Coburn: More than 1000 vets’ death result from VA malfeasance

| June 25, 2014

Stars & Stripes reports that Senator Tom Coburn’s office released a report entitled “Friendly Fire: Death, Delay, and Dismay at the VA”, the results of a study for more than a year in which they charge that more than a thousand veterans have died as a direct result of their treatment, or mistreatment, by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs;

The report identifies $20 billion in waste and mismanagement that the authors say could have been better spent providing health care to veterans. Most disturbingly, it alleges that poor patient care and mismanagement at the hands of the VA may have led to the deaths of more than 1,000 veterans.

Coburn partly blames Congress for some of the problems identified in the report.

“The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee largely ignored the warnings about delays and dysfunction at the VA for decades, abdicating its oversight responsibilities and choosing to make new promises to veterans rather than making sure those promises already made were being kept,” Coburn said in a press release.

Corburn, who is not a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, charges that the committee has had only two oversight hearings in the last four years.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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As I said elsewhere: the VA doesn’t have a resources problem. They have leadership and priorities problems.


Meanwhile, in a local hospital near you. Every illegal alien who walks in with no ability to pay, is given the very best treatment and doctors the hospital facility has to offer. MRIs, CAT scans, PET scans, surgery, in patient care. Whatever they need, right then. All they have to do is suffer the long line in the ER waiting room. Happening in the local District Hospital as we write. The District Hospitals are those designated by our state, who are considered “public”, who must take all patients, regardless or ability to pay (taxpayers pay for them), their legal status or if they have a criminal record outstanding with warrants. Only if a police officer happens to be in the ER for other reasons and sees a wanted person can HE approach them and make an arrest. (Happened last week here. Illegal Julio, I will call him, was in the ER with girlfriend and their 5 kids because one of the babies had a cough. Police officer sees him in the ER and knows him from a warrant photo out on him. Comes up asks for ID. Julio gives fake ID and lies to officer. Officer calls for backup and they make a positive ID and off he goes to lock up on 7, count ’em 7 outstanding felony warrants for drug possession, drug delivery and burglary.) The hospital cannot call the police if they have seen the same perp more than once unless it is a gun shot or determined to be a knife wound of criminal origin. That doesn’t happen often either.

Yet veteran deaths are now at 1000 and I imagine that will climb, due to mistreatment, lack of treatment or outright malpractice. I hope they give those veterans or the families of those veterans the right to sue for malpractice.


This stinky onion produces more stench with each layer that is peeled away. Can any of them see yet that some serious changes must be made?

We have bureaucrats testifying to Congress that the system isn’t broken, and other such foolishness. Well, what else would we expect from the folks who are administering a dysfunctional agency? They either broke it or perpetuated it’s brokenness. Pardon us, but we don’t accept your opinion of the VA, no matter how well meaning your incompetent, or criminally complicit, ass might be.

A Proud Infidel®™

This saga continues while B. Hussein 0bama & Company try to hand as much as they can to as many illegal aliens as they can, GOD HELP AMERICA!