Hippies worried that the truth about Vietnam era will get out

| October 11, 2014


The New York Times reports that those stank-ass hippies from the 60s and 70s are worried that the Pentagon might get the opportunity to tell the story of the Vietnam War without their stank-ass filter. Never mind that Tom Hayden, Daniel Ellsberg and the rest of that crowd have had their say in every classroom since, and they’re losing their grip on public opinion these days. It seems that the Pentagon, now run by a veteran of that war, is planning a 50th anniversary commemoration of the Vietnam War, and the hippies feel left out according to the New York Times;

Leading Vietnam historians complain that it focuses on dozens of medal-winning soldiers while giving scant mention to mistakes by generals and the years of violent protests and anguished debate at home.

The website’s “interactive timeline” omits the Fulbright hearings in the Senate, where in 1971 a disaffected young Vietnam veteran named John Kerry — now President Obama’s secretary of state — asked, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” In one early iteration, the website referred to the 1968 My Lai massacre, in which American troops killed hundreds of Vietnamese civilians, as the My Lai Incident.

The glossy view of history has now prompted more than 500 scholars, veterans and activists — including the civil rights leader Julian Bond; Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the top-secret Pentagon Papers; Lawrence J. Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense under President Ronald Reagan; and Peter Yarrow of the folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary — to join Mr. Hayden in demanding the ability to correct the Pentagon’s version of history and a place for the old antiwar activists in the anniversary events.

Imagine how horrible that would be – an actual examination of the job that Americans did, the war they fought, without a mention of the stank-ass hippies. Without a mention of John Kerry and the courageous Vietnam Veterans Against the War and their mindless bullshit lies about the war. Yeah, one of them admitted to me that he lied at Winter Soldier I so he could get some hairy-legged hippie chick trim.

But in antiwar and peace advocacy circles, unease has been percolating for some time. Veterans for Peace, an antiwar group based in St. Louis that includes many Vietnam veterans, has been talking since Mr. Obama’s speech about an “alternative commemoration,” said its executive director, Michael McPhearson.

Mr. McPhearson was unaware of the Hayden petition. “One of the biggest concerns for us,” he said, “is that if a full narrative is not remembered, the government will use the narrative it creates to continue to conduct wars around the world — as a propaganda tool.”

Yeah, most of the “Veterans for Peace” are not Vietnam veterans. Michael McPhearson, VFP’s Executive Director was an artillery officer during Desert Storm. We’ve exposed many of the members of the Veterans for Peace as frauds – so yeah, they should definitely be part of this exercise. Folks like Ward Reilly , Doug Zachary, Hal Muskat, and Jim Goodnow, you know, phony Vietnam veterans all, yet all members of VFP and VVAW, all liars, but they should have input at a commemoration for the sacrifice of Americans at a war they never attended.

The effort is also something of a reunion for the group. After scanning the list of signatories, Mr. Ellsberg, 83, exclaimed, “God, I’m glad they’re all alive!”

Alive, unlike many of the troops who lost their lives in Vietnam while the stank-ass hippies did their best to get them killed and then spat at the survivors when they returned.

“You can’t separate this effort to justify the terrible wars of 50 years ago from the terrible wars of today,” said Phyllis Bennis, a Middle East expert who has known Mr. Hayden since the early 1970s. “When I saw this, I thought immediately, ‘We’ve got to stop this.’ ”

Yeah, Americans might actually experience something positive about the people who served during Vietnam without the distortions from the stank ass hippies. Of course, we all know that this administration and this Secretary of Defense will fold like a Kmart lawn chair in the face of this limp-wrist assault by girly-men, and sully the whole thing.

Added January 28th 2015 by Sporkmaster.

It seems that Sally Kohn is promoting his story on her site as well.

Category: I hate hippies

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Mark Lauer

I had two uncles who served in Vietnam, and I always knew they had done their jobs there, and had done them well. I knew they came home and resumed their lives and did well. They were not monsters. They were not maladjusted, dysfunctional, “crazed Vietnam Vets”.
Now that there is an opportunity for this truth to be known I want it to be known without interference from a bunch of people who can’t see anything good about anything my uncles did in that war.
My uncles are heroes to me. And I want them to be heroes to the rest of the country, in spite of what John Kerry, or Hanoi Jane want. They can sit this one out. I want OUR side told for a change.


