Hand-wringing liberal doesn’t like father’s choices
Jon the Mechanic sends us an article from KAAL-TV about Matthew Halleck who walks his daughters home from school everyday. He happens to carry a handgun concealed to protect his daughters, but one of his neighbors doesn’t like that he’s armed. Kimberly Edson, a hand-wringing worry-wart, posted signs about Matthew’s legal choice to protect his kids;

Of course, Matthew and his daughters are less safe now because the criminals who carry weapons to do harm to the children know who is armed.
“Since we don’t have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is an armed man in their presence,” said Kimberly Edson, a Rochester resident who put the sign up. “The first couple days of school he had it very visible, we saw it and were quite concerned,” she said.
Kimberly called the police the day the picture was taken, but they said Matthew has a legal right to carry off school property. Matthew also contacted authorities concerning the sign, and while they briefly took the sign down, it was eventually determined that Kimberly was also breaking no laws. “He has a 2nd Amendment right to carry the gun, I have my 1st Amendment right to say that I don’t like it,” said Edson.
You know, if Matthew was a criminal, I’d understand Edson’s concern, but she makes no sense in this story. The guy is not flaunting his weapon or threatening anyone. He’s being completely responsible and abiding by the local laws. She, however, is being a complete dick.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
“Since we don’t have a way to stop him, we felt it was important to notify the neighborhood and the parents that there is an armed man in their presence,” said Kimberly Edson, a Rochester resident who put the sign up. “The first couple days of school he had it very visible, we saw it and were quite concerned,” she said.
I ask, how do these scared, liberal, whining folks get any sleep at night? It must be miserable to live that way. Scared of your own shadow, scared of crime, and Rochester has its share, but immobilized with fear to do anything about anything for themselves. What a scared, miserable, constant state of fear life they must live in. I have an idea. Get off your asses, get an issue of some guts and then like this father, be proactive in your own protection. After all, when YOUR kid is snatched, YOUR house is burglarized in the middle of the night, YOUR car is jacked, the police are just…minutes away, maybe…after the frantic 911 call.
I’ve read through the thread, and agree with all of what has been said. There is only one thing I would add, and it refers to the resident’s quote above:
“…he had it very visible, we saw it and were quite concerned,…”
There was his mistake. When you’re packing heat, you keep it under your clothing, out of sight, and unknown, until and/or unless you need it. Period. It ain’t a piece of jewelry.
The popular statement attributed to the NRA and others is profound in it’s simplicity and accuracy:
“If you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns!” Absolutely true.
What that idiot Kimberly does not realize is that Matthew will be the first to respond to render aid and to protect her children if needed, as well as protecting her First Amendment rights.
Bottomline – most liberals suck (I need a little wiggle room in case there’s one or two good liberals out there).
Liberals Suck.
There, fixed it for ya. 🙂
If Kimberly did this exposition on me, I would not risk my freedom to protect her kids because she might have me sued or arrested for causing them mental stress. She makes her nest, she lives in it with all responsibility (none of which she will accept)that entails.
Would it be wrong then to respond with a sign showing her picture, with a caption to the effect of, “This person does nothing to protect herself or her family.”?
And, I suppose, a subtext of “Criminals, please do as you like.”?
I was thinking something similar. “This woman lives at this address and does not like my 2nd amendment rights to carry firearms. Apparently she doesn’t like guns and doesn’t want anyone to have them….”
See how quickly she changes her story because I’d bet in about 24 hours she’d be down applying for a firearm.
Or she’d get robbed and then blame society and not the robber for the fact she got robbed. Possibly even sue this guy for not protecting her since he has firearms.
He should put up a sign in his yard that points to her house as easy to rob because she doesn’t own a gun for safety and the pukes won’t have any problems over there.
That is a very good tactic in situations like this.
I have a picture of the perfect sign, wish I could post it here. lol
Jacobite…That is GREAT! I’m stealing it, with your permission.
Not my creation sir, you’re welcome to spread it far and wide! 🙂
I’m seriously considering creating a bunch of these signs, with a reversible arrow, and selling them at our next yard sale. Lol.
Jacobite…Now you’re thinking. I see you’ve had some marketing training. Up sell, that’s the key, Value Added Service.
That’s a copy of what somebody in Virginia (If I’m correect) put in his front yard to “appease” his whiny-assed limp-wristed thin-skinned snot-spined liberal gun-hating commie neighbor.
Not much use for those on my block.
