I’ll Just Leave This Here . . .

| May 22, 2014

. . . ’cause the headline pretty much says it all.  Happened this past Monday.

Restaurant with ‘No Weapons, No Concealed Firearms’ Sign Robbed at Gunpoint

No comment necessary other than, “Predictable.”

Category: Crime, Guns

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Country Singer

The “money shot” on this story (found on Jammie Wearing Fool’s site) is this tidbit:

Reader F Paul Valone wrote in the ABC News 11 comments section: “The Pit BBQ was robbed at gunpoint? Wait, that’s not possible; The Pitt posted signs prohibiting guns. We all know that armed criminals will avoid places that prohibit guns, right? Since most will miss the irony, the Pitt BBQ’s other location in Raleigh was where national gun control advocates Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly held their meeting to have a “dialogue with gun owners”… to which no gun owners were invited.”


I’ll just leave this right here…


No comment necessary other than, “Predictable.”


A Proud Infidel®

Yeah, I read that while I was on Drudge today, the restaurant had a sign basically saying “UNARMED VICTIMS INSIDE” and who the shit-eatin’ hell came-a-callin? GEE WHIZ, why won’t them nasty criminals do what them signs say? /sarc


“The Pit BBQ” got exactly what they advertised for and deserved. Of course they won’t change their policy on weapons. They will just have another Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly rally about the awful, bad, scary black guns. The thug, criminals won’t be mentioned at all. Gun owners, again, will not be welcome at the rally.


Saying that the guns are black is ‘racist’ 😉


So what is the alternative?

If saying “guns are black” is racist, then what if you say … Nah … Never mind!


we could go down that rabbit hole since guns come in all sorts of colors now ^_^ (I want one in pink ^_^)


Carolina BBQ sucks anyway. Gimme Kansas City or Memphis BBQ any day.

That Guy

You shut your lyin mouth.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Thems fighting words…

I love BBQ in all forms and fashins. But Im from NC and when I think of BBQ I think of pork with a vinegar based sauce.

When God wants BBQ he goes to NC


E4U…God loves you and so do I! We know God is a Tarheel because he made the sky…Carolina Blue!


I am constantly in conflict with the guys in the TN guard from Memphis who fail to recognize the superiority of vinegar-based BBQ sauce.


68W58 That’s solid gold truth there brother.


Sparks-I know you are a native NCian, but aren’t you out west somewhere? Do you need a care package of vinegar-based sauce so that you can convert the heathens?

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Crushed red pepper, Ground up in a coffee grinder.

Black pepper


68W58 Thanks for the thought brother but I learned young how to make my own. 😀


Hondo-only in the most dire emergencies!


Earl’s, in OKC. Rudy’s all across TX. Only the hot sauces – the mild is for wussies. Almost any BBQ joint around Austin. Some of the smaller joints around KC. Lots around Memphis. Lord, the list just goes on….


Gotta be open to new stykes and positions, there, Hondo…


Hondo, though I haven’t had them since childhood, chitlins are pretty good if prepared correctly. Thoroughly cleaned, parboiled then cut into small pieces, battered heavily and deep fried. That’s good eatin’ there. Sugar in a vinegar based thin, BBQ sauce is heresy! Thick sauce, yes then add molasses.


Hondo, I will concede they are an acquired taste.


My GF is from western TN. I grew up going to pig pickins in NC. We constantly debate the merits of the different BBQ styles. I like most kinds, but prefer NC over all.

We went to NC about a month ago. I picked up a couple bottles of sauce to replenish my supply. Found out they do mail order, too.


NHSparky…I AM a proud TARHEEL. You heathen you! No one but no one, disses Carolina BBQ. 😀


I just did.

Vinegar is for salads and douches. Not meat.


I have to agree with this. While vinegar is a good meat tenderizer, there are other more tasty options.


NHSparky You made me spit coffee on the keyboard! LMAO brother. 😀


Texas has plenty of good BBQ but the Mecca for Texas BBQ is Lockhart. Kreuz Market and Smitty’s are the two big names but there are several others. De-lish!


Still haven’t been to this place (see link). Frankly, I’m surprised it hasn’t been robbed either.



