Inmates running the asylum

| May 8, 2014

Retired Lieutenant General Frank Wiercinski wants to be President of the University of Hawaii, but somehow, the students get a say in the process of the hiring. He appeared in front of the student body the other day, reports the Honolulu Star-Advertiser and it wasn’t pretty;

A few dozen people in the audience held signs and posters that read, “Demilitarize Our Education,” “Universities Shall Serve the Community Not Promote Militarization” and “Hawaiian Values?”

Some booed and hissed as he talked about his leadership style, areas where he thinks UH can improve, and why he’s interested in the job before a standing-room-only auditorium on the UH-Manoa campus.

Stank-ass hippies, the whole lot of them. The general presented his case to them, and of course, his qualifications for the job went right over their pointy heads;

“I make no excuse that I served in the United States military. … I’ve stood and protected villages, I’ve built schools, I’ve gathered governors together … and I’ve buried 163 of my friends,” he said. “But what I’ve learned in the last eight years … my daily job was building consensus with leaders, it was working the budget, a declining budget — oh, by the way, catapulted by sequestration and trying to make everything fit.”

“We didn’t want to target him necessarily as an individual, but we wanted to send a really strong message to the Board of Regents and to the university as a whole about what our vision for UH is and how this is at odds with their commitment to make this university a Hawaiian place of learning,” she said.

“I think he made it very clear he intends to cater to the Asia-Pacific military buildup at the forefront of the Obama administration’s military strategy. We’re seeing it nationally, as the military infiltrates universities to be its research institutions. We’re trying to send a message, not just to him, that we will not stand for that.”

So, who cares what a bunch of snot-nosed little brats think? They just pay their tuition and get their degrees in Hemp Weaving or whatever the hell the nimrods take in school these days. Or not. If they don’t like the president, they can go back to coke snorting, because that’s what they’re going to do after college anyway.

The purpose of college is learning, not dictating to your betters about how you want your life to be. If you want to do that go back home and order your parents around. I’m sure they miss that.

Hiring a college president is what adults do, not a bunch of wet-behind-the-ears ne’er-do-wells. And, of course, the media tells us that we veterans are the reason that there is a cultural divide between the military and the rest of the country.

Category: I hate hippies

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Something tells me they weren’t even paying attention to what he was saying.

Laughing Wolf

Even if they did, I am willing to bet there was no comprehension of what he said. That lies well beyond them.


If I was one of the people in charge of hiring the new president, I’d pick him just to piss the dumbass dirty hippies off.

But I’m an asshole like that.


Ahhh another fine example of the “tolerant left” in action.
Quite a cultural divide developing in this Nation


They’re only tolerant of people with a similar viewpoint.

But I agree with what the general is trying to do. And there needs to more people like him – Conservatives entering academia. The progressives started their guerilla campaign against the Constitution over 100 years ago. They realized that one of the key battlefields was education. If you control what’s taught, you control what people think. Conservatives need to assert themselves here and I hope that there are more like LTG (RET) Frank Wiercinski to follow.

James in Gulf Breeze

The worst thing we ever did was to give the schools over to the Liberals. We have paid for that with each subsequent generation.


special snowflakes always get what they want

A Proud Infidel®™

Given the pot they smoked before going there and screeching, will they even remember being there?

Make Mine Moxie

Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


Dude! Nice one!


It’s, like, all about, like, DA MAN, and the Military Industrial Complex, like like, holding us down, MAN!


Du-u-u-d-e, that was, like, two years ago. Nomesayin’?


Great display of useful idiots. They successfully completed their mission – to get their handlers’ point of view published, presented as if it were original to the useful idiots. The responses had nothing to do with what he said, only what they wanted the media to distribute.


As a retired general officer, presumably there are companies, non profits, or other organizations that would be clamoring to hire him.

He’s getting a taste of what his tenure at the university would be like. Why would he want to put up with that kind of grief?

I mean, I realize you don’t get to be a general without having a pretty thick skin, and without having a lot of “drive” to accomplish difficult tasks, I get that.

Just seems like two things are being made abundantly clear to the good general: 1: The university seems to be populated with privileged loudmouths whose self-importance is exceeded only by their ignorance and 2.: that the school’s administration is not going to back him up in any conflict with said morons.

Given those two facts, I would think there was a little voice inside the general’s head saying “RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!” 😀


Well, between these turds and the Rutgers students who protested against Condeleeza Rice speaking at their graduation, we are seeing a wave of stupid emanating from our college campus’.

What I cannot understand is why these college administrators allow this level of involvement from a bunch of long hairs and neer do well’s who three years ago were living with mommy and daddy and throwing a fit because they had to wear braces. Go pass your classes, which is what I thought college was about. Well that and drinking.

Another accomplished person shouted down by the mob. Great job U of H. You have perpetuated teh stupid. “I weep for the future” (Ferris Bueller).


MGySgtRet…Sir you are absolutely correct. Students are there to learn, not run the university. They don’t have enough life experience or common sense to have input as to how the place is run or who runs it. If they don’t like the new head of the university, pack up their bongs and go register some place else. Until then, sit down and STFU!


Yeah, there have to be other colleges that would take them, bongs and all. Wait, no waves, man, nothing like the quality of choom available there. Besides, Washington state is wet, Colorado is cold most of the time.

Pinto Nag

“What I cannot understand is why these college administrators allow this level of involvement from a bunch of long hairs and neer do well’s…”

Because the long hairs and neer do well’s are in power now. They have the WH and the Justice Department, they have the media, and they have the money (from willing contributors and unwilling tax payers, both).

If the General has any sense, he’ll get as far away from that campus as is humanly possible, before he finds himself turned into the proverbial hood ornament.


Hated Hawaii….


As the good ol’ platoon sergeant use to say….

Sit down and shut up.

Mr Wolf

They were there because there wasn’t any Occupy Waikiki protest that day…


If the general does not get the job because the students have a say, and they do not want him because of his military background, will he be able to sue them for discrimination. Because of his military background. Sue them for enough of their budget to make it hurt. That would be an excellent lesson for making grown up decisions.