Boot on a stick regrets crucifixion

Blake sends us a link to the Air Force Times which reports that Joshua Klohr that former Marine sergeant who hung himself on a cross on Easter regrets that no one could figure out WTF he was doing;
Klohr, who was demoted to private, sentenced to a month in the brig, and discharged from the Corps last year after being convicted at special court-martial of insubordinate conduct, disobeying a superior officer, and failure to obey an order, said he believes he was railroaded out of the Corps, and his crucifixion stunt was the only way to bring attention to his case.
Yeah, well, his case didn’t need an attention brought to it. He chose to disobey lawful orders and he chose a court martial over some NJP. Then he chose to make a spectacle of himself. I’m sure we’ll read about him again when he makes some more choices that aren’t really in his interest. Did he think that the Marine Corps was going to let him back into the Corps when he did this? He wasn’t bringing any injustice to our attention, he was bringing himself to our attention. good job, boot, it worked. Now maybe someone will light him on fire and throw him off a roof like he did to that cat – you know, the thing that he was arrested for that he hid from the Corps when he enlisted.
Category: Shitbags
He was expelled from school and, when he was 18, set a kitty cat aflame before throwing it from a roof. According to the AF Times, Klohr “believes he was railroaded out of the Corps, and his crucifixion stunt was the only way to bring attention to his case.” Well, it worked, as Jonn points out. The world now knows what only the USMC knew about him abefore last week: Klohr is a criminal, a royal asshole, and an abject failure.
Boot on a Stick…
I like it…
The boy is short a few match sticks that is for sure.
Sounds like he used them on the cat.
“Life’s hard. It’s even harder when you’re stupid.” John Wayne
He claims to love being a Marine so much, yet he deliberately sucks at it…
Isn’t animal torture one of the traits of a serial killer?
Yes, as a matter of fact it is. If he takes a job as a clown, don’t hire him!
“It puts the lotion on, or it gets the hose!”
LebbenB…you’re killin me this morning! Coffee through the nose, onto the keyboard. 😀
Sorry, Brutha. I just calls’em like I sees’em.
Sparks, I found the solution to save keyboards and monitors from nasal coffee.
I have a box of Saran wrap handy in the event of a joyful spew moment.
Just keep screen and keyboard covered and replace wrap after any good spew. This site is a mother lode of many of good nasal coffee, or soda spews. //sarc
Just a thought!!
Retired Master…Thanks. By the way Diet Coke burns my nose like hell!
“Sparks, I found the solution to savekeyboards and monitors from nasal coffee.
I have a box of Saran wrap handy in the event of a joyful spew moment.
Just keep screen and keyboard covered and replace wrap after any good spew.”
Same thing works for midget pron.
Y’now those rubber keyboards that you can roll up? They’re waterproof enough you can rinse one off in the sink!!
Too late! This guy has already proven himself to be a complete and total ass clown.
I’ve seen guys like this all of my life. Bottom line, when when the Ess hits the fan (that they caused)…they become the victims and take on a martyr-like position. Sometimes their idiocy shines as they profess their “victimness.” Hanging on a cross is a perfect example of their delusional martyrdom. Fortunately the dots don’t connect with these clowns; but they never can see this.
He says that he wasn’t getting the attention he wanted? Yeah, we, like, got that.
So now you have it.
Our job is done.
More like “Shithead on a stick”, and yeah, many serial killers, rapists, etc. start off abusing animals as kids. The more I see of that dolt, the more convinced I am that his CoC realized he was nuts and used the Court martial as a means to jettison him from the USMC when he handed that to them!
Somehow, I don’t think we’re through with seeing this dolt in the news.
Agree – next time it will be for something that will make this stunt look like a walk in the park.
Fuck him! Set him on fire and throw him off a roof!
Here’s another story about this idjit. Like how he’s all surprised and stuff that the reaction he’s received about his stunt are the reverse of what he expected.
“Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each”
“Crucifixion or freedom?”
“Freedom! yea they said I’m suppose to be let go.” “Oh, jolly good then, off you go.” “Na I’m I just kiddin it’s crucifixion.” “Ha, you had me there.” “I know I got it, to the left, one cross, out the door.”
Sparks and Eggs, you can’t see it, but right now I’m giving you the international hand and arm signal for “Metal.”
I don’t know why military folks love Monty Python. My son showed no interest in Python growing up. He comes home on leave after Ranger School and he’s quoting Life of Brian and Holy Grail with me.
Big fan of the TV show as well. Especially the episode with the expedition to find Lake Pahoe. Oh, and Fawlty Towers too.
Because as much as we love the military there is a certain Python-esque idiocy that’s not only inevitable but completely unavoidable.
Therefore the Python jokes become far more humorous as a direct result of first hand experience of entrenched bureaucratic inanity.
Either that or I’m just pining for the fjords….
Yep-theater of the absurd.
