Apaches to Iraq
The Washington Times reports that the Pentagon is sending armed Apache helicopters to Iraq to help protect the growing number of troops that are pouring into that country;
The Obama administration plans on having a U.S. presence in Iraq of roughly 1,000 troops and advisers to protect its embassy in Baghdad, but deployed personnel won’t lack firepower — Apache helicopters will be at their disposal.
Rear Adm. John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, announced Tuesday that in addition to the Apaches, unarmed surveillance drones will help U.S. personnel and Iraqis gather intelligence on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Agence France Presse reported.
I remember back in the olden there were less than 300 troops going to Iraq, now it’s 1000. But, Stars & Stripes reports that the Pentagon denies that there is “mission creep” going on;
“There’s no mission creep. The missions haven’t changed,” Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said Tuesday in response to a reporter’s question at a press conference. “Some of the numbers have been added in the security-assistance realm … It’s very fluid, and the commander-in-chief and the military leadership here in the building, I think, expect and should have a certain measure of flexibility here in how we … manage the resources available.”
In another Washington Times article, Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to the president explains that, yeah, US troops could end up in military operations against ISIS or ISIL, or the Islamic Nation, or whatever they want to be called this week;
“I think the threats that we would look to, for instance, would include an evaluation of whether ISIL is posing a threat to U.S. interests that would necessitate our taking action against them, as we have against terrorist organizations in other parts of the region,” Mr. Rhodes said. “I think the security and safety of our personnel would certainly be of profound interest to the United States.”
In addition to those two possibilities for military action, Mr. Rhodes told foreign journalists Tuesday that the Obama administration would consider engaging ISIL forces if the U.S. believes it can make “a positive difference.”
“We have left that door open if we believe it can make a difference, a positive difference, or if we believe that it is in our core interest to do so because we face a counterterrorism threat or a threat to our personnel,” Mr. Rhodes said. “And I’d add keeping that Embassy open and keeping our operations running in Iraq is what facilitates our ability to cooperate with the Iraqi Government and provide them with security assistance and political support.”
So the troops aren’t there to participate in combat, unless the goobers in the White House decide that the president’s poll numbers would get a boost from it.
Category: Terror War
May I be the first to say ‘Oh, hell. There you go again’?
But my true feelings are as follows !W#$! $!@ ###%^^^!!
I thought they couldn’t be called Apaches anymore?
Maybe we’re sending them as “Offensive” weapons? (rimshot)
I see what you did there.
Doing the hokey-pokie again. Problem is that once you get your whole ass in and try to shake it you find out that you are in quicksand again.
Now is the time for flir and laser guided bombs, while they are travelling the roads.
set a few batterys of one-oh-deuce astride the roads and shut the country down. When they mass to break the blockade, carpet bomb ’em
+1 !!
oh so when bush sends troops to iraq it’s “illegal” nevermind he had congressional approval to do so.
did obama get such approval? or is bush’s “illegal” war and occupation still going on?
That all changes 20 JAN 2008. You must not have gotten the memo.
Bush’s authorization, conveniently enough, has never expired. Interestingly, it was deemed ‘illegal’ with a Republican president, but with a Democrat president, it’s now considered ‘good to go’.
“While the White House statement emphasized Obama would continue to consult with Congress, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said the President “basically just briefed us on the situation in Iraq and indicated he didn’t feel he had any need for authority from us for the steps that he might take.”
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California agreed with McConnell’s assessment, adding she believed congressional authorization for military force in Iraq back in 2001 and 2003 still applied – http://edition.cnn.com/2014/06/18/politics/us-iraq/
I’m glad the Apaches are there. Our clown-in-chief should have had them there much sooner. Each passing day he shows how Fucking clueless he is. Oh and the fact he can’t open his mouth without lying.
I’m glad the Apaches are there, too. That’s some serious firepower, and I think our troops are going to need all they can get, and very soon. Now let’s all pray that the ROE is what it needs to be, so the Apaches can be used correctly.
Once again, president mom-jeans is trying his best to recreate South Vietnam, 1975. He and his clown-car posse administration haven’t a frikkin’ clue and every single American life that is lost from this day forward in Iraq should be a count of at least negligent homicide against all of them.
More like South Vietnam 1965.
I don’t think it is mission creep. The only creep going on here is in the White House, if you know what I mean.
Hey! That was MY joke! Thief!!!
We really shouldn’t be surprised that the Glorious Leader lied out his ass. Will the Apaches be allowed to shoot anything?
They said that they sent the helos, they didn’t say anything about ammo. Try to discover the Afghanistan ROE then apply it to this mission.
Some of you may recall a hazy group called the MACV-SOG. According to Plaster and others, each and every mission into Laos had to be approved by the US Ambassador to Laos and the White House. “We who were elected [that would be LBJ] know MUCH better than you military yahoos whether you need to go to Laos to watch The Trail and how much ammo you need to carry and support you can have”. LBJ, the king of creep.
Let me just channel VWPutz for a moment:
“Weapons named after dark skinned people exploited by the white man being sent over seas to kill dark skinned people who were exploited by the white man!! It’s all Bush’s Fault!!!”
You left out the part where brown people slaughtering brown people gives VWPussy more wood than anything else on earth.
You didn’t channel VWP too well. It was grammatically correct and far too coherent. Next time use less punctuation and misspell a shit load more words.
It was my first try. Next time I’ll do it when I am drunk and dopped up on pain killers. That should get me closer to the target.
1000 here and a 1000 there and pretty soon you have some serious numbers…
Funny how the Iraqis were all tough shit America until they figured out the turds wearing Iraqi uniforms can’t fight their way through a balsa wood door they suddenly ask for some assistance from the best in the world.
Let’s stop screwing around and wipe the nation out, make the rules simple: anyone out after dark is dead. Anyone not doing exactly what we say during the day is dead, and take the country over for 70 years because that’s what it will take to change generational thinking or get out and let it become whatever the hell it wants to become.
VOV…Even old Everett Dirksen is turning in his grave as he watches Obama. Nice reference though. I like it.
“First you kill the fathers, then you kill their sons. There aren’t usually enough men left for a third iteration.”
Cardinal Richelieu on why the most interesting wars last 30 years.
Our diplomats and spy masters could learn alot from ol’ Richelieu.
They should send them the 2 legged kind and tell them to have fun. No need to pick a side, just do your thing.
Prayers for the safety of our troops, and that the CINC-T and his Perfumed Princes and Princesses in the White House and Pentagon have the common sense not to run this as a political affair and endanger those kids needlessly.
This has ‘bad moon rising’ written all over it.
Yeah, we are providing better targets now. Clear the hell out or go all in. We don’t even need an embassy there or in most other countries. All they do is provide cover for the CIA that is as opaque as Saran Wrap. Get the hell out.
What drawdown?
Someone said yesterday that he got a 12-month window before he is sent packing, when the normal timeframe is 7 to 9 months.
I said then that it didn’t sound right and something was up. I was right. And I DO NOT like this flipflop.
Obama has the worst poker face of all time.
lol @ putting in the number of troops they wouldn’t leave behind in the first place. It’s happening and it’s obvious as shit.
The Kurds may just declare themselves separate from and independet of Iraq.
According to this story, the Sunnis are having trouble moving further and holding the territory they’ve won.
And Maliki appears to be offering some conciliatory terms.