And In the “Libidiots Being Libidiots” Department . . . .
A school in the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk School District of New York recently asked asked a National Guard recruiter to stop giving away “swag”.
What was it, you ask? Training grenades? Rubber M4s or M16s? Something like that?
Hardly. The National Guard recruiter was giving away T-shirts.
Seems that besides the words “National Guard” and a picture of the American flag, the shirt also had a picture of a soldier on it. In gear. With a gun.
Gee – a picture of a soldier that includes a gun. Who’d have ever expected that?
I guess that picture of a gun was going to lead to poor eyesight and growing hair on students’ palms. Or something.
Seriously: aren’t the school’s administrators supposed to be the ones that act like adults?
Category: Politics
I was trying to think of something humorous to write about this story, since it is so absurd and insulting….but can’t.
I figured the school district was far enough from NYC (about 2.5 hrs. North) but I guess no where is safe anymore.
What the hell is happening to this once great country? Very sad.
A Nation being rebuilt on irrational fear mongering, of those who actually lay their lives on the line to protect it.
It’s worse than that… they are being emasculated. They will wake up with no ability to fight for themselves on the field of discourse or combat.
Up here in the 04530, a few years back, the leftists got control of the PTA. Now, our Middle School’s “mascot” is the destroyer. They are called “The Destroyers” because the local industry, Bath Iron Works, build frigates, destroyers & cruisers for the Navy.
Anyway, these leftists got their panties in a twist because, well, “Destroyers” was all, you know, like war stuff, and violence, and thus bad, mkay? They also made a point to the school administration that the picture of the destroyer had to go because it had, gasp, GUNS on it and thus violated the schools “no tolerance” policy. Frikkin’ morons.
Anyway, this cabal told the students that the school was going to have a new mascot and that the students would get to vote on it. Come election day, the students were given a “ballot” with all sorts of names on it, but NOT “The Destroyers”. They had, for example, “The Fishermen”, the “Manatees” etc. The kids made their choices and a new mascot was chosen.
Except that, the leftists made a mistake, and a big one. They thought they could get away with this by not informing the parents, you know, the TAXPAYERS about this little name change thingee.
The reaction was swift, and one-sided. Basically, the parents told the leftists to GFY. A new election was held, and the old mascot, “The Destroyers” was put back on the ballot, and won by an overwhelming margin.
The leftists got the last punch, though. Since the school has a “no-tolerence” policy for weapons, they forced the school to paint over the gun barrels on the school emblem. Now it looks like a weird frikkin’ grey yacht.
It’s a small victory for us, but it shows how far the cancerous poison of the left has spread. We need to be ever vigilant of what they are trying to accomplish in our schools, and fight them vigorously at every turn.
I was an urchin diver for one season in 1989. We kept our boat at Bailey Island. Long live Bath Iron Works!
My old HS was the Blue Boys, with the mascot being a Union Soldier with Rifle and Bayonet. When the school merged with another district a few years after I graduated, they decided to change the mascot. Wanting to keep with the Union Soldier theme, the mascog of Chargers was chosen and emblem was a Union Cavalry Trooper on Horseback with a saber. The PTA was so horrified that the students had chosen another military mascot, that they changed it to being a Horsehead with a lightening bolt ass.
Of course this is in the enlightened socialist republic of Illinois.
Did they also stop them singing “untolerated” songs…like that old slow one about the bombs and rockets and perilous fighting?
The Manatees? Because its so much better to be fat, slow, and eat all day than to be a military ass kicker mascot?
It does not surprise me in the least…
And to think, back in the 70’s and early 80’s kids would go hunting before and after school during deer and elk season, complete with rifle in the back window, and nobody batted a fucking eye.
We went pheasant hunting after school and had our shotguns and ammo out in the trucks in the school parking lot. No one cared and some of the teachers brought theirs in, too, and we would talk guns and hunting in class. No one shot up the school, or threatened to, either.
