Duncan Hunter: 10 ISIS terrorists captured at border

| October 8, 2014

Congressman Duncan Hunter tells Greta Van Susteren that the border patrol has told him that they’ve captured ten ISIS terrorists on our southern border as they tried to make their way into the US.

Who would have thought that? Well, besides everyone with a living brain cell. But saying it out loud is probably racist and makes me a xenophobe.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Old Trooper

Wow. I didn’t see that coming.


Caught 10, but how many already made it across?


My exact thought brother!


Thousands every year via student visas from Islamic countries that never show up to school and disappear.


Hmm. I can easily believe it. But isn’t this a pretty big news story? A little bigger than a quick interjected comment in an interview? Why wouldn’t more be said? Even Fox News would grab that and headline it; turn it in to something.


Catching terrorists crossing the border would justify the rather tenuous reasons for DHS’ existence but they denied the report outright. When Duncan Hunter was pressured for evidence, he failed to collaborate anything.


*corroborate… :/


ISIS terrorists learning a little Spanish and coming across out wide open Southern Border!!! Who knew? Say it ain’t so Joe (Biden).

A Proud Infidel®™

WHAT? we have an open border that terrorists can just waltz across? I’ve heard that Border Patrol Personnel are so busy serving food and changing diapers that only the very sloppy ones get caught now.


I’d be interested in knowing how they were able to determine their identity as terrorists ? Did they know about them in advance and tracked their movements ? Surely the interview process at the border didn’t trip them up.


Yo, toolbox – this is hardly the first time this has been raised as a possibility, or has been alleged to have occurred.

http://dailycaller.com/2014/10/07/congressman-says-10-isis-fighters-have-been-apprehended-at-us-border-video/ – read the part about US Rep Chafftez asking about that a month ago, and the INS head confirming that “he’d heard that report too” (or words to that effect)





Hondo, that’s just it – a legitimate possibility that is yet to be proven to have taken place. Hunter is expressing very reasonable concerns, but is dressing it up with non-fact. “High level source” is a synonym for “I made it up just now”.


It’s also an expression used quite often for a well-placed source that has requested anonymity or who requires their identity to be withheld for their own protection.

Remember: INS is the same entity that has lied through it’s teeth previously about immigration issues – and later publicly denied doing so. So pardon me for viewing their denial here with a bit of a jaundiced eye.



So they’ve CAUGHT ten but not SHOT ten? Shame.


Benghazi would have never been known either if it wasn’t for Fox News, because no other news media wanted to cover it. In fact CBS outright tried to cover it up when a reporter wanted to report on it.

Shocking I know.

Stop drinking the koolaid.


There has been nothing following up on this, not even a mention on Fox where the claim was made. I do not doubt it is possible for this to occur, it will. I just think in this case someone was grandstanding.


I remember years ago a report was released by DHS regarding the border and I can’t remember the acronym they called terrorists using the border to cross, but they had then doing it years ago and they acted like it was a routine occurrence.


How does enforcing an existing border against trespass contitute a police state?