Biden, the buffoon

| April 3, 2014

Yesterday there was comment around the Web regarding Joe Biden’s boorish buffoonery behind a president in desperate need of gravitas. Yet there he was, the man next in line to succeed our shamefully naked emperor, holder of the supposedly most powerful office in the world, and what does this clown crown-prince show America, and more importantly, the rest of the world? Ask yourself, were you an intelligence analyst assigned by your nation to observe, evaluate and predict the behaviors of national leaders with whom your own leaders might have to negotiate, what would you take away from the American Vice-President’s clownish behavior on a podium where his boss is struggling to appear as a strong, confident, effective leader?

Bite Me the goof ball

Should ill fortune befall our naked emperor, (God-forbid: that would be the Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi rolled into one and times twenty for the next ten decades) the playing field tilts farther away from America as an even more accomplished incompetent succeeds his bungling boss. You simply have to know that governments around the world are gloating with the realization that at least half of the nation they so despise for its past geo-political dominance seems blindly willing to empower such imperfect men to represent them in such a very perilous world.

Trust me, those larger and lesser political carnivores around the world are smiling at the prospect of the next three years in which they either deal with the resident and proved fool or even more desirably, that grinning, finger-cocked buffoon he selected to succeed him. With Biden they are back to dealing with a white fool and are no longer required to maintain the façade of respect they had to show America’s first black president, a big politically correct plus for them. You do not have to be a student of world affairs to grasp a basic truth of human dynamics:

Those nations with strong leaders control their own destinies; those governed by inexperienced, incompetent fools are forfeit to the savages who will gleefully consume them.

Crossposted from American Thinker.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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In my world view, it goes without saying Obama has embarrassed me as an American his whole tenure. Further his second in command (wow that is a scary thought) has only succeeded in making America look more foolish, weak and a laughing stock to the world. That’s before we even get to Kerry. Someone please, break Biden’s fingers and slap that stupid grin off his mug! Maybe when he’s going for a quarter on the curb the secret service limo could run over his hand.


“You simply have to know that governments around the world are gloating with the realization that at least half of the nation they so despise for its past geo-political dominance seems blindly willing to empower such imperfect men to represent them in such a very perilous world.” Bazinga, Poetrooper!!!!


As embarrassing as the Carter years were, even he did not do this much damage to the country. Those years were pretty disturbing, and Carter’s behavior since leaving office is even more so. Still, he managed to preposition a lot of stuff that we used during Desert Storm because he understood the need for a strong defense at least generically. These clowns? Not at all. They are intent on destroying this once great country at all cost.

Good analysis, Poetrooper.


The voters must have been a bit smarter back in the mid-70’s…because Carter only had one dance on his card.


Well, that and had Romney tried Reagan’s line of, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” the moochers and looters would have turned away from their EBT dinners while watching American Idol on their 50″ LED HDTV, grabbed their Obamaphones and Twittered, “Yup!”

Several times, more than like.

Part of the issue between 1980-2012 is that back then the percentage of Americans who had a zero or negative tax burden was about 20-25 percent.

Today it’s 43-48 percent, depending on who you talk to.

Guess who votes which way?


Some Brit on the Tube in London told me Carter was ‘a vegetable’.

This pair: they make him look smart as a whip. They are vegetable soup.


“Best insurance policy EVER.”



Uncle Joe is gonna get scolded for wearing a red “power tie”. Funny how the the “P” was left off President in 3rd para…but it fits the neked emperor perfectly.


And Dan Quayle was crucified over “potatoe”


Quayle was given a card by the class teacher w/ incorrect spelling from what I recall. Yeah but, Barry fumbles “OHIO” at campus rally, can’t get “respect” or is it “rspect” right, thinks there are 57 states, etc…and its crickets from media.




Remember, this is the guy Obama made his VP because he added legitimacy to the administration.



He added life expectancy for Obama is all. Even the most rabidly anti-Obamaites live in dread of Asswipe Joe at the helm.

A Proud Infidel®

We working taxpayers have to pass a drug screen in order. To get a job in either Government or the private sector, ditto to join the Military, and we have to be ready for random screening at any time. Why don’t politicians follow the same laws they push on us serfs? In Biden’s case, I don’t think it’s drugs, I think that he either had a lobotomy at some point, or he’s irreparably brain damaged from drinking DNC Kool-Aid all of his adult life!!

Common Sense

Close! He had a brain aneurysm in 1988.


And never recovered?


Damn – who knew he had a brain?

2/17 Air Cav

Joe Biden, a cheat, a plagiarist and a knucklehead who once took another man’s family history as his own, is contemplating a 2016 go at the presidency. Another prominent prospective candidate is H. “Wide Load” Clinton, a conniving, condescending, coldhearted witch–bet you thought the noun was going to start with c–of the first order. If either were to win, I think I’d have to call it quits because there will be no rebellion. The time for that seems to have passed, what with the Tyrant now in his second (!) term.


Joe Biteme is making his hands into a pistol shape on TV. He needs to be expelled!

The Other Whitey

I think back to every time the media or any other liberal has tried to convince me that Shotgun Joe Biden is good for anything. Sarah Palin made all kinds of good points, well thought-out and intelligently presented. Biden acted like a drunk, drooling idiot whose primary statement was that she’s a hot piece of ass. Paul Ryan was professional and eloquent. Biden was an inebriated asshole who was even a dick to the moderator.

