Coffee cups, Islamists, Ferguson….

| September 28, 2014

I read that 90 percent of the serving members of the United States Armed Forces do not support our coffee cup saluting Commander-in-Chief. There is no survey I am aware of supporting that conclusion. The gentleman making the declaration in the article I read was offering his gut sense as a former warrior still having ties to the military. I had to ponder that some. Frankly, I wondered who the 10 percent was who supported him. Too many of them are likely generals. Dangerous bobbing heads. Having spent some years of my life in the service and living through the Carter and Clinton administrations, I could certainly understand that gut reaction. But, how did it get that bad?

Deep military cuts. Refusing to mention the words Islam or terror. Declaring that we are not now nor have we ever been at war with Islam while failing to acknowledge that Islam is at war with us and the world and has been since the beginning of recorded history. Radical social engineering of the force. Rules of engagement costing many American lives. Trading hardened Islamic murderers for a deserter then in the face of Benghazi pledging to leave no American behind. Abandoning Iraq and forfeiting everything gained while discounting American lives lost. Comparing the murdering bastards that American fighting men and women will have to face again with white police officers in Ferguson, Missouri. Saluting United States Marines with a damn coffee cup in your hand!

Respect is earned. It is a two way street. You have to display some to get some. Who is that 10 percent again?

Then there is the fine United States Attorney General. Eric the race coward Holder. Fast and furious cover-up, IRS cover-up, refusing to prosecute the new Black Panthers in clear cut case of voter intimidation, suing states trying to enforce the law, challenging voter identification laws, failing to enforce laws that he and dear leader do not like. Refusal to title clear acts if Islamic terrorism calling them instead acts of workplace violence and in the same track wanting to disarm law abiding Americans. Using Eric’s logic, every Soldier lost in combat could be characterized as work place violence. Eric the race coward afraid to use the word Islam in the context of terror. Eric the race coward afraid to call a thug a thug because of the color of his skin. Eric needs to spend many years in prison. The Islamists inside probably will not need much effort to convert him into a jihadist.

Oh, and Secretary of State Hillary at this point what difference does it make Clinton. Future presidential candidate no doubt. The only difference is she is probably a better communist than the one we have now. We have a new Secretary, Genghis John Kerry. He is convinced that what we are doing now, bombing Iraq and Syria is not war. OK. Genghis John told us that Biblical scripture requires us to save the Islamic world from global warming. No, I am not making that up. If there is a government institution that deserves insertion of a gigantic enema….

I do not even want to talk about Harry Reid other than to press that he is a grand establishment partisan like some on the other side hope to be some day.

Speaking of the other side. They are busily following another Karl Rove pathway to victory. Hide in the dark, shut up, and let the other side beat itself. Their strategy for saving our country is to have no strategy. They will sit on their hands making puff ball pastel promises of grand things while the other side dismembers each one of them from now right up until Election Day. Win the Senate? Fat chance. Besides, to view things from Hillary’s perch, at this point what difference would it make who owns the Senate? Oh, they could have made a difference. But they probably lost the Senate in Mississippi when they bought Democrat votes to defeat the conservative candidate. Maybe they should switch on the television campaign ads and listen to the Democrats who are running against Obama. They are doing a pretty danged good job of it.

Just in case they might be listening though: Declare that a state of war exists between the Unites States of America and Islamic terrorism wherever it is found on this planet. Declare American Energy Independence. Declare that not one more American dollar will go to any other world entity for the purchase of oil. Declare that the American goal is to dominate the world oil market to lower prices and take money out of the hands of countries that have been financing Islamic terrorism. Declare that American borders will be secured and illegals sent back to their country of origin, more than welcome to try to come back through the front door, but America will determine who gets the visas. Declare that Obamacare will be repealed. Declare that the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Agency, and there are probably others, will go away.

But, if you sit in your corner and say nothing except that you are not a Democrat, you lose because I have nothing to gain by voting for you. So why would I bother.

I am going to go work on the bunker.

©2014 J. D. Pendry American Journal

Category: Politics

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Farflung Wanderer

Couldn’t agree with you more on the course of action.

The expansion of bureaucracy needs to be stopped, here and now, by annihilating it entirely. We didn’t have an IRS for a very long time, and taxes came in fine. We certainly don’t need the DHS when we have organizations like the FBI, NSA, and CIA. The EPA is a amoral dinosaur that cares so much about nature that it is more than willing to destroy the livelihoods of humans (who are as much a part of nature as the animals and plants, regardless if you believe in a Genesis Creation or Evolution). They all need to go.

Energy independence is more than mandatory, we can’t prostitute ourselves out to the Middle East. Just finish the pipeline, and open up the Gulfs, Shores, and Alaska to drilling. The oil companies aren’t up for a scandal, so it shouldn’t be hard to manage it. Besides, if a company starts acting against the law, it wouldn’t be hard to manage that.

