Senator Walsh’s Ted Kennedy moment
So we’ve been talking about this scrap of dung, Montana Senator John Walsh who plagiarized his thesis at the Army War College in 2007. But he thinks that he can explain his unscholarly behavior with a unsoldierly excuse, according to the Associated Press;
National Democrats said Wednesday they remained “100 percent behind Sen. Walsh” in his campaign against Republican Rep. Steve Daines.
Walsh told The Associated Press when he wrote the thesis, he had PTSD from his service in Iraq, was on medication and was dealing with the stress of a fellow veteran’s recent suicide.
“I don’t want to blame my mistake on PTSD, but I do want to say it may have been a factor,” the senator said. “My head was not in a place very conducive to a classroom and an academic environment.”
That the National Party supports him is no surprise, they supported Ted Kennedy after he murdered a woman. I suggest that this is just as bad for the veteran community as that murder. PTS does not cause veterans or anyone else to lie. The only people who use PTS for their bad behavior are weak little pussies who don’t even know what is Post Traumatic Stress, because they never experienced anything traumatic. But this weak-ass excuse from this weak-ass man threatens to cause every employer to think twice about hiring a veteran.
Someone should ask around and see if Mr PTSD has ever been treated for PTS (here’s a hint; I already know the answer to that question), he says that he was on medication, so it shouldn’t be hard to prove. In fact, since he brought the whole thing up, he should show us his medical records about his treatment, you know, since he’s already untrustworthy, we can hardly believe him. We have cause. And since it’s the rest of us veterans who he’s smeared, it’s our issue. I’m not waiting for some intern to come out in a few days and tell us that Walsh passed the intern’s smell test.
And what the hell does, “I don’t want to blame PTSD for my mistake, but…” mean. If you don’t want to blame PTS, just don’t f*ckin’ blame PTS, you coward. So cough up your records, dingus, or you’re going to read about this every day. And, oh, since you’re retired, we can get your records and see if you were ever in any situation that might have caused you to have PTS, besides sitting through an exceptionally long PowerPoint Presentation about the placement of burnpits.
On top of that, one of the pointy-headed twerps, Sean M. Lynn-Jones, that Walsh plagiarized went on the Washington Post to tell us that he doesn’t mind that Walsh stole from him – because being a Democrat is more important than being intellectually honest;
Honestly, I’m not outraged. Although I don’t condone plagiarism, I was surprised and mildly flattered that Sen. Walsh had decided to incorporate so much of my paper into his, albeit without citing me once.
As a loyal Democrat, I still harbor hopes that there will be a Democratic majority in the Senate after the November 2014 elections. The revelations about Walsh’s paper make that outcome a little less likely. A Harvard colleague e-mailed to say that he could see the post-election headline already: “Democrats lose the Senate, Fail to Attribute Research Sources Properly.”
Yeah, well, what with Democrats putting their little intellectually vacant club above honesty and trust, that’s what they deserve.
The Montana governor is stacking up behind Walsh, too, according to the Army Times;
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock said Thursday he had no knowledge that Sen. John Walsh had plagiarized his master’s thesis when he appointed the former lieutenant governor to the Senate in February, and that he continues to support the Democrat’s candidacy in 2014.
Bullock joined state and national Democrats with a statement supporting Walsh, whose apparent plagiarism was first reported Wednesday by The New York Times.
“Senator Walsh has a long history of fighting for Montanans, both at home and in combat,” Bullock said. “He deserves respect for his courage on our behalf.”
Party above integrity and credibility, apparently.
When Walsh shows the medical records for his treatment, that’s his first step towards regaining any trust he had. Then he can back completely away from the PTS excuse and give the country a lesson on what real veterans are like and not the pretend veterans who hide behind their service.
Added: Aaron Fix of the Washington Post writes;
A little further down the “fact sheet,” Walsh’s campaign says this:
While commanding the 1-163rd Infantry Battalion in Iraq in 2004 and 2005, Walsh survived hundreds of IED explosions while in a Humvee, he was targeted – by name – by Al Qaeda in Iraq, and his unit endured hundreds of rocket attacks.
If surviving “hundreds of IED explosions” sounds unbelievable, that’s because it didn’t happen. Walsh’s campaign followed up with a correction (which they call a clarification), noting that he personally didn’t survive all those IED attacks.
“He survived an attack in October 2005, while his unit endured hundreds of both IED and rocket attacks throughout the deployment,” a Walsh spokeswoman said.
That’s a pretty glaring factual error, especially for a “fact sheet.”