Biden says that we can all be “safer” by recklessly discharging shotguns–wow! I’m awed by his titanic intellect on that one!

This guy is such a cretin, the whole country was relieved when he didn’t start his recent visit to Poland by telling Polack jokes! You can see the Glorious Leader trying not to wince or shake his head every time they appear together.

James in Gulf Breeze

It’s been said before – picking Biden was the smartest thing anybody ever did – nobody will off Obama knowing he is next in line.


Hadn’t considered this from that angle before. Obama or his puppet masters are clever.

IMO, we have no recourse other than to just hunker down and endure for the next 33 months, or so, and hope/pray that there is something left to salvage from the wreckage.

That he was re-elected does not say good things for the long term well-being of the Republic. Too many folks still accept anything the American version of Pravda that the NYT, NBC, CBS, CNN, et al have become, as Gospel, all that is printed/said by them.


Like I said:
“Best insurance policy EVER.”


Yup, the prospect of “President Biden” protects President Obama better than any Secret Service agent.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well at some point Republicans and Democrats might actually realize that the mandate from the American people is not a mandate at all, but a request for both parties to stop the practice of mutual annihilation and start working together. Instead of jamming shit through Congress we don’t need, an approach that actually assists with projects we do need like infrastructure and manufacturing is the required course. Of course when it comes to those projects the corporate masters who dominate the financial politics of both parties have nothing to gain, that’s why those projects never leave committee if anyone is naive enough to even enter them into committee. At some point I keep hoping the American electorate realizes it’s no longer the other side that’s the problem it’s that both sides are the problem. The most intriguing thing about our current political climate is how easily the electorate can be manipulated by single issue politics into voting against their own self interest. Want to eliminate a candidate from the right? Point out he might have supported abortion rights at some point and his base voters will disappear. Want to get rid of one from the left? Point out they voted against increasing taxation of the wealthy and their base will disappear…. Abortion, gay marriage, flag burning, welfare moms, any diversion will do. That’s how you get people to elect a candidate who will do nothing real for the nation. You can go back several administrations and take a look at the legislation that passed allowing more and more supposedly free trade to take place and watch the nation’s corresponding decline. Both parties initiate that legislation and both parties have no problem passing it. A consequence is the continued decline of the manufacturing base of the nation. It’s a topic that’s never discussed in depth and one that is never making national news because the same people paying the political action committees own the media. If you pay attention you can watch global corporations ruin the United States while people on the left and right continue to argue about whether or… Read more »


” The most intriguing thing about our current political climate is how easily the electorate can be manipulated by single issue politics into voting against their own self interest.”

Yes, it is interesting, isn’t it? I can’t tell you how many “Christians” had their drawers in a bunch because Romney was (HORRORS!) a Mormon, and sat the election out.

But, I suspect it was a bunch – if the conversations I listened to are any indication. Idiots.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

It’s as if some of these folks think it’s better to let the other side win than to let someone from our side that we disagree with have a shot…

Bam Bam

Maybe we should look at it like this: last time we had a prez like this, we ended up with Reagan. Sliver lining?

A Proud Infidel®™

I PRAY that you’re right!!

2/17 Air Cav

VOV. I respectfully disagree with your opening. I DO NOT want Republicans and Democrats working together on anything, not as presently practiced, anyway. On the contrary, I want the inside tension that is missing from Congress. The superficial and superfluous differences bewteen the Rs and Ds seem to be fixed on tie colors and who is less stupid than the other on any given day. Where is the special committee on Benghazi? It was refused life by Kleenex Bonehead, the Speaker. You know, I could write a 100 point list of examples in which the country needed infighting and tension and got bullshit and tickles. You seem to recognize this so I do not understand why you want the choir singing the same song.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The choir sings the same song when the church is prosperous and growing, to steal your analogy, when the church is not the choir tends to exhibit the resulting discord which is what we have now. Our current congress doesn’t care what happens to the United States unless it benefits the people buying this congress. I believe your response to me indicates my point that currently both parties sing the song their corporate masters pay them sing which is a song about making the top tier wealth holders wealthy enough that national borders don’t much matter to them.

Tension resulting from real concerns about corruption or incompetence are great, but that tension hasn’t existed for years.

That was my point, tension today is fabricated for 30 second news spots not actual tension over ideology.

All of these politicians are taking huge money from corporations to enrich those corporations. Both parties do it and both parties work together to create wealth for their corporate masters.

That should stop, but bipartisan efforts to create wealth through manufacturing jobs and home ownership are what made this nation so powerful. That’s what I want to see returned, but I am doubtful either party has the ability to recreate that situation. We need to start thinking beyond these parties and their diversionary efforts. We won’t, but we should.

Green Thumb

I am surprised we have not given away Alaska or Hawaii yet.

Oh well, just a matter of time.


Well, pResident Preezy did say that Hawaii was in Asia, maybe his teleprompter got ahead of him?

Taurus USMC 0302

I doubt that Biden could be worse than Obama. The difference is that he is white and the press won’t ignore his antics. He is such an easy target. They ignore him now so as to not embarrass Obama.