Big like for that sign.
Gotta get me one of those!!
Stupid, hateful, whiney, ignorant little busy bodies.
Must not have much going on in their pathetic lives that they have the time to make something like this a personal crusade.
They can’t even abide a lawful and respectable gun owner, that tells ya all you need to know right there. Sheeple.
Halleck should counteract with his own 1st Amendment act:
“To the burglers of the city. The Edsons choose to be unarmed and alienate their neighbors. Therefore feel free to rob them at any time.”
Disagree 100% with the protection of the First Amendment on that poster.
By announcing that a man is armed, it makes him a potential target, and could be put in imminent danger. It blatantly breaks the Clear and Present Danger clause by doing this, and thusly should not be protected by the First Amendment.
That’s a novel approach. There is no clear and present danger clause. It is (or, rather, was) a litmus test, a construct of the Supreme Court, that permitted the gov’t to punish certain speech. Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919) The following year, the creator of that ill-defined test changed his mind! However, the test remained the law of the land until it was tossed aside 50 years later in another case, Brandenburg v. Ohio. I know you have an interest in these matters. That’s why I provided the case names. Check ’em out.
Thanks, Cav. I’ll be sure to check them out.
If there is violence against him, she’ll be crowing all day long about how it was his own fault for carrying a gun. If there is violence against her, she’ll scream it’s because he made it an unsafe neighborhood.
Is there any way we can turn Manhattan into the world’s largest commune for these idiots? Lock them all there, only the nuts, and see what kind of a utopia they decide on before resorting to cannibalism because their organic soy bean gardens get eaten by pests?
Sorry but its too late. There already is a commune for them. Its Called San Francisco.
But since “we” still have a problem with building fences, we can’t keep them all inside and isolated from the rest of the US.
The sign I found reads;
‘My Next Door Neighbor wants to BAN all Guns,
Their House is NOT ARMED.
Out of respect for their opinions I promise
And has an arrow to point at the offending neighbors house.
THAT’s exactly the way to deal with this foolishness.
Some years back I had a leftist whose kids waited at the same school bus stop as mine. She would watch to see that they got to the stop, then close the door and get on with her day. I, on the other hand, walked my daughter there and waited. Why, you ask? Because 3 houses down was a registered sex offender. I learned this because I checked out the state’s list for my area. I knew the guy to be creepy, and all sorts of alarm bells were going off when I saw where he lived, but until I checked the registry I didn’t know he was a convicted sex offender. Anyway, I told Ms Leftist about this and she was totally unconcerned saying that “he’d done his time and had a right to live wherever he chose”. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up. Anyway, I keep acting like the local sheepdog, watching the kids, et al. This one day, my daughter wants to walk around the block the other way so as to walk to the bus stop with her friend. Fine by me. We turn the corner to the bus stop, and their is this pervert, standing outside his house and behind some bushes, taking videos of the little kids at the bus stop. I calmly stop my daughter and her friend, grab my phone and take a few pictures of him doing this, then call the cops. He sees me on the phone and heads inside his house. A couple minutes later, the police arrive and want to know what’s going on. I told them what he was doing, and of course, he denies it. Then I show the cops the pics I took and he’s cuffed up and put into a cruiser. Long story short, a few days later I get word from the police that he won’t be a problem anymore as he’s in jail on a no-bail hold. They had also confiscated boxes of tapes this guy had made of little kids around the neighborhood, waiting for the school bus, playing outside,… Read more »
Tim………..that’s the best “feel good story of the day” I’ve read in awhile.
Good on you!
Fucking awesome.
Good on ya. I’m glad to see you’re keeping an eye on the pervs who show way too much interest in the kids.
Any adult who touches a child sexually needs to feel significant pain. I’ll allow an exception for when the age gap between adult and child does not exceed two years – at that point, the age gap is so close, the fact that one is technically an adult and the other is technically a child becomes a distinction without a difference. But when the age gap is three years or greater, it’s time to bring the pain.
Oh, I think one good turn definitely deserves another. Mr. Halleck should definitely watch while her house is being looted when she goes on vacay, and even offer to buy some items from the looters.
Well – how is he supposed to know that they’re looters? They had a charity sign on their truck.
I just love people like her. I want to go to Wyoming or Montana some day, ride into some yuppie-lib watering hole on the back of my faithful Quarter Horse Old Nougat, who likes lemon drops, packing a fine pair of engraved Colts (with mother-of-pearl decor) in leg holsters and hit whatever dry goods store they frequent.
