DC Tax Office employee embezzled thousands from vet

| May 31, 2014

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Washington Post which reports that Catyondia Ballard embezzled $114,000 from the account of a veteran at the Armed Forces Retirement Home on North Capitol Street in order to pay off her own home.

The scheme began in March 2007 and continued through April 2010, ending only after retirement home staff noticed the former service member was behind in payments to the care facility, court files show. An attorney helping the victim called the city to ask about his income-tax payments and spoke to Ballard, who said she “was acquainted” with the victim because of a previous review of his tax matters, court records state.

The tax office was supposed to have tightened up their security after the conviction of Harriet Walters for stealing over $50 million in 2012 from her position in the Tax Office. What? You didn’t hear about that one? We wrote about it back then. You’d think that the theft of $50 million would have been on the news, wouldn’t you?

Every year that I lived in DC, the Tax Office would send me a notice telling me that I owed them a few thousand dollars, and every year I had to go and meet with an agent and prove that I didn’t. The State of Maryland is no better.

So, I guess the lesson is to stay out of the Metro DC area.

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Oh common pull the other leg to ring the bells. Everyone knows that the DC government and the Federal Government are paragons of efficiency, effectiveness, and ability. This is just a dirty lie from that crooked WaPo news rag that just can’t stand the wrong party and man is in office. Thier clannish robes are just showing in this article and they need to be denounced for the traitors to the people and government that they are.

/sarc tag for those that can’t see through the snark.

John Robert Mallernee

The Ol’ Soldiers’ Home has had that (and worse!) happen before.

I could tell you a BUNCH of stories!

It’s why I transferred down here to the Armed Forces Retirement Home (formerly, the United States Naval Home) in Gulfport, Mississippi.


Virginia is no better, especially Fairfax County.

They kept trying to make me pay the county/state tax on my vehicle, even though, by law, it was exempt. After a couple years of refusing to pay, and arguing over the phone and via email, about this I had to drive it down to the office and literally force one of their tax agent supervisors to the parking lot to prove that it met the handicap modifications exemption.

Guess what? The very next year I got another bill for back and current taxes.

That’s when I decided to move.



Seriously. Where do people get these fucking names?


It literally sounds like somebody got really drunk and had to use all their letters in scrabble.. then thought.. “hey, this would be a great name for my daughter”.. smdh.


Dey be gettin dem from Shaniqua, LaShonda and Thalonique.

2/17 Air Cav

You just know that there was some medical hardware in the maternity wing with something akin to Catyondia on it.

ComputerGuy: Anyone who names his or her child Catyondia doesn’t know Scrabble from scrapple.


Or my favorite name for a lady that I work with…


It is just plain hard not to snicker whenever I see her name tag…


So I just did a Linkedin search, noting the professional nature of this woman’s position ….came up with …..catyondia ballard
Government Administration Professional
Washington D.C. Metro AreaGovernment Administration. Now the very next person on the list with similar job descriptions was “DESHERIA”.
Amazing. And then there are two catyondia’s on Linkedin.

John S.

It sounds like an infection that results from a dalliance with a person of questionable repute.


In my opinion, anything other than total restitution and jail time for this individual is not enough.

Just an Old Dog

That ammount of money mean she basically stole event cent he had coming in.

2/17 Air Cav

Hi, these are my other daughters. Say hello to the nice peoples, Basinette and Incubator. Over there is my youngest, Forceps. Say hi, Forceps.


My kids: Moonriver, Leneas Loretta, Thanatopsis Pickleworth, and my cat Sparkle Plenty (borrowed from the Dick Tracy Comics).


Or my all-time favorite, Ta-a, pronounced Tadasha. I kid you not.


I was always partial to Shodahtaquilla… 😀

A Proud Infidel®

Maybe she’ll try to say it was a “self-entitled bonus” or her attempt at wealth redistribution?

Just an Old Dog

With the way that military retirement, Social security and VA funds are paid to verterans its like “fire and forget” Once angencies get a routing and bank number its automatically sent every month.. pretty much none-stop until tht get a change input by the veteran or his death,
A guy could kick the bucketm his family could bury him in his back yard and