Yeah, Those “Good Times” Are Really Rolling . . . .

| April 29, 2014

Remember, the economy is recovering.  Good times are here!  Economic problems are a thing of the past.

Well, maybe not.  Seems like in real terms (e.g., inflation-adjusted dollars), men working full-time today make less than they did 40 years ago.

What about women working full-time, you ask?  Well, that peak was years ago, too – in 2007, to be precise.

So tell me:  how’s that “wonderful economic recovery” coming for you, folks?  From my perspective, it doesn’t really look all that good.  But maybe that’s just me.

But not to worry, my friends.  The current Administration says they’re not to blame, and that if we just do what they say things will straighten out “real soon now”.

Problem is, we’ve been hearing pretty much that same “song and dance” from them for 5+ years now.  And I don’t know about you, but from my perspective things are no better off now than they were 5 years ago. Instead, they kinda look worse.

Fewer people are working (percentage wise) than they were in early 2009.  More are on foodstamps.  More are drawing “disability” instead of working.  Hell, we’re short well over 5 million full-time jobs just to get back to the same proportion of the population working regularly as we had in early 2009 – let alone make any real progress.

Don’t even get me started on the deficit.  We’ve added over 64% to the US Federal debt in just over 5 1/4 years.  And the current budget proposals from the current Administration add nearly $1.1 trillion to the Federal debt in the next two years alone.

And don’t forget that “success story of the Century” – the introduction of that wonder-of-wonders, ObamaCare.  It’s rear-loaded, cost-wise – but it’s already screwing up things by the numbers.  When the real cost of ObamaCare actually starts coming due in about 5 years, well – Katie bar the door.

Whatever this Administration is doing – it ain’t working.  Except maybe to improve a few folks’ golf games.

Oh, that ain’t working
That’s the way we do it 
Get our money for nothing
Get golf trips for free . . . .

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Economy

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And home ownership is now at 1995 levels … Actual level … Not adjusted for population growth.

I isn’t a mathimatition … But I know that ain’t good!


I have done alright. Taxes are killing me. I have paid in the past two years easily the equivalent for 2 “entitlement recipients” per year. Is it too much to ask if they can swing by and cut my grass weekly?


Sorry. That would be a violation of their “disability.”

The Other Whitey

Let’s see, under second round of the Bush Administration I was making roughly half of my current salary, was making a monthly truck payment, renting a house for slightly less than my current monthly mortgage payment, had zero tax deductions, no wife, no kid, and was going shooting twice a week, and blowing all kinds of money on dates, Vegas trips, hunting trips, fishing trips, guns, ammo, Xbox games, porn, and all the other indoor & outdoor toys a single guy wastes money on. And I was still adding at least $500 to the nest egg every month.

Today, my salary has almost doubled through promotion and step raises, I’m married with a child and claiming appropriate exemptions, the truck is paid off, I own a house for slightly more per month than I was paying in rent, I go shooting roughly twice a year, haven’t bought a new gun in months, hardly ever take my wife out on dates, and save every last nickel & dime we possibly can. So how are we doing financially? Paycheck to paycheck. I currently have a grand total of $315.00 to my name, and I’m hoping we can stretch groceries and gas to last until after payday, God willing the roof doesn’t leak and the water heater doesn’t blow up (again). Now THIS is prosperity! All hail the Glorious Leader and his stellar economic acumen!

I know I’m a lot better off than a lot of people, more’s the pity. If this is a recovery, I’d sure hate to see a recession!


Sorry, old man, the key words there are “married with a child”. You will continue to be lacking disposable income and time for about 20 years… learn to enjoy it.


I keep my grocery receipts. Some things change in price from week to week, other items stay the same or change a little. However, milk has gone up a full $1/gallon in less than a year. Bread has increased by $.75 per loaf, less than a year. Gas has gone up by more than $1.50/gallon in less than 4 months. Those are only a few examples. Budget is stretched so tight it squeaks.

Don’t tell me I’m in Prosperity City. I know better.

2/17 Air Cav

Bacon. The price of bacon is unbelievable. And it’s no longer a pound but 12 oz. Friggin bacon. It’s what–90% fat?


I’ve noticed a few things like that, for a couple of years now.

Just praying we don’t wind up like post-WWI Germany – the Weimar Republic.

Common Sense

I haven’t had a raise or bonus in over 4 years. My company provides services to newspapers, which are sinking fast. I’m of an age where if I were to lose my job, I may not find another, certainly not at my salary.

My husband’s company just sold his part of the business to another company. The new company has cut vacation time and offers fewer benefits for higher premiums. Wages are only good through the end of the year, then who knows. They all had to re-apply for their jobs, my husband has been there 10 years. He likes his job, but is considering moving on. I think he can do better elsewhere in a different industry.

Our kids are all out of the house, which should mean lower food and housing costs, but food and utility costs keep going up. We’ve also been hit by much higher taxes as we’ve lost our deductions. Our home also needs a lot of updating after 14 years of kids and dogs. So right when we should be saving like crazy, we’re spending.

On the bright side, we are both in good health, both employed (at least for now), and have some equity in our home. Not a lot of savings yet, but not too much debt either. All of our kids are doing well, self-sufficient, our daughter’s married to a great guy, our eldest just got a new, better job, an offer that came out of the blue. Our daughter is in line for a full-time tech job, in addition to her Guard job, which would give them a lot of security.

I have hope that things may turn around after the vote this fall. It’s definitely looking that way in Colorado. If we’re disappointed, Wyoming here we come. No state income tax, lower taxes and cost of living, and we could have no mortgage for a similarly-sized place on 10 acres.

So we have our fingers crossed that there is hope for the future.


Don’t worry, the president is going to “pivot” to the economy (again). He pivots so much it looks like he’s doing the Hokey-Pokey

2/17 Air Cav

Did someone say The Hokey-Pokey? Please excuse the toilet paper hanging from Elmo’s butt.