Biden family news
My inbox filled up with emails last night about Hunter Biden who pissed hot on a urinalysis in May 2013, a mere month after he was commissioned in the Navy. He was allowed to stick around and get paid while they were booting his 43-year-old ass. I have to wonder a lot of things about this news. First of all, what is a 43-year-old doing joining the Navy in the first place? Second of all, why did it take nine months to put his ass out on the street? Thirdly, why are we just hearing about it now? I guess it’s not a distraction or anything.
If Joe Biden was my father, I’d probably be a coke head, too, so I’m not all that surprised, but, this scandal will probably die pretty soon. He apologized, according to CNN;
“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge. I respect the Navy’s decision. With the love and support of my family, I’m moving forward,” he said.
It was probably PTSD that made him do it, I’m sure it was a failure of the military health care system or something equally stupid, instead of being a wealthy, privileged trust fund baby who is old enough to know better than to go stepping on his appendage.
I’ll admit that I didn’t believe the story at first, thinking that we’re being set up, but then I realized that this was the son of Joe Biden, the smartest man on the planet, so he probably coked-up because he couldn’t live up to the example that his father set for him. Or something. At least he didn’t kill anyone…yet.
ADDED: The Associated Press reports the “good news” for young Hunter that Connecticut doesn’t consider his boot from the Navy Reserve serious enough to review his membership in the state bar;
Lawyers in Connecticut face automatic review of their bar admission only when they have been convicted of a crime, said Michael P. Bowler, Connecticut’s Statewide Bar Counselor, who heads a team of lawyers that investigate attorney grievances. Criminal convictions have to be reviewed by a statewide grievance committee, as do other complaints, which can range from drug and alcohol abuse to inadequate legal representation.
“At this point, I’m not aware that Mr. Biden has been arrested for anything, and certainly not convicted,” Bowler said. The Navy’s brief confirmation of Biden’s discharge did not cite any arrest or charges.
I’m sure any future clients of the cokehead will be pleased as shit.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Sounds like a good candidate for the next CDC director . . . and yes, I’m being sarcastic. Mostly.
He’s a candidate for President Obama’s next drug czar.
Too bad he wasn’t just a lying fuck of a general, then he’d a been able to retire gracefully with no further action.
I may have snorted. But I didn’t suck 😛
As to why it takes 9 months to boot him…As a Battalion SACO, I deal with this issue. There are SO many things that must happen before they can be kicked out. Once they are identified as a drug pop, they MUST be sent to treatment. Which can take a couple of months, then they need to do the command investigation on whether or not they want to NJP or Court-Martial. Then the admin sep paperwork begins, which will get kicked back a hundred times for different changes, or lack of supporting documentation.
All in all, it is a HUGE pain in the ass…
And this is all still based on WHEN the next person in the process decides they want to work on the paperwork. Due to the high amount of Drug and Alcohol incidents in a specific unit, it may take the SACO a few days/weeks to get things accomplished.
AND to pile on…to make an even further point….it was the Navy Reserve. now i can’t speak to you Squids, but in the AF Reserve when I was in not too long ago, some folks took the “One Weekend a Month” attitude VERY seriously. My Chief who was a great Gung Ho guy and took a GS-9 full time, during the week, Reserve job when his civilian job laid him off used to call it, “Mope Around Monday” whenever he had to go to the Wing or anywhere to get anything done. Even though it was the “military” a *LOT* of folks treated it like 9-5 (or maybe 10-2 with a long lunch) gubmint jerb and he said it was like pulling teeth to get anything done. It could take weeks or months and then You had the unit roll in for their Reserve Weekend and had 10,000 *OTHER THINGS* that were more important than training records, weight management program, etc. .. Hell at times *training* was blown off cause we didn’t have an airframe or things were cancelled because of no bullets (M-16 Qual) or there were too many folks out on TDY so there was no one to manage (insert job or program, or duty section here).
You get the idea.
Oh! Sounds like the gubmint organization I work for!
Not sure about USNR, but USAFR you are sent home as soon as you piss hot and not allowed to participate for pay or points unless you contest the test results.
Lots of good reasons for why it took so long, and for “normal” service-members, all valid.
