Militia leader scutinized by media
Earlier we talked about the militia members who are closing on the border to augment border patrols there. My San Antonio got a look at their leader’s military records. His name is Chris Davis;
The Texas militia, known as “Operation Secure Our Border,” is being led by Chris Davis, a 37-year-old truck driver who was discharged from the Army in 2001 “under other than honorable conditions in lieu of trial by court martial,” according to a summary of Davis’ military service obtained by the San Antonio Express-News.
The details of Davis’ discharge are protected from public view through the Privacy Act of 1974. Davis, originally from Florida, served in the Army from 1996-2001 as a mechanical systems operator-maintainer and was ranked as a private at the time of his discharge.
I don’t know if that’s the truth or not, but I’ll take the media at their word. Not to defend Davis’ record, but I wish the media was this diligent checking on the current President’s background as they are checking on everyone else.
I think they’re talking about a Chapter 10 discharge, though, and those aren’t uncommon especially for lesser crimes that the Army really doesn’t want to prosecute. Again, I’m not making excuses for Davis, you certainly wouldn’t find me among the folks who would allow themselves to throw in with him, but you should know the whole story. From Fox News;
But Gilchrist distanced himself from Chris Davis, a 37-year-old Texas truck driver and leader of a militia group that had promised to deploy along the border to confront and intimidate illegal immigrants. Davis, who posted a 21-minute YouTube video last week, has since removed the clip in which he reportedly said: “You see an illegal. You point your gun dead at him, right between his eyes, and you say, ‘Get back across the border or you will be shot.’”
Yeah, he doesn’t sound unbalanced at all.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
Sure, this is what we need at this point. Dumb ass clowns with guns yelling orders to illegal immigrants. Were it up to me, we would federalize the National Guard in border states and have them stand watch to augment Border Patrol. But that will never happen. Unless the next terrorist attack comes form across the southern border. Even then, the left will be up in arms about troops on our borders. There is, I am afraid, a rude awakening coming for this country. Hard things which will require hard decisions and actions. I hope not but it seems bound to happen. It will either cripple our nation because of a sense of being immobilized to do anything or it will be what brings America to its senses…finally.
The sad part is, that in an effort to be politically correct and to avoid being labeled ‘racist’ the administration will beef up our Northern Border just as much, if not more.
It’s sad really….when I was a kid it was nothing to go up to British Columbia for the day. Hell, we even took school field trips into Vancouver.
In fact when I did my initial enlistment into the Navy, the recruiter had to remind me that going to B.C. was still considered going to a foreign country.
Or, Sparks, on the other hand, we can all sit back and continue being reasonable about all the bullcrap.
That’s gotten us along quite well so far, aint it.
There comes a time, good sir, where kindness and reasonableness are nothing but weakness.
PS. Why isn’t demanding an illegal invader to gtfo on pain of death a proper response to a mass invasion?
I’ve only met a couple of people who identified themselves with any of the ‘militias.’ They gave me the impression of looking eagerly for an opportunity to be able to kill others, and frankly, they scared the living sh*t out of me.
I wasn’t impressed with the ones I met, and I’m even less impressed now.
The left of the left (ie SPLC) calls these groups ‘domestic terrorists’ which I can almost bring myself to believe. These gun-toting yahoos have co-opted the term militia since it denotes accountability to a higher civilian authority and I take offense. Historically and codified in law any military aged male is militia, hence the right to bear arms is a right of the citizen and not one issued to the state. Having a document securing the rights of the state(s) doesn’t make shit for sense unless you redefine the language in the law. These morons are just helping the antis’ argument that the masses can’t be trusted.
Thank you for using air quotes!
I’ve had the same experience with them. The ones I saw were thrown out of the military with less a less than desirable discharge, who could never join (too fat, mentally unstable, etc.), paintball commandos, or Call of Duty Heroes. They all thought they were high speed – low drag, hot shit commandos.
An OTH? A real winner! I wouldn’t trust this clown to lead a horse to water without supervision. In fact, I wouldn’t trust him to pass water without supervision.
You’re both right on the money with your comments, Pinto Nag and Sparks.
All it takes is one loose cannon asshole to start a mini-war on the border. I agree – I think some of these Yahoo’s are looking for a fight in the name of “patriotism”….I think most of us here know there are better ways to demonstrate our love of country.
That is the same rational anti gun lefties use. All it takes is one gun owners to cause x.
The condemnation and rush to possible criminal acts when speaking about militias is kind of troubling especially on a blog which routinely speaks out against the same tactics used by our own citizens to try to limit the 2nd amendment. Unlike the random unknown illegals infiltrating the country openly this guy is an American that hasn’t broken laws. Instead of get hot and bothered and immediately crushing him on his prior service history maybe you should relax on the outrage until they actually commit a crime.
FatCircles0311, I’m a gun owner. I have been since I was 18 years old. These aren’t just “Americans.” If you’ve never dealt with the ‘militias,’ let me tell you what I’ve seen and why I said what I did.