And, oh yeah, the campaign is alternating back and forth between Walsh being treated for PTS and NOT being treated for PTS – that can be verified easily – release the medical records. Walsh brought up the PTS excuse, so there is no longer an expectation of privacy. Vindicate the entire veteran community and release the medical records.
Category: Shitbags
Not only did Ted Kennedy murder a woman, he was kicked out of Harvard for cheating on an exam. He had a brief stellar career in the Army:
“Kennedy enlisted in the United States Army in June 1951 (signing up for an optional four-year term, which was shortened to the minimum two years after his father intervened).[9] Following basic training at Fort Dix, he requested assignment to Fort Holabird for Army Intelligence training, but was dropped after a few weeks without explanation.[9] He went to Camp Gordon for training in the Military Police Corps.[9] In June 1952, Kennedy was assigned to the honor guard at SHAPE headquarters in Paris.[1][9] His father’s political connections ensured he was not deployed to the ongoing Korean War.[1][10] While stationed in Europe he travelled extensively on weekends and climbed the Matterhorn.[11] He was discharged in March 1953 as a private first class.[9][11]” (from Wikipedia)
Then Harvard let him back in.
He was readmitted to Harvard because Daddy Joe pulled some big financial strings.
Teddy was not the Anointed One that Daddy Joe had chosen to be President. That was Joe, Jr., who was KIA during WWII. Jack Kennedy was next in line for The Throne. Any mention of Teddy running for President was made up out of whole cloth by the Kennedy-worshiping drooling press.
Hold on with the murder business. I see it as mere hyperbole but it can be seen as being something else entirely. Kennedy was a drunk, a womanizer, a cheat, and a snake in the grass but the death of that young woman was not murder. Her death was due to his negligence and his decision to leave the scene and not report the matter for some nine hours was criminal. He ran away, leaving her trapped in his car to drown. It was, in my view, reprehensible, despicable, and evil–but it was not murder. So, before Boston Law calls or the court order arrives, my suggestion is to ease up on the murder business.
OK. Manslaughter. Either way, she’s dead, he caused it, he got away with it. End of story.
How about criminal vehicular homicide? Does that work?
Good call, point taken. Amended for the record: More people have died in the back seat of Ted Kennedy’s car than as a result of shooting by the legally owned firearms of this commenter (before the boating accident).
Or in all nuclear incidents at US commercial power plants put together, for that matter.
I believe it was murder, and murder in the 1st degree. It will always be my opinion that there was a struggle in that car. That struggle caused the accident. I believe he knew she was dead or near death before the car went into 6 feet of water. He was not that drunk, he swam across the entire bay to flee the scene but not capable of freeing a trapped woman in a few feet of water. He deliberately planned and met with family attorneys to devise a plan of action and it worked. I will stick to the murder opinion. Of course I hold TAH its members and participants harmless and I am fully and solely responsible for posting it. My attorneys ought to have fun with this post.
Ah, but you are free and clear as you put it, Dave. Labeling someone a murderer falsely is different in kind than saying, “I believe it was murder….”
I just want to do my part to make sure there are no more golf club type accidents. That family has a long history of covering things up, that is not an opinion. Semper Fi
Teddy and his Oldsmobile have killed more people than all of the firearms I own, with the possible exception of my Mauser Kar 98.
He was still a shitbag, regardless of legal definitions.
Party above integrity and credibility, apparently.
Alway that way with Democrats, they love a good liar. One of their favorite presidents is good ‘ole Bill Clinton the adulterer in chief. The sack of shit who smoked dope without inhaling, who never had “sex” with that woman. Liz Warren the fake indian is supposed to be a vp candidate. Blumenthal and Harkin the fake warriors, liars live quite comfortably in the ranks of the Democratic Party.
Liars live quite comfortably in the Republican party as well and live comfortably in every strata of our society. As a nation we love liars, we worship the worst liars in the country and make them celebrities and then we elect liars to represent us. We love the liars on our side of the aisle and we forgive or overlook their lies, but we sure hate the liars on the other side of the aisle. Often with a hatred approaching rabid disgust, that’s what makes the love of our own liars so interesting to me. When liars are an acceptable potential leader for any side, they become acceptable for all sides.
When character no longer matters you have the current state of affairs in the United States of America, home to some of the world’s biggest fucking liars on the planet. And a citizenry that defends the right to lie every day.
The problem with choosing character over party means someone poor soul might have to look past the R or the D and actually use their fucking brain to make a decision instead of just voting for the guy they see the most on TV….
Ahh, it’s Friday and almost time for this grouchy old crank to head off into the weekend and forget all this bullshit for a bit.