If it’s the one in OKC, have been there and as a bar it sucks. It is about as real a country bar as Dolly Parton’s boobs. Looks like it was designed by someone from Applebee’s.


now that I can follow the link, different place, same owners. Probably still sucks –
the food at the one in OKC did.

Old Trooper

We have one a few miles down the road and I haven’t been there, either. After the big announcement, a while back, that they were gun free zones (I believe we even debated that here on these pages), I definitely won’t go there.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

So we should do away with speed limit signs since speeders ignore them right. And taking down the gun free zone sign would have stopped nra wannabe adam lanza from shooting up sandy hook first graders and their will be no school shootings if we just take down the no guns sign.


Please tell me again how the sign helped the employees in the Pit? Tell me again how the sign helped the people at the schools in Sandy Hook? You are going too fast and I don’t understand your reasoning.

I guess that I am too dull to understand. I thought that when the Pit owner put up the sign, law abiding people did not carry weapons into his restaurant. So there were no guns in the store. Now I’m still dull but trying to think like a bad guy who doesn’t want to get shot. If there are no guns in there then I’m safe. I can rob that place easy because nobody will shoot at me. That is EASY money.

So our three heroes show up, wave guns around, beat somebody up, and take the cash box. Again I must be slow but it seems to me that putting up the sign significantly INCREASED the probability of getting robbed at gunpoint.

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

Please explain the flaws in my logic. I’m slow so use small words.

Pinto Nag

VWP: Most law abiding citizens read and obey signs. Criminals read signs looking for targets of opportunity, or ignore them altogether. A “No Guns” sign in the window of a business is a come-on to robbers. It’s just that simple.


As the proud owner of far too many speeding tickets, the answer to your question is Yes. Yes we should do away with speed limit signs. Get rid of them all. Problem solved….for me anyway 😉

NR Pax

I see you’re still masturbating over Sandy Hook. Might want to find healthier fantasy material. Or slam a handful of sleeping pills and wash it down with a bottle of bourbon.

Green Thumb

My evening stress relief.

2/17 Air Cav

Can you really be THAT stipid? That’s a rhetorical question, of course. Who said anything about taking down a sign, you dunce? The point is that…aw, you’re too dense to get it.


Actually, having businesses post their welcome signs for criminals assists the sane members of society to avoid high risk areas. Works out well all around, especially for anyone who wishes to not be in the presence of abject stupidity and willful ignorance.


Good point. If “gun Free Zone” signs increase the probability that a shop will be hit by armed robbers and if there are X armed robbers and if they tend to cluster around the signs, then there will be more robberies at places with signs and fewer around the places where I shop. So the signs make me safer. Yeah! But people who visit those stores? Not so much.

Read John Lott, “More Guns, Less Crime” third edition. He addresses the “gun free zone” issue including the ABC 20/20 demonstration that suggested that uniformed police are likely to be the first targets of a school shooter.

2/17 Air Cav

Precisely, OWB! To us the signs read, “Likely to be robbed by a nervous, untrained, gun-wielding felon. Witnesses may be executed.”


Splash. Out.

Just an Old Dog

… It was because those poor downtrodden guys were not taught to read correctly,,,,

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty

when guns are out lawed only law enforcement will have guns! Look at the countries that have outlawed guns they no gun mass killings and very little gun crime as the outlaws do not and can’t get GUNS!


Because I know that you are stupid, I invite you to google “3D printers” and get back to us about the non-availability of firearms. That ship has sailed-dumbass.


VWP you missed one big group. “If guns are outlawed, only law enforcement personnel and CRIMINALS, will have guns”. Because a criminal always obeys the law…RIGHT dumb ass!


After reading VWP’s stupidity and it’s rationale, not only do I need to lay down but I also need to stare at pictures of kittens, and maybe a gun, also.


Don’t forget to look at pictures of unicorns shitting rainbows and skittles…


With all of the SOE and resistance activity in France during WW2 I have harbored this fanciful idea that there are a lot of weapons buried there. I don’t recall reading about a post-war sweep for them. If there was another war, I suspect that there would be an adequate supply.

The Finns proved that two guys on skiis with a rifle and two more guys with anti-armor weapons could greatly slow down a division.

What do you think? If there was another war on the Continent — or some other very good reason — would there be a lot of WW2-era guns looking for ammo?

