My voting is done, crying to begin soon
OK, so I rolled out of bed at my customary 0520. Out the door at roughly 5:23, ran to the polling place about 700 meters away. Elementary School. I was 40th in line, but as I waited for 0600 the line started getting just preposterous. I live in a pretty affluent area, right on the outskirts of Mount Vernon. It’s politically just to the left of Havana, although my particular enclave seemed slightly better.
For whatever reason I found myself wedged between a McCain couple in front of me, and a guy who seemed to be a McCain supporter behind me. That means absolutely nothing, but it shocked me to see any. Some lady from the Democratic Party was walking up and down the line trying to hand out sample ballots, I didn’t see a single person take one. Not because they were GOP, but, as the guy behind me commented “If you don’t know by now who you are voting for, should you really be here?”
Apparently Fairfax County has gone to a dual system where you can select either paper or computer voting. As I went down the hall to where we would actually vote there was a video playing explaining how to vote. Some of the faux candidates on the video were Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earheart. Isn’t she dead? This is a new take on the dead people voting, atleast now you can select dead people as you dead vote.
On a side note, Children suck at art. I mean they really REALLY suck at art. Apparently, the kids had to do pictures of themselves. I think all the children in my neighborhood come from the Chernobyl region. They have serious issues with macro-cephalia and are either hirsute or suffer male (and female) pattern baldness. Seriously, they got the noses and ears and stuff right, but hair was a significant issue. I must live in a land of Slestaks. And don’t even get me started on the crappy pumpkin things they had on the other wall. Pumpkins are still coming in the same pumpkin coloring aren’t they?
Anyway, I made it in the room and there were 5 campaign monitors checking off names, and 3 people doing the actual checking in. That made little sense to me but so it goes. Anyway, got my name checked off which went fine, chose the electronic voting method and walked up. Only 4 things on the ballot, so fairly easy. McCain, check. Warner, check. Finian, check. No on parks. Reread. WOW, why the hell did I vote for Warner? OK, uncheck him. Attempt to write in “Diamond Joe Quimby” for Senate. I mean hell, since no one else is taking the election all that seriously, I won’t either. Well, typing in Quimby will take too long, I can’t in good conscience vote for Jim Gilmore. He’s a nice enough guy, but honestly I didn’t see a single ad, not a single sign, and no presence at all. So I voted for some third party candidate.
Pushed teh VOTE button, and off it went to wherever my vote goes or doesn’t go. Got the little sticker and moved out to run home.
Frankly, the whole thing was a bit of a let down. I didn’t feel any excitement at all. Not a tinge. None of my candidates will win, and that is almost a foregone conclusion. Plus, after working during the Afghani elections, where every voter stood in line for hours, with the pervasive and REAL fear of being killed by some lunatic, just voting seems a bit boring. I think it is all the TV shows where morons talk politics with the electorate and you suddenly realize that as a society we are screwed.
That video of the lady talking about how she won’t need to worry about gas and her mortgage when the Messiah is elected has taken it all out of me. If a representative democracy is predicated on an informed voting body, that ended long ago in this country. Now it’s more like American Idol than who will do the right thing. Oh well, so that was my morning. Figured I would share.
ON EDIT: My brother just checked in from New Jersey. Said the lines were long and ridiculous. Said that at his polling site at 6 am there was an elderly lady who was sobbing on the lawn and yelling that finally she had a reason to vote. Said there was also some dude with a sign as people drove in that read “Your choice is simple: War Hero or Terrorist.”
A yes, the sights, sounds and smells of Democracy. Obama is not really a terrorist, and any CHANGE an elderly woman HOPES he will make ain’t gonna happen. Seriously, hyperbole has taken over. Tomorrow, after the fires have gone out in urban areas, taxes will still get paid, football games will go on, and we’ll still be in 2 wars. It will not be Eden or Armageddon. It’ll be more like Newark or Scranton, which sucks bad enough.
EDIT x2: It could be worse.
LAND O’ LAKES, Fla. (AP) – A nudist community on Florida’s west coast wants to establish the first clothing-optional polling site. The Caliente Resorts, located in Pasco County north of Tampa, has approached election officials about the idea.
If so, I need to move residences. Are there any all girls campuses in Northern Virginia?
EDIT x3: SGT Doug from Ohio checking in (a former Team Leader of mine):
I voted in Avon Ohio. Very long lines. VERY VERY long. Hearing that machines are broke in Columbus and people are abandoning the lines. Beautiful Day in Ohio, my suburb went fine.
