ND:tBF Rattles His Pencil-Thin “Sabre” Again

| May 14, 2014

According to South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin, North Korea has completed preparations for it’s 4th nuclear test.  The test could be conducted it “at any moment”.

Kim also indicated that it was possible that North Korean preparations are a bluff.  North Korea has been threatening for weeks to conduct another nuclear test in protest of what it calls US and South Korean “hostility”, along with international condemnation, of it’s recent missile test activities.

South Korea threatened “serious consequences” should North Korea conduct another nuclear test.  Those consequences were not specified.

Tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen in recent months.  Last week, results of a Joint US-ROK investigation into drone activity in South Korea were released.  The investigation included that 3 drones found in South Korea in March and April were in fact North Korean surveillance missions.

Rhetoric from both Koreas these days is getting pretty damn heated and nasty, too.  North Korean leadership has recently turned very insulting and racist in its public statements, while South Korean leadership has said North Korea “must disappear soon.”

I guess ND:tBF was tired of Boko Haram getting all the recent press, and decided to pitch a public tantrum. (smile)

Stay tuned.  This could get interesting.

Oh, and the photo of ND:tBF here is priceless. (smile)

Category: Foreign Policy, Military issues, North Korea

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I think it’s time for another red line to be drawn by the POTUS and the Ketchup Queen’s husband. That’ll show’em.

The Other Whitey

I’m guessing the Boy King of Norkland didn’t get enough quality time with the old man when he was a kid.

Old Trooper

As with Russia protecting their Ukrainian interests; China will, once again, be backing lil’ needle dick, so nothing is going to happen and all they’re gonna do is bitch in the media about each other. Sure, a few shots may be fired that take out some sea turtles, but that’s about it.


That thing is a sabre? Seriously?

Hell, my cat has a bigger one.


And it’s barbed……you cat’s equipment…..not TNDBF Kim Jong Untz, Untz, Untz, Untz, Untz 😀


So let’s see, we’re going to draw down our forces by 30,000 over two years. Obama, meanwhile wants us in Nigeria, Ukraine now maybe North Korea. Anywhere in the world that will make him look, you know, strong, for this years elections and 2016. I see a big mess coming and no body left to clean it up except the whole world, including the worthless UN, looking to America…again.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like his Daddy, ‘lil pudgy Kim was “Feeeewring oh, so roonery!”.