Can’t you just see the panicky looks on their little pinched faces when they see little old me standing in the doorway of the trading post, wearin’ them irons?
They’ll run screaming to the nearest pohlease person.
If only someone would make a movie like that.
Good visual, Ex. However, in my humble opinion, the Colts should have ivory hardware because to quote General George S. Patton: “Only a pimp in a cheap New Orleans whorehouse would carry a pearl handled pistol!”. Besides, ivory grips would really piss off those damn liberals something awful because of the Elephants!
Oh, you can still find the ivory-handled Colts, Mustang, but they’re real antiques and they cost far too much.
Besides, mother of pearl is for girls, don’t you think?
(I refuse to go with plastic.)
I use Pachmayr Presentation grips on my BIG irons. They are great grips. soften the recoil, and look sinister as hell. The only thing flashy on a gun should be the Muzzle.
So you’re saying no pink Swarovski crystals?
You can still get a good set for about $600.
I bought pre-ban ivory grips for my SAA in ’84 for about $250 from Boone Trading.
They sell today from $575; go about half-way down the page:
If you send your frame they’ll fit the ivory. You can buy them single (no screw) or two-piece. I bought the two-piece set.
Closest thing I know is “Tucker and Dale vs. Evil”.
Hilarious movie.
The Outlaw Josey Wales. Trading post.
Problem is, the only place in WY or MT I can think of that might even be like that would be Jackson Hole. Even there, the CA yuppies with their vacation homes are smart enough not to fuck with the locals who can (and do) drive around town with loaded rifles in the racks in the back windows of their trucks.
Such is life in a state that has NO CCW permit required.
It’s just the idea of yanking the chains they’ve made for themselves, or thumping those cage doors they’ve built, that I find attractive.
But on the other hand, I’m not only not afraid of my own shadow, I also have enough common sense to pay attention to the things that actually are harmful.
I’ve been looking for a state to move to when I get the hell out of Maryland. Wyoming just shot to the top!
Wyoming is a great state. I grew up in Northern utah, and we’d travel all through Wyoming and Montana for camping & hiking. One of my favorite places is Thermopolis. Natural hot springs that they’ve converted into a wonderful water park. Also a good-sized dinosaur excavation site too.
You should definitely check out the state. Cody isn’t bad but for the terrorists, er, tourists heading east from Yellowstone. 🙂
Jackson no longer counts as part of Wyoming or even Teton County. I grew up near there, and those flaming Jackson liberals are the reason I didn’t retire there. They’ve driven the cost of living through the roof and are working hard to turn an awesome state into a new California.
That’s liberals for you, they make one location unliveable, then infect other places and spoil them as well, they’re not unlike a bacterial or fungal infection!
See also Missoula. Every state has one.
Santa Fe and Taos…places for people too whacked out for Berkeley.
The stupid, it burns!
This is a product of the logical idiocy that’s perpetuated in schools now, and is a symptom of a bigger problem. This makes my face twitch; You’ve got a father protecting his children, having the tools available to him to do that on hand, and this woman it so afraid of the tool that she is incapable of seeing the responsibly that this father is displaying.
VERY well said.
Perhaps Mr. Halleck should fight fire with fire. He should take a picture of her and her home with the caption, “This woman believes strongly in gun control and doesn’t own any firearms. She would make an easier target than I would.” Then he should do as she has and post them all over town.
He should put up a pic/poster of every cop with a gun on school property- for her- so she’ll know that they don’t need guns either. I mean, really- if this dude can’t carry, why should cops?
“She, however, is being a complete dick.”
You misspelled cunt.
I say if this gal is unhappy then “Move” suck it up and move on. You can bet your sweet ass if I thought my daughter was going to be in Harms Way going to school I’d carry more then a hand gun on me. Maybe if she kept her shades down and her mouth shut it might be a better world, maybe she needs a hobbie, like “GETTING LOST”
Where the tall corn grows
Yeah, she can move to one of those countries that don’t allow their citizens to have firearms because only the military dictatorship carries them. Granted, when she doesn’t like what they have to say and says something, they’ll kill and torture her. But she’ll be happy to be in a place where “peasants” can’t protect themselves.
Methinks England would be a PERFECT place for her to live!!
