Obama: Bush’s fault that he withdrew troops from Iraq
I remember when Joe Biden told us that only thing we needed to think about in the voting booth in 2012 was that the Iraq War had ended and that bin Laden is dead. Now, apparently, according to the Washington Times, it’s Bush’s fault that Obama was forced to withdraw US troops from Iraq;
At the White House on Saturday morning — less than 48 hours after authorizing airstrikes against Islamist militants and humanitarian air drops to save the lives of trapped Iraqi civilians — President Obama blamed his predecessor, George W. Bush, for the absence of American troops in Iraq and rejected the assertion that he could have left a small peacekeeping force in the war-torn nation.
Back in August of 2010 VoteVets was boasting about how Obama was going to withdraw the troops, so you know it’s true. We had a big fight over it and they ended up firing one of their staff at their blog. All because they wanted all of the credit for the withdrawal to go to Obama. Now, Obama is telling us that he had nothing to do with the final withdrawal – you know, as if the internet never existed.
“What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government,” Mr. Obama told reporters just before leaving for a two-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.
So, thanks to Bush, the Obama Administration is just on autopilot, I suppose. Actually, that would explain a lot – especially why they hired John Kerry as the Secretary of State. Who needs a competent diplomat when the previous administration wrote the policies?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
This “president” is past the point of being just a sad joke. He is exhibiting signs of paranoia. He lies just to hear the sound of his own lying voice, or so it seems.
I cannot remember a politician either in my lifetime nor any that I have read of in the history of our country who were so unqualified for the job they find themselves in. And with some of the scoundrels and neer do wells that this country has produced, that is saying something.
Where does this shit show end??
Master Guns, wait and see. Keep watch.
It’s deja vu all over again. It was only supposed to be advisers in Vietnam, 50 years ago this month.
Heyyyyyyyyyy ….. hold on there just a minute, pal! He received the Nobel Peace Prize! He must be qualified to be President, right? …… right?
So now apparently we have President Flip Wilson arguing that “the devil made me do it”.
As if the internet never happened …
Ah, yes. The OLD and very juvenile defense of, “It’s not my fault!”
The “media” plays the Carrie Fisher role very well……
LOL! 🙂
Jesus, is anything his fault. He even said that it wasn’t his fault when his “signature legislation” Obamacare rollout was a huge failure. Fucking narcissist. Doesn’t take responsibility for things that are his fault and takes responsibility for things that aren’t(bin Laden).
Leave me out of this. Satan has control of him!!!
whaddya want, the more normal Democratic “I take full responsibility for this (but will now forget it ever happened, ignore any advice, and act like this was really someone else’s fault while doing nothing to actually fix the clusterphucque I made)”
Oh, but don’t you remember that spoiled brat outburst on TV, when he went to the southwest to view the illegal aliens problem, and complained bitterly (and I quote) ‘They’re blaming ME!!!’
Remember that? It was only a matter of time, you see. I’m sure we’ll see more of the whining and the ‘do I HAVE to’ stuff very soon. Rubbing my hands together in anticipation.
Much like the quote “60% of the time it works every time”, this just makes you say huh?
I’m really at a loss for words.
Truly, truly, it is as if this nation, ie, POTUS and those who voted for his worthless butt, have entered the Twilight Zone … for real.
Unfortunately, they’re dragging the rest of us with them, and multitudes are being butchered as the price.
As clear a case of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome)as there has ever been.
This is one of those times when I really wonder if the Glorious Leader actually believes his own bullshit.
Uh, Barry. That whole Bush thingy kinda became moot about five years ago.
This shit’s all on you, bro. Unlike Stalin and the memory hole or Orwell (we have always been at war with Eastasia), the Algorenet doesn’t forget.
Well, he’s got to try to deflect blame somehow. The Administration’s current policies certainly aren’t working worth a damn.
