Palestinians protest at White House
I really miss the good old days of covering the protests at the White House, but I don’t miss the Palestinian protests – those guys are ready to start fighting at the smallest perceived slight. But the folks at News2Share sent us their video of the protest yesterday when the protesters left the Israeli Embassy to yell at the White House. Of course, the President didn’t hear them – surprise – he was playing golf;
Meanwhile, Israeli troops appear to be making preparations for a ground assault into Gaza and urging civilians to evacuate, according to the Washington Post;
Signaling a potential increase in operations targeting the sites, Israel dropped thousands of leaflets from the sky and issued warnings by recorded telephone message, telling residents of the northern Gaza Strip that they had until noon to leave their homes and head south.
The Israel Defense Forces’ leaflets told residents of east of Al-Attara to head south quickly: “The IDF operation will be temporary and short. Those who do not adhere to these directives will jeopardize their own lives and the lives of their families. Be careful, stay safe.”
It was unclear whether the Israelis were signaling an imminent ground assault or heavier bombing. There are three brigades poised along the Gaza frontier, including armor, tanks and combat bulldozers. About 20,000 reservists have been activated.
I figure that if those protesters are so committed to being against Israel, they’d hop on the first flight and go back to Palestine and face the IDF on the battlefield rather than making ugly faces in front of the White House. In fact, it’s kind of cowardly.
Category: Terror War
Funny, I seem to recall those three Israeli teens who were found dead several weeks before this nasty hot mess started.
I also recall that Hamas shot off rockets first, as well.
So WHO is the victim here? Are these Palestinian protestors saying that the target – Israel – has no right to defend itself?
Sorry, but these people get no sympathy from me. Oh, yeah – I’ll take back that ‘sorry, but’ part while I’m at it.
They started this mess. They cna just deal with it. I hope the Israelis pound the living crap out of them.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the Paleoswinians dance in their streets celebrating the 9/11 attacks? That, and I’m sure it was largely some “AstroTurf rent-a-mob” doing this protest!
If they are looking for sympathy, they can find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. My father was born in the “Palestine Territory” which is now Jerusalem. The family immigrated to the U.S. to avoid being drafted into the Turkish Army before WWI. He never had a good thing to say about an Arab. Hate to see the innocents being harmed but the VC did the same thing using civilians and we all know where fighting a politically correct war got us.
To this former 11Bravo10, it all seems simple. If you don’t want IDF artillery, bombs, and Merkavas in your neighborhood, then don’t launch rockets into Israel and don’t murder Israeli kids.
Even a DAT could understand that line of logic.
CDATs are also able to follow the logic as well. Unfortunately, those who infest the West Bank and Gaza are not smart enough to figure it out.
It doesn’t help that the left and anti Semites goad them into more protests and killing of innocent Jewish men, women, and children.
“Israeli Apartheid”. I invented that term when I was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve. It is seared in my memory.
BINGO! + 25
Dammit, GD, post a spew warning, will you?
I had to replace one keyboard already.
Exactly. Funny how that term was adopted after it was used by Secretary Jungle Stroll w/ Camerman.
I can only imagine what the collective IQ of that “pro Palestinian protest” crowd is. Probably people dumber than VWP(if that’s even possible)that belong to the grievance/outrage segment of society. By the way, the video says “Pro-Palestine Prostestors speak out at the White House.” Can we just call them what they are and call them pro-terrorist protestors.
I have no doubts that the protestors were mostly “AstroTurf rent-a-mob” types bused in from elsewhere. Left wing outfits do that all the time to ensure they have plenty of bodies for the media to film!
Can you spell “SEIU” ?
Speaking of useless protestors; are those anti-nuke protestors still sitting on Pennsylvania Ave. in Lafayette Square?
If the Palis protesting in DC instead of putting rounds down range “over there” are cowards….what does that make the pro Israel and anti-US troops crowd?
Shouldn’t you all be flying over there now and putting your money where your mouth is?
I’m not Israeli. But, thanks for dragging all of that straw in here and messing up the place.
I’m just using your established standard.
Btw….I completely agree with you on the pro Palestine protestors. I’m just holding the Israel first crowd to the same standard that you established.