THAT lard-bellied candy-assed creampuff of a liberal sow needs to migrate someplace like NY or San Foo-foo and be FORBIDDEN to reproduce!! As for Mr. Helleck, I concur with his attitude toward protecting his kids, SCREW the snot-spined thin-skinned shittyassed bawling liberals!!
Maybe some enterprising lawyer could contact the guy about lodging criminal charges against the bitch for attempting to have the guy denied his 2nd Amendment right under the Constitution of These United States of America.
They use the courts. Why can’t we?
We do NOT have any so-called “Constitutional Right”, and/or any “Second Amendment” right, and/or any “First Amendment” right to do anything.
Our rights are inherent and UNALIENABLE.
The sole and primary purpose of our divinely inspired Constitution of The United States of America, along with the Bill of Rights, is to prevent our government from usurping unlawful power to interfere with our unalienable rights, as in the oft repeated phrase,
“Congress shall make no law – – – “, et cetera.
The only rights we have are those we’re willing to shed blood to keep.
Here’s my reply to Kimberly Edson:
I’m willing to bet good money that Chelsea King’s parents wish that they had escorted her home from school with a gun. I can’t imagine the hell they’ve now experienced, and don’t mean to politicize their suffering. But this man is making sure that what happened to that poor girl (and far too many others like her) doesn’t happen to his daughter. I will do the same when my baby daughter is old enough for school.
This man is doing his duty as a father, using his best judgement to select the best tools and methods with which to do so. He is doing so safely and responsibly. He is not waving his gun around, threatening people, or otherwise being a douche. He is, in fact, acting the same way a law enforcement officer is supposed to act regarding the weapon he carries: it stays in the holster unless it’s needed.
This is clearly not about the safety of children. It’s about your own prejudice, bordering on paranoia. In this, you are no different from a racist. You may choose not to protect your family, and to hope that somebody else will do it for you, but have no legal or moral right to impose your personal choice on others. In fact, you seem hell-bent on making sure that all children are just as defenseless as Chelsea King.
Get off your high horse before it bucks you off.
The 50+ cow with no child in that school is a Reading Librarian at the Rochester Public Library. Some residents ought to request that the library acquire Guns and Ammo magazine and a slew of books that pay homage to guns and other weapons. And the library depends heavily on private donors. I wonder how many of them own guns and aren’t pleased with Bessie, every all-you-can-eat establishment’s nightmare.
It looks like he could walk into the Rochester Public Library with or w/o his firearm concealed. That would be a laugh riot. There would be at least one cow pie on the carpet. I doubt that he will but I would not be at all surprised to read that his supporters did just that–once they determined that there were no prohibitions against carrying in the library. What a hoot.
Did she make her sign using library materials? Is she late to work b/c she is watching a law-abiding citizen escort his daughters to school? I tell you, if I lived there, I would be having a field day with this.
I grew up in Rochester, MN. Doesn’t surprise me in the least. While outstate Minnesota is fairly conservative, the large cities are horribly left leaning. I will remind you that MN is the only state in the country that has voted blue for the last 40 yrs in Presidential elections, and also brought you Sen. Al Franken.
What I find most disturbing is that anyone even thinks he or she has to walk to the bus stop with their kids, wait for the bus to pick them up, and then be there when the bus brings them back.
We didn’t have this problem when I was in school, but I see parents every day at the stop with their kids in the mornings, and waiting at the stop at night.
And that is ALL grades, not just elementary or junior high. ALL grades, and even in MY peaceful, quiet neighborhood.
It’s more disturbing that it is necessary than I can properly express.
In reality, it is helicoptering
If the doors into prison only swung one way for the various pedophiles, kidnappers, and rapists, it wouldn’t BE necessary. Unfortunately, the door revolves — so bodyguard the kids it is, if you want to see them reach adulthood.
Helicoptering? David, that’s a false assumption on your part.
More than one schoolteacher in this area has been busted for child porn, inappropriate sexual and other physical contact with students, and all the other pedo stuff that concerns parents.
The fact that these parents give a damn about their kids and pick them up at the bus stops is not helicoptering. It means they DO give a damn.
What a colossal cunt.
I hope he starts opening carrying and stop by her house just a little longer.
Seems to me he has a right to post a giant sign with a finger pointing at this twat burgers house saying “my neighbor hates guns and is unarmed, criminals take note”
Kimberly Edson is a piece of shit.
What do you call a future Conservative, Dimwit Kim?
A Liberal sack of shit such as yourself that has not been mugged yet.