One of the most side-splitingly hilarious things I have ever seen is the sketch where they are WWI soldiers who have to escape from a gas attack without enough masks. One of them is a Chaplain without any arms and they first draw straws, then play rock, paper, scissors-you get the idea.
“Could be worse-could be stabbed.”
Maybe Klohr is expecting help from the Libyan Suicide Squad.
“Libyan Suicide Squad”!?!
Splitters! He should seek out the crack People’s Suicide Squad of Libya!
Eggs…first LebbenB now you. Second snort of coffee on the computer! 😀
Jolly Good!!
They should have left him hanging there, covered him in bacon grease and let about 4 dozen feral, hungry cats go off on him.
This young man will be in the news again, probably for something that allows for a long term in a penitentiary. He is not wrapped very tight.
His wife and kid probably need to get out too.
MGySgtRet. In all seriousness, you are right. Those close to him need to start putting distance between him and them. He doesn’t seem far from another, more serious, display of victimization. (In his mind, in truth he is only a victim of his own making.)
He has no ability to relate actions with consequences. He’ll keep going until someone stops him — the hard and permanent way.
Should’ve left his whiny ass up there. Crows gotta eat too, ya know.
Klohr said his use of the Marine Corps uniform and a widely revered religious symbol were not intended to be sacrilegious or insulting to anyone.
Really? I’m about as non-religious as you will meet and even I understand that this jackass was going for full insulting, offensive, shock value with this crap. He wanted everyone to see that the military crucified him.
Well, everyone who has seen it has arrived at the same conclusion, that a giant dickhead with a criminal record dishonored himself while serving in the military and continues to dishonor himself with outlandish, reprehensible histrionic display.
You’re getting all the attention you deserve now dude. Hope you’re prepared for the bright lights in the big city.
VOV as a pretty religious person I agree. It was sacrilegious to me. I am a huge fan of freedom of speech and expression and served my country to defend my and your beliefs and the Constitution which protects our rights to them. Somethings, like this guy’s stunt, go beyond the pale of decent expression. Such as the Westboro Baptist Church and their antics.
Agreed, I also realize I need to sometimes tone down my comments regarding religion.
I’m not religious at all and I don’t understand any of it, in spite of having parents who were very different in their views about God than I am.
I have to remember to stop being a dick about what I say as well as nothing good comes from driving a wedge between us that doesn’t need to be there.
Thank you for the consistent kind words, I appreciate your time reading what I write.
Veritas Omnia Vincit…my brother, you are as welcome to your beliefs and expression of them as anyone in this country or on this blog and I would die to defend your beliefs or your lack of beliefs. You do not have to tone down anything for my sake or anyone else. From reading all your comments over the last couple of years, I have great respect for you as a thinker, writer and veteran. I wish I had half your skills at putting my thoughts to paper as you. So there is never any harm or foul against me in whatever you write. You are not and never have been, in my opinion a dick in any respect or any post. I don’t know when or in what branch you served but I thank you for your service to our country. By the way I would be remiss in my beliefs, if I did not add, if you want to know or understand anything about my beliefs, ask Jonn for my email. Have a good day brother.
VOV Sorry of I went overboard.
NO apology needed, you’ve never said a wrong thing to me my friend.
I meant that I sometimes write rather flippantly about religious beliefs and many times there is no need for me to do that…that is all.
VOV thanks for the reply. I appreciate it and the thought.
VOV…NOW I am hoping I have not offended you. That was my last thought and intention if I did so.
thought that was kinda of the point of what we all used to do, protect (among other things) that whole ‘freedom of/from religion’ thingie
David you are correct, my point above was only that I sometimes think I need to self censor a little more because i tend to make offhand or flippant remarks regarding religious belief without considering that not everyone agrees with me. In that situation I could most likely use a different metaphor or analogy and make the same point without being offensive to those among us who are believers.
What an insult to boots.
It seems to me this all could have been prevented by a simple criminal back ground check. I remember when I joined the Marines a felony record was an instant disqualifier. This is exactly why the corps should do away with felony wavers.
He posts a semi-literate, barely comprehensible and rambling screed and he’s surprised no one understands his point of view? I had better luck following a five year old waxing eloquent on Barney than I do that clown.
Yeah…He’s a modern day James Dean – A rebel without a clue.
or as said in “Flashback” – a rebel without applause.
He’s sorry alright. Sorry that no one was dumb enough to buy his line of bullshit.
He did it on a college campus on 4/20, thus I’m certain that the vast majority of passers by were too stoned to really notice him, I’m sure they merely thought they had “just smoked some real good shit” as Stoners say!
Klohr probably now realizes just how copiously he has SHIT in his nest of life, and he can’t handle it!!
How did he get to be a Marine sergeant with a brain the size of a caraway seed? Only one thing left to say, may be he can keep the crows out of the corn fields with his attitude to wards his own stupidity, and the scare crow stance.
Joshua Klohr = One who gazes meat.