Another Gitmo alum headed to trial

| June 3, 2014


JAGC sends us a link to an article in the Miami Herald which reports that Abd al Hadi al Iraqi, a current resident of the Guantanamo Community College and Resort, has been approved for prosecution for his bad behavior in the Iraq War.

It also alleges that Hadi, as an al-Qaida commander, led troops who helped the Taliban in March 2001 destroy the monumental Buddha statutes in Afghanistan’s Bamiyan Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The charge sheet itself says he made his way from Afghanistan to Turkey in 2006 in a bid to get to Iraq, on orders of Osama bin Laden, to advise the insurgency there. It says he tried to get asylum in Turkey using a false identity, but it does not allege any specific charges in that context.

Paul Oostburg Sanz, the Pentagon’s acting “convening authority,” which is the military title of the official overseeing military commissions, approved the prosecution Monday as a non-capital case.

According to his charge sheet, he’s facing 63 charges. For example, charge number 22 reads;

Between in or about March 2002 and continuing at least until in or about 2004, Abd al Hadi issued orders consistent with, and his co-conspirators adhered to, the following al Qaeda tactics:
a. to kill Americans and their allies wherever found;
b. to kill everyone encountered on the battlefield and to take no prisoners;
c. to view civilians and medical personnel as acceptable targets;
d. to dress in local attire in order to blend in with the local civilian population in order to commit treacherous and perfidious acts;
e. to use non-conventional methods such as suicide bombings and vehicleborne improvised explosive devices (“VBIEDs”); and
f. to videotape attacks and victims’ deaths for propaganda purposes.

So he’s a real sweetheart. Before arriving at the Guantanamo campus, al Hadi attended the CIA’s preparatory school. I’m sure the trial will only last ten or twelve years, and then another 50 years of appeals. But it’s a non-capital case, so it might all work out if he dies from old age.

Category: Terror War

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Hold on. Slam on the brakes here. This makes him a number one trading card for the next American troop captured for the Taliban to want to trade. If Obama has his way, there will be no trial because Gitmo will have long been closed and all those there repatriated to their country or Qatar for at least a year. Because we all know they will stay in Qatar and not be “spirited away” in the night to parts unknown, for the year without communications to former and current AQ and Taliban leaders. Obama and by extension America is being laughed at by the Taliban right now. Thank you Obama and Kerry and all of you who broke the law to look good and divert attention from scandals at home in bringing Bergdahl home. I believe, when we did that we just handed the Taliban a deck full of nothing but trump cards.

As I said before, Bergdahl will make his appearance with family, at the White House to be awarded, 1. The POW Medal 2. A Purple Heart 3. A Bronze Star (Possibly w/ Valor) and 4. An ARCOM. Plus all back pay and his new rank. After all, Obama says he was a POW, so all those things could apply. If he is a POW, what does that make the detainees in Gitmo now? POW status changes a lot of things legally and according to the Geneva Convention.


maybe we can swap this guy for the Marine in the Mexican jail?
see Terminal Lance…..


Stacy0311…Good idea. But of we did he would be on the next coyote train into the U.S.


with any luck, he’d get shot by a border rancher who’s tired of the coyote express running across his land….


Free the leaders who are the most dangerous terrorist murders for a traitor.

Prosecute their underling to salvage what little (or any)credibility obama has left.

Commander-in-putz honors the dishonorable and dishonors the honorable.


You’ve got the wrong slimeball in the picture – that’s Abu Ayyub al-Masri:

US forces nailed his ass in a not-so-safe house in 2010 along with al-Baghdadi. It was a beautiful day…

2/17 Air Cav

“Between in or about March 2002 and continuing at least until in or about 2004, Abd al Hadi issued orders consistent with, and his co-conspirators adhered to, the following al Qaeda tactics:”

That, ladies and gentlemen, is called a legal drafting clusterfuck.


Well, thanks for confirming that. It read that way to me, but I’m not even close to being a lawyer. 😉


THERE’S the right shitbag! That said, it was great remembering that al-Masri’s dead too!