More Dickey BS
I really don’t want to spend a lot of time on this douche nozzle, Flemron Dickey, but he’s making it an issue – just like Ken Aden who drew out the process from late May to mid-July 2012. Aden, by the way, was also a Democrat politician from the South who claimed to be a “green beret”. But Flemron keeps going back to the media;
Action News 5 – Memphis, Tennessee
For the record, Flemron can run for office, but he probably can’t even vote for himself;
From WMC:
“Everybody has an opinion, and everybody might consider that to be dishonest, but the fact still remains, the department of the army issued me that Green Beret,” Dickey said.
Some veterans feel Dickey was stretched the truth to gain campaign money and votes. Both are claims that Dickey denies. He said he wants to help veterans as a congressman if he’s elected.
“I did not deliberately try to lie to the public, the only thing I did was generalize my statements, and I’m here on Action News 5 to clarify that,” Dickey said.
He can call it a “generalized statement” and our opinion, but how does he explain this from an article in Newsweek in 2006;
Ron Dickey wanted to make the Army his career. When he joined the service at 19 he traded Rienzi, Miss.—a town with fewer than 500 residents—for a world of opportunities. Ambitious, Dickey became a member of the elite special forces and fought in the first Persian Gulf War. But when he got back from the Middle East, he developed extensive skin abrasions. He still doesn’t know if he was exposed to something during the war, but his health began to deteriorate quickly. In addition to the mysterious skin disease, he came down with diabetes and he already had some hearing loss. In 1993, he opted not to re-enlist.
Dickey first tried his hand at police work back home in Mississippi. But his health wasn’t up to it. So he went on the job market only to find that with a resume strong on weaponry but weak on Microsoft Word he was bouncing from one low-paying job to another.
He was a cook in Korea during the Gulf War, but the article says that “Dickey became a member of the elite special forces and fought in the first Persian Gulf War”. That’s not a lie of omission, that’s a flat out lie. He claims that he got a skin disease from service in the Middle East – and he caught the diabetes there, too. It’s tough to catch an illness from a certain geographical location when you’re most of the way around the world from that geographical location.
That’s not my opinion – that’s the way it is. It has nothing to do with his skin color like some commenters at the news article want to make it. A glance at our Stolen Valor page shows many more white faces than minorities. We don’t play that shit here.
I used to eat breakfast in the Walter Reed mess hall every Saturday (I was only there for the SOS and biscuits) – so I guess I’m a surgeon.
Category: Phony soldiers, Shitbags
I’m still waiting for someone to explain how one “catches” diabetes, as if it’s somehow communicable.
Oh, that’s easy, NH Sparky.
You watch those JDRF ads on TV, the ones with Mary Tyler Moore campaigning for research funding. And you eat a lot of sugar cookies while you’re at it, too.
I am wondering how one catches it, and publicly states he thinks it may be froms something he was exposed to in a War he never set foot in…
I caught it once. It was a pop fly and I was in center field. I tagged the runner heading to second and then fired it off to first base.
Unprotected sex.
Unprotected ass sex in Dickey’s case.
Unprotected ass sex from a donkey in Flemron’s case.
Do you suppose Dickey ate the donkey after violating it – kind of like a praying mantis?
More like Dickey ate the donkey after he let it violate him.
I’m fairly sure the donkey has WAY more self respect than that!
More like unprotected sex with too many Krispy Kreme donuts!
He does like him some donut ho’s, don’t he?
Unprotected sex with donuts? Damn, I certainly hope that was unprotected oral sex . . .
Dickey “does” the hole first. He loves him some “glazing” on his donut ho’s.
Now THAT’s a visual no one needed! LOL!
It’s more the diabetes catches you when you’re to fucking fat to outrun it anymore…
Believe it or not there are certain evironmental exposures that can trigger diabetes, provided you have the Genetic marker for it in your DNA.
While that may be true in general, it isn’t true in Dickey’s case. he couldn’t have contracted diabetes from exposure in a region he was never in.
ArmyATC – I absolutelty agree with you 1000%. The only environmental trigger this guy was exposed too was too many Krispy Kreme donuts and too many ice cold glassess of chocolate lemonade!