“I have a responsibility to help create the kind of community I want to see, and I don’t want to see a community where there are guns around schools,” said Edson.”
This quote says it all. That cow wants to impose her will on everyone. Nothing she disagrees with should be allowed. Typical of the leftist mentality.
“I have a responsibility to help create the kind of community I want to see, and I don’t want to see a community where there are guns around schools,” said Edson.”
“I have a responsibility to help create the kind of community I want to see, and I don’t want to see a community where there are CITIZENS UNABLE TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN IN schools OR ANYWHERE; A COMMUNITY WHERE OUR RIGHTS ARE TAKEN AWAY,” said ‘CIVILIAN SHE’.”
As a parent, I would shake the hand of this man and ask him to keep an eye out for my son too. Ms. Edson needs to worry more about the arms she doesn’t see or know of than the ones she does.
Civilian She: I suspect that he is watching out for other kids. Responsible adults do this daily. See AW1 Tim’s comment at 10:38 a.m., for instance. Others think that if it’s not in their job description, well, it’s just not their job, that’s all.
2/17 I believe you are right, but it doesn’t hurt to request as a politeness and gives confirmation to the watchdog that someone is appreciative, even if he doesn’t do it for accolades. I am certain your service wasn’t for accolades either, but it is my opinion it never hurts to say thank you, as a civilian, because I am grateful. I saw Tim’s comment – wish he lived next door to me, but the corrections officer will do. I too check out the registry…
Well, she’s outnumbered in most parts of the state, but Rochester and the Mpls/St.Paul metro area are hives of limp-wristed commies that think that the sight of a gun is the worst thing ever.
Fortunately, we are working on changing some hearts and minds up here, one person at a time. We had a new shooter come to our HHC Fall Festival of Mayhem, yesterday, and everyone worked with her and got her comfortable with shooting everything she wanted to try. She was given proper blocks of instruction, with a little political leanings sprinkled in (to show her how fricken stoopid the left is when it comes to firearms), as well as safety tips, and answering all her questions. By the end of the day, she had a huge grin on her face and was genuinely enjoying herself. Plus, the chick is a very good shot!
Jonn, TSO, Mr. Wolf: We got some new toys for you to try the next time you’re up here!! So easy to use, a caveman (me) could hit the target! 🙂
It appears Kim Edison is married….to another woman. And she certainly is keen on promoting the LGBT choice. That’s nice.
Okay, so even a stopped clock is right twice a day. I’ll agree that marriage equality is important. That said, this poor girl (a woman is an adult; I cannot bring myself to think of someone this childish as an adult) needs to realise that the same free, open-minded society that made her marriage legal also made the right to self-defence legal.
Yes, Ms Edison, you do have the right to marry another woman, never mind what the Religous Right thinks. Mr Halleck has the right to carry a gun, never mind what you think. See how this freedom thingy works?
Well said.
No, but I do see how that civilization thingy works. And I do see how that democracy thingy works. And I do see how same-sex marriage is both a kick in civilization’s nuts and, in the US, a product of that judicial tyranny thingy.
2/17 Air Cav…(Plants face on keyboard) and asks, “What are the odds she would turn out to be both lesbian and liberal?”
There’s a trifecta, Sparks. She was also a delegate to the Democratic Nat’l Convention.
2/17 Air Cav…It’s a threefer! Who knew?
Every neighborhood has some silly old lady who thinks the neighborhood gives a rat’s ass what she thinks. Just like all those other silly old ladies, this one is wrong as well.
Nobody cares what you think Kimberly, keep your blinds closed and get a fucking hobby instead of staring at your neighbors all day long you stupid ass.
Veritas Omnia Vincit…Succinct and to the point. I think I’ll somehow forward this to OUR local neighborhood Kim Edison. Thank you VOV!
If anything, that liberal lardball of a creampuff has openly advertised the fact that some Parents carry a concealed firearm while escorting their kids, it’s very likely he’s not the only one! Maybe, JUST MAYBE that might make pedophiles think twice about lurking in that area.
A Proud Infidel®™…Just maybe and I pray not, he has to defend HER kid from being snatched at the bus stop, it’ll give her another thought about this. But somehow in her head, it will come back to him. “If he hadn’t has that evil gun, none of this would have happened!” Yea right Kim and when the Amber Alert goes off and YOUR kid’s face is on a milk carton, you won’t be able to thank this guy for saving them because you and your fellow neighbors may have shamed and harassed him into NOT carrying.