Now, those with the irrational fear of guns are the ones that get all the attention and get to demand policy. One thing I heard, on the news, when the chuckleheads were wearing their ARs in Target, was “your 2nd Amendment right doesn’t trump my right to feel safe”. Due to the poor state of our education system, these morons actually believe there is a right to “feel safe”. There is not. You don’t have any right to feel anything. We have replaced common sense and logic with emotions and feelings. That’s how the left keeps their voter base, by appealing to emotions and feelings versus facts and logic, because our kids are being indoctrinated to go exist on emotion and feelings and to hell with everything else. Think I’m kidding? Back in the mid 60’s to early 70’s, the mantra was “if it feels good, do it”. Well, that was the beginning of feelings based decision making. Now, they want every decision based purely on feelings. All the shrinks/therapists/psychobabble pros all ask; “how did that make you feel”? Everything is based off of emotion in their world, logic and common sense be damned.
Libtards have no regard for the rights enumerated in that “antiquated document”. In their version, they adhere to the following “rights”
The right to feel safe
The right not to be offended
The right to be handed things rather than earning them
The right to play the race/gender/sexual orientation card when you don’t get your way
The right to blame everyone to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions
And sadly, there are more of them, then us.
Actually, there really aren’t more of them than us. But, if we sit back and let them continue to pretend that they are the majority, we will help them become the majority.
Educate you kids. Educate your neighbors. We are each responsible for allowing this to happen. There are no excuses.
Yup. In my HS parking lot, on average there’d be at least a hundred pickups with a rifle, shotgun, or both in a rack in the rear window. We never had school shootings.
The most dangerous things you might see in a fight were a bike chain or maybe a bat. But those were the VERY rare cases.
We have to find a way to get back to where we were before all the socialists took over the schools.
AW1 Tim
You know, these “leftists” are OUR kids or their spouses. As we try to, in the Garden state, G.R.I.P.
(Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians)
Not just the picture of the gun, I’m sure that the snot-spined liberal tinsel mice were also afraid that the American Flag on the shirts might *GASP* offend some poor third world Muslim or illegal alien in that shcoool!
Which already happened in the 9th circuit court of “repeals” that keeps having their decisions overturned because they are so liberal it is ridiculous.
But in California, if you told a kid he couldn’t wear a mexican flag of any sort to school because someone might be offended, you’d get called a racist. And no politician would dare fight for that “equality” because they wouldn’t get re-elected. Why? Because they’d be called racist…
It’s as I’ve said before.
Their mantra and chant goes like this: Maintain an even strain. Everything is just fine. Nothing is wrong. Everything is just fine.
Now go put your little earbuds in your little ears on your pointy little heads and go jogging because it’s midnight, and street traffic is slow, and NO ONE WOULD DARE to do anything nasty to you. Just wrap your little self up in the cotton balls in your braindead soul and remember: everything is just fine.
Despite my desire to not say something snide and cynical, these are the first crying nitwits who come running to YOU, screaming at the top of their lungs, that someone did something BAD and why weren’t you (The Law) there protecting them?
It’s nice, isn’t it? That they can actually exist in such a fantasy world, where everything is just fine… just fine….
It’s the reason they think it’s okay to text and drive, and buy computer keyboard canned air cleaner at the local office supply store, then inhale the contents and run over a 5-year-old kid. They are braindead and unconscious, and they do NOT want to live in the real world, where everything is NOT just fine.
Not everyone is like that. Don’t give up hope just yet. Some of us are still alive.
^^^ word. ^^^
“It’s the reason they think it’s okay to text and drive, and buy computer keyboard canned air cleaner at the local office supply store, then inhale the contents and run over a 5-year-old kid.”
And then say “its society that caused me to have the need to ‘Dust Off’ because it is soooo cruel and I didn’t get a nice car like my neighbor, swoon.” Play the victim and then end up getting rehab for 6 months instead of jail time because its “not your fault” this happened you poor weak little liberal pussy.
Wow, just…just…wow. You really can’t fix stupid…can you?
Yep. You can’t fix stupid.
Here’s your sign.