“…Dickey became a member of the elite special forces and fought in the first Persian Gulf War…”
He fought the Persian Gulf War by downing all the kim chee and bulgogi he could find at the Keok Sun grille in Waegwan…
Waegwan . . . haven’t heard that town’s name in approaching 30 years now.
Good times. (smile)
sure it wasn’t Shorty’s Canteen on Camp Casey? Man I loved that place.
I guess the fact that he weighs 360 pounds has nothing to do with the diabetes.
The only time he isn’t lying about his service, it is because he is filling his pie hole with anything he can lay his hands on.
Bad check felony? He must have kited a check at the candy store, judging by the 360 lbs of wasted human material and the diabetes.
And what idiot would vote for someone who writes bad checks… oh never mind.
Yeah, if you weigh twice the normal weight for your height, you’ll catch the diabetes real easy.
So help me out here!
Is he “generally a Green Beret”?
Depends on your definition of ‘is’. Did he graduate candidate selection. Not according to the phblically available records. Cpuld he have picked up a green colored beret off a desk or at clothing and sales and claim the army ‘issued’ it to him perhaps. By most definitions he is not infact a Green Beret as most having served in the military would define it.
To be as polite as I can under the circumstances, MCPO: OH HELL NO. He’s a former SF support troop – nothing more, and nothing less.
An assignment to a SF support unit is generally a difficult job. Getting such an assignment is an honor (my impression was that they generally are fairly selective in who they take for the support units – and they don’t keep dirtbags around long at all), and was one of the 3 or 4 best assignments in my career. Great people, great mission, great unit. It’s something to be proud of.
But Dickey was no more a “Green Beret” soldier than I was. We were both “assigned to an SF unit in a support capacity”. “Green Beret” soldiers were those who were fully qualified.
That was the understanding when I served, and it was the same understanding when Dickey served. It’s the same understanding today.
IMO, Dickey is intentionally misrepresenting his military qualifications in order to con the uneducated and get their votes under false pretenses. And to me that’s disgusting as hell.
This one time back at Bragg I watched the flag come down by 18th ABN headquarters. The flag detail all wore green berets so that was extra cool. The uncool part was everyone on the detail was very female and very pregnant. They just kind of shuffled along in a rout step waiting for their collective waters to break on Iron Mikes bronze jump boots. If they wore green berets did it make them green berets?
I’m not a Doctor (although i did eat breakfast at a hospital a couple of months ago) but i’m guessing his diabetes has something to do with his 6’1, 360 lb frame.
Dickey probably caught all sorts of neat stuff in Seoul but he cant tell us about it.
Mink blankets and soju. Oh, the horror. The horror.
After enough soju, NHSparky – sometimes “the horror” was just about right. (smile)
His resume should’ve been strong on cooking and weak on something else. They probably didn’t hire him for fear of his eating their inventory.
“He said he wants to help veterans as a congressman if he’s elected.” Yeah, and every Miss America wants world peace, to save the bunny rabbits, to feed starving children, to fight for trurh, justice, and the American way. File under meaningless, bullshit, platitudes. Oh, for Dick Eye, I conducted a poll and–get this–with a margin of error of +/-3, 97% of Veterans don’t want his help.
It’s more like the difference between a certified teacher and a student hall monitor. 🙄
Never trust a skinny chef. Blown up fatasses, OTOH, are okay, unless they’re writing bad checks.
And another thing. He can’t seem to hold a job, for whatever reason. So, it makes perfect sense that he wants to be a member of Congress.
I drove an M60A1 once. Guess that makes me Armor branch-qualified.
Well, I was in the 82nd (and 101st) in the 60’s and was issued a fourragère and various unit awards from Normandy, Holland, etc that I was required to wear. So, clearly, I was at Normandy, Holland, Bastogne….
I remember Christmas of 1944 sitting in a foxhole in Belgium. I remember what it was like to be shot at …. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me.
↑↑↑↑↑ Just for the Jawn Fraud sKerry reference, SJ. Well, that and the rest of the post. Nicely done.
An obese shitbag.
At RTC San Diego all the future SEALs got seabags full of the same stuff I got. I’m guessing Senior Chief wil let me slide on that claim, right?
“…fought in the first Persian Gulf War.”