Jonn, Luddite4Change has a link with Walsh’s records in this comment. Walsh apparently released a PII-redacted version of his military records (pretty extensive, nearly 400 pages) back in January.
Regarding “Mr.” Lynn-Jones: apparently he doesn’t have a problem with theft – not even when people steal from him (plagiarism is a form of theft of intellectual property). So I guess he wouldn’t mind if I used money from his checking account to pay my mortgage for the rest of this year, either.
Regarding the “esteemed Governor” of Montana, a guy named Bullock: when asked about reviewing or reprimanding Walsh, he stated, “The conversation’s to be had with the War College.”
Bullsh!t, Governor. That’s not leadership; that’s passing the buck.
You appointed him Senator. Before that, he worked for you as Lt Governor. Before that, he worked for the state of Montana as an officer in the MT ARNG. His misconduct – if proven – is thus a state matter as well as a Federal one.
As the chief executive of MT and civilian executive overseeing the MT ARNG, the buck stops on your desk. You need to man up and handle the problem – even if all you really can do at this point is express your disappointment should the charges be proven true.
You could take the weasel’s way out and refer it to your predecessor, Schweitzer. I understand you and he are political allies, so I doubt you’ll do that. But the issues actually happened during his administration.
I saw those records last night and that’s why I toned down the post a bit. He was an infantry battalion commander in Iraq, earned his CIB and got a Bronze Star (for merit, like me). But it still doesn’t give him the right to hide behind his service to cover for his own bad behavior. My whole point, however is that since he made PTS an issue, he needs to prove to us that he was actually treated for PTS – like I said, I already know the answer.
OK – didn’t know if you’d seen that.
I’ve read elsewhere he claims to have been involved in an IED strike. (What I read indicated the claim originally said “hundreds of IED strikes”. However, either he or his staff later clarified that the “hundreds” referred to the whole battalion and that he personally was only involved in one.)
I’d guess that’s the source of his CIB. I could be wrong.
No argument that the “PTS made me do it” claim is . . . well, I’ll be polite and not say what I really think. Let’s just say it’s weak as hell.
As I stated in a previous post his staff put out the info first. possibly before he knew about it.
They are playing games. He (Walsh) has surrounded himself with kids and incompetents. They are of the mindset every Vet is a hero and has “The PTSD”.
Shitbags. All of them.
I refute that notion, Green Thumb. I’m a vet. I do not have PTSD, except when it snows in April and I have pictures to prove it.
I am SO tired of this lame excuse for behavior that would generate the label ‘asshole personified’. I agree that it is a slam against every veteran, whether he/she does or does not have it. It implies immediately that you can’t be trusted.
It’s time someone faced Walsh down in public, where he can’t run away and has to admit that he’s a congential liar.
He has a CIB and a BSM. He wears the CIB on his lapel pin.
As I said, I believe his records are in order and his service satisfactory but it appears that he is being investigated for “money mismanagement” while overseas. He is just surrounded by idiots who have no experience in the political arena or in areas of Command.
He cheated, lied, blamed an affliction that has nothing to do with cheating. But people will buy it because of the stereotypes and such.
For example, Lance Armstrong. Obviously a felon but a major contributor to cancer research, survivors and their families. So to not like Lance Armstrong is to not appreciate cancer research. My point is that it has become engrained into society.
Similarly, WWP. To not support WWP (and I don’t – crooks) is to not like and support wounded vets (and just because you are wounded does not mean you are shitbag).
Walsh is playing a similar angle and using a problem that afflicts many to mask his shitbaggery. Also, ask him about that suicide.
Correction: Just because you are wounded does not mean you are not a shitbag.
Another investigation? That would be a third – since the IG’s already investigated him for improprieties and prevented his getting Federal recognition as a 2-star.
Very interesting.
Okay he’s a shitbag with merit badges.
He left the wire one time and something went boom. That’s what I take out of a BC having one IED experience.
Every worthless piece of brass got a bronze star for showing up in country, shit I’m pretty sure it was all e-7 and up. His bronze star is worthless, it was the blanket award for the guys who thought they were important. Lower enlisted got arcoms, guys that hid inside the FOB got bronze stars.
Democrats can do no wrong. Had a Republican done this, he would already have been run out of town tarred and feathered by the DNC, and his fellow republicans.
Shows the character and integrity of democrats; eh?
He will release his medicals as soon as Kerry does. It doesn’t matter to me. He is a first class, A #1 piece of shit.
