SPLC Dumped by the FBI

| March 27, 2014

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch. Apparently the FBI has dumped our buddy’s at the South Poverty Law Center as a resource for hate crimes

A letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, drafted by Lieutenant General (Ret.) William G. Boykin, Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council (FRC), calls such an association “completely unacceptable.”

I wonder if Mark Potok will be looking for a new job?

FRC president Tony Perkins said, “We commend the FBI for removing website links to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that not only dispenses erroneous data but has been linked to domestic terrorism in federal court. We hope this means the FBI leadership will avoid any kind of partnership with the SPLC.”

Category: Politics, SPLC

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That group- ya, F them and the horse they rode in on….


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Green Thumb

The sad thing is that this organization used to be respectable and of consequence; very similar to the ACLU.

But over time the sensationalism that they seek, coupled with a radical mentality, wound up overlooking and screwing people that could have used their assistance.



Okay I am going to be the Devils advocate for a second and hear me out. The work that the SPLC did in the 70s and early 80s of breaking down the kooky klans and Nutzs was vital in starting to remove racial bigotry from the background noise in this nation.

That said once they ran out of kooky klans and Nutzs to beat to death with the courts, they saw their purpose dry up and started to find racists and bigotry in places that married up with the more radical left wingers of the nation. That is guns, religious beliefs and white folk on a whole. Which is why you never see them talk in harsh tones of groups like MS 13 or the NBPP or even some of the more radical Islamic groups in the nation. It isn’t because they don’t recognize those threats. It is that they don’t fit the stereotypes of a racist to a modern college educated leftist.


Charles…thank you and well said. I agree. It is time for a different outlook and stance towards the SPLC though, as they have taken a very different outlook and stance from their original purpose of being. “Racists, racists, racists everywhere you look is their new motto.” It is a shame they have strayed so far off target.



If you have read any of the SPLC Web pages you would see them offering up the others as being dangerous as well as the so called “right wing” groups. Yet, compared to what they have on mailers and the number of Web pages dedicated toward Nutzs or klans, the disparate is scary. The SPLC has also downplayed other religious affiliate racist groups like some Jewish groups, Hindu and as I said Islam. You just need to look at the story last week of the converted college kid who was trying to get to Syria to fight for an AQ affiliate group. Yet, that group and AQ nor Hezbollah or any of the other Islamic leaning terror groups listed on their website. Neither is hate groups like the ELF or ALF; both of whom consider humans as an evil that needs to be exterminated (don’t ask to have that explained). Also note they don’t consider any form of domestic terror by unionize workers against nonunion as being hate filled (even if most of the nonunion are minorities). The SPLC has epically failed in their mission statement by being only concerned about white patriarchal Protestant bigotry and nothing else.


All I can say is – ’bout time. As others have noted above, SPLC at one time provided a valuable service to society. However, IMO it lost its way a decade or two ago and is now nothing but another left-leaning political interest group grubbing for money in order to perpetuate its existence.

Just An Old Dog

They are, and have always been, nothing more than the ambulance chasers of racial division. They pulled the wool overthe public’s eyes, but its aways been about the money.
I realized what they were about after they won the case against Tom Metzger. He still ran his bullshit group and solicited donations. Whenever he or one of his minions went to his PO box, the SPLC had a rep there to “divvy up” the loot.
Fuck te lot of em’


Would it be a stretch then, to say that the SPLC itself has become a hate group? “You either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain”


The SPLC used to be an excellent organization. I spoke with Mark Potok for some things I was working on in the late 1990s and respected him very much. Like someone else said above, the ACLU also did some great work in support of First Amendment rights. After 9/11, both groups succumbed to the more radical and biased elements that served to really destroy their reputations in many circles.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think the ACLU still has a value and they are still involved in appropriate 1st amendment cases, but I agree they do seem to hurt themselves regularly…

The SPLC has been taking a giant shit on itself for quite some time, as others have mentioned good work ruined by stretching beyond their reach too long and too far….had they stuck to those groups that are still dangerous fringe elements like the Aryans and KKK that continue to have a presence while adding the appropriate gangs from central America that are migrating I believe they could have remained relevant. Instead they chose a different path and worked themselves right out of respectability…

NR Pax

Have they paid out a dime yet towards Family Research Council and apologized for their part in the shooting?
Then let them burn.


FBI woke up, huh? WG4T.

The Other Whitey


A Proud Infidel®

IT’S ABOUT TIME!! They quit being legit years ago.


Where we send our condolences and don’t give a damn’s?


So somebody in the FBI had a “light bulb” moment?

Meh … I guess late is better than never.