However in this case I promise it was because of who he is. Who wants to be the Commander that signs the paperwork kicking the VP’s son out of the Navy? Not to mention the political issues.
C’mon, we know why it took so long…
HELL! If I were the commander signing those papers, I’d have a copy FRAMED and hanging on my “I Love Me” wall at home.
After I retired.
My experience has been with the Army Reserve. Nine months would actually be pretty expeditious for the USAR.
9 months to boot him and another 8 months for the story to leak out.
Just to beat others to the punch … but Bush!
and current POTUS Osama Ebola also admitted using.
In 20 years or so someone will be doing an FOIA on his mil-records because he will be a Navy Seal with the Navy Cross, three Purple Hearts, and seven combat tours in Afghanistan.
Juuuuuuuust Saaaaayin’
All of that’s classified and his records burned up in a fire so don’t bother asking him.
Fuck this guy. I and plenty of others worked hard for our Commissions (shout out to Fall Accelerated OCS 2012 at Ft. Indiantown Gap) and to see some worthless piece of shit piss (literally) all over his Commission just aggravates the hell out of me. This fuckstick better get the full-blown “dismissal” and not some administrative separation that will allow him to walk into a good career. This shit should follow him around for the rest of his life and fuck him over at every turn. And if he should find himself in the company of better men than himself, he should slink away in shame like the worthless, miserable worm that he is!
Sweet little Hunter will suffer no serious repercussions for his actions. I can only imagine how the powers that be worked overtime to give this asshole special consideration. What a damn disgrace. Married, father of three young children and still doing blow at 43 years old. The rules are different when you are connected…..
No shit. I wondered about that myself. Rockin’ his like that at his age. Saying Fk the Navy, Fk his family, Fk America. Total disgrace to the Service. Turd. Now he’s totally intaweb famous and TAH, of course). But still able to practice law. ‘Magine that.
(Rockin’ his heart) sheez, fat fingers.
i hate that our nation has this hero worship were politicians should be veterans. Not that I don’t think vets have a indie point of view that’s invaluable but making it required or thinking it as so lends itself more to the royalty side where it’s a check the block.
I haven’t done research but it’s odd as hell he’s that old and got a commission.
” First of all, what is a 43-year-old doing joining the Navy in the first place?”
Age waivers are commonly given to people with specialized skills such as linguists, doctors, and politician’s kids who want to be PAOs
This is exactly what I was thinking. While the rest of us shlubs had to endure OCS, ROTC or a military academy to earn those gold bars, this douche gets a pass for obvious reasons.
Just like anything else not legitimately earned, he had no frame of reference for the real value of those gold bars.
Why did he join the Navy at 43? Obviously to put something substantive on a thin resume so he could be more respected if (read: when) he entered politics.
Since he didn’t need to get the five student deferments that his father, the “Human Gaffe Machine” got, and would probably not ever deploy out of CONUS, it seemed like a sweet deal….at the time!
Wanted to pad the resume with military service, but couldn’t keep his nose out of the Bolivian Marching Powder. AMF, Hunter.
This. I bet he had plans to run for office too.
Must have taken his career advice from sKerry.
Pop’s a drunk, the kid’s a cokehead. Like father, like son.
End of story.
You have to be a dumb POS to get caught for powder use. It is out of your system in 7 days and being a reservists, you would know when your next possible drug test would be. F’ this guy.
43 year old boot?
uhhhh wtf
43 year old butter bar.
No, 43 year old butterbar (or whatever they call a butterbar in the Navy.) I’m assuming direct commission? Doubt he spent so much as a day at boot camp. Never had a drill sergeant/Petty Officer yell in his face, etc.
To answer the question of “why would a 43-year-old join the Navy anyway”: Because it looks good in a campaign.
As much as I hate to say it, I have no doubt that he was hoping to do a short stint in the Navy to buffer his career and try for an easy seat in the Senate.
Shitbag. Glad to see his dope-smoking ass was thrown out. Good luck saying you’re a Navy man now, Mr. Biden.
Minor correction: “his COKE SNORTING ass.” 😉
It was coke? Huh, I assumed weed because of the piss test, but…
Regardless, don’t let the ocean hit you on the ass on the way out the porthole, Biden.