When these morons set up at gunshows, they have books on the table like the “Anarchists’ Cookbook” and pamphlets on Zionist movements. If you give them half an ear, they’ll tell you all about the latest mind control experiments by the government. If you look like you’ll fit in, they’ll get you the details on the next “meeting.” That usually entails getting together in some remote location to shoot fully automatic weapons and blow shit up with a variety of commercial and homegrown explosives.
It goes on from there. Now that’s not every militia group, but it does encompass quite a few of them. I genrally have no problem with concerned citizens getting involved, but if these folks are anything like what I’ve seen over the years, they’re raving lunatics, and they’re going to make one hell of a mess if they get cranked up and rolling on the border.
k whatever.
I don’t see how they can do more damage than is currently occurring from other groups or the administration. Until they do it they get the benefit of the doubt from me.
You guys get so riled up by these groups especially when they’ve done nothing yet because you take it personally that some former service member does x while everything else is hitting the fan. Sometimes I think you guys believe you have a monopoly on what veterans can or can’t do.
As long as they are law abiding I don’t care. I’d love to see some mass civilian disobedience tactics from veterans since the side that’s gotten us to this clusterfuck routinely uses it and it works. Farting around at town halls and writing the trash bin of your representatives email isn’t working.
If you thought I was advocating just sitting on our hands about the border situation, let me hasten to reassure you that is not the case — I am the one who was calling for us to go get our Marine yesterday, so a soft white dove I am not. I am just saying that I’m leery of barking-at-the-moon raving lunatics, which I suspect this bunch to be.
And “k whatever” is being unnecessarily dismissive. I understand your frustration and put it down to that, but in the future, if you really have a problem with something I’ve said, just tell me to f*** off. I’d rather that than you verbally waving me away like a mosquito that’s annoyed you.
Whatever, Bro.
I don’t care if you don’t approve of how I post. I’m not going to change what I post just to appease your sensibilities. If you get that bent out of shape over it you have more pressing issues to deal with then a perceived injustice on a message board.
I’d buy you a beer if I could, because it seems like you need one.
So, is that an admission that you enjoyed being perceived as a jerk? Or maybe you are just so self-absorbed that attacking another member of this community seems like a good idea to you?
You were indeed dismissive of PN, and that is just not acceptable. At least PN was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Your response removed all doubt.
FYI, Pinto Nag is a lady, not a bro.
Also, I see and agree with both of your points.
As you point out, at least some citizens, for certain values of citizen, are standing up and showing DC they’re fed up and are willing to do something about it.
Is this the best way? Probably not, but there it is.
Assholes like him are just playing into the hands of the administration on multiple issues.
Just. Fucking. Great.
More than the administration is doing.
Get mad at Americans willing to do something though. That’s what the administration wants.
On nbc news they showed brooks county texas where children are found dead in the fields from thirst and heat. 4000 dead in unmarked graves in one cemetery alone. The local people call it the killing fields as so many children have died in them. When local people put out water for the children anti-immigrant storm troopers empty the water bottles or put holes in them so the children die of thirst. Some of you are always talking about killing fields where here they are!
Brown people killing brown people for money.
You must be salivating.
Quick internet search turns up NO mention of such a thing. You’re not only an illiterate piece of shit, you are a lying illiterate piece of shit. Brooks County isn’t even on the border. Oh, and before I forget – you’re a lying piece of shit.
How shocking-vwp misrepresented something.
In this case though I don’t think he was actually lying-it’s much more likely that it was some sort of delusion due to severe brain damage from chronic drug abuse.
Vietnam Cock-Wart,
Ecactly how many “children” have been documented as having died in Brooks county of exposure,,,, where is your source for 4,000 unmarked graves in a single cemetery?
Where in brooks county were water jugs destroyed?
The conclusion of the news report pretty much put the blame where it belonged, squarely in the laps of the coyotes who charge thousands of dollars then leave people behind to die.
Immigration and law enforcement are the good guys in this picture.
Go suck a stump shitbird.
This is what the “useful idiot” calling himself “vietnam war protestor” is talking about:
The total is around 160, not 4000. Another article I found states that the graves are believed to date from circa 2005-2009.
The individuals are believed to have died from exposure when attempting to evade border patrol highway checkpoints via bypassing them on foot. Since the dead are believed to have come here illegally from Central America, they didn’t exactly have much experience with deserts. They thus didn’t know quite how deadly the South Texas desert can be – or how quickly.
Typical leftist tactic. Find a fact, distort the hell out of it, wrap it in BS, sensationalize the BS-wrapped fact – and hope the gullible swallow it without checking to see if it’s true.
Oh, and vwp:
(Warning: very NSFW)
Hondo at the end of the article, it explains how those bodies got there. There is no mystery and no conspiracy. The bit about the water is a complete fabrication. It’s sad but that’s it.
I found articles in the LA Times, Christian Science Monitor, and NY Times about the story.
