Covering for the Emporer and his lack of clothes

| April 30, 2014

According to the Washington Times, Judicial Watch has been hunkered down over the email records of the State Department during the Benghazi consulate raid that cost American lives and they’ve found evidence, they say, of the bureaucrats covering for the incompetence at the White House;

The main point of the White House team’s strategy was to paint the terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video and not a failure of policy,” Judicial Watch said in an emailed release. Meanwhile, the State Department — at the same time that message was being shaped — initially considered the incident simply an “attack,” and perhaps even a kidnap try, the watchdog said.

The email from Mr. Rhodes, dated Sept. 14, 2012, read in part: “Goal: … To underscore that these protests are rooted in [an] Internet video and not a broader failure or policy.”


In the email, Mr. Rhodes also advises key White House and administration officials to make sure they presented Mr. Obama as “steady and statesmanlike” whenever speaking of the crisis. Another “goal,” he said, in his email, was to “reinforce the president and administration’s strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges,” Judicial Watch reported.

I guess the fact that it was less than two months before the election had nothing to do with the coverup and keeping information from voters (many of whom wouldn’t have noticed anyway).

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Old Trooper

How many people died in Watergate??? Yeah, that’s what I thought.


To this administration, Benghazi = Politics as usual.

I’m surprised that someone in this administration didn’t use the old “eggs and omelets” saying. Lying punks.

AW1 Tim

This is another reason why it is so important for conservatives to hold the house and take the senate this fall.

Unless they can hold both houses, there’s no way that impeachment proceedings can be brought up and successfully voted upon.


Impeachment can fly now. All that requires is a simple majority in the House.

Barring something along the lines of the discovery of compromising photos of the POTUS engaging in unnatural acts with an underage dwarf or a farm animal, removal from office is a lost cause. Removal requires a 2/3 vote in the Senate in favor. And while the conservative side may retake the Senate this year, there’s no way in hell they’ll end up with 2/3 of the Senate seats.


A supermajority.


For conviction in the Senate and removal, yes – specifically, the Constitution requires 2/3 or more to vote in favor of conviction and removal.

For charges to be referred to the Senate for trial – no. Only a simple majority in the House is required to refer impeachment charges to the Senate for trial.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Harry Reid is a big fan of senate simple majorities…I understand it won’t resolve an impeachment, but I can’t wait to see it used to drop every upcoming turd proposed for a federal judiciary right out of the picture. That’s the problem with rules changes they often come back and break off in your own ass….and it couldn’t happen to a nicer piece of garbage than Mr. Reid.


Roger, your last.

I despise the shadow that waste of oxygen casts on the ground.


Pfft-it’s going to take more than some seductive dwarf or sexy quadruped to make impeachment proceedings go forward against “the One”.

The Pubbie leadership wants no part of the chaos that would emerge from such a circumstance, what with the CBC screaming racism every two seconds and the left and the media (but I repeat myself) rediscovering the Obama that they loved in 2008-especially given that the best bet for the GOP in 2016 is to build a very fragile coalition of purple states that rely on the whims of the notoriously flighty “swing” voters.

Honestly I think he could ride a cow while it stomped a naked dwarf to death on live TV and still not face impeachment. Hell, I can’t imagine what he might do that would drop his approval ratings below 30%.


Obama could sacrafice puppies on an alter to Satan on the White House lawn and the Liberals would still love him.

Pinto Nag

No, it’s worse than that, Twist. He could CELEBRATE MASS on the White House lawn, and the Liberals would IGNORE it!

The Other Whitey

While I agree that the Glorious Leader needs to go, anything other than the end of his term will only result in something even worse: President Shotgun Joe Biden. Keep in mind that that’s the only reason that dipshit was ever on the ticket in the first place, and as such probably constitutes the only smart thing Obama has ever done while in government.


‘found evidence, they say, of the bureaucrats covering for the incompetence at the White House’. — No. Really?

Man, it is HARD to turn of the sarcasm button over this report. But then, most of us live in the REAL world, not some imaginary land made of moonbeams and wishful thinking, where everything is fine. Everything is just fine. Nothing is wrong. Everything is just fine.


If he was as good at governance as he is at taking stupid assed selfies this country would be a fucking juggernaut!!


“Mr. Rhodes also advises key White House and administration officials to make sure they presented Mr. Obama as “steady and statesmanlike” whenever speaking of the crisis”.

That’s a tough one there. No matter how his liberal ass kissers saw him, the rest of the world, like Putin, looks at Benghazi and gets out the big “FUCK UP BIG TIME” stamp.


Never known a less “Statesman” like President EVER.


Sparks: in terms of looking/acting like a “statesman”, IMO Jimmy the Clueless was worse. That guy looked and acted like a small-town storekeeper when dressed in a tux.

Regarding actually being one, they’re both IMO about equally bad.

Roger in Republic

The only way Obama will ever be a statesman is to die! A politician becomes a statesman on the occasion of his burial.

2/17 Air Cav

In that case, I hope he becomes a statesman very—no, I don’t want a visit from the suits in the black Navigator.


I grew up in the USAF, I have many friends who father’s did not come home and I will never forget the images of Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton bold faced lying to the families of these four brave men over their dead bodies. They used these families as a prop to further their politics. How calloused.


You are damn right they did Deb and the press protected them and carried their water for them and tried to make this all go away. Thank God there are still a few people out there who want the truth to prevail. Obama is not walking away from Benghazi and hopefully it blows up in Hillary’s face too.


From your lips to the ears of the Almighty!

Open Channel D

It’s worth noting that Ben Rhodes, the principal architect of this fairy tale, is the brother of Dan Rhodes, the President of CBS News and the person largely responsible for muzzling Sharyl Attkinsson until she resigned.

This scandal would take down any other Presidency. But it won’t take down Bodaprez–nothing will. That would be racist.


So it would seem. Alas …

2/17 Air Cav

And John “Kleenex” Bonehead TO THIS DAY has prevented a House special committee on Benghazi, and all of the powers that such a committee would have in ferreting out the truth about the Benghazi Cover-up. Rice got a promotion out of it. Wide load wanted to know what difference the deaths make now. She wasn’t under oath–by special arrangement. This whole thig stunk from Day One and it stinks today. The only person hung out to dry was the guy who produced the video that Rice kept citing a week after the deadly fiasco. The weight of Federal law enforcement was rained down on him–for a minor probation violation.