43 years old eh? I say he had taken some “get em’ fast decorations” advice from Kerry, (he was a Vietnam Vet) so he could look good to run for Democratic Dick Sucker, 2nd Ward of some shit hole liberal enclave to start his political career off. Well, as a Democrat, he’s still right on track. Now he has an “every man” tragedy and story to share and use to “identify” with the typical liberal voter.
Interesting, at 42 years of age I was told I was too old to even apply for OCS in the NG (the cutoff was 40.)
I got my law degree at the age of 43 but was told behind the scenes not to waste my time applying for a JAG commission as those slots were going to go to young hard chargers with a full career ahead of them.
Which makes sense, I suppose, but it galls a little bit to see this kind of special treatment in the military.
I guess when daddy is the Vice President, all things are possible….
What galls me is if this shit bag had not gotten into the cocaine bin, he would do a minimum obligation and then use his “military service” to jump start his political career. I take comfort in knowing he won’t have that option now.
This might help:
For Facebook commenter Dennis Fetter: per Federal law, commissioned officers can only be dismissed as the result of a GCM sentence, commutation of a GCM sentence, or by order of the POTUS during time of war. They can be ordered dropped from the rolls (an administrative action) by the POTUS for long-term AWOL, after 6 mo confinement resulting from a court-martial sentence, or if in a Federal or state prison as the result of civilian conviction. See 10 USC 1161 at
At worst, the guy received an OTH.
But he didn’t. They took the easy way out. I was junior member on a CRB (competency review board) for a young E4 derbil who popped for the same shit (twice). As the lone dissenter voting for OTH, I had to write a G’damn formal dissent paper (forgot the technical term), but whatever, he got a general admin sep. All about less paperwork in the Reserves, I guess.
Minority Report. Fk yea my google-fu!
I don’t know about the Navy Reserve, but in the Army Reserve due to “ease” the paperwork shuffle, they will often give troops a “voluntary out General Discharge” so they don’t have to spend 1-2 years fighting back n’ forth. And even if someone “voluntarily” leaves the Army Reserve, it can take 6-8 months. Typical Timeline – Month 1: take piss test Month 2: Testing hot ID’d, Higher processes packet for piss test and sends to unit commander Month 3: SM counseled and given initial notification of pissing hot. SM given 30 days to talk to a lawyer (at own expense), determine plan of action, etc. Month 4: SM returns and talks to Commander about hot test. ***Commander gives SM option to take a quick “General Discharge” rather than spend up to 6 months just making an initial determination. If SM takes “GD” they sign, commander signs, packet is sent up chain of command. Month 5-6: Processing of GD, packet returned for multiple issues to be fixed, etc. JAG Offs spend most of this time making packet “perfect” from a legal standpoint. Month 7: SM gets orders discharging them in 30 days, does outprocessing, turns in stuff. Month 8: Officially separated. And that’s “if” the Service Member decides to take the QUICK way out. If they refute, want to stay in the Reserves, etc., that can add 6 more months of back n’ forth paperwork just letting the legal system work. And then after they have the Retain Board (forget the fancy term) and the board might recommend they be retained. If that’s the case, it can take another 3-6 months for higher HQ to determine if he lets the SM stay or not. If not, then 1-3 months for the “GTFO” process. If yes, they are tested monthly, go thru rehab, etc., for a year. And that’s the short version of each. I had a few Soldiers to deal with for this “process” and what it comes down to is that the lawyers fuck everything up and make it all longer and painful to ensure there’s no “legal” reason… Read more »
I think I’ll sit this one out for a while and just read what you fellows have to say about “Joe Bite Me In The Ass”, and his baby boy, this blog has got to be good, besides I’ve been in the corn fields much to long, so if you will, keep it clean, hate to dirty things up. Talk to you later,right now its Ham & Eggs time.
