Philip Bump: Americans overwhelmingly support background checks on guns. Why doesn’t Congress?
So, this fellow, Philip Bump, writes in the Washington Post “Americans overwhelmingly support background checks on guns. Why doesn’t Congress?”. His cute little piece is based on a Quinnipiac poll taken July 3rd, 2014 and the question that was asked was; “59. Do you support or oppose requiring background checks for all gun buyers?” The poll analysis is;
American voters support 92 – 7 percent, including 92 – 6 percent among gun owners, requiring background checks for all gun buyers. Support ranges from 86 – 11 percent among Republicans to 98 – 2 percent among Democrats.
Mr Bump writes;
People support background checks. But opponents of expanded background checks, who see that expansion as a form of gun control, have been effective at linking the two. Combined with the political power of groups like the National Rifle Association, that’s enough to keep Congress from doing anything at all.
See, that’s two different things. Folks were asked if they support background checks for all gun buyers. But Mr. Bump is talking about “expanded background checks”. As the law stands now, with the exception of some private sales, all gun buyers are subjected to background checks. If I was asked if I support background checks I’d answer in the affirmative – I do. I don’t want criminals, minors and the mentally deficient to be able to buy guns. Do I want the government to be able to have a system in place that could be later turned into a gun registry? Nope. And that’s why the gun control bill failed in the Senate last year.
Bump can complain and complain about the NRA, but the NRA is made up of people like me, and it’s the loudest voice legal gun owners have on the issue. It’s no different that the American Legion or VFW that gives veterans a voice on our issues.
The poll also asks; “60. Do you support or oppose laws to prevent people with mental illness from purchasing guns?”
And the numbers are about the same; 90/91% for Republican/Democrat. 89/88% for men/women. 91% of people with a gun their household support it. So why isn’t Congress acting on that portion of gun control? Certainly, the NRA doesn’t oppose keeping the mentally ill from owning guns. So what’s the problem Mr. Bump? And why didn’t you mention that in your silly little unnecessary graphics? I know what 92% means, I don’t need pictures.
Thanks to Chief Tango for the link.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
So, the number of legal gun purchasers (nearly 100%) who undergo background checks (to include mental health issues) exceeds the number of people (92%) who support background checks (to include mental health issues)?
What is this idiot’s point again? His own data supports the exact opposite of what he says the people want.
It’s the meme that the NRA and gun owners of America are secretly terrorists and Illinois Nazis. They talk a good game but that they don’t support “common sense” laws to prevent these deaths of children and reduce the violence in our streets to the levels of Japan or Europe.
It doesn’t matter what the reality is, it doesn’t matter what the stats actually say about the effectiveness of the current laws, nor the causes of death. NOPE! It is all about fear and wanting to prevent another death; yet failing to grasp how unrealistic the way the world works. That god/great spirit/chulutu/spaghetti monster/pale rider on a pale horse says that every day X people from Y levels of life shall be claimed. That now now attempts by humanity to write a physical law can undo the metaphysical laws of death.
I would disagree on a couple of points. For those running the anti-gun machine, it isn’t about fear or children’s safety. It’s about control (gun control with eventual bans and confiscations) and erosion of rights. They want to control what people do and what they think.
The second disagreement? Well, I won’t get into a whole metaphysical argument. Just to say that rather than predestination, deaths could be by genetics, and random chance based on the choices one makes. In a debate such as this one on gun control, I try to leave religion out of it.
I just love it when the Left brings up the term ‘reasonable compromise’. We’ve been compromised down to where we are today. How about the Left compromises this time and we bring back legal ownership of current MGs (keep the tax stamp/background check in place – that our compromise), and National recognition of CHL licenses (again, we’ll keep the background check as a compromise)? That’s compromise I think we could all live with….
Like most libertards he’s twisting facts and numbers to fit he’s case. The problem is A doesn’t = B’ but in his twisted propagandic view it must.
Nothing like misrepresenting the results of an already slanted poll to make a compelling point, eh? Every time I read one of these, I see the author relying on the notion that readers are too lazy to check facts and data themselves, too stupid to understand loaded questions that skew the data, too ignorant to see past the pretty pictures, etc. I will never claim to be any kind of genius, but I, for one, am not the simpleton they take me for.
However, the Low-Information Voters sadly do exist in numbers large enough to be a problem, even if they don’t constitute a majority. The fact that the Glorious Leader remains in office is proof of this.
I wonder of the poll asked, “Do you think teachers and school administrators should be trained and armed to protect schools and children?” Bet that wasn’t asked. I agree with Jonn’s assessment. Let’s have legislation that addresses in a real way the issue of mental problems and the ability to purchase a firearm. Those background checks I do support. Since so many of the mass shootings have been by people with established mental issues and history. If a mental patient tells his psychiatrist he intends to do harm to himself or others and leaves the office, the therapist, as a mandated reporter in every state, must inform law enforcement of the person and their stated intentions. Law enforcement will then locate and detain the person and put them in a psychiatric facility for the state’s minimum period of observation and a court appearance for release. But if the patient simply, “fantasy talks” of killing lots of people, the therapist just takes notes and is under no obligation to report it. Even though it is a clear indication of deeper seated problems and should be reported.
Gun crime is pretty low considering legal gun ownership has sky rocketed over the years. Who do these anti gun people believe is going to buy their horse shit? Anyone that’s ever bought a firearm in America knows how full of shit these people are and it’s a significantly larger population that are members of the NRA. I wish people would call these lying chumps out for what they are already.
Gonna need a background check for my background check sooner or later.
At first, preventing the mentally ill from having firearms sounds reasonable. But like with everything else, the devil is in the details. What would constitute being mentally ill enough to lose your 2nd Amendment rights? PTSD? Depression? Bipolar? What would the process be for making that determination? Would doctors be required to report their patients to the government? Would someone who needed treatment avoid it to prevent the loss of his rights?
Lots of potentially scary issues there. Plus, a number of states already have that kind of law but it doesn’t do much to prevent crazies from killing people anyway. Many of them were known to be mentally ill but were never reported as such.
Just wait until the ridiculously-abused ADD/ADHD diagnosis is declared grounds for gun confiscation.
Let me net this out:
I don’t give a shitch!
Every time I add another weapon to my gun locker I get background checked. It takes about 3 minutes. And I am NEVER disapproved.
So I am batting 1000 and in and around 100% in that regard. So again, I don’t give a shitch.
However, I am not doing so well on 22 ammo. Every other time I stop at my preferred shop to grab ammo … Gunstucki says either, “we ain’t got none” or “one brick per purchase of gun”.
So, I buy another gun!
Any question?
Every time I see the phrase “common sense” I know what follows it will be anything but.