OK, everyone has PTS now

| April 18, 2014

A couple of you folks have sent this link from the UK’s Daily News which reports that a woman, Melody Hensley, has been diagnosed by a doctor with PTS from her Twitter activity;

Ms Hensley, head of an organisation promoting secular ideas, has suffered from PTSD for more than a year, according to her Twitter account.

In an interview with DailyDot.com, Ms Hensley says she became a target for ‘atheist misogynists and men’s rights activists’ a few years back, following her open status as an atheist and feminist activist.

She continues that she is just like a war veteran because of the constant haranguing she takes on social media. Oh, yeah, she’s so upset and scared that she doesn’t leave her house, but she continues to monitor her open Twitter account. I guess the glaringly obvious solution here is to turn off the computer, you know the same solution that soldiers in combat get to do.

One man in particular has waged a two-year hate campaign against her by publishing her tweets using Storify, others have cut-and-pasted her tweets into YouTube videos, belittling her claims of PTSD.

She claims to be harassed by a cybermob of ‘more than 400 people’ which led to her diagnosis.

On her Twitter feed Ms Hensley outlines her history of PTSD in several posts, saying she was bedridden for the first six months following her diagnosis, and that she has been so distressed about the online hatred she fears leaving her house unaccompanied.

Yeah, she sounds like some of our trolling phonies who are horrified by the way we treat them, even though the only reason that they’re harassed is if they click on that TAH link that brings them to the words about them. Her problem as well as the endless list of phonies is that they can’t stand that someone is saying bad things about them somewhere.

But it’s not like combat, lady. You can’t just navigate to another page to get out of an ambush or an IED attack. And, oh yeah, her doctor is an idiot.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A Proud Infidel®

Another denizen of the World of WUSS! I’ve been through my fairs share of situations, I’ve helped some with real problems from things that happened to them, and I’ve accepted help from friends for the same, but damned if I don’t just want to SPAZZ ON some of these ass warts that claim PTSD from someone farting too close to them, their latte not being perfect,…


She, like an attorney idiot my informants have told me about in Oregon, doesn’t have PTS… she has PQBD. Post Quivering Bush Disorder.


Post TRAUMATIC Stress… she is a fucking drama queen, nothing more nothing less. Placing yourself into some idiotic internet pissing match with a bunch of people and then trying to claim it is traumatic to you is such a bernastypants thing to try and pull off.


I can see how doing things as radical as saying she’s a feminist and atheist could lead to PTSD. No one’s EVER done that before. Poor thing, I bet her thumbs start to twitch when she sees a smart phone.

The British government must DO SOMETHING about her and others like her. Take away her cell phone and computer…She’s a walking internet time bomb for God’s sake. Normal citizens shouldn’t be in the same chat room with her. And the children…We need to do this for the children.

Gimme a break. What a slack-jawed jackwagon. PTSD my fuzzy ass.


She’s American…


Its a epidemic I tell you. 4 women on the news last night claiming MTBI and PTS from being in the vicinity of the Boston Bombings. From the location they mentioned they were about 100 yards past the Finish line so they heard the bombs go off, I guess thats the same as a MTBI.


Must’ve been from the blast wave. Poor things. /sarc


No comment on the TBI part as I am not sure that is even possible at that distance from the spot the bombs went off, but I will give them some slack on possible PTS from witnessing the attacks first hand and its aftermath. 100 yards is not all that far off for a civillian witnessing two IEDs going off, and then seeing the carnage unfold… if they did. I have not see nthe story to make a firm judment on it.


I’d actually stumbled across this crap a few days ago. This is indicative of those people that can’t separate the online world from the real world. I am actually more annoyed by those that I saw defending her than I am by her- she’s an idiot, yeah. Her defenders have basically said that “she’s got PTSD and it’s as real to her as it is to any Soldier with PTSD.” I can’t help but think that this is a somewhat calculated move on her part in order to stifle dissenting opinions. In any case, if words give you PTSD you need to harden the fuck up or never leave your house and unplug your computer.


I have to agree with you. She willfully placed herself out there, she was not stalked as she claims. She was an active participant, even the antagonist.
It would be like anyone of us claiming that dillwad or bernastypants gave us PTS or vic versa. Anyone of us could simply walk away, turn off the computer, not make phone calls, etc… and that would end the conversation.
So pretty much tossing the Bull Shit flag on anyone getting PTS from willfully engagin in online activity that may become heated. It is not PTS, it is being a dumbass drama queen.