43 year old Hunter *SNORT* Biden, booted from the USN Reserve because he thought enjoying some snot carpeting was OK because his Daddy is VPOTUS! I’ll bet the sniveling liberals in the mainstream media are keeping as hush as they can about this in anticipation of sweeping it under the rug because his daddy is a liberal demo-rat. Now if he was republican pol’s kid, this would be blazing across every headline, remember how the demo-rats and their sniveling sycophants in the media sneered about how GW Bush should have resigned after his Daughters were accused of *GASP* underage drinking? They stayed as hush as they could about Al gore Jr.’s son Al Gore III going 160+ MPH on a “Rice Rocket” through some town while he was running for President. Shit, *H. *SNORT* Biden got a direct commission, I wonder if his pampered prissy little silver-spooned ass ever even attended one day of formal Military training between when he got his commission handed to him and he got thrown out? I remember when I was AD Army in the early 90’s, we had random drug tests then, and whoever tested positive got thrown out, NCO’s got a reduction and bye-bye, EM’s got the same Field Grade Article 15, but got reduced to E-1 and thrown out after their “45 and 45” was over with. Fuck that snot-nosed little shit!
Keep it going guys, don’t stop now,
“I have to wonder a lot of things about this news. First of all, what is a 43-year-old doing joining the Navy in the first place?”
I can only speak for myself. I jumped back into uniform, after an eighteen year hiatus, at the age of 42 as a slick sleeve private. It was right after 9/11 and I felt I had to do something. As for Biden…I suspect he was trying to punch a ticket for a political career because he couldn’t get there riding on daddies coattails. I imagine his separation was better than it should have been simply because of his last name.
Is it cynical for me to suspect Bill & Hillary had something to do with the timing of this release? Helping to clear the decks of a Biden challenge in 2016?
Nooooo, the Clintons would never do anything dirty like this…..
Stacy0311…The Clintons using dirty political tactics? Who knew? Say it ain’t so Joe (Biden)!
I think what’s particularly disgusting about this is little Biden gets special treatment because he’s part of the “political class.” It’s as if they were royalty with special privileges. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
All the more reason for Congressional term limits and a destruction of the two party system.
AND … change the presidential term of office to 6 years with NO reelection. That way, none of this crappy electioneering beginning at Year 2. One term only, no repeats.
’nuff said!
“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge.”
Ok, cokehead, listen up; you did not serve in the military. The only time you were in was to receive your commission. You didn’t serve shit other than a white line on a mirror. You stating that you were honored to serve belittles every swinging dick that actually served honorably and if it was such an honor, you would have kept your fucking nose out o the Peruvian marching powder. You fucking arrogant, pretentious, narcissistic pile of monkey nuts. You spent less time “serving” than I did in the latrine, you fartknocker.
^^What he said.^^
ADDED: The Associated Press reports the “good news” for young Hunter that Connecticut doesn’t consider his boot from the Navy Reserve serious enough to review his membership in the state bar;
I’m sure any future clients of the cokehead will be pleased as shit.
Well folks, him not getting disbarred probababy is a result of 2 things,,, Daddy being the VP and his Older brother Beau being the fucking Attorney General for the State of Delaware.
Beau looks to be another shitbag “Officer” He got a direct commission in the Delaware National Guard as a JAG in 2003 and is now a Major.
Of course he had the “combat tour” in Iraq in 2008, staying at Camp Victory for 10 Months.
The entire time he was still performing his Job as Attorny General.
He’s running for Governor soon they say. Both of then have silver spoons, just the younger one has coke on it, Fuck all three of them.
I would love to see the conditional codes on his DD214. I worked with a doctor in the Navy who got booted for BAH fraud. He got admin sep’d and thought he’d gotten off scott free. That is, until he applied for a civilian residency. Those nasty little separation codes on the DD214 kept him out of any residency that was affiliated with the federal government or institutions that received federal government funds (about 95%). He ended up doing his residency in South Africa, then had to suck a mile of dick to get into third-tier hospital in inner city Oakland. He’ll never get a federal job, a concealed weapons permit, or federal grant money. Biden Jr. did this to strengthen his bona fides for his eventual senate run. Now the little shitbird will have to settle for running hedge funds or investment banking or whatever the hell else he is doing to pander political influence.
Cokehead fuck-up Ensign. Helluva resume builder.
Why does anyone think this will stop his political ambitions? Similar issues never have for anyone else. Heck he got a waiver for drug issues to get IN to the reserves. This will just slow down his inevitable run.