Sure, if you believe that “fought” is generally the same as “cooked”. And that “in” is generally the same as “during, but on the other side of the planet as”.
NE Asia, SW Asia – what’s the difference, MrBill? The fact that he was over 4000 mi ENE of the Gulf is immaterial. He was on the same continent, right?
That’s right – when he said “close enough for government work” he meant it literally!
Oh, come on! He probably fought his way to the head of the chow line on turkey day and then fought over who would get one entire side of it, plus that half gallon bucket of mashed and half gallon of gravy.
Maybe he was a ‘Special-Purpose’ beret on loan to the Moron Marines. Sorry I had to do that.
Don’t think so, Dave. He’s not old enough to have been one of McNamara’s Project 100,000, AKA the Moron Corps.
McNamara, hmmmm….didn’t he have something to do with the famous ‘war of attrition’? Oh wait that wasn’t really a war was it? It had another name but it just slips my mine now. Scary what a genius with a calculator can pull off.
Did you mean as in accounting for every bullet and arty round via body counts?
McNamara’s problem wasn’t the fact that he was a calc-head, Dave Hardin. It was the fact that he was (1) willing to lie thru his teeth and (2) thought EVERYTHING could be measured/calculated.
The latter led him to ignore his senior military leaders who actually knew how to fight a war. The latter led him to help LBJ get the US into a needless major war by stealth and lies. He did this by helping LBJ hide the actual cost and size of the Vietnam war until we had literally hundreds of thousands of troops there and it was too late to do a damn thing about it but continue for a while.
Numbers have their place, and should be used extensively. But they have to be meaningful numbers – ones that matter.
And not everything can be measured – or even estimated – accurately by objective means. Sometimes an expert’s “gut feel” is the best you can do. In those cases, you ignore the experts at your own peril.
One of the senior Army generals said it best during the early 1960s Laos crisis. (I think it was Lemnitzer, but I could be wrong.) He was asked if we could get the 101st into Laos. The general’s remarks were words to the effect, “Yes, we can get it in there. It’s getting it out I’m worried about.”
I would love to have a long talk someday about the lessons learned and the ones we should have learned from that ‘conflict’. When ‘The Fog of War’ came out I found myself shifting from empathy to outrage. Mostly outrage. This proportional response theory that lingers and hampers policy bother me. The need to malinger after the primary purpose has been achieved. The purpose or need to build our little ‘city states’ to occupy in the aftermath. The predictable ‘TET’ response to that occupation. I do not believe war will ever be an effective tool to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of any people. It is right to learn, even from the enemy or the wrong. I see a familiar cycle repeating today.
Just another fat ass in need of a [turkey dinner] with a [Hollywood starlet]. He will go the way of the Ken Aden.
I have been going with a hearty handshake and a warm cup of soup.
Actually, the more I think about it, he needs a Diet Rite and some Wheat Thins.
Naw, a thick milkshake and a greasy cheeseburger. Maybe we can help him induce the major heart attack that’s in this fatasses future.
A Friday night special ‘all you can eat’ at the Hungry Heifer will do him just fine. If he manages to walk out alive, we can offer him bus fare home.
Here’s the reporter’s e-mail.
I’ve already written Clark, letting him know about all of Dickey’s bullshit claims. If enough of us demand it, maybe Clark will do another piece hammering Dickey for all his lies and fraud. Did Dickey’s 2012 check kiting arrest lead to a conviction? It would fit his pattern of lies and deceit. We know he obtained free job training due to his lies about GWI from his Desert Storm SF days. It would be nice to see this fat tub of monkey spunk go to jail on a Stolen Valor offense.
When I joined the Navy I was issued a ditty bag with a sewing kit, razors, shaving cream ect.
Just because I was issued those things it does not make me a barber or a tailor.
He lied, he intentionally wanted to mislead the public and has been caught. He is now saying anything he can to keep from saying I lied.
He hopes this will go away, he will play race soon.
He wants public office by running he invites public scrutiny.
Funny, but I’ve been waiting for DullASS to show up and defend this clown.
Birds of a feather, shit like that.