“It would be like anyone of us claiming that dillwad or bernastypants gave us PTS…”

CAPITAL suggestion, my friend. I’m calling the VA today to start the paperwork for re-evaluating my disability!


when I came to the VA with my original claim I was denied PTS because I could not possibly have it because I had no PH, BS, or campaign medal. Shit load of training accidents, lethal ones at that but…I just had nightmares, panic attacks, self medicated…It wasn’t PTS though.Hell I will still freak out once in a blue moon if something goes bang real close, get periods of anxeity in certain situations. Just out of the blue, and then they will be gone. I feel for those who have severe PTS and live with it day in and day out.
Now I honestly do not think I need to be compensated for what few symptoms I have. They are so rare now, that I just deal with it, it rarely ever keeps me from doing something or leaving from somewhere anymore.
Today, different story for some though. Go in and tell them some dude tried to grope you and you get MST and PTS diagnosis and roll on that gravy train! (I have heard stories of vets being coached on how to get the PTS Diagnoisis)
Lot of BS PTS diagnosis out there, and it truly does not do those who truly have it any justice.


RB325th, those episodes used to be called ‘flashbacks’, an instant return to something that happened which was triggered by a noise or the sight of something.

I guess that term went out of style.


I am just glad they have subsided for the most part. last year in July though, driving home lat one night some asshole shot a commercial grade mortar firework off right over the road I was on.(literaly went off right above my car.) I almost crashed. Sat on the side of the road for a bit.
One of my last times firing the 81mm Mortar was at Ft Bragg in 1987, we were expending all remaining round using Proximity fuses set to make the rounds go off severeal feet above the impact area. They malfunctioned and it looked like Flak going off just outside the tunes at the minimum safet distance… I ate a lot of dirt. Also had a 155MM crew forget to shift their fire previous to this and dropped a round into the middle of my company. Loud unexpected bangs will freak me out. That is just the tip of the iceberg on some of the things over the years. I was once a human torch… unintentionally.
So, no I have no sympathy for some woman claiming PTSD from actively engaging herself in online feuds.
I mean I consider what I went through to be pretty damned minor, and the effects to be equally as minor. real, but not worth running and refiling a claim. “I feel much better now”


Well, I guess this means I can claim PTS from seeing video of Miley Cyrus twerking and of hearing about Justin Bieber . . . well, doing anything.

Sheesh. GMAFB.


I saw the video of Miley twerking with Beetlejuice…. You might have a legitimate case with that one. “I keep seeing that tongue…. Every time I close my eyes it’s back.” Still more legitimate than this chick’s case.


Self-inflicted PTSD? And here, I thought stupidity was a mere rumor.

Could I maybe claim STBI from pounding my forehead on my desk over some of the idiocy I see on the internet? Or the ‘face-palm’ things?

My other question is this, and think before you answer: Is it just me, or has the internet generated an increase in sheer dumbass behavior in the past 5 years or so?

I only ask, because I didn’t see this kind of thing when I originally went ‘net in 1997.


I think the idiocy was there, but fortunately absent the internet most of it was relegated to mental institutions or mommies basement.
Now with changes in how we deal with mental illness as well as the internet being so easily available, it brings the whole of society into our living rooms. The good, the bad, the totally bizarre, and even the batshit crazy.


You have to remember that access to the interwebs was not as strong back then as it is now.

I remember building Web pages where the maximum amount of space you were given by the ISP (Internet Service Provider) was less than 10 megabytes or less.

Hell, this blog alone must run in the hundreds of MB’s.

Also back then, it was the geeks using the net for research and collaboration. Remember, the Internet came out of a DARPA funded college project to link multiple schools together in real time.


True… When I began working with computers they were Windows 3.11 DOS 6.22 running on high speed 486 Processors with even more pitiful amounts of RAM. We were just going from 3.11 to windows 95. What a huge leap in technology that was.
Actually I take that back, my first experiences was “IF, Then, Go to…” back in the late 70’s/80’s palying around where an Aunt worked as a programmer.


I remember the Tandy 1000. Sorry if I spelled that wrong. My parents bought it in the 80’s.


Well, I don’t mean to denigrate anyone who has genuine flashbacks to a traumatic event, e.g., the Boston Marathon bombing or combat or a bad accident, but since it’s becoming the ‘thing’ to claim for something as ridiculous as this woman Hensley’s claims, it may lessen any stigma attached to veterans.

