John Kerry surprises the world that he’s an idiot

The other day, Josh Rogin, a reporter for the Daily Beast, sneaked into a meeting of the Trilateral Commission in Washington on Friday and recorded our Secretary of State, John Kerry, when he threatened that Israel will be considered “an apartheid state” if they don’t capitulate to the Palestinian terrorists, Hamas, and adopt a two-state solution. Of course, he didn’t mention that Hamas doesn’t recognize Israel as a legitimate state, so what would be the point.
But, that commission meeting was supposed to be closed to reporters, according to Politico and if Rogan hadn’t sneaked into that meeting, we wouldn’t know what Kerry was saying about our foreign policy behind our backs. Well, Kerry has begun to back away from those comments. From the State Department website;
I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan, political purposes, so I want to be crystal clear about what I believe and what I don’t believe.
First, Israel is a vibrant democracy and I do not believe, nor have I ever stated, publicly or privately, that Israel is an apartheid state or that it intends to become one. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that without a shred of doubt.
Second, I have been around long enough to also know the power of words to create a misimpression, even when unintentional, and if I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two peoples living side by side in peace and security is through a two state solution.
Yeah, well, you can’t rewind the tape, Horseface. You said what you said and we got a glimpse of what you really think about the only democracy in the Middle East. So, some Senators, specifically Ted Cruz, are now calling for Kerry’s resignation;
The Texas GOP senator said he read Kerry’s comments with “great sadness” but that those type of remarks are precisely why he voted against the former Massachusetts senator’s nomination last year.
Yeah, but how many Republican Senators knew that Kerry was an irrational ideologue and confirmed his appointment anyway? They blocked John Bolton’s appointment as ambassador to the United Nations, but confirmed Kerry? Why is everyone so surprised that Kerry went off the rails? He’s been off the rails since 1971. Cruz is right that he shouldn’t have been confirmed in the first place, but the damage is done.
Category: Foreign Policy, John Kerry
This bozo is such a dingleberry …
But hey, he fits right in with this administration. Birds of a feather, and all that.
I’m pretty sure his remarks didn’t surprise anyone. Everyone pretty much knows he’s an idiot.
Yep, Kerry removed any doubt that he was an idiot years ago. These days, he just confirms it. Over and over again.
It is not just him, he is just the one who said it out loud in front of a reporter that he did not know was there.
The current occupants of the White House have not exactly been friendly to Israel.
I think a great number of us have heard the talk of apartheid related to Israel before from the far left. Are any of us really shocked to find out it is emminating from the Sec. of State now? I would be doubly shocked if we were not to hear rumors of it coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave as well.
And how bad is the Anti-Israel bias in this administration?
It’s so bad that the State department as well as the WH Staff will NOT recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. They will not mention it, discuss it, or even allow it to be printed on official US Government maps.
The truth is that Israel has a claim to that land going back more than 3000 years. The “Palestinians” are a made-up people, used as buffers by the surrounding Arab states who consistently deny those people citizenship or even refugee status in their own nations.
Israel is the only true friend that these United States have over in the Middle east. It’s time we made that perfectly clear to the rest of the wold, and started explaining to the rest of the arad countries that they won’t get another dime of US assistance (in any form) unless and until they deal with the Palestinians and put an end to this stupidity.
Yeah except for one simple truth Tim, the Israelis managed to grab the only land that doesn’t have any oil so the politics of balancing the concerns of the great free Arab nations is very important to a fossil fuel resource consuming nation like ours. If we had bothered to spend some time after the 1978 oil shortages to actually spend time and energy on alternatives the politics of the middle east might look very different today.
Instead we are friends with nations whose internal politics are an affront to the culture of a free people in a democratic republic. Those friends are a disgusting breed of oppressive religious zealots who do business with us to support their lifestyles but who hate us for our beliefs.
Israel is indeed our only true friend, we would have been wise to wipe out the rest of the Arab governments 40 years ago or done more to increase our self reliance. We chose a different path and we’ve been reaping all the benefits of that for those same 40 years.
True enough, but the real underlying truth is that we get 20% or less of our oil from anyone in the Middle East. Despite everything the media writes about “war for oil, et al” it simply isn’t true.
Almost 70% of our imported oil comes from (in order) Canada, Mexico & Venezuela.
The folks with real dependency on ME oil is Europe, and parts of Africa. If we lost access to all ME oil this very afternoon, it would hurt for a few months, but we have enough of our own we can, if we chose to, completely cut off our oil flow from the ME.
