of people with motive for allegedly taking a shot at stately Wickre Manor. I say allegedly since the link above does not meet the high journalistic standards of The World Weekly News. They may want to check if any of the All Pounts Logistics employ yes that he has abused over the years have alibis. Then see if his sister, the one that he stiffed for $50,000 can account for her time. Of course, it could be any of his neighbors upset with that crappy canopy in the driveway driving down property values. Or maybe Phil Monkress is ready to let go of that bromance, because once you go Wickre, you will no longer want to dick her.
Major problem with the whole thing is that you can’t tell what kind of rifle fired the round. So saying that it’s a “Ruger .222” makes no sense.
The discovery of three shell casings would give the caliber, but again not the make of the rifle. Nor would you be able to trace the markings on those shells unless prior matching shells were on file. And that will only give you the gun that fired the round, NOT who fired it.
For an “attorney” this guy sure is a moron.
Hack, don’t forget about the person who he injured in the motor vehicle incident in 1998, the neighbors who he brought to court in 2002, the cop who he took a swing at in 2007, and the three other cops who he’s taken punch at (to include the one when he was on probation for hitting a cop that bought him 18 months wearing an orange jump suit).
For those of you who are new to the Psul rodeo, he’s spent more time in a court room than Perry Mason, and a good percentage of it defending himself against charges of assault, resisting arrest, and lying to cops. Someone has some serious authority issues, probably stemming from his absentee daddy who didn’t take care of mommy, and his sister’s success while he continues to fail, despite being the “smart” one.
The luck must have run out for this sperm.
Hard to believe he was the fastest swimmer at one point of his existence.
Dickless Brainfart is truly building up a load of bad karma for himself.
I can see the media now: the feeding frenzy, the local ‘stringer’ who can’t speak clearly with her adrenaline rush from being ‘on camera’ (did you seeee meeee??? how did I look????), the cops trying to figure out if psulie-boi’s plastic hangar in the driveway hides a lot of things unaccounted for… and afterwards, the speculation and harrassmen of his not-so-doting hausfrau.
Is this halftrack chromed-out cherried-out no bondo wheelie going to require a hood ornament?
I know where to get a good one, heavy chrome, at a reasonable price.
Oh for shit’s sake, Jonn.
Look for the “as to”. That’s the international sign for Fake As Fuck (FAF). It’s like Wickre has his own heat signature. Actually, his is more like his own shitstain signature.
Man, don’t insult me like that…I have a hard enough time keeping clean around Wickre’s hind quarters.
More like he’s in heat all the time. Draws purple peter puffers, taint ticklers, phony SEALs, and mentally unstable comm guy commando senior citizens for miles.
Careful Junior. You remember how het up the Phony Chief used to get about you. For God’s sake, don’t get him excited!
OH, you mean the screeching sueaholic phony CPO/phony Oregon Attorney himself? I live rent-free in that shmendrick’s head as well!!
Under the alias of Clyde Didit?
Nah, the big schmuck only publishes the screen name I use here while accusing the wrong man of being me.
That be him, Proud. But he did have an extra, creepy (and extra-creepy) fixation on HS Junior. Like a personal sense of betrayal. I’ll leave it there, but I combine that with some of the pedo allegations he leveled against the site mods and … well, ick is all I will say.
I am joining the lawsuit too. I know Jonn was aiming for poor little old me! First my lord and master lets me sit out in public all busted up for years on end, now Jonn is taking potshots at me. For shame.
But take heart, poor mailbox!
One day you might receive a severance check from All-Points Logistics signed by one Phil Monkress!
He’s spending it all on Astroglide.
/left Psuly all red and raw.
On a cold day in hell, GT. Even I know a deadbeat TURD when I see one, and I’m just a busted up mailbox.
I just had a mental image of him typing one handed while twerking his pickle, reciting over and over to himself..”I got him now, I got him now, I got him now”….
Apologies in advance for any mental scarring that may have cause any of you.
Oh, bloody hell…that image of him spewing that rubbish really put me off by itself; was it really needed to add the wanking-off part?
Ah well; apology accepted just the same. No offence taken, I assure you. ;o)
At least, you warned us.