Like we really need more of Bill Ayers’ rectal venting on the subject…


My dad was a Vietnam War Veteran. I remember him “fighting” against the stigma put on the Vietnam Veterans… through public displays (setting up mock MIA camps to help raise awareness)… advancing the actual history (what the hippies try to revise)… and by using words to counter the “baby killer” “war atrocity” claims made against these folks.

I noticed that a lot of those phony Vietnam War veterans were long haired happy smoky types. Could it be possible that they eventually coopted the image of the veteran? Some phony Vietnam Veteran fakers have their hairs out long, sport long beards, and wear coats with many patches on them.

As for the hippies, they played a big role in winning the political war for the North Vietnamese… and doing it on American soil. North Vietnam reportedly has a section in their war memorial dedicated to the anti war types.

I’ve since studied many aspects of the real Vietnam War. Our troops pretty much kicked butt and took names militarily. They did their job… unfortunately, a Democrat controlled congress didn’t capitalize on the military victory… kind of like how the Democrat White House failed to capitalize on the military victory in Iraq…

The unit that I deployed to Iraq with also deployed to Vietnam. In the Battalion area, in the unit history display case, they have a news paper article of that unit in action in Vietnam. Just by reading the article you could tell that our troops did what was asked of them, and did it well.

I’m glad that more of the truth will be pushed out.


These lowlifes were disgusting then and remain just as disgusting today. The only difference is that they have now cut their hair, bathed, and put o three piece suits. Commies all. We are tired of theirs being the only voices heard.


Agreed, OWB, and everyone else.
As for Peter Yarrow, WTF? Who gives a rat’s ass what he, Hanoi Jane, Hayden or any other fucking hippie thinks, or what version of history they want to invent?

Farflung Wanderer

I hate these kinds of hypocrites.

Anyone who looks at the Vietnam War quickly realizes that militarily, we had won. The NVA ceased to be an effective fighting force by 1974, and the VC were practically non-existent after Tet, incapable of performing options nearly to the scale that they had done prior to the offensive.

The reason why Vietnam is the way it is rests solely on the fact that our politicians pulled us out. If we had stayed there, more likely than not we would have a North/South Vietnam today, if not a reunification under a capitalist regime. The instant we left, the NVA rebuilt, and rushed across the DMZ as soon as they were able.

The Liberal Media has touted the idea of another “Vietnam” as long as we’ve been involved in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In this sense, they are right; the instant we *leave*, things go wrong.

Once you’re committed, you stay fighting until every last enemy fighter is KIA or an EPW. End of story.


This commencement speech from 1911 by John Ratzenberger has a funny anecdote about Woodstock, hippies & the ANG. Skip to about 12:15. It’s not the story that has been told for 45 years.


Great clip, thanks! Never heard that perspective before. Never had much of an opinion of John Ratzenberger before, but I do now. He’s a good man.

A Proud Infidel®™

An excellent clip, I love the common sense and anti-PC stance he takes!


I think you mean 2011.


Phil – great video I watched the entire thing. Never knew (or remembered) the National Guard story and Woodstock.




Thank you for your well thought, well written commentary. If you only knew know how that war became an “eff-ing” war to us, never to be discussed and essentially dismissed from our personal history’s, because of those stank ass hippies and those suck-ass spineless politicians of the 60’s and 70’s.

I sat and felt sad when reflecting on the terrible things that were said about us back then and in many cases continue to be said today.

Your remarks truly help Jonn, thanks again. MM


Well, for God’s sake. Here’s what all that shit is about:

“…And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”

The hippies must, indeed, hold their manhood cheap– and how that must hurt.


Hear him! Hear him! Very well said.