As it stands, our true weakness is in refining capacity. IIRC, we haven’t built a new refinery in more than 20 years because the ecotards keep tying it up in courts. Thus we have shortages when a refinery breaks down or gets damaged by a hurricane, tornado, etc.
We have the oil reserves to run our own nation for more than 200 years. What we need are new refineries.
Europe being hurt means we get hurt that’s why we do this dance. It’s not just oil to the US. I should have been clearer in my comments. As fast as the last 40 have gone the next 200 will pass quickly as well. I’m hoping we find some leaders who will lead and create domestic policy for alternatives that might make the US the exporter of alternate sources. I think anything we do to render the politics of the Middle East irrelevant beyond our association with Israel is a great move. Keeping our NATO allies happy and our Arab allies happy, and our Pakistani, Iraqi, Afghani allies happy is a Sysiphean task to be sure…
and Jerkoff Kerry is not in any way shape or form up to the task.
I’m pretty sure he finds tying his shoe laces a challenge … 🙂
Well, at least we can wake up every day and rejoice in the fact that this pompous horses ass was not elected president.
Bad enough that he is Sec. of State. Goddamn that job seems to be the dumping ground for failed Dem presidential hopefuls. First “Cankles” Clinton and now “Swiftboat” Kerry. What the fuck, did Teddy Kennedy die or something? Oh, sorry…….too soon??…..
So in summary, Kerry is just who we thought he would be, an elitist fucktard who will sell Israel down the river in the blink of an eye. Just like his boss, the great and powerful Obama. How the Jewish citizens of this country continue to vote for these idiots is beyond me.
Apparently, the Jewish citizens of this country are
liberalProgressives first and foremost, not Jewish.Agreed. And that is a damn shame.
That has always puzzled me.
Me too, Old Soldier. I could never figure that out.
We already know that he’s an idiot. He doesn’t need to continue to prove it.
And what exactly do you mean, “I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone…?” You do not control what questions we ask of you. You may not like the questions we ask, but you, who cannot control your own lunacy, do not control my questions.
Of course, you could regain a bit of control over our questions if you would release all your military records.
Well, he’s just one of many incompetent morons in this administration. It starts at the top with this President, then it filters down to that walking, talking, gaff machine Joe Biden, then goes to sKerry, Powers, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, etc. A bunch of neophyte children attempting to sit at the big table. They haven’t grown up since they were throwing temper tantrums in the 60’s (except for Obama, who was too baked at the age of 22 to put a rational, lucid thought together).
“I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone….” He will not allow? Who the hell does he think he is, the bastard. And that was some “private meeting.” Every country in Europe has a member on that questionable organization, not to mention Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Mexico, and Canada, anong others. I guess Kerry thought (?) they would all keep his little comments to themselves.
But… but… it was gonna be his next ‘thing’ before he was da Prezzie, don’tcha know?
Oh, just so you know, Valerie Jarrett is in Chicago now, discussing HER plans for some program. HER plans. Isn’t she an advisor, not a legislator?
The only thing any of those people have done recently is embarrass this country in full view of the rest of the world.
“The only thing any of those people have done recently is embarrass this country in full view of the rest of the world.”
So true, so true …
After SIX years of these kind of shenanigans from this administration, are we really that shocked at Kerry’s comments?
Sadly, I am not.
So when is Jane Fonda running for President?
I think she is required to be Secretary of State first according to current protocol.
At the risk of sounding crude, John Kerry should have been a blowjob.
At the risk of sounding cruder, why you talking bad about blowjobs?? : )
Uhh, ’cause I haven’t gotten one in a while, I guess. I’m married.
–Just kidding, in case my lovely wife happens to read this!
What’s the definition of marital foreplay?
Three hours of begging.
Only three? Newlyweds!
I was warned early on that wedding cake contains a chemical compound that neutralizes the female sex drive. This is why I convinced my wife that it was crazy-high in fat and carbs and would go straight to her ass. Granted, I was being a lying sack of shit on that one, as she has Skinny-Asian-Chick metabolism and couldn’t be fat if she tried, but desperate times call for desperate measures…
Seems to have worked so far! :))
Smart man!!
BUFFOON. The whole damn country is being run by the criminally insane.
Go look at the hatchet job on W, What George W Bush does not want the
world to know. You would think he is The Devil Incarnate. No such chop
jobs on Kerry, Clinton etc.