Lee Rigby’s killers sentenced

| February 26, 2014

You probably remember the story about Drummer Rigby who was murdered in the street in broad day light in London last year. Well, the court system got around to sentencing his murders today, according to Al-Jazeera;

Michael Adebelajo, 29, was handed a full life sentence on Wednesday, while Michael Adebowale, 22, his accomplice, received a minimum term of 45 years.

The defendants were found guilty of Rigby’s murder on December 19, but their sentencing was delayed because the judge wanted to wait for clarification about Britain’s position on life sentences.

The country’s Court of Appeal last week said domestic laws on whole-life prison sentences were compatible with European human rights laws, even though the European Union disagrees.

Adebelajo and Adebowale deliberately hit Rigby with a car, stabbed him multiple times and tried to cut his head off in broad daylight outside an army base in the London suburb of Woolwich last May.

According to the news story, Adebelajo and Adebowale laid in wait for any soldier to get within range of their automobile with the express purpose of killing whoever showed up because Rigby signed up to die. So there you go. And the European Union doesn’t think they should get life sentences.

Category: Terror War

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If the EU doesn’t approve, maybe England can execute them instead. Oh wait, no capital punishment in Britain…instead, I am sure that a long appeal process will now commence, followed by years of taxpayer GBP being wasted on keeping those scum alive..


The EU, doing what Europeans have done well for the past hundred years or so, appease.

Combat Historian

Londonistan = Peshawar with better fish and chips…


I hope that they accidentally die in prison at the hands of other prisoners.

John rhodes

Their behavior was well beyond anything that is acceptable and they deserve the death penalty , but the UK doesn’t have the gallows any longer so we will have to live with the judges sentencing .but if they or their parents had not been allowed to immigrate into the UK this would never have happened

The Lurker Formally Known as Curt

Haven’t they had all the life they deserve? I guess I could be off base here…

Fuckin dumbasses…


The Lurker Formally Known as Curt: IMO, yes – they’ve already had more life than they deserve. But I believe the UK abolished the death penalty some time ago, so life behind bars is the worst they can get.

Farflung Wanderer

@8: I wonder if they’d ever be interested in changing it to “life in prison WITH daily medieval torture”?

The Lurker Formally Known as Curt

Hondo, I knew they did away with the death penalty- I just suck at being levelheaded… 😉

Just Plain Jason

I saw pics of protestors asking they bring back the death penalty.

The Other Whitey

I personally think this case justifies the Brits bringing back the old practice of drawing and quartering particularly loathsome sacks of shit (or people the king didn’t like–see William Wallace–but I digress).

Or, given the affiliation and motivation of the assbags in question, I could also see Guy Ritchie’s Brick-Top Solution as appropriate: “Feed ’em t’ th’ pigs.”


I second that emotion: Feed ’em t’ th’ pigs.


I blame poor police training for these two scumbags not being killed in the street when the police with guns arrived.

Herbert J Messkit

They should die screaming in pain and agony. Fill in the details yourself.


Lee Rigby belonged to a military unit. Perhaps it might be useful for the members of Rigby’s unit have a couple of hours alone with Adebelajo and Adebowal. Who knows, maybe the guys from his unit could come to some conclusions about the scumbag’s future.


Funny, but these two douchebags were tried and sentenced in less than five years.

And unlike this administration, the Brits had the balls to call it terrorism and murder, not “workplace violence.”

Take from it what you will.

B Woodman

First – Eff the EU and their no death/life sentences
#11 & 12 – DON’T feed them to the pigs. What have any pigs ever done to you to deserve such CRUEL punishment as to be fed two muzzie murderers? And eventually, those pigs will be slaughtered and made into pork products. Do you want to wonder if you’re eating the byproduct of two muzzie murderers? (ugh and shudder)
I suggest this instead: give them a OBL burial at sea – while they’re still alive.

A Proud Infidel

I say beat ’em and tie a weight to their necks before tossing them alive into a cess pond draining from a pig pen!! These animals have NO regard for human life whatsoever, plus they interpret kindness and civility as weakness.


They’ll be out of prison and back on welfare in a couple of years. The UK is a nation of leftist pussies and wannabe Marxists. They celebrate anything that breaks down society and hate individualism and hard work.

They do have some kick-ass military units, although they sponge off of our own military so much that they’ve underspent and neglected being able to defend themselves…much like they did between WWI and WWII. Leftists ruin everything that they touch and cause so much suffering that it’s a mystery to me how any sentient being can support their rancid ideology.

A Proud Infidel

That’s what leftists do best, keep “fixing” anything and everything that works until it’s FUBAR!!

The Other Whitey

@17 B. Woodman, you got me all wrong here. The thought of eating ham and bacon from the pigs that ate these fuckers actually gives me the warm fuzzy. I don’t think of it as eating murderous Moslem extremist assholes, I think of what will happen a few hours later, when I would be shitting pieces of murderous Moslem extremist assholes! And how glorious of an insult to them would that be? Sort of like, “I fucked your mom, and damn, she’s a dirty slut!” but WORSE! “I SHIT lowlifes like you!” And make sure they know that before dumping them in the hog pen.

See? A positive attitude really does make all the difference.

B Woodman

#21 TOW
I bow before your logic and genius!
As the man said, “Feed ’em to the pigs – while they’re still alive!”


Hold on and let me see if I understood this correctly. A judge in a Sovereign Nation could not sentence someone according to the laws of his own country until he checked with some unelected bureaucrats in Europe to see if it was ok?

America are you listening?