Hell, I could claim PTSD just from having to even think about dandan messedhisDependsman for a few seconds. My reflexive action is nausea, followed by a strong need to sneeze continously for about 30 seconds.


I didn’t take it that way. I don’t have flashbacks like the movies portray. I have horrible dreams, jumpy at sudden loud noises, uncomfortable in crowds, and can’t sit down with my back to anyone. It is a long running argument with my wife and i if I have PTS. I will trade what I have seen and done with people being mean to me on Twitter in less than a heartbeat.


Ex: in my opinion, people have varying degrees of mental abilities – toughness, agility, comprehension, analytical ability, expression, etc.

Compared to the early 90s now it is pretty easy to get “connected” so now the online population resembles the US demographic.

I think that is depressing.

There is a missing segment: retired people like my dad who, while otherwise very bright, was so convinced that he could not operate a computer that it became a self-fulfilling prophesy.

And I think that is depressing because those people have a lot to teach if we would only listen.


“now the online population resembles the US demographic.”

One of many reasons I don’t hold out a lot of hope for the country going forward.

HS Sophomore

Part of it was that in ’97, basically all the internet consisted of was online posting, so the code of polite internet conduct was followed more closely. There were also far less people using it, so maintaining anonymity was a lot harder, and it was easier to moderate comments and blackball trolls. These days, with the rise of monolithic comment sections powered by things like Disqus, Facebook, etc., and the rapid expansion of the internet and the ability of more people to access, it’s gotten far harder to police the internet and weed out folks like VWP. Also, as more people used it, it attracted trolls and cranks by giving them a larger audience to spread their crap to. Unfortunately, this one quote by Senior Chief Shipley from the Phony SEAL section of his website has stuck with me—”Back in the day, phonies were limited to spreading their lies a couple barstools in either direction. These days, with the internet and social media, they’re free to spread their phony crap anywhere and everywhere quickly and cheaply.” That’s applicable not just to phonies, but also to every crank and troll who’s ever blathered stupid pointless nonsense anywhere on the interwebz. It’s not that humanity has gotten any worse or that these people are a new phenomenon; people have always been stupid and held stupid views. It’s just that before the internet, the stupid people and their views had no way to pollute the minds of the rest of us. Most weren’t determined enough to become activists, so their views didn’t reach us. Now, with the internet, they can spread their crap quickly and easily. And that’s how the internet became the greatest emporium of idiots like dullass whipitnflogit there ever was. History lesson over.

The Other Whitey

Stupidity was always out there, Ex. The difference is how society treats it. Back then, acting like a retard mostly earned well-deserved scorn, ridicule, and disdain. Today, acting like a complete dipshit gets you your own reality show and assloads of money.

The trend had started by 1997, with shit like “Jackass” and “Real World” (I actually responded to a traffic collision a while back in which a drunk and stoned former “Real World” star flipped his car into a creek and damn near killed his little boy; still wonder if I shouldn’t have just held his head underwater for a few minutes, but I digress), but it was limited to one cable TV channel. Today, not only is it widely-available, you can’t get away from it.


Uh oh–I heard about this “PTS” stuff on the news once. She’s going to start shooting places up now. Better take her guns and put her on some kind of government monitoring.


PTS has gone viral?


Haven’t you been paying attention, OWB? Hell, it’s contagious. Lot’s of people these days “catch the PTS” – without ever being in a threatening situation! It’s an epidemic! Mere exposure to something or someone can transmit it!

I do hope the sarcasm was evident above. Unfortunately, it looks like I’m not entirely kidding – lots of people do seem to be “catching the PTS” these days.

Of course, that’s BS. But they’re apparently conning a lot of folks into buying their BS.



Veritas Omnia Vincit

I don’t understand these sad little ninnies who read all kinds of tripe on the internet and claim to have hundreds of conversations and “friends” they’ve never ever met….I have a facebook account that gets updated about twice a year, maybe, if I feel like it…I work in a field where I use Macs and PCs every single day of the week so it’s not because I’m all scared of the tech…it’s because I have actual friends and an actual life that involves 3d face to face interaction…

I understand facebook can be a great way to talk to folks you know at long distances, and I understand twitter lets you mouth off to folks you know and even those you don’t….but come on folks, it’s words on a screen…just like TV if you don’t like what you see you can change the channel or just turn that crap off and go outside and look at the real world instead of living in the digital world.

