Where’s Wal…er…Kerry?

| August 4, 2014

Kerry blue bunny suit

Kimberly Atkins, in the Boston Herald, remarks on the disappearance of John Kerry;

After what was arguably his worst week since becoming the nation’s top diplomat, Secretary of State John Kerry has been conspicuously absent.

The conflict in Gaza rages on, fresh off the violent collapse of a short-term cease-fire. I expected Kerry to be everywhere: making on-camera appearances, hitting the Sunday talk show circuit to detail U.S. efforts to try to bring at least a temporary stop to the violence in the region.

But Kerry — rarely camera-shy — couldn’t be found. The job was left to President Obama himself and other White House officials.

In fact, Hamas and Israel have agreed to two ceasefires this weekend without Kerry, including one today;

Israel and Hamas said they have agreed a new 72-hour truce starting on Tuesday, after increasingly vocal world demands for a ceasefire in the bloody Gaza conflict.

The breakthrough came during talks in Cairo on Monday, only days after a similar three-day truce collapsed in a deadly wave of violence within hours of starting on Friday.

And John Kerry is no where to be seen. He should have been on the Sunday shows explaining why he’s incapable of negotiating between the two governments. You know, besides the fact that he’s only good at dictating to people what they should do – like he did when he tried to cram his deal with Hamas down Israel’s throat. But those meanies in Israel made fun of him and told him to go home.

I suspect that he’s in some luxurious hotel room somewhere pouting about how his job is hard and no one does what he tells them to do. John Kerry is an incompetent pampered boob. And somehow he thinks what I just said makes me a racist.

Category: John Kerry, Terror War

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Looks like he is crawling out of his mechanical asshole play house


Maybe some terrorist organization kidnapped him and the 0bama administration is in the process of paying them to keep him until after the election…

Um… I mean rescue him.


My sources tell me they are playing hardball. They told the kidnappers that if they want to keep Kerry they have to take Biden too.


I think the word we’re looking for is “butthurt”.

C-130J Loadmaster

I am both happy and unhappy about this. I have long been VERY critical of this piece of shit, but I only fear that they’d replace him with a bigger piece of shit!

Climb to Glory

Without a doubt they would replace him with a bigger piece of shit, if that’s even possible. In the next Congressional hockey game I hope he gets cross checked in the face and knocks all the teeth outta his fat head.



I nominate that crazy old sack of bat shit from Ess Eff, Nancy “Botox” Pelosi, to be next SoS.

Climb to Glory

OldSarge, she would be a good candidate for Shit on a Shingle…Oh you meant Secretary of State? God help us if that ever happens. She would be able to scare our country’s enemies with her melted cheese looking face though.

Delilah T.

Oh, fellas, it’s far, far better for these dingalings in charge now to make complete asses of themselves in public. The more they do so, the more stupid they look, and the harder it will be to repair the image of the democraps as the party of choice. I’m sure that there will be plenty more opportunities for sKerry to screw up royally and seal his reputation.

Don’t be discouraged. Even Candyass Crowley from CNN has had her ass handed to her this past Sunday.


Hopefully he thinks the five week Congressional summer break that started on Friday still applies to him and he’s getting a head start on dictating the narratives to all those Hurt Feelings Reports that he’s going to include in his memoirs.


He’s on his $7M yacht in Rhode Island. Ya know, where he doesn’t have to pay Massachusetts’ taxes.
Did you know he was in Viet Nam?



Yes, I heard that John “Heinz” Kerry is a tax evader.
I also heard he once threw his Vietnam medals over the White House fence. Oh, wait… Those were some other guy’s medals. Kerry’s are in a shadow box on his office wall… And, he wrote himself up for those medals.

Bedwetter bitch.


Look up “Winter Soldier”, OldSarge. He’s a sell-out liar POS and deserves nothing but scorn, right up there with Hanoi Jane.

AW1 Tim

A little known fact is that Massachusetts was paying a $100 bonus to every Vietnam veteran back then. John frikkin’ Kerry dropped by the statehouse to pick up his check ON THE WAY DOWN to the Winter Soldier hearings.

Apparently, the gigolo, tax cheat and military poser was all to happy to take the King’s Shilling with one hand, while bitch slapping the King with the other.

Climb to Glory

Gee, I don’t know how we would’ve known Kerry would be a horrible Secretary of State.


NEVER ever! Under any skerrycumstances DO that AGAIN! LMAO! Morning, troops! Who needs an old lady to keep watch over, my tour ends shortly…

Delilah T.

Maybe he suddenly found himself on the shit list.


He IS the shit list.

Delilah T.

Good point.


He was tossed aside in a manner reminiscent of Jenjis Con.


You win the Internet for the day.




C’mon, guys – give the fella a break. He was merely reminiscing about liberty with Jennifer (“Jen”) and Giselle (“Gis”) Khan – two underprivileged Central Asian “working women” he met in Saigon and “took to the theater” one weekend. That story was misinterpreted by the press!


I heard he served in Vietnam?

Delilah T.

Yes, he served squid chips and 33 Beer and Black Label.


Word, on the street is John F’ng sKerry was awarded numerous medals for his portrayal of a guy, that was pretending to be *the guy*, that was pretending to be a politician and strip dancer onboard the USS Forestal. As you may or may not know sir, the experiences he may have had strip dancing then falling off the leaning pole in messhall, are “seared, seared I tell you” in to his memory.

AW1 Tim

They are “seared” into the memory of everyone else who witnessed it, too.

It was a worse experience than finding out your “date” was one of Yawn’s Thai ladyboyz.


To be missing, does one need to previously been somewhere?

He has been the poster child for “lights are on but nobody’s home” for decades.


He could reduce global warming by shutting his yap and retiring from public life permanently. That would remove a major source of useless hot air from the planet.


He’s writing up another Purple Heart rec for himself. Apparently, he threw a diet coke can at the trashcan and it rebounded and hit him in the upper thigh.

Afterwards, he’s going to throw his Sec State placard over the White House fence.

What a putz. Can’t believe he was picked to run as President. We really dodged a bullet there.