More Think Progress panty-wadding

| June 21, 2007

I just thought this was funny from Think Progress. Apparently, the “progressives” are in a snit because they think that Brit Hume’s Special Report panel called them names the other night. The headline reads “‘Fox News All-Stars’ Bash Progressive Bloggers As ‘Pungent,’ ‘Profane,’ ‘A Pox’”

Let’s start with the “pox” comment – from their own transcript;

MORT KONDRACKE, ROLL CALL: Well, I think they do. And they are the leftward pressure on the Democratic Party that the right-wing talk show hosts are on the Republican party. And between the two of them they manage to polarize even further an already polarized politics, making it increasingly difficult to get any American problems solved, like health care, or the war in Iraq, or sensible terrorism policy.

And all of the candidates are pandering to them. I mean, the democratic candidates are pandering to them just as much as the Republicans candidates are pandering to the right. And they were doing it again today.

HUME: Which group, would you say, is more influential with in their respective party?

KONDRACKE: No, I think a pox on both their houses.

Wishing a pox on both Republican and Democrat candidates means that liberal bloggers are a pox, apparently. I don’t know how they arrived at that one – unless it’s just to get the readers pumped up – or they’re fairly illiterate and unfamiliar with the phrase.

But Charles Krauthammer is the one that really gets their creative juices flowing with this comment;

KRAUTHAMMER: It is interesting, there are conservative blogs, but I think, at least the ones I read, they are more analytical and restrained. The more liberal blogs are a lot more pungent and profane, but political.

So to prove Mr. Krauthammer wrong, one commenter in a very reasoned and thoughtful post answers;


Except with Nazi azzhole-lickers of MURDEROUS WAR CRIMINAL Bush.

Just PURE PROPAGANDA, and by the way, Natalie Holloway is STILL MISSING!!!

Comment by Mr. Bush Goes To Hell — June 20, 2007 @ 12:07 pm

How could Mr. Krauthammer have been so wrong?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Media, Politics

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