You can harass me all you want on facebook or twitter, spend all your time going full tilt on me, I might become aware of it in a year or two when I check the face book page….

PTSD indeed, somebody ought to slap this ass nugget back to reality.


I agree, VOV. I have to get away from this desk and the computer regularly or it becomes an experiment to see how quickly I’ll get osteoporosis.

I read something a while back that indicated that constant attention to something like a tablet or a smartphone instead of the live people around you indicates addiction. I think the same thing was said to be true of chat rooms – they hit that part of your brain.



Naaa, live people suck, but then I’ve thought that since wayyy before we became so reliant on social media.



Thunderf00t on Youtube did a nice video about it. I like his analogy that her claiming PTS is akin to someone saying they are traumatized because the shampoo and conditioner never run out at the same time. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cyjhbepx1Go


I especially like the part where she claims to be calling Commanding Officers of troops who are picking on her. I haven’t had a Commanding Officer for over 10 years (the Mrs. doesn’t count in this context). If give her a rash of shit, who is she gonna call?? All she is doing is trivializing PTSD and making it harder for folks who do suffer from it to be able to get the help that they need. If she indeed needs a true traumatic event to back up her diagnosis, I’m sure someone out there is ready, willing and able to oblige…


If you go on this special little snowflakes twitter account, you will read a bunch of self serving “victim” BS. You will also read some hilarious tweets by veterans who are sick and tired of this bitch and her claims. She brings this on herself and anyone who calls her out is “stalking” her.

If what she was doing wasn’t so ludicrous and hurtful to real sufferers of PTSD, it would be funny.

She is just another self absorbed piece of shit whose parents apparently did not provide enough hugs and definitely did not provide enough ass beatings.

The simple solution to her problem has been laid out here several times. Turn off the source of your irritation (the computer). But this attention whore is having none of it. She has a forum to bash men and she is not surrendering it. Her parallel reality must really be a special place full of unicorns and glitter syrup. Living in the real world has eluded her.


Wow. Every fucking place you go. It’s PTSD this and PTSD that. It’s getting to a point where the true disorder and its causes are getting so diluted the public laughs. Soon, because of nitwits like Melody Hensley the baby will get thrown out with the bath water. By the way, if you haven’t seen a picture of her…let’s just say your typical liberal bitch with rape prevention glasses who loves it up the ass I’m betting. I say she got the PTSD from having to look in the fucking mirror every morning! Maybe if she’d tone it down a bit, turn off Twitter and go hang out at bars, maybe get laid really, really good a couple nights a week, she’d feel better about herself. But…not with my dick, maybe one of you guys will soldier up and volunteer to help her out.


‘fraid not Sparks. Then one of us would REALLY have PTSD….


Or an STD


Or both . . .

Doc Savage

Well hell…I need to claim PTS…not for my service in Iraq though.

My wife made me watch a chick flick on her turn to choose a movie on TV night… “Secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood”…..twice.


The horror…The horror

Pinto Nag

It’s called “turning off the computer,” Ms. Hensley. You’re obviously a slave to the ghost in the machine.

Toasty Coastie


Drawing Ridiculous Attention and Making an ASS of yourself.

Yep, sounds just like this Swamp Twat.

JarHead Pat

Bahahahah My bro’s and I over at JTTOTS,have been hitting her accounts non stop hahahah what a cunt.


A little bit of background that the Daily Wail didn’t provide. The lady in question works for an atheist organization that is called the Center For Inquiry. Within the community of skeptics, atheists, and humanists there has been a trend of bigotry and sexism. It came to ahead about two years ago at some annual convention that the atheists hold where Ms. Melody Hensley said that it needs to be stomped out and an any woman who doesn’t support her ideas is a rape apologist and supporter of the patriarchal oppression in the community. The typical radical feminists talking points. She threw a hand grenade and has been catching splinters from the opposition for two years now. She is also typical of most leftist in that she stifles debate where she banned a whole bunch of followers who chose to follow one of her “stalkers” anyone who engages and states that she is only egging on the haterade by the use of the ban hammer gets a ban hammer themselves and all thier friends who follow both.
It is like watching a modern day Robespierre in action on twitter. Just grab the popcorn and Google-fu her name.


Any time that someone invokes the “patriarchy” I silently thank them for self-identifying as someone not worth listening to and ignore them.


Ms. Twatwaffle needs a @#^!-punt.


I have ptsd from my LACK of attention on twitter! *crys*