Just An Old Dog

I sat through a “History Class” this past Spring with my daughter.
My term paper was based on debunking every lie the liberal professor spun about “who” fought in Vietnam and the “disproportionate casualties” those same people suffered.
I got a good grade on it (A) and the professor tried to save face by saying it was the Nixon Administration who caused those numbers to be skewed.
A few years back I was taking a polical science class that had a loud mouth turd in it that claimed that he had mistrusted the government since his brother was killed in Vietnam.
I asked his brothers name and researched the List of those that were lost. There was no such name on there. I made it a point later in class that he should get his brothers records straightened out, since he wasn’t listed as KIA or on the memorial.

Zero Ponsdorf

Thanks Jonn.

Gonna share this with some TGYC shipmates.

Yeah, got spit at and called baby killer at SFO in ’69 so I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see this story.



Thanks Jonn!


Kerry is a traitor and should of been in prison for life!

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m certain that Satan has a place reserved for him right next to the corner of his turf that has a sign saying “RESERVED FOR JANE FONDA”!


Oh, and I will never forget when that scumbag came to the podium at the DNC, salutes (!!!) and says, “Reporting for duty!”

How hypocritical can one get?


That throw away little gesture of his cemented my resolve to fight his candidacy to the bitter end. Yeah – that was an interesting summer.

The Idiots for Peace were vocal and visible, but the spontaneous group of veterans which arose in opposition to them locally was a beautiful thing. The Idiots even pulled out the old spitting routine. We just laughed at them. As bad as that was, sending their little children/grandchildren to taunt and curse us was even worse. The popo actually had to tell them to keep their vile children on their side of the street.

Zero Ponsdorf

Might need another road trip OWB?

A Proud Infidel®™

“Lurch” Kerry also “Threw his medals over the White House fence” which later became “Ome of his friend’s medals” just like when he “Voted against the war before he voted for it”…

GOOD GRIEF, what a blithering empty suit!!

A Proud Infidel®™

SCREW the hippies, one and all!! The same goes to the Vietnam War History revisionists in academia and Hollywierd, the ones that portrayed Vietnam Vets as wigged-out druggies, rapists, etc. As I see it, many a young warrior served in Vietnam, some came back in flag-draped coffins, others came back wounded, some never came back at all. While they served and fought, the hippies smoked their pot, mooched everything they couldn’t steal off everyone they could, smoked their pot, spread VD amongst themselves, burned their draft cards in front of the cameras, smoked their pot, degraded returning Warriors in any way they could when they ran out of pot, and today we have a wave of Vietnam POSers. I’ve heard that for every real Vietnam Vet there are five to ten posers, I wonder how many of them bragged to their friends about how they got out of serving in that day? I have NO quips or qualms about shaming or degrading any and every poser I meet face to face, they make my blood boil!! I’m sure there are still a lot of “Freeze-dried hippies” teaching in colleges and universities, ones that have never been anywhere than in a school their entire adult lives, first getting their degrees up to PhD (Piled higher and Deeper) and then they’re SO smug once they get tenure!


What they’re mostly worried about is being found out as a bunch of lying, lazy, shit-faced cowards who hid behind the war protests as a way to avoid responsiblity of any kind.

A Proud Infidel®™

Of course Ma’am, but I also see them as lazy, mooching freeloading pot-headed fleabags!!


Kind of like this, eh?

I like to be in America!
O.K. by me in America!
Ev’rything free in America
For a small fee in America!
– West Side Story (America)

A Proud Infidel®™

Yep! And their mantra in life is “I WANT! GIMME, GIMME, GIMME, LIFE OWES ME!!”


Hey,I’m down with Anita,Rosalia and the rest of the Shark Girls.


Actually, what I think they might be worried about is the fact that the greater weight of the “peace movement” was 100% commiescum in origin and financed by the frackin’ KGB.

Traitors, one and all, regardless of whatever bullshit “good intentions” they’ve lied themselves into believing of themselves.


My Bumper Snicker…

“Vietnam Veteran 69-70
Proud To Have Served
Ashamed Only Of Congress and
The Support Of The American People!”


There’s also this classic from Sam Kinison:

A Proud Infidel®™




First, I read an article about Snowden and the documentary made by his traitorous friends Greenwald and Poitras. Now this. God definitely does not want me to have a relaxing day!