Schools have Zero Tolerance rules for one reason, so the administrators don’t have to make decisions. They want to live in a world where everything is black and white, no gray. If the adults in charge can’t be counted on to make reasonable and rational decisions how can we expect our children to learn to make reasonable and rational decisions. While I can understand wanting to forbid t-shirts depicting graphic violence, the appearance of a gun, or tank or military aircraft in and of itself is not violent. You will never convince me that a picture of a soldier holding a rifle has ever incited a student to take violent action against his classmates. These kids are inundated with graphic violence on TV and in video games and you think seeing a picture of a soldier holding a gun is going to push them over the edge? Every time I see one of these stories I just shake my head at the stupidity of it all. These are the people we have charged with educating our children, God help us!
Another issue I see is that a lot of these public school administrators are just too lazy or cowardly to make decisions themselves, thus they make up these “Zero Tolerance” policies and sneer at everyone while they hide behind them!!
The problem is, they aren’t “zero tolerance” for liberal / social issues. In that case it is “free speech” that they can’t restrict.
What is even worse is that more recently some genius came up with the term “critical thinking” to teach certain thought process skills to people. Basically its a fancy term for “Common Sense” in my view. But even teaching faculty “Critical thinking” so they don’t feel so ashamed about having to be taught common sense doesn’t work.
And the fact that they are teaching kids in school to use “black n’ white” rules is such a great idea, since real life is so black n’ white after all.
And these whiners don’t realize they’d be first in-line to the heir leaders glowing ovens.
I graduated high school in 2002. I frequently wore Tshirts to school that bore the Winchester, Remington, and Springfield Armory logos. Hardly anybody batted an eye. Since my first rifle was an M1 Garand purchased when I was 14, that I have kept and still shoot to this day, I picked up a Tshirt from the local Gun Show with the slogan “I [heart] MY M1” above (gasp) a picture of an M1 and wore it to school. One or two school staffers who were particularly-bleeding hearts gave me sideways glances, but knew that if they said anything, they’d be told by everybody (including some teachers) to fuck off. Bear in mind that this school is in Southern California.
The only time I was ever hassled was in the 10th Grade, when I brought the manual for the 20-guage Mossberg I had just received for my 15th birthday to school to read up on the care and feeding of my new weapon at lunch. The vice principal (who was a very unpopular leftist asshole who liked to quote Hitler, I wish I was making that up) saw it and got his panties in a wad, called my parents, and told everybody that I was being suspended and that he would be calling the Sheriff’s Office. The universal response from everybody, including the deputy who showed up, was, “Are you fucking kidding me, you dumbass? It’s a freakin’ INSTRUCTION PAMPHLET!!! It’s not like he brought the gun to school, you moron!”
This wound up being one of the last straws that led to Vice Principal Limpdick being shitcanned (he had a history), so you could say that I got the last laugh.
Again, bear in mind that this took place at a school whose student body was predominately Mexican or Indian–i.e. those poor unfortunate brown people that absolutely MUST get help from liberals (never mind that they seem to do a lot better when left to their own devices like the rest of us), in the southern reaches of the Soviet Socialist Republic of California. New York’s got no excuse!
It pains me how much the school system in california has become the sanctuary for liberal whiners who want to teach their own agenda because they can’t get a real job.
Oh and on top of that they are the highest paid teachers in the US, get free healthcare for life, and it LITERALLY takes 5 years to fire a teacher because of all the appeals boards and review boards created by the teacher’s union there.
It ain’t just Kalifornia, Eric. The libs have taken over the education system nation-wide.
Well we have a school here that banned PBJs because ONE kid has a peanut allergy, heaven forbid that ONE kid learn how to exist in a world with peanuts. Let’s instead teach everyone else that peanuts are bad.
Now let’s teach them that a T-Shirt and an image can frighten other people, let’s teach them that the National Guard Shirt is a bad thing because it has a flag and a gasp infantryman on the shirt…
Perhaps they can all wear their rainbow shirts instead while they play ultimate fucking frisbee instead of dodge ball so the creation of a nation of pussies moves forward unimpeded.
I teach my athletes to hit hard, get up after they’ve been hit and don’t whine…play hard, play fair and wear RangerUp shirts to let folks know you don’t tolerate PC asswipes.
Oh, lighten up, VOV! They’re afraid of everything in the real world, including their own shadows.