From all that I can read, one has to be Jewish to join the Israeli military. So, that might leave a large percentage of those who post here ineligible.
You’re special, aren’t you? Maybe you should read what you write before you hit “Post Comment”.
So basically, I called you out and you have no real response?
Oh, look! Needledick the Snotnosed Attention Hogging Sparkle Pony is back, he of the smug intellect and lack of perception.
I’ll make it simple for you, Hussar, you ignorant clodpole.
In order to move to Israel permanently, as in emigrate to, you have to be Jewish, preferably through your mommy as Jewishness is maternal in descendency. In order to serve in the IDF, you have to be Jewish and/or an Israeli citizen, so you can’t be Isaeli unless you’re Jewish.
Is that simple enough for you, lackwit? Should I use shorter words, perhaps?
Could you take your obvious disdain of Jews/Israelis and stuff it up your anal orifice?
There are programs for those that support Israel (even non Jews) over American troops. A simple google search shows you could go pack lunches for their “fighters.”
And just where, you toad-spotted fungus, do you get the information that I support Israelis over American troops?
In fact, I said no such thing. I merely stated the REQUIREMENTS for joining the IDF.
You, on the other hand, quickly changed the subject, as usual, in order to obfuscate instead of responding. ‘Obfuscate’ means ‘cloud or confuse the issue’.
See, that way, you think that you get to be the controller. Unfortunately for you, you aren’t. But you are definitely a conceited, vainglorious ass.
You opened your mouth on a subject your have clearly demonstrated little to no knowledge on, so don’t get upset when I treat you like one of us grunts, and speak to you accordingly.
You, asswipe, know nothing about me at all.
I have ‘no knowledge’ about this subject? Is that because you think I’m JUST A GIRL, and therefore worthless to even say a word? Or that you just ASSUME I’ve never been in the military EVER? Are there any of 1,000 other dumb things you’d like to say about me?
And while I’m at it: to what subject exactly are you referring, clothhead?
Typical female response. Can’t stand on any academic position, so you claim some sort of sexism.
And sure, you may have “served”, but we all know what women really do in the armed forces. 😉
I don’t think you want to compare curriculum vitae with the lady, Hussar.
Oh, really?
Well, just what DO we do?
I’ll be over in the corner, waiting for your answer, breathless with anticipation.
I believe that you can serve and be an Israeli citizen if you have been declared a “righteous gentile”. Of course, its a tall order to step into those shoes.
Your false, half-acquiescing attitude, particulary to Jonn screams that you’re a non-rooted (in any opinion or moral life-stance) asshat that needs his head checked. I cannot stand people who always finish up an argument with a quick, sloppy “oh and btw yeah I totally agree with a, b, or c” all the while you bash the shit out of the commentor or make a vicsious opposing argument. If you pick a stance, then stick with it, don’t try to butter up after busting someone’s chops with a weak-ass non-commital agreement on a minor issue. Real adults (as witnessed here) can say, “While I agree with your idea, here is where we are different….my thought is blah blah blah” and so on. Consider going back to watching videos of One Guy One Cup and leave the discussions to the adults. Just stop posting, the internet is already crowded with enough idiots.
And for everyone else, my post fell further than I expected, it was meant to be under Hussar, directed to Hussar….
You guys all have the thinnest of skin.
Really….it’s like dealing with a bunch of 14 year old girls. You dish it out, but absolutely lose it in the face of any sort of rational and logical response.
Changing the subject again, are you? Yes, Hussar, you do have a way of pissing people off, needling others until you get the satisfaction of seeing them pissed off at you.
You are SO consistent in your ass-grab for attention. My assessment of you was more accurate than I realized.
You are, indeed, the ultimate attention whore, you flap-mouthed, flybitten, mewling, surly sheep-biting codpiece clamp.
Oh, almost forgot!
Hussar, I suspect Leon Uris would have had a lot of fun with you. But then again, he might have though you didn’t rate.
What does he have to do with the Israel firsters being too chickenshit to put their money where their mouths are?
jesus hussar dont you have some jihading to do? get a fucking life already!
He had one. He wasted it. He’s trying again. He’s failing again.