Sorry — my mistake, that is not right. I see stories about this topic in the LA Times and CBS News.
“TheMonitor” is printed in MCAllen Texas, the NY Times article is about David Brooks, not Brooks County Texas.
What a shock to find you here VWP. Here to disseminate more bullshit make believe stories. Jesus, you and your ilk have almost turn that into an art form. You want to talk about killing fields, why don’t you do a little research on your hero Pol Pot. Of course you probably already know about him. He was a man of the people after all, right VWP?
They’ve got 4000 dead, in unmarked graves in Brooks County, Texas. Funny, asshole real funny. That’d be all over the 6 oclock news on every network, radio station, the internet and then probbly even some interplanatory radio waves, too. Go lick your balls in the hot South Texas sun you jagoff…
This is the biggest problem with the Chapter 10 discharge. Commanders like the CH10 route because it’s easier and usually the douchebag is so glad to get out of the military he’ll sign anything even if the evidence is a little shaky.
The downside is no felony conviction.
Info on brooks co. was on nbc news sabotage of water I have seen several times mostly local news media where these evil devils stake out water stations and sabotage them.
HEY, EVERYBODY!!!!! I think I saw vwpissedinhispants at the grocery store just now. Tall, lanky, skinny dude with greazy locks and a boonie hat, wearing flipflops, a skintight spandex banana hammock and a cut-off pink tank top that had ‘Kiss Me’ on the front. Looked like he hadn’t had a meal of anything but weed-laced brownies in a coon’s age, AND had a clutch purse on a strap around his wrist.
SO-O-O-O disgusting, and I did not have a camera with me.
Worst part is, he actually believes that crap on NBC, the worst network for news in the world.
I have heard of the water stations being set out by well meaning folks in AZ.
The problem with their charity is that they are setting it up on private property. The landowners do whatever they can to discourage illegals from crossinf their property because they often trash it or steal.
If they allow it to be known that their ranch is a “rest area” for illegals, every pollo and coyote who crosses near their will make a bee-line toward it, and hundreds of illegals will trash their property.
Some of those water stations have been funded by Pima County the last few years:
The only way taxpayers should be funding this is if the stations were set up to be a place where illegals could be picked up for deportation.
There should be a warning posted that hundreds of people die trying to make rthe trek and if they have second thoughts they should allow themselves to be picked up and deported rather han risk dying in the desert.
There’s lots of those signs along the border fence in California, presumably in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas as well. They say “No water within walking distance, you WILL die if you go this way” in Spanish and also have it in pictograph form due to the fact that some illegals don’t speak Spanish and many of those who do are as illiterate as VWPieceofshit. Yet Border Patrol still finds lots of people out there who are only alive because Border Patrol found them. And sometimes they do find bodies. Sure, sucks to be them, but it ain’t like they weren’t warned. Every single one of them walked right past several of those signs and paid it no mind, so whose fault is that?
Anyway, VWPissant needs to shut the fuck up (again) because he clearly has never been to any part of the border in his entire wasted life. I, on the other hand, have lived and worked here my whole life. I have assisted Border Patrol in rescuing tons of illegals over the course of my career, and will assist them with tons more. And don’t get me started on how those illegal fuckers destroy every square inch of property they touch. They’re like human locusts, I swear to God.
This guy got in trouble, and just called 911:
The koolaid has gotten to you, draft dodging coward.
The people that poison wells to kill children is actually the Taliban not Americans.
Comrades in Arms:
This is a video recording that I created a few years ago (Sunday 30 May 2010), when I was living at the Ol’ Soldiers’ Home in Washington, D.C.
It’s been previously posted here at the “THIS AIN’T HELL” web site, but the subject being discussed motivates me to post it again.
This is the URL referred to in the video:
Thank you.
John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507
I think it depends entirely on the group of “militia” that is involved and where they are at.
A property owner has every right to get together with his nieghbors and protect their collective land from trespassers, or screen and select volunteers to assist him.
I’m not so hot on armed folks patrolling public land without the knowledge of LEO’s and ICE.
There are Youtube videos up of “militias” such as the Hutaree group and “Colonial Marines” that would be comical if not for the thought of one of those morons falling over from a heart attack, getting lost or accidently shooting themselves or others.
For a while (and they still may be there), there was a group of retirees with RVs who were guarding the Border in California and Arizona.
They were well organized into teams (it’s unsafe to go solo), and in communication with the Border Patrol and local Sheriff.
Some protestors were harassing them, and I don’t know if they’re still there, and I don’t remember what the group was called.
One of the guys I knew, a United States Marine Corps retiree, bought a house there, with plenty of land, and married a Mexican senorita.
He and his dog now patrol each day, and he’s found bodies on his property.
I wish I could remember what that group was called.
I wish I could go help out on the Border.
At one point, Mexicans seized control of a hill located on the American side of the Border, but the American volunteers took it back the following day.
“Remember the Alamo!”