And finally, there must be open war by the US and any NATO/Ally against radical Islamic sects and organizations, treating them not as combatants but unlawful enemy combatants and having no place in the legal system of any nation other than a military tribunal according to the Laws of Conduct the American/NATO nations follow.

Torture should be fully allowed, and prisoners deemed fully milked of information should be executed for being associated with crimes against humanity.

As for Iraq; open ROE-anyone with a gun that isn’t within a designated safe zone or isn’t showing as friendly with a PID check should be engaged and destroyed.


We don’t want to use our own oil as long as we can afford to buy it. By buying oil we enrich a small percentage of Arabs that fling the money back to us for our goods and services. When OPEC is out of oil we will be sitting on our ocean of it, and all OPEC will have is a few rich families. There is a very sound strategic reasoning behind our reluctance to tap our national reserves/fields.

I’m glad that the Republican party doesn’t listen to you giys that vote for them.

Farflung Wanderer

I see your point, but I disagree with your conclusion.

What we have seen from the Mid Eastern OPEC countries is that the majority of the money they make from selling oil to us goes to terrorist organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and the like. It does not make sense for us to propagate the growth of these groups by funding them through oil.

Furthermore, the price of oil on the Arab market is ridiculously expensive, when we could have cheaper, better processed gas pumped in America. By using our oil, not only with the living conditions of the average American improve (the price of oil, in many ways, influences the price of everything else in our economy), but we can use it to wage economic war against the Mid East, and especially against Russia. Having cheap, superior American oil being sent to Europe over expensive, inferior Russian oil would collapse the RU’s economy rather quickly.

I do not think it is fair to invalidate our points so quickly. While I agree with you having a strategic reserve will be useful, we can’t wait for the Mid East to tap out, especially since there is some evidence that oil actually is not finite, and returns over a period of time.

The Other Whitey

I personally favor the idea of tapping our domestic reserves for domestic use only. No export, except maybe sharing some with Canada. Domestic prices would drop, and our economy would likely improve. If we’re going to be “energy independent,” then we should be independent.

Delilah T.

OPEC currently controls the price per barrel of oil on the commodities market. They set the minimum price, not the contract traders.

In order to drop the price of oil on the COMEXes worldwide, you have to find a way to dismantle OPEC.


Munger changed my mind on oil.

Opec has NOTHING but oil. They’re not building universities. They don’t have SpaceX, Google, or Boeing. They’re fucked. We’re crushing them in the big game.

Hadji is getting oil dollars for now, we can weather it.

The Other Whitey

There are many, many things I would change if I could. But if I had to pick just one, it would be this: traitors get the noose, period fucking dot. That goes for dickless Hasan, the wannabe-eunuch Manning, Man-Love-Thursday Bergdahl, the remnants of the Walker family, and Snowden if he ever crawls out from under his Russkie rock. Espionage and Aiding the Enemy are both forms of treason, so hang the fuckers. In public. On live TV. Make a spectacle. All traitors hang.

I feel that this particular change would go a long way towards helping our great nation rediscover its balls. When that happens, I am confident that many other problems will work themselves out.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just the way I feel, well said.

1. Rope.
2. Tree (or Gallows)
3. Confirmed Traitor.

Some assembly required, it also needs to be applied to terrorists, rapists, and child molesters.


I’m with you on that one, Whitey. Hasan, Manning, Bergdahl, Walkers, Snow-Flake, and those Russian spies we caught. The marathon bombers (lol forgot, bomber singular), that weather underground turkey that the president palled around with, private jenkins (the Korean defector) and all the Nazi criminals that we catch in their 90’s.


Ironically I was up near Fort Meade Saturday. There is a “Snowden Ave” very close to the NSA….

2/17 Air Cav

“Using Eric’s logic, every Soldier lost in combat could be characterized as work place violence.” You are right, both about that and every other word you wrote. And, yet, you omitted much (or mulch, as the Rev Sharpie would say.) One could write a ream on the Golfer in Mom Jean’s giving the middle finger to the Constitution. He and many other need to go–yesterday.


So if the IRS goes away, who will pay for our governmental services? Pay for the military? Military retirements? Sure, folks can just be depended on to send money in when they have extra. If the EPA is disbanded, do you expect companies to take care of the environment out of the goodness of their hearts? They will fuck over the Earth and your children will pay the bill…DoE, where will the power come from that runs your computers and your televisions? Who will regulate and secure the plants? Department of Education, sure, who needs standards for schools and minumum requirements for okay ejumakashun…Homeland Security and TSA, like it or not provide essential services to our country…

But I digress…the thing is, if you want to cut the size of government, you have to ask yourself what are you willing and able to give up? Sure…we need to adjust and demand that our government function as well as they demand we function. But lets face it…we have gotten used to the bureaucracy that we allowed to be created, and like it or not, we are dependant on same. Just cutting to cut, because you are pissed at a dept for some reason or think they are useless is not the answer.