By the way, Americans seem to dis the French martial accomplishments – I do not share this prejudice. Three visits to Verdun cured me of that.

HS Sophomore

All that corrosion, I’d hate to be the one to clean them and even more so to be the first to put a round through that seventy year-old steel. You might have problems finding the correct caliber bullets, as well; a lot of those calibers are obsolete (30.06, .45 mostly, .38, 9 mil Luger and all the native German calibers, etc.). I don’t think that would be terribly practical.

Planet Ord

Are you saying those calibers are obsolete? I have several deer and some razorbacks that were downed by obsolete rounds!


All of those calibers you listed are still in civilian and police use today, and wildly popular. Milsurp 8mm Mauser can still be bought by the crate. (A ton of European militaries used 8mm Mauser rifles as their stopgap issue while reforming until getting Soviet or NATO rifles in the 50s and 60s, because they were so plentiful)

The only popular military cartridges from around that time that would be scarce today are for the Carcano, MAS, and Arisaka systems.

You are correct about the corrosion, though. Unless those weapons were lubed up and stored properly, they will be quite inoperable.


old son, you need to study up on guns some – the German M98 Mauser is arguably the finest bolt action battle rifle ever made, and I have rifles over 100 years old that are more accurate (and have longer range) than any M-16 variant around. (Least I did before they were all tragically stolen, in case anyone asks.)


HS: During WW2, the US Government packed weapons in a heavy waxy grease called Cosmoline. It is still available.

In the Pacific, GIs used to remove it using barrels of gasoline with a fire underneath. Although it worked really well, this practice was discouraged for the obvious reason.

If the British Bomber Command was flying an SOE weapon drop mission over France, I suspect that they would drop the weapons in the delivery containers packed in Cosmoline (hmmm, I have a way to check that…) Yeah, it might harden, crack, and let the guns get rusty — maybe.

Brownells sells something called RIG (search “rig rust”). It is a viscous grease that protects guns for a long time.

Archeologists have reported that Egyptian mummies were packed in something similar to Cosmoline and they seem to hang around for quite a while.

I’m thinking that it isn’t so much that there are lot of guns buried in France but that the people who knew where they are have mostly died. Too bad. There are probably some Welrods and other interesting items out there.

HS Sophomore

Britain has got legal gun ownership pretty much outlawed, and their violent crime rate is five times higher than ours. They also do indeed have mass shootings, such as the Cumbria Massacre (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumbria_shootings) and the Dunblane Massacre (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunblane_massacre). Australia instituted stringent gun control and saw a reduction in horrific media attention-grabbing mass shootings, but not a decline in overall crime or homicides. And within the US, crime, murder, and even mass shootings are at an all time low. You are full of shit.


like China with its mass killings by knife? Or Sweden where the largest mass killing of recent times took place?

2/17 Air Cav

Richard. Look, under pemalty of law in some places, one cannot talk ill of anyone any longer. In all places, it is politically incorrect and is worthy of shunning, sometimes firing or demotion,with, in the latter instance a suspension and mandatory enrollment in sensitivity training. Leave me the freakin’ Frogs, will ya? Well, them and most of them people from Canadia.


“France would be wonderful were it not for the French.”



Obsolete? 30.06, 9mm , .45 etc… are far from obsolete. How about 7.62×54? 7mm Mauser (the grand daddy of them all) is still commercially available, and a ballistically viable round.


small picky point – 8mm (M88) dates to 1888 as a round nose. 6.5 x55 to 1891… 7×57 to 1892. All grand military and hunting cartridges.


VWP if he is able to do so, needs to check the NVSS (Vital Statistics) year end reports then get all nutted up over the number of casualties from auto accidents verses death by firearms…F’ng noob. OUTLAW trains, planes, automobiles, commercial vehicles and public roadways! There, I feel a tinsy winsy bit better, now. Ohhhh..I like this warm, tingly feeling I get. 😎


Hey, Street! Don’t confuse the little snot with facts. It, and all the others like it, have no real concern for the deaths of children or they would be focused on those things which actually cause the most deaths of children each year. Like swimming pools. And stuff like you already mentioned.

They whine and rant about meaningless stuff instead. Their willingness to continue to live in childish worlds of pretend games is what makes them useful idiots.