The police finally corner the suspect, and as they take off his mask, we all gasp “Old man Wickre!?” As he is lead away in handcuffs, he says “And I would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for those meddling veterans.” Then we all pile into Jonn’s Mystery Mobile to get some Scooby Snacks.
Well played, sir! Thanks for the chuckle this morning.
Poor Bernasty. Can’t win in court, can’t win in life.
Just curl up in a ball and whine your life away, Danni-boi.
Rustle, rustle, bitch.
I had to check the calendar to make sure that it wasn’t April 1st. Then I remembered who was spewing the idiocy….. More range time John… You missed
No, it’s the other season, the one where little kids run around in funky costumes, pretending to be someone or something they are not.
Some of them come in aging, brilliantined, senior, adult sized sticking sets, pretending to be pilots, CPOs, skydivers, intelligent.
None of it works and they don’t get any candy, either.
If Barnasty and crew think that a rifle and a pistol is an arsenal, he’d better stay far away from my house. He’d classify just one of my rooms as an armory.
I wonder how apoplectic he’d get if he saw me walking out of KTP with a case of ammo.
Throw in a 5-gallon can of 100LL, and his head would probably explode.
Ignoring all the other idiocy, doesn’t a “three round volley” indicate three shooters? I thought volley fire was a number of shooters firing roughly simultaneously at roughly the same target, IE a number of doughboys in a trench all firing at a line of advancing Germans in WW1. Does his house have a couple of grassy knolls nearby, or were there three wheelchairs?
Also, if one Glock and a Ruger rifle (looks like either a Mini-14 or a Mini-30) constitutes a WV arsenal, then my preconceived notions of WV as a gun-loving state are sadly mistaken.
Oh, wait. He doesn’t have one.
So why is he so obsessed with pestering veterans? Must be seriously some sort of crazy, man.
Every member of that team of shmendricks is a perpetual cornucopia of idiocy!!
Is that image of the 3 holes of the “actual” bullet holes? Or is wikredicker trying to show what bullet holes look like?
That’s not brick, and ’embedded’ bullets wouldn’t go through the wall.
Did anyone but me notice that the site from whence this horribly written piece was on is down? And has been down?
You don’t say? Gee whiz, first his TAH-pw website, now his other internet blather. Meh, the Internet is forever, I just wonder what he’ll do next to showcase his weapons-grade chickenshit stupidity?!
I wonder if he took in fear of having a legit libel and slander case filed against him that would hold up in court or he didn’t pay his bill and they shut it off?
Are you assuming it was a voluntary take down?
Hee hee hee.
But a good scout can find anything, anywhere, even a fat bastard with a dead rat on his face.
I knew I shouldn’t have read this while eating. Those peckertwats make me gassy.
The picture in the middle looks like Wicker the Dicker, but I’m not sure. Is it ,and where was it taken?
Speaking of Bernath, remember the pic of the van on last weekend’s open thread? it might have something to do with THIS:
Brainfart Bernath’s nasty site is live again..
We’re “skinheads”? Is that right? Do I have to shave my head now?
Bernath, the bullshit artist, is a coward and a maggot.
A complete a fully-formed turd he is.
And a closet pedophile judging by his pictures. And he wonders why his cliental, to include the general public, are moving on from his “integrity”.
As Ron White said, he (Bernath) has the right to remain silent, he just doesn’t have the ability.
I can only imagine that The Prudential Associates Forensixs Team investigated “this assault” against FirsTech (or is it FirstTech this week?) corporate headquarters. As long as they were already on site climbing ladders to gather evidence, would it have killed them to clean Paul’s gutters while they were up there?
You guys are the nicest far right skinheads I have ever met, especially to this Jewish guy.
So far as I know, Wickre’s the only super-absorbent overnight pad that has ever mentioned the superiority of Nordic genes, if doughy, middle aged buttplugger is your benchmark for high manifestations of good breeding.
To quote Mark Twain, “I’ve never killed a man, but I’ve read many an obituary with a great deal of satisfaction.”
Rustle, rustle, bitch.
Dammit now these guys are starting to give stupid people a bad name if ya add up all 3 of there IQs it would not break 5
A toadstool on a cow pie has an IQ at least fifty times that of a the entire Dutch Rudder Gang combined!