I just received a reply from the Michael Clark at WMC. He says he’s received quite a bot of e-mail concerning his story on Dickey. He told me that he didn’t have time to go over all of Dickey’s lies and is looking at doing a follow up covering Dickey’s claims on Desert Storm and GWI. Hopefully it’ll happen and sink Dickey once and for all.
We also have this:
And, as this previously-cited article shows – he’s apparently also declared bankruptcy (Federal Ch 13):
Sounds like just the kind of guy that the country needs in Congress.
This guy just needs to go away… or as Mike Tyson said after his last loss…”I guess I’m just going to fade into Bolivia”….
Have we FOIA’d the guy?
He’s probably bullocksing the whole thing. Green Beret, Gulf War… Tsch. He doesn’t look ex-SF to me.
He was FOIA’d and his records can be seen at the link in the original post. Readers Digest version is he is full of shit.
Especially on combat service he claimed. He was in Korea during the Gulf War. He did serve in 3rd SF, but as a non airborne qualified cook.
Due to the fact they gave support types berets back then, he went and claimed he was “A Green Beret”…
Looks like our boy is getting a bit testy concerning all of the questions he is now being asked (fake service, arrest record, bankruptcy – you know, the normal politican stuff):
“You didn’t ask me any questions when I first announced I was running because my life or campaign wasn’t interesting enough for you,” Dickey said. “You’re not going to treat me like a little boy on a street corner wanting to ask me anything.”
You’re right – your life and campaign weren’t interesting enough for us, until you stepped on your dickey. But, no Flemron, we’re not going to treat you like a little boy on a street corner. We’re going to treat you like a big fat bitch on a street corner.
Here’s the link to Flemron’s latest diatribe.
So here is the scenario, any one of us are interviewing for a job. Our prospective employer says, “During our background check, we found out you were charged with felony check fraud; can you explain this?” And we tell our potential boss that we refuse to discuss it, and “you’re not going to treat me like a little boy.”
Well, you can imagine how much further that job interview would go. So here’s the deal Flemron, no one forced you to become a candidate. Once you threw your hat into the ring, you opened yourself up for public scrutiny. Now sometimes lines are crossed and candidates personal lives are intruded. But I think a FELONY charge of CHECK FRAUD, is a reasonable question for candidate for congress. So it seems he’s butt-hurt because no one wanted to pay attention to him until all his lies were exposed. Well sorry Flemron, all that shows is that you were a poorly-qualfied candidate running a sophomoric campaign. That’s politics Flemron. If you don’t like it, stay out of the game.
Short Order Story:
Dickey the Cook: “Eggs to order, any way you like ’em”.
Green Beret SGT: “Two sunny side up, medium”.
Dickey the Cook: “Sure thing SGT, comin’ right up”.
Dickey the Cook: “Here you go SGT”, as he flops a mess on the hungry SGT’s tray.
Green Beret SGT: “WTF, I said two sunny side up medium”.
Dickey the Cook: “And that is what I gave you”.
Greet Beret SGT: “BULLSHIT, you are a moron, you gave me an unidentified mess of what might be called scrambled egss”.
Dickey the Cook: “Nope, I gave you two sunny side up medium”.
What happened next is not disputed …
The Green Beret SGT in a short yet powerful lightning speed move landed a throat punch on Dickey the Cook. Dickey the Cook fell backwards, hitting his head on the oven, passes out, wets his trousers and curls up in the fetal position.
Several hours later he wakes up, surrounded by other Cooks and the Supply Officer and he asks, “did all my men make it out alive?”
This was the dawn of Dickey the Cook … Green Beret!
Not bad, MCPO.
Reminds me of the funniest cook story I ever heard. Maybe I’ll have to do a short article on that story one day soon.
Close to that type of story,,, when we went on WestPac in 89 we had 2 Cooks from HQ Battery attached to us. Of course they were immediately attached to the BLT’s mess hall component and mostly just ours on paper.
Long story short, one of them was a complete fuck up and burned the cake for the Navy Birthday. The dumb son of a bitch then just put icing over it.
The CPOs gave our 1st Sgt hell about it. In Turn our First Sgt got in the Cooks ass about it. The cook somehow ended up with a busted eardrum.
When I entered the military, I was a new 17-year old. I had no driver’s license but the military gave me one, sans a written or practical test and no questions asked. It authorized me to drive vehicles up to a deuce and a half AND to operate a freakin’ chain saw or something. Thus, I instantly became a truck driver and a lumberjack, I guess.