EDIT x4: My internet wife checks in from Deepest Red Texas.
cranked it out early today to go vote before work, everyone said the lines were going to be terrible. There was one person in front of me and he had a very hard time filling out his registration form. I spent the 15 minutes it took him to fill out his name and address checking out the ZZ Top Guitarist who was checking in the M-Z line, I think it’s great that they give back to the community! I will now never go anywhere without my camera because I’m sad that I can’t share him with you all. Finally it’s my turn and I sign in he stamps my card and I go about filling in my bubbles. Feeling certain I have chosen correctly I insert my ballot into the machine and ask for my sticker….Evidently precinct 1411 in Carrollton TX does not get stickers…I feel so gypped, I don’t know that I feel like my ballot is in safe hands, I think I need to vote again.
EDIT x5: Just got off the phone with my buddy David Bellavia. Bells tells me that he waited in line 2 hours in the Buff-burbs to vote. Said his precinct was all conservatives. Said he was unsure about his House race though as the GOP candidate has been hit with some late dirt that may derail him. (Ed Note: Good, GOP deserves it, and hopefully in 2010 we can welcome Rep Bellavia into the House.) Said OPERATION MURTHAPALOOZA went well. Said Murtha has fallen to taking credit for everything in Jonestown. He said every building in Town is the “John P. Murtha something-or-other.” A Russell victory would make David a happy former SSG.
EDIT x6: My battlebuddy from the Army just called me. He voted in Montgomery Village, Maryland. He apparently hasn’t showered, shaved or changed clothes in three days. He took the liberty of telling everyone present that he was very excited to cast his vote for Obama so he could immediately see his Gov’t checks go up. He’s just to the right of Attila the Hun, but I guess when you look like a bum, you go with what will work.
Category: Politics
I’ll see your “Diamond Joe” Quimby and raise you a Sideshow Bob:
Your guilty consciences may make you vote Democratic, but secretly you all yearn for a Republican president to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king!
In the immortal words of “Diamond Joe”: Err, ah…I hereby delare Mob Rule!
I live within walking distance of my polling place as well. It’s in a meeting room in the firehouse in North Chili, NY. I got there at 7am and signed in right away (I was within the first 20 people to vote) and voted. We have the old fashioned voting machines with the levers. I voted for McCain/Palin, Randy Kuhl for US Congress, Jim Alesi for NY State Senate, Jeff Morrow for State Assembly and the Conservative Justices for NY Supreme Court and my hero, Cheryl Dinolfo for Monroe County Clerk. You may ask, why would a County Clerk be a hero of mine? She filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles concerning the granting of drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, that was being ordered by then NY Governor, Eliot “I like to hump call girls” Spitzer. Cheryl Dinolfo led the “Rebellion of the County Clerks” that headed off Spitzers lunacy.
I felt great after voting and usually always do. There’s something about exercising my right to vote that jazzes me, especially in a historic election like this one!
I also had an older woman crying at my voting site ( 2 hour line). But she started crying because she said she hadn’t seen so many people out to vote in over 20 years, and was just so happy to see that many people that she didn’t care who was getting our vote.
My wife went out before 7 and waited only about 20 minutes after the polls opened to vote. When she got home, I dressed in my ALR leathers and put the 3X5 flag on the bike with the McCain/Palin bumper stickers on, and went to the local elementary school where we vote. There were only about 20 people in front of me and I was finished in about 20 minutes also. As I was leaving there was no line at all. I voted for McCain, Chamblis and Broun, plus other and sundry local officials, most of whom were running unopposed.
TSO: Chambliss will be an interesting one. If he loses, it could be a LONG LONG day for the GOP. I just hope my buddy Jim Marshall comes out on top in Macon area. He may be a Dem, which most of y’all hate, but I love the idea of him backing the war when he’s in a caucus meeting with Murtha. (Who hopefully will be packing up his office tomorrow.)
It’s nice to know more and more people will join the ranks of the non-voting crowd as time wears on. TSO’s analysis (and reasons offered) for voting for/against someone place him closer to the non-voting crowd than I think he realizes. Rest assured we’ll welcome you with open arms when that day comes, buddy!
One thing is for sure, though: it’ll always be easier to bitch than to cheerlead. Something tells me the “conservatives” on this site are, at the very least, sheepishly smiling at the prospects of the volume of material an Obama presidency will afford them to complain about.