Nailed it.
What is an “Israel Firster” and/or an “Israel First Crowd”? I have searched this whole blog and not found it except in your comments. Makes me wonder if you make up your own adversaries. Maybe that’s the rage in graduate schools now, heck if I know. You have made it obvious that you have no respect for the blog owner, the admins, nor the commentators. Why do you keep on? Although your spelling is better, you have VWP tedancies… equally as predictable. I bet Bill Maher has a blog. Perhaps you’ll make friends there. Good luck.
As annoying as VWP, but not half as funny.
You proved your ability to jump to conclusions, make assumptions based only upon your own wishful thinking, and be gloriously incorrect in both quite some time ago, Hussar. Seriously, you really don’t need to keep proving it.
But keep on acting like a jerk and pretending to be offended that you are treated like a jerk. Quite obviously that is exactly the opinion you have worked diligently to cultivate. Wow! What an accomplishment.
So should the protesters and “PLO First” crowd be held to that standard and parachute into Gaza? Fair is fair
These are the same people who think the Second Amendment is about hunting. If an individual has no right to self-defense then neither does a nation. Most especially a nation that is fighting against the global Caliphate and for their very survival.
Those peaceful Palestinians in action just trying to go to work with their food carts!
lol fucking scumbags.
Memo to Palies: Don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.
Pretty simple concept, really.
Memo to Hussar: GFY.
Brilliant cowgirl. Brilliant.
My only thoughts on the Israel/Palestine situation are these: After sixty-odd years of being taught the same lesson over and over again, the Palestinians still haven’t caught on to the fact that fucking with the Iraelis is a really bad idea, that the Israelis don’t care for that shit, they have more and bigger guns, and they are much better at using them.
They started this by killing three Israeli kids, then escalated with rockets. They don’t get to cry foul now that they’re getting their ass kicked (again).
Hamas thinks that they can win the political war like the VC and the Soviets did with Vietnam and like the American left did with Iraq and Afghanistan.
If Hamas can get a bunch of Palestinians killed and smear it all over the press, the American left and Europe will pressure the Israelis to stop shooting back and the Palestinians win the political war. In my opinion that is the plan. So far it is working.
Anal jihad!! (No joke)
After 1400 years of these inbred Arabs marrying their cousins, what do you expect. The persistent layer of tribalism which does not exist in the West inhibits both civilization and democracy from ever taking hold in the muslim world.
Funny how calling out all the tough guys here got their panties (or spurs and cowgirl hats) in a twist really fast.
I’m a little shocked how you’re all so quick to support a nation that actively works against US interests and very well may costs untold number(s) of US military lives in the future.
It’s not what you say Hussar, it is the sanctimonious assholish way you say it. I have a question for you: What’s the point of being the smartest person in the room if no one can stand being in the same room with you? How effective are your arguments if your entire audience thinks you are a pedantic condescending abrasive and predictable boor? Maybe you don’t give a fuck (seems obvious), and if so, that makes you a lot less smart than you think you are… in fact, it makes you irrelevant.
Where’s the like button. You hit the nail on the head. He THINKS he’s the smartest man in the room. He’s heavy on snark and light on answers.
Hear, hear!
GDContractor: I’d completely agree with you – if “the individual commenting as Hussar” actually WAS the smartest person in the room.
He’s quite amply proven he’s not. At best, I’d guess he’s about 35th percentile among those who comment here at TAH – e.g., perhaps a bit more intelligent than the norm, but not greatly so.
Yet he still has his undeserved delusions of his own “brilliance”.
No fear Hondo, it was meant as a hypothetical question. Perhaps he will contemplate it on his path to maturity and relevance, although delusional assholes rarely do.
In case anyone was wondering about this “Israel first” claptrap that Hussar is talking about above, here’s a link
Yeah, it’s from the NY Post. But the author is in general credible, if a bit leftist for my tastes: a guy named Alan Dershowitz.
Bottom line: it appears to be the creation of some idiot at Media Matters named Rosenberg (an ironically apropos name, I might add). The term – and claims – are also apparently very popular these days with neo-Nazis.
