Gathering of Eagles in September

| July 23, 2007

The Gathering of Eagles, whose exploits I’ve photo’d and written about several times, are planning more counter-demonstrations in DC in September. The details aren’t ironed out yet according to their website, but apparently they plan to demonstrate against Congress on September 10th and counter-demonstrate against the ANSWER Coalition of kooks on the 15th.

You might notice that one of the officers of GOE posted on my latest Sheehan story below and announced the counter-demonstration planned September. I’ve seen the ANSWER posters around town and wondered if the GOE was going to be there, too. Happily, they will.

In my opinion, these counter-demonstrations are having a real effect on these protesters. If Cindy Sheehan can’t find the intestinal fortitude to drag her body from a car and face the consequences for her traitorous yammering, we’re winning.

These kooks have continued unanswered for too long, because they appeared to be harmless. But, because no one had the guts to face them (until this year – aside from Free Republic, I mean), we’ve tacitly approved of the rise of idiot punks like the basement-dwelling Black Bloc members.

I remember in the early seventies when construction workers in New York City climbed down off of the high steel to confront anti-war protesters of the time. That pretty much ended protests of the Viet Nam era. Maybe we can do it again.

We owe it to the troops in the Middle East.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Gathering of Eagles, Support the troops

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My favorite quote from Sheehan: “At both places the neo-Nazi, pro-war fascist group “Gathering of Eagles”

Go EAGLES. Ya just gotta love’em.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Yeah, I guess she doesn’t recognize hate speech when it flows from her own keyboard.


I agree that the counterdemonstrations are important. Two reasons leap out at me:

1) Americans do not follow politics as closely as bloggers. Americans will look up, and pay momentary attention, when General Patraeus comes to D.C. in September. Americans will, hopefully, see a few seconds of the dignified, patriotic Gathering of Eagles people. The contrast with the war protestors will be sharp. The contrasting images will be the thing Americans take away and remember. Picture = 1000 words.

2) The same dynamic will work for Congresspersons. Dignified and patriotic protestors are a powerful counter to typical war protestor images.

This is why I loved your images from the previous gathering of Eagles. The MSM has their agenda. They will pick angelic war protestors for the front page, and contrast them with the worst possible images of the counterprotestors. Your images told the real story of the Gathering of Eagles people. Truth wants to be free. Your images were truth. Kudos.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Thanks for the compliment. I hope at least a few of my readers will be able to make it. I’ll spring for the beer afterwards!