James Deon Korfhage Part III

| September 10, 2014

James Deon Korfhage

I have spent several hours over the past few day learning all I could about this guy. The second I think I have the whole story I find out more. He likes to bully and harass anyone who disagrees with him, he also does the same thing to people that try to help him. The way he operates is typical of the fake Ranger. I am sure that they offered a special class at the fake Ranger school on how to be an internet bully.

Make a fake add on craigslist to harass his victim
Do the same on Facebook
Call the Police to report suspicious behavior, while not being specific enough to get in trouble himself

That is just the tip of the iceberg.
Deon as he like to be called is a real tough guy over the phone. He loves to make threats, not only against Jonn but also to his own family and former friends. The same ones that took him in when he had no place else to go. Not only does he threaten to kill them but also to slander them and anyone else who questions his storys.

Real good guy huh? He has a web of lies so deep he forgets who he told what lie to. For instance he claims to have been discharged from the Army for shooting a family in Bosnia/Sarajevo (I heard both), His story is the Army gave him a choice, discharge with Honorable Benefits (Will come back to that in a minute) or face a court martial for murder. But Wait he says he did get Court Martailed but made a deal. part of that deal was that his records would be sealed, that by the way is his excuse for there being no record of him ever serving.

His other story is he was medically retired for.. you guessed it the good ole PTSD. He claims to have been awarded 2 Purple hearts, one for being stabbed in the neck and the other for being shot. The truth is he had a tumor removed and it left a scar on his neck. Here is a tip Deon, when you tell a lie like that you need to make sure that the people you are telling it to don’t talk to people that have known you your whole life, like for instance your relatives. He claims to have seen service in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sarajevo, Korea, Saudi Arabia the list goes on. He also claims to have been an E-6, with about 6 years of total service, wait it was an E-5 with four, wait when confronted with the math he changes stories. He says he Went in the Army in 1996, 1997 oh hell he cant get it straight. When I pointed out he had an assault charge in Florida the same time he said he was killing all those folks wherever it was he changed his story again.

He loves to compare his fake service to that of real Veterans and those on Active Duty. He talks down to them always has a bigger or better story, you know the type a real Bar Room Ranger. He loves the attention. Well guess what Peon Deon, you are getting more attention that you ever dreamed of. I know being a High Speed Super Duped Special Killer Fake Ranger is hard ain’t it James?

He has left a wake of destruction all over the south, think of his like a big hurricane of lies your not real sure what path he going to take but you can bet $100.00 of Dull-asses money that he will mess stuff up where he does hit . He does not care who he hurts or what lies he has to tell to get what he wants. But hey, we all know Stolen Valor is Victim-less right? Tell that to his family or his string of ex girlfriends.

What happens when he gets caught? He tries to say that the page on his FOIA that shows that he attended a class called “Benefits of Honorable Discharge” during his 21 days of basic means he got a general discharge under those terms. He claims it was part of his “Plea Deal” oh wait he got a medical discharge.

The truth, something he wont face is this. He went to Basic not one but twice. The fist time was at Ft Benning, the Second at Ft Jackson. He never completed Basic. I think the official term is Entry Level Separation for failure to adapt. Or as someone very close to him that knows that whole story put it “The Army threw him out twice, he is so full of BS. They said he was to immature to continue”. Or he cried a lot.

I spoke to him for about an hour and a half, while we talked his story changes. I ask a question he says one thing, I ask again or try to clear up a point and it changed. He says all of his stuff is packed away in his Mom’s attic. He says he was with the 175th Rangers, Based out of Ft Gillem Ga. I asked that question about 3 times.

Over the past 4 Days he has made a few peoples life Hell. Most of his family has no use for him. He moves from place to place until he wears out his welcome. He lives off others and promises to pay back whatever. He uses women, lies to them then makes everything their fault when they dump his ass. Then he make harasses them, Fake Ranger Style.

MY heart goes out to a lot of people on this, they were kind enough to talk to me. Oh and James, when you read this, you have my number buddy. I haven’t had a good death threat in almost a month, Or will you go with the tried but true Craigslist add? Maybe a fake facebook page? Get Lauren or was it Laura? to get your .330 for you. (The only .330 the I know of is the 330 Dakota it sells for just north of 8 grand new ) But hey fake Rangers have access to all kinds of firepower, especially those that are almost destitute and sleeping on friends couches.

Out of all the people I talked to, the one thing that they all said, with out prompting when I asked about him was the he stunk, I do believe the phrase was he smells like ass.

Category: Phony soldiers

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What a fucking scumbag.

Here’s hoping that he crosses the wrong person at the wrong time and ends up at room temp for his jackassery.

Climb to Glory

I second that. What a shitbag.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto. I think it’s only a matter of time. Georgia is a Concealed Carry State, and screaming crap like what he did to Jonn doesn’t get taken lightly down there!!


I hope the next girl he meets has a dad who is a real army ranger Id love to see the outcome id love to see him get his ass kicked hell id love to see him try to assault a real army ranger…he would get his ass pwned in seconds


This boy has been to prison not military he is confused


This guy is so screwed up that the stolen valor issues are just a small part of his problem.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Karma is a harsh mistress, but she often waits for what seems like an eternity to collect on a debt.

Don’t worry Deon she will be looking for you, I hope you understand everything that will happen that day is the result of your Karmic debt coming due and being paid directly due to your behavior. That will be a long hard day for you and a long sweet day for the rest of society.


Another fake, wanna-be, POS.


You left out the part where he gave his ex wife 2 Diseases, because he tried out swinging for the other team. That is according to the cousin of his Ex who posted this in the other discussion about him.
No way of knowing if it is really true or not, but sounds like something a lying sack of shit scumbager Loser would do.


I know it to be true he was in prison with my brother and was giving several mean pleasure so yes he does swing both ways its true


Men pleasure


I’ve heard he does give good blow jobs. ….


Don’t you just hate it here at TAH when someone who *KNOWS* juicy details about an individual comes here blows these posers out of the water (So to speak) and confirms what we all suspected.

PUCKER UP NEON DEON. Here comes the Pain train. WOOOO WOOO.

James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III… sure has a nice ring to it.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks” 😀 ;D 😮

/James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III… . …yeah that’ the ticket.


Smells like ass. Yeah, that about covers it.

CB Senior

“You are what you eat” as they say.
OOOOOOOOOOOH What’s that smell?


Douche. Canoe.

Got a grid for this scumwaffle? Not like the South is completely covered with retired and AD Rangers who might wish to “validate” his claims in person.


THAT would be the Karmic debt payment that VOV was talking about.


This will be the guy to watch.

I predict he goes out like McSoulpatch


*Sticks pin in voodoo doll*
*Places a cup of rum and cigars for Joboo*
One can only hope………
*Listens to “Santeria” by Sublime*


You forgot the bucket of KFC for Joboo. He does like his chicken.


But he is no help with the curve ball.


I say fuck you Joboo…
I do it myself !!!


S&L, I posted elsewhere a comment to you but it may have been to late for you to see it based on the age of the post. Just curious if you were in 4ID? I saw you mentioned being up in MI, I am too, I was also assigned to 2BDE Warhorse….it’d be nice to make connections with fellow Ivy divisioners….

19D1OR4 - Smitty

Dunno if you are tracking, but 2BCT is gone now or will be shortly.

-Formerly 1-68Armor 3HBCT/4ID


The “good” news is that guys like this end up reaping the rewards of their behavior eventually.

The bad news is that they often wreck a lot of other lives and generally create a lot of chaos for perfectly decent folks before they get their reckoning.

Basically, people like this are human tornadoes, tearing a swath of destruction through other people’s lives and marking their passage with a trail of debris.

Dave Hardin

Thanks for all the work Enigma. Hey, Kornflake….


Alrighty then … next!

Combat Historian

Typical human wrecking ball, destroying anything and everything around him without a second thought…

A Proud Infidel®™

Loser, Loser, LOOOZER!!! North Georgia has plenty of real Rangers around the place, (if I’m correct, the Mountain phase of the School is still done in Dahlonega)and Karma will pay our moldy stale kornflake-headed mildew-eating LOSER back very handily. I don’t see it as IF but WHEN! He’s SO typical of posers, nearly all mouth and little to back it up, spreading misery wherever he goes. What I consider a fine example of a REAL Ranger is the Officer who rescued someone in the San Fran Subway and just said “I did what I had to do “, little more. G***amn Korflake doesn’t even seem worth staying awake and worrying about, just like another character featured here that screeches “The *SLUUURRP*man cometh!” and another who has repeatedly said my papers will be served any day now, and *YAWN* nothing has happened yet!


Spot on the guy is a dude!


My uncle is one of them. lives just outside Atlanta. the real deal. I wonder what his reaction would be to this clown. I don’t think uncle George knows about these stolen valor twats. Maybe I should enliten him.

CB Senior

New saying heard down range “Dude don’t be such a Korfhage”


The sad part is that this will probably continue. Unfortunately a con artist never changes his/her colors, just morphs into someone else, or runs to a new group of people to destroy. Here’s to hoping that someone somewhere who knows him will see through his lies. Big bad “ranger” won’t be able to hide and continue to shine disgrace upon the Army’s name for long.


Dealings with sociopathic bullies can be fruitless. They only understand two things- ass whippings and jail.

A Proud Infidel®™

And once they’re in jail, they have to get used to being Bubba & Thor’s “Property”!


He already has them on the outside looking for him’ they want him to be their broke back mtn partner…look out queer they looking for you

Green Thumb

Extra shitbag.

And a coward to boot.


Just out of curiosity, I have a question for all of you about the Specops people.
It is my understanding that most Specops people, Rangers, SEAL’s etc, speak very little about themselves and what they did.
Well, I work at Walmart here in Kemah TX and get tons of guys Vietnam era and less that are all about telling me how Specops they were in Vietnam, Afghanistan Iraq and wherever they were.
I had one guy today, a Marine that was on a special team to go around and rescue POW’s from North Vietnam and out in Indian Country… This guy was serious, but I never heard about anything like that before in my life !!!
Should I call them on it or just agree and walk away before I say something to pick a fight…
I swear, I have never met a supply clerk, truck driver or anything other than Specops, CIA and SEAL’s from Vietnam and I am a Veteran from that era.
The guys I served with, NCO’s, were all Vietnam Veteran’s and said very little about it other than Vietnam was a beautiful country and the dope was good…
Just thought I would ask at the place where I could get the best answers.
Thanks friends.
I am honored to be a part of this group of real Veteran’s that don’t have to lie about who or what they are… Except of course for Faker 6… LOL !!!

Just An Old Dog

As far as I know, there was not a SINGLE POW rescued by any special forces types, much less a bunch by a specific group of Marines.
SF did do an operation in Song Tang( ?) but the camp was ewmpty when they arrived.


Google Bull Simons for some good info on the Son Tay raid.
I believe you’re also right about no successful POW camp rescues Old Dog. Sounds like Thuner


Oops. As i was saying, sounds like Thunderstixx has some story tellers in his AO.

Combat Historian

The one really well-publicized successful POW escape/rescue in Nam was of SF 1LT Nick Rowe in 1968. He had been a POW of the VC in the Mekong Delta for four years, and finally was able to make his escape in 1968 when the VC prison came under aerial attack. Rowe escaped and was able to ID himself to a Huey gunship, which landed and picked him up. As far as I know, there was no successful rescue of U.S. POWs by Spec-Ops in Vietnam, although I think there may have been rescues of ARVN/RVNAF POWs by U.S./Allied forces who happened to come across their prison cages in the course of Allied ground operations…


While not technically a POW rescue, this story comes close. It also demonstrates the kinds of things REAL Special Forces, SEALs, and Air Force SPECOPS people did on rare occasions in Vietnam (UnLiKe SoMe PeOpLe We’Ve HeArD fRoM).


Hat tip to Doug Sterner for the article. If you follow the link, you might want to have a tissue or two handy.


The uncle I have been referring to in this thread located in Atlanta, worked for walmart after retiring from the army. I assure you his fellow employees probably never had a clue about his service background with the rangers. Like someone else said, true heroes are usually silent about their actions.

Dave Hardin

That’s a great question. I own restaurants. I am really fed up with posers/embellishers that show up. Here is the thing, it is not my employee’s job to confront customers on this issue. They have all seen me do it. They have all been told not to do it. I ask that they inform me. I do not always confront someone. It depends on many factors. I had one about a month ago claim that his nephew was a Marine and got the MOH. I wont let that slide, he wont claim that in public again and he probably wont eat at any of my restaurants again. Beirut fakes are another passion of mine. I have been doing this for a long time. Several years ago a husband and wife were eating and told me their son was a sniper in Iraq. When mom found out I am a Marine she went to tears about how scared she was. Her description of the letters he sent home were full of things that scared the shit out of her. I sat with them for over an hour and explained that her 0811 son was not a sniper and probably just wanted to be her hero. I am sure that Marine did not know he was scaring the shit out of mom with his bullshit. I have perfected being full of shit to an art. People have a right to be full of shit….to a point. Walking around Walmart is one thing, standing out front collecting money for some veteran cause is another. Sitting at the bar in a VFW telling bullshit war stories is one thing, being a post officer is another. Jonn made a good point on a post recently. If people cant claim to be a hero they want to claim they know one. You have to be careful when you pull the bullshit card. I have embarrassed more than one person who pulled it on me. If someone gets too aggressive without thinking, I can easily bait them with a few claims that are true but will set… Read more »


Great post Dave. I am either fortunate or oblivious, because I cannot remember ever running into someone who was spouting bullshit claims of service. TAH did do a post about one of my former Marines who I went to Afghanistan with (I was his Company Gunny) who was embellishing the hell out of his service. I contacted him and ripped his lips off.

I come from a military family and grew up around the Marine friends of my father. They were honorable men who served together in Vietnam and then stayed in after that war and made careers of service to our nation. Many of them are gone now, including my father. I would have a hard time with someone who in my mind, is spitting on their graves. Not to mention the comrades I have served with who did not come home from Iraq and Afghanistan.

This is a serious issue and unfortunately the large majority of our fellow citizens are unaware of it because they are so far removed from the military unless they have relatives who serve. And even then, like the mother that you comforted, they have no idea of what actually goes on in the military. That is why I feel like TAH is so important, it does a remarkable job of exposing these shitbags.

Again Dave, thanks for a good post.

The Chief

He must have watched BAT21. Great movie!


Hey look everyone. It’s ZOMBIE THREAD TIME.
Let’s all look at Douchebag Deon Kornhole from Bumfuck Georgia and point an laugh.

/What a maroon.


I have it on good authority Wes that he *is* a LEGIT Ranger. 😀 😀


Of course he’s the Pink One.

Green Thumb

James Deon Korfhage takes it in the ass while simultaneously making threats over the phone.’

With multi-tasking skills like that I am surprised he did not shoot up through the ranks.




Here is a hint James, instead of blowing up the Facebook page with comments, lay low.


I had trouble understanding some of this dumbshit’s posts. So I ran them through Google to translate them.

Here’s what I got:

“I’m a semi-literate, valor-thieving low-life with self-esteem issues that won’t quit. Woe is me!”


Those Facebook comments lead me to believe there’s a lot of herpes going around in Korfhage’s neck of the woods…


Green Thumb

The only type of discharge this felcher received was right in his face.

A Proud Infidel®™

Most likely when he was blowing winos behind a bus stop (That’s the rumor I heard).


He was paying the winos to let him do it.
(That’s the rumor I heard).


James Deon Korfhage:
Hey, did you know I made $485 giving blow jobs to truckers at rest stops?

TAH: Really? Who gave you $5?

James Deon Korfhage:

😀 😀 😀


James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III


I meant to say,

Here you go Gooogle Love for you

James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III

/get out there and troll for Man Ass, boy.

Green Thumb


James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…
James Deon “Air Tight” Korfhage III…

….is a white trash pussy.


Yes this piece of shit is really putting his family thru hell! He is constantly blasting them in fob vulgar, derogative trash. I know he has family looking for him and not for a reunion! He he scum bag and he will not continue to harness these people much longer and the sad thing is he has a loving family! Jerk jerk jerk off!

Green Thumb

This dude is giant, white trash pussy.

No more, no less.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

The “great” Kornholio spouting off again…

NSFW, around kids, or the clergy

A Proud Infidel®™

Wow, I just read James Deon Korfhage III’s comments, he’s gone full Dutch Rudder Gang on us sans lawsuits. Let’s see, drug & alcohol dependency allegations about TAH Regulars, threats,… The only thing missing is sexual allegations like what another well-known critter makes.


Tried reading a bit of it, but it was obvious that he was addressing his comments to folks somewhere other than here. Rational? Not so much but don’t recall anyone accusing him of being rational. Sounds more like ‘roid rage from here.


Either that or an highly advanced case of dumbcluckery.


Stage 4? 😉


I talked to one of his exs and they said he bought that ranger ring he wears from balfour texas and paid 275.00 for it…lol what a joke he told everybody his sergeant called him and said he found it in a cubby and 15 years later he sends it to him…lol its fake just like the ranger plate he has on front of his truck


They also said that the only reason he went to the army was a plea deal in a assault attempt that his mom and defendent agreed on to get his sorry ass out of here and came back 21 days later a RANGER lol what a joke u r kornflake

Sara j

Hats off to all military men and women!! Much oblige to all! Thank you for all you do and have done for our country!! But this so called korfhage Well he is a disgrace to society!!! I also know his family, and what an embarrassment he is to them! I beleive he has been band from the family for a while. But everything he says about them is a replica of his self. .he is delusional and has been in the nut home a time or too!..I know for a fact he is the biggest chicken shit ever!! He can not back up nothing he says and hides behind facebook, and social media. However I summon him to come forth and face this family and see how bad you are!!


You will know when you are in a room with kornflake because u can smell his ass from the other side of the room…i know his family and him really well and i can tell you this he is nothing but a keyboard gangsta and once you come face to face with him he runs like a coward…he is all bark and no bite…he uses and abuses every woman he gets with…he does nothing but go around pick on woman because he is scared of a man…the truck he has isnt even his and the shit he does get he scandals woman to get it…also he has websites on craigslist wanting men…kornflake i bet you are wondering DAMN how does he know all of this


This man is fake as can be I know him in person sadly as a 17 year old girl from an app called meet me where most teenagers go to find people to hang out with I didn’t know he was in his late 30’s he posed him self as a young teen aged boy he tricked me into hanging out with him but his plan weren’t just hanging out…I’m guessing you can guess the rest the reason behind this comment is that people will watch there kids around this man or don’t even let him around your family he isn’t just a phony he’s a rarest praying off of kids as young of 12 years old maybe even younger….you won’t have to worry about him for a couple of years he’s sitting in jail right now waiting for court which is in July for rape of a minor he will be put away for a long time he’s getting sent to federal prison. Just please everyone keep your kids away from him he’s very dangerous. God bless.


Are you the one who put him in jail?






Because you said you met him he was not a teenager but older


How was court did you get him off the streets