Dammit 2/17 Air Cav – you had to stir up old memories…
The date? November, 1981. The place? 29 Palms. Serving my first of three incarcerations at MC Communications Electronics School (MCCES), I was tagged with a month of guard duty while waiting for my school seat to come up. So, they send me over to the tactical vehicle driving course so I can drive the guard shack CUCV. And on that military issued license, it also said that I was qualified to drive a military Jeep. Pretty cool, except we did not operate any Jeeps. No sweat while on guard. After finally being paroled from MCCES, I check into 3rd Amtracks at Pendleton. One day Sgt Klaus asks me if I have a military license. I answer in the affirmative. He checks my license (because you can never trust a LCpl). Yep, it says I can drive Jeeps. He tells me to move that Jeep. I never drove a manual transmission in my life. The way I made that Jeep buck and shake, I should have qualified for the Camp Pendleton Rodeo Team. The quick fix was they had my buddy Chuck take me out in his Ranger with a stick shift to drive around Pendleton for a few hours. Bottom line, even if someone has a military certificate, have them do a quick demonstration of the required skill.
Jeep? Yeah. I recall my first time driving one, the first military vehicle I ever drove. We were out playing guns in the pines and a LT drafted me as his driver. we climb in and I stare at the area behind and to the right of the wheel. He says, “Let’s go.” I don’t move. He says, “Now! Let’s go.” I say, “Where’s the key?” True story. He let me drive anyway.
At NTC as a GD Civilian contractor in the box. Had been a REMF for a decade plus in the Pentagon. ENDEX and the MAJ I was working with and I walked back to the Hummer. He got in the passenger side. I said WTF? He said: “LTC, I’m guessing you never drove a Hummer”. There ensued an awesome cross country, no roads, back to base. I’ll never forget that MAJ for his perception and kindness. He’d probably get an Art 15 for doing it if caught. (I did have a no fuck with the dessert tortoise training card from Range Control)
PS: I am so blessed that I ended up in the Army. Pure dumb luck. The memories I have of events and people I have served with: awesome. Getting shot at (without effect) was a minor inconvenience as I look back.
Anyone on the board ever operate a Gamma Goat?
Yes HS, my air defense unit had those with the little matching trailer. Of all the military vehicles that I have been behind the wheel’s of. The Gamma Goat by far is the funnest to drive. Those big fat tires could get you bouncing(literally) down the road.
Also, it was the only articulated vehicle that was used by the military, as the trailer was actually a part of the drive train.
God help us…..the “goat” was the first “Ambulance” I ever drove at my first duty station in Alaska….what a noisy beast that was.
Actually…I think the Gamma Goat was one of TWO articulated vehicles….besides the Gamma Goat, I also drove the old M 1066 was a small snow cat with a trailer that was articulated as well.
I never operated them, but rode in them all the timne when I was a very young 11 Charlie and we transported our 4.2 mortars and supporting equipment in them…
First military vehicle I drove was a mule. Didn’t need no stinking license.
Claw…… Ah yes the mule. What a great all purpose vehicle. While spending time in Tay Ninh we had a guy who wasn’t quite. All there. I think drugs and alcohol. Anyway, one evening he decided he couldn’t wait to DEROS. So he informed us he was going to drive home. Last I saw of him he climbed on a. Mule and started. Driving. Never saw him again.
Speaking of Jeeps, I’ve gotta restored M38A1. Fastest forty miles per hour you’ll ever drive!
Yep,the M274 mule. That’s what we need for southern border patrols. Just mount a Ma Deuce on it and turn em loose.
Claw……Careful what you say. Your going to offend the gun lobbyist! (Smile)
Oh,that’s right. Ma is one of those scary black guns.
Speaking of her,I had a know it all,smart ass,can’t tell me I’m wrong type of guy tell me at work one time that the BMG stood for Basic Machine Gun and the HB stood for Hydraulic Buffer. This was while I was trying to explain to another fellow how the 50/30 Head Space and Timing Gauge worked.
“Head Space and Timing Gauge”
Damn, I am getting old. Been awhile.