They won’t defend themselves because they expect YOU to do it for them. They think the police are there for THEIR benefit. They are lazy, self-serving, and scared of everything under the sun.
Give them a break, and while you’re at it, find them a nice shrink they can talk to.
Yeppir… The libs are getting screwier and screwier as time goes on…
I honestly think that those kids will rebel against their touchy feely horse shit actions and turn into gun carrying red blooded American leaders.
I also think that the people serving in the military services today will be the leaders of tomorrow and will also have no time for any of this fuckwaddery…
My parents’ generation faced the rebelliousness of my generation in the form of movies like ‘Rebel Without a Cause’, which barely toched the surface, and was absolutely dumbfounded when their precious darlings didn’t want to do what Mom and Dad expected them to do.
Okay, so the children of those now-grandparents are having children of their own, and all that touchy-feely-good stuff has produced an entire generation of soon-to-be adults who also will not do what Mom and Dad expect them to do.
it’s ‘what goes around, comes around’, you see, and teaching your kids to respect someone else for who he/she is, frankly, is not the same thing as teaching them that it’s wrong and terrible to speak your true feelings about something.
It’s just the same hypocrisy at work, in a different form, and PC will become persona non grata.
Back before all my guns were mysteriously stolen, I used to have acquaintances say things like “man, if there is a zombie apocalypse/war/insurrection/whatever I’m coming to see you – you got guns!” My usual reply was “don’t – you’ll just be a target I’m acquainted with.” Funny, some of ’em were offended.
And so continues the emasculation of the nation. I’m so glad I live in a rural Midwestern school district. My son regularly wears shirts depicting gun relate things to school. No one bats an eye, even at his Springfield Armory “Bring Enough Gun” shirt. A few teachers have actually complimented him on his apparel. Conservatives need to follow the lead of liberals of the 1960s and begin infiltrating the school systems from the bottom up. Maybe then we can begin reversing the damage and idiocy that currently infects far too many school districts.
Patience, my friend.
Wait patiently for what time brings, as does the farmer with the fruit.
So where is our little racist lib twatwaffle Mark L? I figured he/she/it would be on this thread posting more idiotic drivel…
Just be sure not to confuse Mark L with ME. Since we share the same initials.
that sucks.
We’ll just refer to him as Mark Loooooser, so don’t worry. That’s probably not even his real name anyway – it’s probably bernath or psul or skidmark or twinklebelly…
I’ve seen him bawl here on Sundays, maybe that’s the only day he gets off from police call and latrine cleaning detail!
“Where do you draw the line?” the superintendent asked. “Is it okay to wear this weapon because it’s a National Guardsman wielding it? (But it’s not okay) if you’ve got a T-shirt on from a video game that shows somebody aiming a gun at somebody’s head?” Holy Hannah! Where do you draw the line? Is he kidding? Here’s a school superintendent (his name is Alan McCartney, by the way) who can’t even be honest in his description of what the T shirt depicts, let alone trusted to differentiate between gratuitous violence and an organization that serves his state and the nation. What a freakin’ moron.
Hey Alan McCartney. How do you teach students about the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, WW I and WW II? Are there no pics in any texts? Are there no posters, say, of Pearl Harbor or of the Flag Raising at Iwo Jima? Are there no videos shown depicting these events? Do you apologize for the policeman who is stationed at or sometimes called to your school? Do you require the principal to have the students look away so they don’t see a gun? You, Alan McCarthy, are the poster child for all that is wrong with the public schools. (And, now, I gotta go find a pic of this moron.)
Okay, at that link you will see this moron Alan McCartney. I expected a much younger man but then I read that this old fool has been in the school system since Grant took Richmond. So, he is a true believer.
I went to a high school football game last night. I was absolutely horrified. Not only were military service members thanked publicly for securing our freedom to do things like attend a football game, but six or seven young ladies–members of the marching band–twirled white rifles during the half time show. Rifles! At a high school event on school prperty! People were so shocked, I guess, that no one walked out in protest. Instead, they applauded. Crazy, huh? If only there were a school superintendent like Alan McCartney here to save us from this horror!
This sums it up: