I’ll Just Leave This Here
A brief follow-up to my article from yesterday concerning this summer’s cooler than normal weather.
warn of ‘coldest August spell in a century‘
Snow may or may not occur; if it does, will likely be limited to elevations above 1000m (3280ft). Daily highs may rival the lowest August temps since 1919 (8.9C, or 48F).
Must be that global warming at work.
Category: Global Warming
I blame Al Gore…
I wonder what that asswipe con artist would say about this? He’s probably too busy suing al Jazeera, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving asshole!!
Agreed, they deserve eachother!
Al Gore takes it is the ass from Bill Clinton and always has. That’s why you don’t see him around the White House much, he’s Bill’s boy toy. The liberals, because Gore the whore, is liberal sucked up his made up, fuzzy math, science and bought his book. Never been a group as wrong about science as climatologists. Well except for the ones who predicted giant squids would take down our submarines and trains going over 25 MPH would such the air out of your lungs. Other than those guys, climatologists are pretty close.
I might add the only ones who get it wrong more often than climatologists are economists.
The sun is “quieting down” when it should be really active. This “slowdown” is resulting in “weaker” solar winds. These winds contribute to keeping more cosmic rays from hitting us.
Why is this significant?
Because cosmic/galactic rays facilitate cloud formation, and moisturizing in the atmosphere. Then there’s the electromagnetic activity that’s going on in the sun, which also impacts the Earth in the form of earthquakes and volcanic activity.
This activity “connects” the earth and the sun.
Volcanic release into the atmosphere also has a cooling effect.
Solar activity is already declining at a rapid rate, with some scientists saying that this decline is the “fastest” in the past 9 to 10 thousand years.
What this means for us is that the sun is in the process of entering another solar grand minima, like what it did during the Dalton and Maunder minimums. These two periods are associated with the mini ice age.
I’ve been telling friends and family, since the summer of 2007, that our winters are going to get colder, start earlier, and last longer… and that our summers will lose their teeth.
That has been happening… and this is related to the sun.
If you want a good idea of what’s in store for us, check out the articles on the mini ice age. In the mean time, I recommend getting your emergency winter supplies this month, or before it gets cold.
Parts of the lower 48 have already seen their first frosts.
Check this video out:
I’m not sure if this is good or bad, but I actually understood everything you said there.
Colorado has had the coolest, wettest summer I can remember in a long time. A nice change after decades of catastrophic fires. We never hit 100 this summer and our creeks and rivers are still flowing at runoff levels. I think we got all of CA’s water – ha!
As for Scotland, we’re leaving in a few weeks to celebrate our 30th anniversary in London. I expect cool and somewhat rainy weather, but it better not snow! And no snow here until after we get back, I haven’t brought my plants in yet.
Didn’t Al the mental patient say. Global cooling is a result of global warming? I would like to bitch slap Al the mental patient.
My Cherry tree in my front yard has started to turn to fall colors already. I’ve never seen it turn this early. I don’t think we’ve had one day over 100 (D.C. Metro area) all year.