Here are a few of Rosenberg’s other claims, per Dershowitz at the link above:
It seems to me that this Rosenberg tool is just as credible to anyone with 3 or more working brain cells as the individual who’s pandering his crap here. YMMV.
I point out that Israel sells the advanced military technology the US gives them, potentially putting the lives of US troops at risk, and I’m either a Neo- Nazi, or a leftist. (Whichever fills your uneducated “defense” in lieu of a rational response.)
Hondo said the author from the NYC Post is a lefty not you cupcake.
Israel sells US tech where? To whom? Some facts, please.
А также, я не звонил ему крошечных пениса без объяснения причины, вы знаете.
Службы королева Дании Маргрете II является идиотом с отчаянной необходимость внимания. Не было бы приятно с ним.
Best I can do, Hondo – I’m better with French.
Yes, your ability to use google translate is particularly shitty.
I don’t use google to translate anything, dumbass.
Sure thing, doll. Sure thing.
Y a t’il que personne vous a dit récemment que vous êtes tellement stupide, vous ne savez même pas vous êtes vivant?
Non? C’est bien dommage! Á bientôt, chingador.
I think that’s about right, DT. He obviously isn’t bright enough to recognize whether he’s being called a leftist – or if someone’s simply pointing out the fact that he’s spouting highly questionable, anti-Semitic screed coming straight from Media Matters that also happens to be a favored meme du jour of neo-Nazis.
Hell, next thing you know he’ll be citing Gordon Duff and the other “winners” at Veteran’s Today as his sources.
Yeah, Hondo, I think my dictionary is just too literal, providing Royal Hussars Regiment (UK regiments during the Napoleonic wars) instead of weeding out ‘royal’ and ‘regiment’.
I’m sure he’ll be back to deflect, project and not answer direct questions.
And now the latest – Israel has agreed to a cease-fire and talks in Egypt with Hamas, but guess what – Hamas and the Palestinians have said NO. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
They don’t want real progress – they want the world to feel sorry for them. Ain’t gonna get no sympathy in my neighborhood….
As usual The WSJ has a nice opinion piece on this very subject: From time to time Israel and her supporters should give thanks for having as enemies the Palestinians and their supporters. As of midday Monday, Hamas had fired more than 1,000 missiles at Israel, aimed more or less indiscriminately, without inflicting a single Israeli fatality. It isn’t every enemy whose ideological fanaticism, however great, is exceeded by its military and technological incompetence. It’s true that much of the incoming fire has been shot down mid-flight by Israel’s Iron Dome, but Hamas must have seen that coming since the defense system was first deployed during the last round of fighting in 2012. It’s as if the French had concluded from the Battle of Agincourt that the English long bow wasn’t as effective as advertised and would surely fail against a more determined cavalry charge. Alongside Hamas in Gaza there is the rump regime of Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. Mr. Abbas is supposed to be a bystander in this conflict. But he made his sympathies known when, within a day or two of the fighting and with fewer than 50 Palestinian fatalities, he accused Israel of “genocide” and “war against the Palestinian people as a whole.” “Shall we recall Auschwitz?” he added. I sometimes wonder whether supporters of the Palestinian cause—at least those capable of intellectual, if not moral, embarrassment—cringe a little at the rhetorical flourish. Bashar Assad, in whose court Palestinian leaders bowed and scraped for a decade before the current uprising, used chemical weapons against the Palestinian refugee town of Yarmouk a year ago and then starved out the remaining residents. More than a quarter-million Palestinians living in Syria for decades have also been made refugees by Mr. Assad’s assaults. Enlarge Image An anti-Israel protest on the streets of Paris turns violent, July 13. kenzo tribouillard/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Yet last month Mr. Abbas congratulated Mr. Assad on his re-election: “Your election to the presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic guarantees Syria’s unity and sovereignty,” the Palestinian president groveled, “and starts a countdown to the end of… Read more »
Oh, hattip WSJ
Thanks, jonp.
Here’s the latest news on this business. This contains summaries for several events, including Hamas’ refusal of Egypts’ truce.
This Reuters report has more detail as well as some sidebar links to news videos about these events. Note that sKerry condemned Hamas’ ‘brazen’ rocket fire and is supporting Israel.