Wanted: Geoffrey Millard

| March 7, 2014

We first wrote about Geof Millard back in 2008 when IVAW was a thing. I thought it was pretty much over with, but my moles in IVAW tell me he has been bragging about his CIB again, so I figure everyone needs a reminder that he’s a liar. Well, that and he’s buddies with Susie Benjamin who is back in the news this week.


Category: Phony soldiers

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Kinda old ET1

Welcome back to the Stolen Valor radar dipshit…

Now go choke on a bag of dicks.


Millard, being a “combat-disabled queer veteran,” most likely would love choking on a bag of dicks.


Rocking the lies once again?

Combat Historian

With all his fake bling, he looks like a proggie South American dictator…

AW1 Tim

He’s just unable to stay out of the spotlight. These types of guys are like that.

We need to find someone in DC who would print out a bunch of these and take them around to all the Post Offices. 🙂


What a bag of smashed assholes. Well it just shows you, when the heat is off these shit bags come back out into the sun !

Green Thumb

This maggot has been quoted in an
International Relations textbook on Iraq as a source.

No shit.

I contacted the author of the chapter and pointed it out. I have yet to hear back from her.

I will give her another week and then I will post the information.

He is classified as an “expert and reliable” source.

And his Linkedin:


Have fun with this, folks.

Green Thumb

Well, times up.

Rosemary Shinko, “Postmodernism: Seducing Humanity” in “Making Sense of International Relations Theory” ed. by Jennifer Sterling-Folker

PP. 188-190 “Why we don’t do body counts”

Names Millard by name (his comments are similar to others he has made) but yet does not name the Colonel.

Decide for yourself.


Question since I haven’t followed this since the beginning. I though I saw a reference to Millard proclaiming he is queer. Is that right or did I just misread something? Thanks for the help. Not that it matters for the ass sack either way but…it would figure if he is! Just another segment of special snowflakes to draw into his camp.


From GT’s link above (to Millard’s LinkedIn page):

A combat-disabled queer veteran with measurable success on veteran and homeless issues, a dynamic organizer, educator and advocate.

The old saying was “queer as folk” … I wonder if it originally was “queer-assed folk”?

So, is he queer; or, is it copy only for the SF Bay Area? SF loves it’s “alternate life-stylers.”



The only thing he’s an expert on is lieing through his frickin teeth and crybabying…


I had a bad experience with Geoff Milliard but that is another story. First he claimed to be a generals secretary now hes super high speed.


Here’s his facebook link:


Green Thumb

Word on the street has it that Rent Boy here was not so honest with some of those “LinkedIn” companies.


Color us shocked!!

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Word also has it that some of these “groups” are asking him some hard questions.

This guy redefines the term “sack of shit”.


Apparently, some of his friends are too stupefied to care about stolen valor… which makes them accomplices to stolen valor:

“Fuck off. His service has nothing to do with me or our friendship. Go get a life, you bottom-feeder.” – Jade Forester

Then you apparently don’t care about someone lying to you. Real friends don’t lie to their friends. Apparently, you’re OK with someone lying to you.

If you had any reading comprehension ability, and if you had more than one a brain celled activity, you would’ve seen my message as an opportunity to set one of your friends straight. You, as one of his friends, would try to bring him in and, in honor of your defenders, talk some sense into him.

Apparently, you have no sense of honor, integrity, or sacrifice. Otherwise, you wouldn’t accuse a veteran of being a “bottom feeder” while at the same time defending an actual bottom feeder.

Oh yeah, I do have a life. I’ve had one since before you’ve crapped your first diaper. Apparently, you’ve continued with that habit, except this time, you’re crapping from your mouth.

Tell that one brained celled activity of yours to quit trying to take you over and to start doing its job… so that you don’t type as if a retarded ghost possesses you.

Geoffrey Millard is a valor thief, a liar, and a manipulator. If that’s OK with you, then that strongly shows what kind of person you are. I guess if a friend of yours were an active pedophile, you would’t care, because your friendship would’ve been based on something else, right?