So, What’s ObamaCare’s REAL Effect So Far?

| May 29, 2014

Since the passage of that   abomination   horrendous mistake   manifest stupidity   law foisting ObamaCare on the unsuspecting US public in March 2010 before it could be read (another date that should forever live in infamy), AFLAC has studied its implementation. Each year since, they’ve published a report on how employers and employees are implementing and reacting to ObamaCare.

They recently published their 2014 report. Among the highlights:

  • 86% of employees expect their medical expenses to increase this year
  • 56% of employers raised their employee cost shares for health insurance last year
  • 59% of employers expect to do the same this year (yeah, that means some will do so for 2 consecutive years)
  • 21% of employers converted some employees from full- to part-time last year due to health insurance costs
  • 22% of employers eliminated or reduced employee benefits last year

The executive summary for this year’s report can be viewed here. The website for the report – which includes a plethora of details as well as links to the previous 3 reports – may be found here.

ObamaCare is working out just “oh so well”. We need to “kill it with fire” – posthaste.

And then bury the ashes in quicklime.


(Hat tip to Fox News and Sarah Hurtubise for the article that pointed me at the above AFLAC study and site.)

Category: Economy, Health Care debate

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The Other Whitey

This couldn’t possibly have had any effect on the economy shrinking in Q1 2014. No chance. Must be coincidence…


Roger in Republic

Actually the economic downturn is a result of all that snow we had in the first quarter as a result of global warming. At least that is what the Whitehouse says.


Hey hey hey Roger, remember. You aren’t allowed to call it “global warming” anymore since the EPA was found to be falsifying numbers to make it look real.

You have to call it climate change, until the next group of scientists or EPA workers are caught cooking the numbers to make it more profitable to liberal / green energy campaign contributors.


Economic downturn?
probably due to ATMs and grocery store self checkouts eliminating jobs.
or racism (standard WH response)


Healthcare reform… formerly known as the acronym BOHICA.


Hondo…It will be okay as long as the doctors all use the hospital’s most expensive machine that goes…”BING”.

Top W Kone

My civilian employer now has a $100 a month charge for having family members on your health plan if they have access to another plan (even if it costs more and covers less).

And that applies even if the other plan in Medicaid or KY’s SCHIP (State Child Health Insurance Program). So the newly hired EMT with a wife that works at Wal-mart part time while going to school, is getting charged an extra $100 a month because she qualifies for Medicaid and the school offers a plan for students. (technically both the EMT and his wife qualify, while a single EMT makes $500 more than the expanded Medicaid rate)

My spouses employer won’t cover any family member who has access to insurance from another source – to include Tri-care Reserve Select.

All legal under ACA, not even the unions could fight this. Next year our union was told that the contract would have to have us pay a higher % of the cost to comply with ACA or we would face an additional tax on the value of our insurance.


A friend in Iowa’s costs went up 150 bucks because of having to sign up thru It is criminal that so often politicians can lie their asses off and say anything they want to get elected, but keep their jobs and even stay in office for decades.


What I don’t understand is that, the US has a legal population of 330 million people. The white house jumped up and down about 7 million people being signed up for Obamacare. Only about 2 million of that are “new” medical coverage.

Prior to this being shoved thru before an election where dem’s lost the house, 80% of Americans liked their current healthcare coverage.

The problem is, it will take a miracle to repeal it and get rid of the 8000 pages that people like Bernie Sanders didn’t read, even though he wouldn’t read a 3-page bill nor let it be voted on to speed up firings at the VA.

So many blood sucking insects.


Well, the county meter readers in my county are about to lose their jobs (or lose that task as part of their jobs) as the county is going to remotely monitored meters in a month. I can’t say that’s due to the Affordable Care Act, the minimum wage increase, higher gas prices, or just technological progress. All of the above?


And now we have to consider that the IRS has “ruled” on what we already knew before the effing bill was passed…That they are now going to penalize employers for “dumping” at $100 Bucks a day because who wouldn’t “dump” if the law was written that way? And how DOES that work? I am so fed up with this garbage.