Yep. Figure we will see his medical records about the same time sKerry releases his complete military records. Of course, in all fairness, this clown has already released much more than sKerry ever did. Or ever will.
Must agree with you, Jonn, that he made his medical records an issue not any of us.
Call one of their offices. Preferably in Western MT and ask them about this.
They get pissed and act rude.
See for yourself.
They also don’t like it in the DC office when you demand that he release his medical records to prove that he’s ever been treated for PTS.
I wonder if he sought treatment at the FT Harrison VA? You know the one were they are systematically downgrading claims? I also wonder if he is a 100% and was “pushed” through the system because of who he was?
Fair questions.
Integrity is the bedrock of academics (or, it’s supposed to be). There is no question that the power behind knowledge is profound, and that is why integrity is demanded in the academic world. That’s as it should be.
The point is this: in a world where integrity is the bedrock, Walsh cheated. When it was exposed, he dismissed the accusation with an excuse. If he cheated in school, where things are pretty cut and dried, what will he do now that he’s in the Senate, where things get murky and ambiguous at the best of times? What’s he cheating on there? What’s he making excuses for there? Where is he walking away from his integrity there?
And it’s not like he was some teenager cheating on a sophomore English paper. He was a field grade army officer at the Army War College. He has no excuse, PTSD or not.
It appears that the AWC has opened an investigation. Ill be holding my breath until something happens.
A very senior field grade officer, actually. He attended the War College in residence from July 2006 to Jul 2007 – after being promoted to O6 in May 2006.
His contradictions are getting off the hook as well as his comments.
He claims it is his “National Guard” leadership that is important in the Senate, not his academics. I have paraphrased here, but his words.
Guess he missed the entire warrior-scholar thing. And did I mention his staff sucks? And I mean bad, sucks.
He has no control of them. He might now, but not then. Hell, they even contradict him.
Most Guard O6’s attend the AWC as non-resident (mail order) students. I submit that he got special treatment due to his political stature.
Same is true in the USAR, MAJMike. The USAR gets a very limited number of resident War College slots.
I would not be surprised to find out you are correct.
MAJMike: for what it’s worth: I’ve had people tell me that the non-resident War College program is actually harder than the resident one. I’ve also heard some people refer to the resident program as a “nice break”.
He was a resident guy. Each state gets close to 1 slot a year. Which, in my experience generally go to the anointed one for some future job.
Agree with the non-res being harder (as well as having a longer total service commitment)…after all you are still working your day job.
The funny thing about that integrity thing Pinto is that, as in all things, the rules are subjective and applied with varying degrees of intensity depending on the culprit.
Senior Officers in the military are routinely disciplined to a different letter of the law than midgrade or low ranking enlisted personnel.
Drunks who drive off bridges and leave women to drown can be jailed for twenty years or let off pretty much scot-free.
Kids who lie to the cops can be charged with obstruction or given a stern lecture and not arrested.
Integrity is another false word that people hide behind when they want to punish someone they don’t like (not suggesting you are doing this by any means).
Much like the word justice, integrity has become a word without real meaning or honest and accurate outcome in our society.
The amount of justice or integrity one receives or displays or is allowed to avoid is entirely dependent upon one’s position in the food chain and is entirely devoid of accurate application of the word in question.
You make a very accurate point, VOV. As Roland would say, the world has moved on.
(Reference is to the protagonist, Roland of Gilead, in Stephen King’s “The Dark Tower” series. You might like that series, if you haven’t read it yet.)
What – not Roland the Thompson Gunner? (smile)
Here’s his official Montana Guard biography
Does anyone else find it interesting that there is no mention of a civilian occupation? I have usually seen that with most NG/USAR Bio’s.
Or…was he a full time dual status tech? I’ve read through his complete records and can’t determine one way or another (other than he was not AGR).
I also notice that he spent allot of time at the State head shed, so I’ll assume that he was pretty well connected with the leadership.
PTS dose not mate one commit crimes,steal from others. Speaking about myself and this applies to most everyone with PTS. Crowds,large gatherings of people 4 or more for me). I live outside of the city limits.Nearest niebhor is a quarter away.If anything PTS would have helped him,we that have it tend to not sleep much at night.For the love of GOD,ONE DOSE NOT CATCH PTS. An event must happen that you are directly involved in. Joe
Same guy who got investigated by the DAIG (founded) in 2010, for misusing his office as the MT Adjutant General, by using his official e-mail for unofficial business. He was given a GOMOR by then Army Chief of Staff Chiarrelli and denied promotion to BG, which is why he retired a COL instead of BG. Matches his plagiarism and piss poor excuse.