I’m a child of the 60s. If I had been born a couple of years earlier, I would have been in Vietnam no doubt. My brother was there. 1/92nd Field Artillery, 69-70.

I remember all this shit back then. I never cottoned to the bullshit that these fucking scumbag war protesters pulled. I got into a heated discussion once about Vietnam and the protestors with a college professor of mine (who was a Korean War combat vet by the way) who described to me a scene where an attractive young lady on the shoulders of a young man ran by with her yelling, “Isn’t revolution FUN?!” That about sums up their mental state for me. It was the social scene for the young intelligentsia, doncha know. And oh joy, assholes like that are teaching in our colleges today, Bill Ayres (may he burn in Hell).

But the thing that torques me off to no end is that douchebag Carter gave amnesty to all the war protestors who went to Canada and Sweden AND they came back as fucking HEROES! Sets my teeth on edge. Especially when my artilleryman brother told me once that he didn’t want to go to Vietnam, but that he didn’t want the alternative either, leaving the US, cause he wanted to be able to come back to his country someday.

I laugh a little today at all the “Greatest Generation” stuff honoring our WW2 vets. Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s great. My North Africa, Sicily, Italy Army vet father was MY hero. I laugh cause a lot of the people waxing poetic about them today were spitting at them in the ’60s!

Thanks. I feel better now. Maybe it won’t be such a bad day after all.


But will they tell the truth about how we were lied into escalating the war with the non-existent Gulf of Tonkin incident? Our government has lied us into about every war since the Mexican one. This government has a lot of innocent blood on its hands, American as well as foreign.

I M Simpleton

No Fred, our government and our people are the only one in the history of the world to spill our blood and treasure for no other reward than the freedom of complete strangers.

Compare South Korea to North Korea, then explain to me how America is evil. Millions of Laotians, Cambodians and Vietnamese perished at the hands of the communists once we left.

The left took over the media and education industries and have pushed their narrative on naive young minds to the point where Harvard students now think America is a greater threat to world peace than ISIS. I weep for the future of our nation

I M Simpleton

arrgh, weep

A Proud Infidel®™

Communism ONLY killed about 120+ million people throughout the Twentieth Century, all liberals want to do is JUST GIVE IT ONE MORE CHANCE thinking it will work. What word is used to define doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results every time? Yeah, insanity. Liberalism is a mental disorder and liberals perpetually prove it with their words and deeds!


I have a question about this. I wonder when this gets produced, hippies or no hippies, which side our highly decorated, Secretary Of State, John Kerry, is going to come down on? I mean, one day he’s the big hero of Vietnam and the next he’s the Vietnam Veteran’s Against the war activist who put his mug in front of the Senate and every other anti-war camera rolling at the time. So it begs the question. Will he be the big hero who is here to give his hardy “Welcome Home” to all his veteran brothers? Or will he still be the naysayer and talk about how it was a needless, worthless loss of life and a crime by the country of America against the poor folk of Vietnam?

I am sure the documentary folks will want to here from him since he is SoS now and he helped put himself in for a lot of bling back then. I bet he’s sweating bullets right now about which way the wind should blow for him on this one. My money says, he’ll tell the producers, “Hey guys, I’d love to help you out but I have this whole Department of State thing going and I just don’t have the time. On your way out though my secretary has a nice press release for you if you want to include it.”


The optic seared in my memory is from March 17, 2007 on Constitution Ave at the Lincoln Memorial. The assembled whining, filthy scum is chanting, “What do we want?” (followed by something unintelligible, mostly because several different things were being shouted) “When do we want it?” “NOW!” while across the street patriots waving property displayed US flags chant “USA, USA, USA!” That is all anyone needs to know – it’s children telling the grown ups what to do. You know, based upon what they want, as if all the rest of us are supposed to be concerned with what they want.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s the inmates making trying to run the asylum!


Remember that day as if it were yesterday. I was only one year out of the Marines at the time, and most of my time of active duty was spent overseas either deployed or based in Okinawa, and it wasn’t until that day that I truly understood how much my country had changed for the worst in the time since I had been gone.