The current Washington administration could certainly use some of that, but they would probably be banned in DC because it “Looks Too Scary”.
HT Mr. Browning: Ma Deuce and 1911…still in play, big time, after all these decades.
Anyone on the board ever operate a Gamma Goat? They resembled one of those vehicles you would cruise around the moon. The only time I ever seen any was on Camp Schwabb back in 1984. Then, they seemed to have just disappeared. They were extremely noisy (at least the ones that I saw), and you can hear them coming a mile away. No idea why they were ever procured. Maybe to let the wire dogs run out a spool of slash wire.
D’oh! A double post.
I remember screwing with the boots telling them they had to go to the motor pool and feed the gamma goats…
Think they were phased out by the mid 1980s.
I remember them having a cab and cargo area that was connected but always seemed to jack knife. They broke down a lot.
Don’t forget they floated, kinda. I remember them all too well. I was happy to stick with my M151.
I have wanted a gamma goat for years.
My father worked at an Army Reserve center, I remember playing in the gamma goats they had there.
Here ya go, a dream come true.×6-M561-Gamma-Goat-plastic-model-kit-new-35330-/151366554813?pt=Model_Kit_US&hash=item233e2654bd
Isn’t that the mother of the humvee?
More like the “wicked ugly step mother”
A deafening Tonka toy.
Hack,Starting in 1972 till 1977 I was in two different outfits (1/3 ADA and 6/56 ADA)that used the M561 Gamma Goat as a prime mover for the M167 Towed Vulcan. I was the motor pool repair parts clerk and I can tell you some pretty good stories about trying to keep them operational. Steering gear boxes freezing up at 35 degrees,incorrect starters that we had to rotate the mounting heads on,non-existent igniters for the diesel heaters ,etc. They truly were a maintenance nightmare.If I never see one of them again, it’ll be too soon.
Hey! A restored M38A1?!?!?! I’m coming out to your house, drive it up n down the driveway! Them Vancouver cops might git an itchy feeling were I to drive it on the streets. LOL!
The first military vehicle I ever drove was a … Ah … Well … It was not a vehicle!
It was a vessel. In fact it was a ship. No licensing required … Yep, the USCG had no authority over us … We assembled a kick ass group of young, healthy and assertive men and roamed the Seven Seas.
Nothing further to report.
(Big Grey Boat)
Shame on you,
Shame on you,
Shame on you,
As a new recruit.
In the Navy you can sail the seven seas.
I got nothin’ else here!
Were you sailing the seven seas with Commander Phil Monkress?
Before you make me “walk the plank”… was a joke!
19,000 tons of black death, and no windows to see where we’re going.
Then crank on flank!
First military vehicle I ever drove was an M151A2 jeep when I became the driver for the battalion XO. Had to instantly learn how to drive manual transmission, which I had never done before. I provided a lot of entertainment for the rest of the battalion as I grinded gears and/or stalled the vehicle during the first couple days of driving the battalion XO around…
My first license for a military vehicle was for a Gamma Goat. Too big for off-roading in Panama.
1984 after leaving the guard to go active duty. Had been a diesel mech in civilian life so I supposedly knew how to drive big trucks (I did). First week in Fulda and the Motor Sgt gives me a license for CUCVs and the “new” 900 series 5 ton. No drivers test because of my “experience”. First time in the drivers seat of the 5 ton was an alert a few days later. After sitting in the truck for a half an hour watching the rest of the Squadron drive off, the trail mech popped into the cab to see what was broke. Nothing was broke-it was an automatic and didn’t have “park”. I didn’t know you had to put it in neutral to start it.
Glorious start to my active duty career….
Can we just call him ‘Flem’?
He could do ads for sugar-free menthol cough drops, you see.
Now that the heat is really been turned up on this turd, I’m waiting for the race card to be dropped in 5…4…3…2…
Hey…aint dat racist???
Found a topix thread on Dickey in his congressional district.
It looks like the SF community is taking him to task.
Dickey issues apology, Special Forces vets not satisfied
Cut the guy some slack. He hasn’t seen his pecker in about 30 years. Besides his rotundity is probably due to a glandular condition. Yeah, that’s it. Glandular. If he makes it to Congress, he’ll be the one on the bench.