However, someone needs to tell the POTUS that his argument is, well, bullsh!t. We returned control of Japan and Germany to sovereign governments in 1952 and 1955, respectively. We still have US forces in each nation. Ditto Korea, Kuwait, and a fair number of other nations worldwide.
Had this Administration been even marginally competent, we could have negotiated a SOFA with Iraq in 2011 and done the same there.
The whiny ‘do I have to?’ stuff is just beginning. It will pick up in very shortly and become even louder.
Blaming someone else for your stupid mistakes? Has anyone else used ‘Not Me’ as the whipping boy?
Party time is coming to an end, my peeps. This stubborn, willful, weak-minded, lazy, immature showoff is starting to show his true colors, isn’t he?
Thank God for the internet, and its foreverness. 🙂
Bush’s fault sounds like # one best selling book title for our dear leader to scribe down when his vacation is over in a few years.
Hey, it’s all gonna be okay, folks. He and the hilarious Hillary are gonna hug it out at Martha’s Vineyard this week.
Well, it’s party time, isn’t it?
Everything is fine. Everything is just fine. No, really – it is. I can see it for myself. Plain as day.
Obama 2011 — “Today, I can announce that our review is complete, and that the United States will pursue a new strategy to end the war in Iraq through a transition to full Iraqi responsibility.
This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.
[W]e will work to promote an Iraqi government that is just, representative, and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe haven to terrorists.”
Joe Biden a year earlier — “It [Iraq] could be one of the greatest achievements of this administration.” He continued, “You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”
Mr. President, your own words betray you. Blaming Bush for a piss poor policy was an accurate depiction of the lack of long range occupation planning for the post war period in Iraq. Making a change to that policy was your prerogative, and ending the war if there was no 40 year plan to stabilize and bring all three separate groups into the government with equal footing to rule the nation.
However, once you used your prerogative Mr. President the policies of the previous administration no longer matter. Once you alter the course you own the new path. Had you chosen to continue Bush’s path I think the outcome today would still suck, but when you didn’t follow that path you lost the ability to be taken seriously if you pretend you have been forced to adhere to previous policy. Your public comments indicate you took credit for changing the policy and ending the war. It’s time to man up, put on the big boy pants and admit the middle east is a giant goat fuck that won’t be solved through propping up the artificial construct that is Iraq.
VOV: I cannot believe you used the phrase “man up” in conjunction with anyone associated with the current Administration.
I suppose you are correct they do not man up, instead they are “manning” up….
See what I did there?
Obama 2011 more – In 2011 in a speech to the nation entitled “Ending the War in Iraq,” he declared: “As a candidate for president, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end — for the sake of our national security and to strengthen American leadership around the world. After taking office, I announced a new strategy that would end our combat mission in Iraq and remove all of our troops by the end of 2011. As commander in chief, ensuring the success of this strategy has been one of my highest national security priorities. Last year, I announced the end to our combat mission in Iraq. And to date, we’ve removed more than 100,000 troops. Iraqis have taken full responsibility for their country’s security.”
“That darn Bush guy had no clue what he was doing, did he? All I’m doing is fixing his screwups!”
Obama, do the right thing by this nation. Admit you aren’t fit to lead, and resign. Stop making us the laughing stock of the global community. Stop making pointless, or worse, ineffective and wasteful, policy decisions. Let someone else do it.
Has B. Hussein 0bama ever really given even two drops of moldy cockroach shit about anything other than his next fundraiser, golf game, or lavish vacation at our expense? According to him, NOTHING has ever been his fault. Hands down,he is definitely the most childish narcissistic incompetent assclown to ever inhabit 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue! GOD HELP AMERICA while he and his fellow vermin are still at the helm!!
When I saw that headline, I was just SURE this was an article from the Duffel Blog.
But no, of course it wasn’t. *sigh*
Here’s a bit of news for you all to digest.
Any bets on how long before he changes his mind (breaks his word) on ‘no American combat troops in Iraq’?