2/17 Air Cav

JohnE. What a mess. There is not a single line in your comment that reveals so much as a cursory comprehension of the items you address. In fact, it is such a mess, there is no hope that by taking the items one by one and examining and explaining each to you, that you might come away with some semblance of understanding and develop a different view. Clearly, you have resigned yourself to the morass that is government and have either thrown up your hands, French style, or embraced it. Either way, be careful not to ascribe to the rest of us that which you own. (i.e., “But lets face it…we have gotten used to the bureaucracy that we allowed to be created.”) But, hey, in the event that you actually have some desire to learn a thing or two, feel free to ask. You will not lack for teachers.


Thanks, but I form my own thoughts and opinions and dont judge others intelligence levels via interweb postings. It is easy to critique, yet critical thinking is hard for so many…tell me, if you are one of thsoe who condemn our morass of a government…what services are you ready and willing to do without?

I understand plenty…20+ years in service are not lost on me.

2/17 Air Cav

JohnE. First, I receive no direct government services, so, personally, I can do without all of them. Second, the topic has changed from your first post in this thread to the second, so I am not at all clear what you are saying now. You cobbled together some stray thoughts without rhyme or reason. You seem to like government as it is or, if not, you accept that all services are essential and needed. With that I disagree. The Federal government is a monster whose appetite for growth, for growth’s sake, and taxpayer funds is insatiable. As for your 20+ years of service, what has that got to do with understanding this topic? Is it your contention that one’s knowledge of government, say, from the mission and operations of the Dept of Education to the agenda of the DOJ increases with every year of one’s military service?


– My thoughts were not at all stray, they addressed the article above in which the author attacked the utility of many government depts. Critical thinking requires one to consider, in a thoughtful way, problems and subjects that come within the range of your experience…and when considering the elimination of government depts and programs, one must also consider the long term ramifications of same.

– Of course my track changed…you infer that I am clueless and lack intelligence, while not addressing anything but the fact that you disagree with me. You did not address any points made by me, nor did you address directly points made in the article. Furthermore, you make inferences as to how you think I feel about government…you could not be more wrong. We ALL own the government, unless you choose to disenfranchise yourself and completely disengage from the democratic process. There are powers on both sides of the political spectrum that want us at each other’s throats, and want us to disengage out of disgust, distrust or disinterest, as it makes it easier for them to seize more power.

– I comprehend the role that government plays in our or any society, and I would opine the we both agree that government is too big and unwieldy. However, I believe that SOME is necessary and essential. This includes checks on big business and protection of the environment that we pass on to our children.

– You say you receive no direct services? How about the power grid? You use the roads? Water system? Kids go/went to public school? Ever call a Cop? Use public/mass transit? Breathe air? Accept a delivery? Receive a VA benefit? Usage of government services goes beyond welfare and food stamps.

Everyone, like it or not, is dependent in some way, shape or form on the government. Does it need to be checked and controlled, and most probably contracted? Certainly does. But this begs the question, what are you willing to give up?

2/17 Air Cav

JohnE. I have three options. First, I can ignore you. Obviously, that option is foreclosed. Second, I can run up one side of you and down the other with what you served up. I’m electing not to do that. Third, I can acknowledge your reply and just let it go at that. Your reply is acknowledged.

2/17 Air Cav

The US taxpayer funds many idiotic things, from a roving musical show about global warming ($700k) that closed nearly as soon as it opened, and vegetable-character puppet shows to combat obesity by teaching pre-schoolers (!) what they ought to eat ($375k), to studying why lesbians are fat ($2.87 million.) This is some of the costly but important work of our Federal government. And while these sums aren’t large, relatively speaking, every one represents the involvement of a legion of bureaucrats to administer and to perform myriad other tasks associated with this silliness. It’s crap and all but the leeches who receive the funding and the gov’t employees whose jobs depend on these idiocies can do just fine without them.

2/17 Air Cav

Speaking of essential gov’t programs, how ‘bout that obamaphone? There’s a story out today that in Maryland alone 645,000 people had the phones in 2012. That’s twice the number whose income qualifies for the phone and 100 times the 2009 number. I wonder how many of the 645,000 phones were used to call 911. (The story is in today’s Washington Examiner.)

Joe Williams

I am in a nasty mood Tonight. The ISIS and the population wants to live in 7th century. Okay we bomb the oilfeilds and refineries. Add to the bombs list the power plants,the Hydro dams. If they have gas wells guess what, bomb the crap. Then come in again on the above targets with cluster bombs again. Joe