Brussels jihadist arrested in France

| June 2, 2014

You may have missed the news that a jihadist gunned down four people outside the Brussels Holocaust Museum last week, on the same day that what’s-his-name gunned down some Santa Barbara students, well, you would have missed it if you aren’t a regular reader of this blog. But France caught him yesterday in a routine drug check, according to the Jerusalem Post.

29-year-old French citizen Mehdi Nemmouche still had the AK-47 that he used in the shooting in his possession – AK47s are illegal for private ownership in both France and Belgium.

Far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen said that “there must be a lot of Merahs coming back [to France] from Syria.”

According to intelligence specialists, the largest number of European jihadists is in Belgium, a country with a sizable number of North African Arab immigrants.

Hollande told reporters: “We will monitor these Jihadists and make sure that when they come back from a fight that is not theirs, and that is definitely not ours… they cannot do any harm.” The message “to these jihadists is that we will fight them, we will fight them and we will fight them,” he said.

In April, France announced new policies aimed at preventing young French Muslims from becoming radicalized, partly by barring them from going to Syria to fight in the civil war. France has estimated that about 700 of its nationals are directly or indirectly involved in the conflict there.

It’s a good thing that France pulled their troops out of Afghanistan, not they’re available for the war at home.

Category: Terror War

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Oooh! An illegal gun was used to kill people in a country that has gun control in place. Who’da thunk it?

How’d he get that AK-47 into France, anyway?

Yeah, so much for gun control. Anyone can see it really, really works.

A Proud Infidel®™

But, bit but, it was already against the law for him to have it, so why did he do it anyway? He made himself a *GASP* CRIMINAL by doing that!! What will the Euroweenies do about it, apologize for alleging he’s a criminal?

The Other Whitey

At least the Frogs might send his ass to something that remotely resembles a real prison, not a multi-room suite in a five-star resort like the Norwegians.

A Proud Infidel®™

Having served overseas in Korea, I sincerely wish that the USA would copycat a few things that the ROK (Republic of Korea, yes, South Korean) Government does. One, their prison inmates get “The Three C’s”, COLD food, COLD, showers and COLD cells! Second, more than a couple of former ROK Presidents have been convicted and sentenced to prison, I PRAY that we can copycat them on that!!


If you’re gonna call the Francheezies frogs, try using the term ‘Johnny Crapauds’. Pronounced crap-oh. It refers to the French word crapeau, which is frog, and means frog-eaters.

It’s a Brit army leftover from the Napoleonic era.


Far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen…which in the context of European politics means slightly to the left of your average Democrat.

France announced new policies aimed at preventing young French Muslims from becoming radicalized, partly by barring them from going to Syria to fight in the civil war. Ooh that’ll show ’em! Now go away or they shall taunt you some more.

The Other Whitey

True, according to these people, the socialist-as-they-come nazis were “right wing.”

Anyway, they speet on you! They fart in your general direction!


So, here are two places I see some of Obama and Kerry’s $5 billion “push back the radical extremist” money going. France and Belgium will have their hands out shortly.

The Other Whitey

You mean to add to all that Marshall Plan money they never paid back?


Anyone who thinks Europe’s burgeoning Muslim population isn’t a hotbed of radicalized jihadis hasn’t been paying attention.

Just an Old Dog

The problem is a lot bigger than the French Media is allowed to report. About 10 years ago they reported that it was simply “disenchanted youths” setting fire to cars at night in Paris. It was enraged North African Muslims.