NOT News, but Educational, Sorta

| October 10, 2014

Pushing the TAH limits, I’m afraid.

I keep seeing this story during my routine “News” scans during the day.

Mind you,  my interest is sketchy at best, but I hadda bring it up here to be filed under “curious”  as to what you lot might have to say.

I’ve been trying to find another single instance where ANYONE would say this sort of stuff about a sitting President… No joy.  I expanded my Google-Fu efforts to include sitting politicians of any ilk?

Okay: If you missed it…

“You’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly,” the actress, singer and food writer gushed after introducing Obama to several hundred supporters seated on white fold-out chairs in the lush backyard of her home in the movie star haven of Brentwood, a neighborhood in Los Angeles.

I don’t get it, but this erudite lot might fill in the blanks for me?


Category: Geezer Alert!

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Gwyneth Paltrow’s brain is made of mush and floor sweepings. She named one of her children Apple. That should tell you everything you need to know about her.

(In regard to attendance at fundraisers dinners, bodaprez went to one in Chicago a week ago. It attracted 25 whole people. There was a crowd of about 6 people in the street near his house waiting to catch a glimpse of him.)


25? Can’t be, Ex, the networks would have told…, never mind. At least she didn’t say out loud that she wanted to give Øbama dictatorial powers, like let him do whatever he… skip that.
OK, I give up.


Actually, UpNorth, that WAS the number of guests reported by the news anchors. The video of the ‘cavalcade’ showed the few peeps waiting to see bodaprez. No photoshopping involved.


Good to hear, but I’m sure the presence of Ødildo the Mad pretty well screwed up the traffic patterns for a day or two.


It is part of the cult of personality that the Democratic Party tries to foster in its Presidential candidates. Some people actually start believing that nonsense, and get the vapors in the presence of the objects of the cult. It worked for JFK and Clinton.

About Bill Clinton, I recall a woman talking about a friend of hers meeting him, and he was so charismatic, she decided “He can have anything he wants!” Third hand story, yes, but also one that was being deliberately put out, possibly in response to the bimbo eruptions.

The Dems had people babbling about Obama’s charisma, his intellect, his ability as a “light bringer” for crying out loud, and what a hero he was. Hell, somebody even engineered a Nobel Prize for him, for nothing.

So this woman played to her audience, and swooned.


What was Camelot? JFK was all but sainted.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s living proof of why I think people should have to pass an intelligence test in order to be allowed to reproduce!

Roger in Republic

This woman is a Sailboat fuel Refinery. She takes in atmospheric gasses thru her nose, swirls them around inside her empty head, and Sailboat fuel come out of her mouth. There are no brain cells in her head to interfere with the Air in/fuel out exchange.

Thank You, Study Chapter 3 for next week.


Gwyneth (I had two fried eggs thrown on a wall for breasts before my boob job) Paltrow has all the brain power of a goldfish. “You’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly”, (YUCK, I think I just threw up in my mouth!) assumes she could speak properly, without a script, at anytime before. These are the enlightened, liberal, left coast, Obama lovers at their finest. I can’t imagine how much she was fawning, gushing and flirting during the event.


“Inflate to 32 PSI” is stamped on her forehead.


The most frightening thing about this was her follow-on statement that she wishes he could be given all the power he needs to accomplish what he wants to do. That’s truly a clueless open invitation to dictatorial rule.


GMTA, Poetrooper, I just hinted at that. So, +100 likes.

AW1 Tim

It’s what frightens me more than Ebola or even islam: The Cult of Personality.

Engineering a government takeover worked very well in Germany in 1933, and even for the Soviets in 1918. All of it would have been for naught, without the “Cult of Personality”.

In Germany, it only took hold for 12 years, but it was the stuff nightmares are made of. The Russians suffered for almost 3/4 of a century before the system collapsed there.

But giving someone the power to enact any legislation they feel is in the best interests of the nation leads to such things as where you live, how you live, where you work, what you get to eat, what you get to wear.

Then it becomes what you get to say. What you get to read. What your children are taught.

Eventually, you are also disarmed. First, it’s through coercion, then it’s through disarmament. All for the good of the state. For the security of the state. For the children.

Finally, after they say “Give us your guns” they’ll say “Now get on the train”. And then it’s too late.

It was bad enough with the cult of personality that supported Woodrow Wilson, and then FDR. Now we see the potential for disaster in the current POTUS.

It must never be allowed to happen again. People who delve into the Cult of Personality must be shamed, mocked, derided for the anti-American persona they’ve acquired. We are better than that. We are supposed to be the guardians of liberty, and not the enablers of darkness.


Constitution? Separation of powers? Checks and balances?

Who needs it when you can have Liberal fascism!


Constitution: Check. Took one this morning.

Separation of Powers: Check. Got divorced a few years ago.

Checks and Balances: Check. Wrote a check for my weekend booze which really screws with my balance.

See – I did pay attention in my HS Civics class. That’s why I joined the Army…


And got paid to wash trucks in all kind of weather, just in case.


Damn right skippy!


Well, I did say her brains are composed of mush and floor sweepings, but you guys are a lot nicer than I was about it. Let’s face it: she’s a bimbo. If she didn’t have a Hollywood elite mommy, she wouldn’t have a career.

However, I was at my watering hole on the highway this evening having another grilled cheese with chicken rice soup, when I realized that FoxNN was discussing both this bimbo and bodaprez in the same breath.

The words ‘absentee president’ and ‘paltrow dissing working moms’ appeared on the screen, and I muttered ‘pendejo @#$!#$XXX$!@#’ under my breath. Then I came home. 🙂


I almost forgot this part: other words that appeared on the screen during the discussion about bodaprez was ‘ineffective’ and ‘lack of leadership’.

I must go there more often, and take notes.