Yea, Verily, I Say Unto Thee . . .
. . . the Millenia is at hand. The signs have appeared.
Wanna guess who’s calling for the POTUS’s impeachment now? Go ahead – guess.
Now, tell the truth: did you guess Ralph Nader?
You should have. Seriously
Just another example of the “stopped clock principle”, I guess. Nader is a leftist idiot and a Progressive loon of the first magnitude. The linked article makes that quite clear.
But it’s still great to read about Nader calling for the POTUS’s impeachment. (smile)
Category: Liberals suck, Who knows
Ralph who? Nadir, you say? As in bottom of the barrel, Nadir?
OooooohhhhhHHH…NadEr. With an “E.” Right. Got it. “Unsafe at Any Speed,” Got it. Moving on.
LebbenB…yea Ralph Nader the ass hole that fucked with my ’63 Corvair and got it taken off the market.
That looney old bastard is still alive?