TSO: I will always vote. Always, even though I know for a near fact that the candidates will lose. If Afghans can brave jihadists to vote, I can walk 700 meters and stand in line. I am rather sublime today in actuality. An Obama win coupled with GOP losses will do 2 things. We will be able to test their theories against the ones I believe in (free market etc) and teh GOP *may* start listening to its people and not to the consultants. The Obama decade though will be good bloggin, no fight there.
There is no way I can fault you for feeling sublime, TSO. My hope for you is that those feelings will intensify/evolve into genuine concern over the entire mechanism of voting at some point. Someday, perhaps.
Along the same vein, the only good I see coming from an Obama regime is the small shred of hope that millions of people will get their hearts broken by the Messiah. I (half) jokingly tell my Obama-loving friends to call me when Obama breaks their heart…that their candidate cannot possibly live up to any of his campaign promises. And when that day comes I hope many of them realize that Obama’s intention was never to live up to his promises but rather to enhance and expand the power of the state.
But really, the same could be said for McCain if he were considered a rock-solid conservative. Altering the size and influence of the world’s largest government cannot possibly happen at the ballot box. Dems hope to not have to pay their mortgage, Repubs hope to gain some semblance of a free market. Both are childish fantasies that continue to lure in the masses.
But I think we can agree that somewhere Rush Limbaugh is smiling – his ratings are about to go through the roof!
TSO So much for your strong 1st Amendment support.Thought that might be E.W. not voting for Mac.You deserve to lose.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
What the F are you blathering about? When have I ever said I wanted a religion established, Congress to abridge the freedom of speech or press, or take away assemblage and grievance airing rights?
You aren’t even trying anymore assclown.
And how can I lose when I am not running?
TSO To clarify.Repubs deserve to lose which they will.You seem to selectively post my comments.Enjoy the day.
TSO: a) apparently Jonn did that because you were being an ass. b) that wouldn’t violate the First Amendment, you should brush up on jurisprudence. c) I agree GOP does deserve to lose many of the various elections. I believe I even pointed out one in particular (VA Senate).
You guys talk about ass so much you should probably all buy saddles.Go cling to your guns,say a few prayers,grab some Jack D.and enjoy the beatdown your party has brought on itself.VA.will put Obama over the top early tonite.Dem sweep.Enjoy
TSO: Richard….have you been drinking this morning? I have no guns, say no prayers and drink Jim Beam, not Jack D. How do you feel about spaces between sentences? Are you fundamentally against them? But enough of this bipartisan lovefest Richard, tell us what you are really thinking? Did you have a GOP doctor with big hands do a proctology exam recently, or did your wife (husband?) leave you for a conservative?
Eddie Willers said:
But I think we can agree that somewhere Rush Limbaugh is smiling – his ratings are about to go through the roof!
If Obama is elected and the House and Senate Dems gain a filibuster-proof majority, chances are real good that the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” will be reinstituted and Rush and other conservative talk show hosts could be driven off the air. From NY senior Senator Chuck “You Farley” Schumer this morning on FOX News:
“I think we should all be fair and balanced, don’t you?”
“The very same people who don’t want the Fairness Doctrine want the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] to limit pornography on the air. I am for that… But you can’t say government hands off in one area to a commercial enterprise but you are allowed to intervene in another. That’s not consistent.”
Here’s the link to the youtube of Schumer discussing the “Fairness Doctrine” on FOX this morning:
Schumer: Fairness Doctrine ‘Fair and Balanced’
In case any one is interested…Here in Paragauy the ex-pat community voted by absentee, weeks ago. We had a party together. ALL Republicans!!!
Jonn wrote: Yay, JM. I guess we can call Paraguay for McCain.
RV, I agree – the fairness doctrine is a disgusting idea…one that will most likely pass without too much resistance, especially considering the make-up of the Congress.
I used to listen to Air America for kicks. Ed Schultz used to whine non-stop about not being allowed on to Armed Forces Radio while bemoaning the fact that Rush “enjoyed” one hour. Although already heavily regulated, I feel like radio is one of the last remaining modes of communication where people (i.e. the market) drives success and failure.
As for Richard Wheeler, no one likes a sore winner. Get over it. In a matter of months you’ll be blaming Bush for all the problems Obama encounters while in office. What’s worse is you’ll actually believe the arguments you’ll make. Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a simple mind (Thoreau)…I’ll help you connect the dots as soon as you discover the space bar on your keyboard.
Eddie I want to thank you for not voting.You and your fellow coservs.obvious lack of passion for Mac’s candidacy contributed to Obama’s victory.Palin will fall even harder should she run in 2012.